MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON". WORDS Fill PULPIT e QUALITY AND QUANTITY, SOMETHING RIAL GOOD. ' , Royal Chinook Salmon Tips in 171b i' Cans, $1.90 the can. . Just in, New Finnan Haddies . ROSS, HIGGINS Co. ' THE LEADING GROCERS. THE QRIGINTQR ' Rev. Rydqtiistis Able Sermon Uit Night OP A GOOD THING ON WARFARE AND HEROISM LOCAL BREVITIES. Hot drink and sandwiches tl Hoef lar'a. Mrt. Tilda Anderson, insagt. 1470 Grand Avtnu. Civet either at home or Will MIL N. A. Aektrman, East Oth it. does til manner of texldermy, furniture upbol staring, carptt cleaning tnd hying, nut trtea making a specialty tod all work guaranteed. to the Public. Owing to tht volume of our ouUidt bukliwM, we bav lorn compelled for some time peat to neglect tht city real estate, and we now Uka great pleeaurs In announcing to our friend that w have procured tba eervloe of Dick Davie, tba well known and efficient real estate man, to taka charge of tbia branch of our work. Wa will la pleaa rd to bava our patron and other bar Jug property for aala, call and llt tba luii with ua, aaauring them that It wilt ba given tba moat prompt and very beet attention. THE ASTORIA ABSTRACT, TITLE ft TRUST CO. 179 Uth street WATER-PRO0FINO. Mra. A. B Jewett ass pleasure in an Bouncing to her frirnda and patron that aba la now in possession of a success ful system of waterproofing cloth material. Bha will damonatrata tba in tubating procaaa, upon call, at bar room, No. 154 Ninth ttreet. Tba Little Book Start for tai. Our home-made Kraut Is now on sale JOHNSON BROS., GOOD GOODS siS-iis Twelfth Stmt, Astoria. TOR COUGH AND COLD. Nothing ia better, than ayrup tar tnd wild (berry. 25c and 60c a bottle. Sold by the Owl and Kagle Drug Store. REWARD. A reward of twenty-five dollar will It J Id for the reeow-ry of tba body of tba lata Capt. J. P. Hansen of tba Schr, George C. l'erkina, euppoacd to have been drowned Nov. 4th. Temple Lodge No. 7. A. F. 4 A. M E. C. IIOLDEN, Sac. CLOSING OUT SALE. On the fifteenth of November, the en tire steck of good at th Utile Hook Store, will be put on kale at cost, Christ inaa bargain in book, atationery nov eltie, etc. 174 Tenth atreet. PROPOSALS TOR BIDS. fi aled proposal for bid will be re nied at the office of the Columbia River Packer' Aviation for Uit ercc lion f a wharf and warehouse on the site of the old Ooriii nt cannery In Up per Astoria, Plana and specification can lit aeen at the office. Hbta wilt ba open ed on Nov. 18 at 20 o'clock t. m. The right ia reserwd to reject any or all bid. COLUMBIA RIVER PACKER'S AS SOCIATION. Aatorka, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1005. AUSTRALIAN COAL. Order for Australian coal will now be filled promptly from cargo Jut ar. rivitl in hip ""Illy tw I wood." Weil known, aa mot satisfactory ami evx- nomiml fuel Send your order to our office, corner Ninth and Commercial, or call up phone 1MI. ELMOKK 4 CO, For good nvala and dainty lunehea give the Palace ReaUurant din tog room a a. call; an experienced and polite corpa of waiter to aerve tad pleae you. Private dining-room fof ladle. Commercial, opposite Page building. NOTICE OF CITIZEN'S ASSEMBLY. All cititene of Astoria without re- gard to party, who believe In nonpar- i4n politic and tjiat th greant good can be accomplished; by united tion in aelecting the most anitable candidate for office from all parties without other conidcration than the qualifications of the perann selected, are reapcctfally requested to assemble in tba Council chamber in the new city hall on Wednesday tho 15th day of November, 1905 at 8 o'clock p. m. to nominate candidate for office at the coming city 'eV-ction to ba held in Aa- tori December 13th, 1IHI3. All matter of Intercut to the laboring man and huima man or in anywise affecting the progrese or prosperity of the City of Astoria will be open for consWerjthm and all interested ahould a tend. - Hy Order of the Citizen' Committee. . ..JU fi waJPwaii" We Are Getting Ready to Move S.'" f Tht great furniture bargain we art now offering will aoon end and you will ba lorry If you overlook the opportunity to buy bfort it ia too late. Every Purchase You Now Make Meansi a Saving' We offer you tht cholct of the largest and bt itock of household gooda tver diplayed lu Aktoria. ' ' . .. Aitaria't Leanding and CompleeHousefUrniahera. i 'o t'i i ..i , .. " 'i- M v i v fS jl! CONFUTE m-rVPmSHIBS. j fij' Beat Tboughti tf as Able Diacourat Prentd Larje Congrexation Oat to Llaten Paitor'a Forcible Analyai of a Great Priblem. I!ev. Hyd'iiUt opfike to a very large udi-n on tlm aubjeet, "The (,1irltian' Warfare and H'-roi-in." U id in rti "Tli Ungtiage of mir Ililde, enpecially it i found in the original Hebrew ami Cr-k i very flrtirative. It ia there fore ofu-n difficult to emUhlixh the meaning of a text. In interpreting or preacbitij; upon a text one mutt be thoroughly acualoU-d witt thai situa tion in (jueiition, with the language and utoiiu of the people wboe thought one i to intrepret. Our text I full of iiiiilie and word picture, placing be foiv our niiln a panorama of battle. There U tlie army, tlm enemy, the wea pon ami a constant warfare going on. Hut above thU panorama of atrife and Irugyle thcrt i a erown. Can you e it ftlow? It i more radiant than a kinx'n. It i he victor' crown. What are Uie motive of thi war fare? Why not lie a peace with our eneinl-? Ala, too many are at peace with them, but they are in the rank and ami file of atan. 'The motive of a ChritMn knight for carrying on thi warfare ia love In the firt place.' "It U hi love to Gol, a deni; for freedom from the alavery of piofl, a hmginfr for that which 1 good, true, and eternal. And he atrug- glc for tiwte, and he give kimxelf no rent 'til all are won. The era-mica to I fought and conquered are the fleh, the world, and the devil. The moot dan- gerou enemy i eclf with it evil pa ion and peculiar temperament. We are alway ready to put the blame for our mi-fortune, our fall, and ruin on ometbing ouUide of eclf. But ewry man U himw-lf reontible before God. Lewrn tlierefore U maetrr aelf, your laioii, yourj ti-mperamenta early, and let the will, convinced of that which ia gtMM, n)-Jgn auprM. The) wold I dangerona a an enemy because it con ceal it true nature and confront ua umlcr the cover of friendship. Many deny tlie 'exiatence of a per- onal.devil. They ay he ia only a per- Kinification of evil Hut who mn ex plain, Uw exikb-nce of evil witiiuut a ouree, abd who can account for it rapid progmw without a power and di rector behind it? lleroim consist in the fortitude, palieru-e, ami courage of the warrior. No difficulty or dsanger aT frighta him, no pain but what la? can bear, no, not even death pale hiiu. Our martyred sire, the heroe and aainta of the church poeied tlM- virti-a in a greab-r measure tlnwi any Alexander or (Vatcr ever did." 'H t, UILM. ( D eserves the most credit of course, but the first user comes next. ' iii Although you may not be first to appear in one of our new L. Adler Bros. &' Co., Rochester made fall suits, there is nothing to prevent yon from being one of a pretty good look ing bnnch. $15.00 to $30.00 for style, fit and service equal to made to measure at $40.00 to $60.00. C. H. COOPER The Leading House of Astoria DON IS DEAD. cr Don, the o leven year old Spaniel of C. Curtk i dead. He died yenterday morning by choking on a bone that got caught in hi throat. Everybody around the Atorian office will mi hi friendly, kindly face, hi unobtrusive, quiet and gentls way. Don waa not m-rnpier, nor a howler, nor t growl- he never filed kick, never com plained of being overlooked or alighted, never protested about imagined wrong, never butted in, never tried to run the iflleci He would come in, nit down, ml wag Jii tail two or Uiree time or ewry word of cheer that went hi ayj he wa here at any, and all, hour f th dav or night, alway the aame, phuid, patient, lnofTnive nd easy going, lie bad a benign, imviiigviu face; wa a well-mannered, well dis poned newspaper dog. He waa faithful hi master in all thing, and on ex cellent U-rm with the world in gener- He ha filled hi sphere acceptably cone hi way to dogheaven, if them i auch place, and if there i'nt, thero ahould be, if only for he beati tude of honeat beaU like Don. Their right to celettial happincua ia far above par wihcu compared to the rating ihieved by aome peraon we all ' know. iid A Dluatront Calamity. It i a diaasterout calamity, when you lose your health, because) jlndigWtion and consumption htvt snapped It away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. Klng'a New Lift Pilla. They build up your di gestive organs, tod curt headcahe, dis tiness, colic, constipation, etc Guaran teed at Charlet Rogers' Drug store j 25c TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN Fart Steven Win By a score of 6 to 4, Fort Steven- defeated the Owa punpun on the local ground yesterday afternon in an interesting game, of foot ball. In the rat half the 'Puna acored a touchdown, but failed to kick the goal In the second half the soMcr made a touchdown tnd kicked a goal. Eaglet Bold Nest-Warming, The Eafle met for the second time in the new Redmen'a hall yetrdy and there wa a good old-fashioned "nest warm ing." After the regular meeting the Rirde flocked to the large dining room room wherw a varied atjrtment of good things were awaiting hem, and it i needles to any they thoroughly en joyed theinelvea, in the lunch and re freshment line. Big Neir Af,ain Nellie Thompson, the woman of tihe half world, who baa repeatedly, attempted her owa life by poison, waa arrested on a charge of drunkenness by the police yeaterday. The woman ha made the authorities considerable trouble on a number of oc caions, and ho will probably be order ed to k-ave the city today. ' Work ProgTetsini Rapidly The paint ing of thjs exterior of the new St Mary's hospital building ha been near ly completed, tnd the whole work of construction is progressing rapidly. Vigorous Campaign The local branch of the Salvation Army i prosecuting a vij,irous campaign in thi city. Sev eral sfrvef nieettng; are held every day, and while visit are also made to outside points. Lat week meeting were held at Fort Columbia and otLcr pointa on the other side of the river. Funeral Services Held Service over the remains of Mist Effie Huntington, wtho died at the home of her titter, Mrt. M. A. Stevens, early yesterday morning', wre held ia Poll's undertak ing parlor yesterday evening. The body wa shipped on bha evening train,' to CowliU, Wash where tls inferment, will be made. Nothing succeeds like success Golden Gate Coffee succeeds because of the care, taken in selecting in blending and in roasting. EIGHT SOUS LAW To B Put in Operation la Astoria en January First. . At tcSe regular monthly meeting of Typographical Union, No. 604,, of .this city, beldvyeB?rdy afternoon t .waa decided to inaugurate tht eight-hour working day in Astoria, commencing on Monday. January 1, 1900, in fuiracoord with tit Interu)Uional Typograpbicfel Union law. ' . ; i' The local executive committee waa in structed to, wait upon tht proprietors of the different papers and printing of fices in this city, and secure aignaiurca of same to the contract providing for such a. acale of time, and to report back to the Union in due course. The Typographical Union ia one of the oldest, aa well aa the most progres sive bodies of organized labor now in exisence, having been in constitutional operation for over 60 yvars, now num bering over 600 local unions with a membership of 60,000 craftsmen in good standing. VACCINATION RULING. Oregon Attorney -General Declares Him self Upon It Salem, Nov. 12.. In answer to an in quiry from State Health Officer Robert C Yenney, of Portland. Attorney -Gen eral Crawford today rendered decision holding that the State Board of Heal La baa no authority to require that child ren shall be vaccinated before gaininf admlseioa to the public schools. Tht Attorney-General quotes from the law creating the Board of Health, ahowing that the board has general to pervislon of the health of the state and power to ettabllati quarantine. The vaccination rub "would not be ia tht) nature of a quarantine; htenoe the board cannot find itt aathoriiyin that provis ion. Neither doe Mr. Crawford think the clause giving the board general euper vision will authorise them to eetablinti a new qualification for admiaaioa to the pubic schools unless there it ap parent danger of an -epidemic of small , , "I Thank Tht Lord!" . " cried Hannah Plant, of Little) Rock, Ar, "for tht relief I got from Bock lea's Arnica Salve. It cured iny fearful running torea, which nothing a 1st would heal, and from which I had suffered for S years." It it a marvelous healer for cuts, burnt and wound. Guaranteed at Charlet Rogers' drug store tSe. Decorate Your Room NOW IS THE TIME Fine display of .framed pictures Special discount of 12 per cent this week. Finest line in the city. hSvenson's Book vStore, , ; Fourteenth and Commercial Street XmiiS0 Sold on. merit. Always thejame. J. A. FOLCER CO. CO. Saaa a"ranelao BtTU8Ma MM , 3 -Jl A Complete llss cf m;leat llal" Steves . Anything la a first clasejitoTe eith er Wood cr Coal or Combined, you w3 find at. ?, -.....- . - 1 W l Xou hr ); r j in ui uuuiiy i y : vj- 470 472 COMMERCIAL STREET a