The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 13, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1873.
Published Daily by
7 mail, per year $7.00
By mail, per month .60
By carrier, per month. .
By mail, per year, in adranea.Jl.OO
Entered aa amniKlrlui matter Jnni
ai tne pmtomc at Astoria. ur
iron, under Uie act of Congrats of Utrch t,
WOntai for the deUTenn of Tat Mou
rns vRoaiAH to either rwSdeoca or nlm of
business nay be made by postal card or
through late bona. Any irregularitr in de
liver abonld b nubedJatetr rxmnaH tr, l ha
office or pubUcatio.
The work asumed hy Count Witt in
the rvornn Lis tion of the Kuian Uov-
emimivr, ia a tak to tax the utmoM t. R. Stokes came in from Portland
oapalulitie of the stronpvt man, not Ion ht night' exiva.
.uilw t . k a . .. I i t
, m pink. ner iwe, diii in tnei ti. Mvim wan a lioiiiihj; iwsenp'r
nutter of physical ability It in grave fnm IVrUand on tht rireH lut night.
and trememlou t'ling to umleitake, ami W. t!, Martin, the well known travel-
the whole world i looking on with hope l'g in, arrived in the eiy la-l night,
not unmixed with dread tliat he shall Mahtdm llargvr returned to the eity
fail before h ban paused the point of frm a brief vi.-it t IWtlaml. laM nigliU
aieiy ne nas Had his plan' laid for II Manell returned fnmi a trip
years., but Uie oU-.ta.lo that he must t t!io Sound country on laM night's
overcome are of a srt to take the eour- twin.
P from the hand and mind of i-ven W. K Motlregor eame in from a hunt-
Mich a giant a he is May he proper iC exjedit.oii, lut niht. and neemed
to the last veMige of reform he has to have had his share of luck.
outlined, and may his work oiiee done, I Supt. John Metiuiiv i-ame In from Hid-1
la--4 forever, to tlu crowning jUrv ofMm lut night, where the had Ix-en doing
a bit of Sunday hunting.
dim Wallace, cnnie home
Kiher' Ojiera Hou could not hold
any more people than writ in attest
anee tiiere hut night. An I thoae that
had tin good fortune to le thrra weir
glad they ram, "t'nele .lo)! did them
all jrood. with bis w lioleaonir, genuine
ait and pat ho and all left in a spirit
f gflul will for the line troupe that
played mi well. T.he Kunrn Dramati
pd me doing all poih! to verify
their lieM claiins mid are doing it. A
recitation. "The Iron Chest" was a
star event at last night 'a performance,
Mr. Adams won the three-piece cut
glasa s,t awards! in the cift end f
last night' ent rtiinnient.
For tho
Delivered right at your door every morning
before breakfast by the BEST CARRIER SYS
TEM in the country.
the man and t.Se race.
from port-
laml hist night, lie reHirta his brother,
Martin a very much better of his recent
Aug. Hilrchrand, of Rolinon 4 llilde
brand, returned from a business trip to
Portland, Nov.
Oregon: Generally fair.
"Western Washington: PartJy
cloudy witfi probable showers.
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash
ington: Fair.
Husband out of work and starving
wivea and children! A deputation of
'rumen call on Premier Italfour and talk
aUmt bloodshed! What ia the matter I Portland on last night's express,
with London! Immense crowds sindmr
The MarselLiiM-" iu tlie streets. They
f uggeting the starting of industries
at public expense for the employment
of the poor and needy. They are talk
ing of a revolution to exceed in blood
shed that in Russia. There is something
radically wrong with the government of
our couin across the seas, if those re
port a 1 not exaggerated. To hear the
masse in the world's mot populous
city clamoring for br.-ad at a time when
thi and many other nations arc passing
through an era of remarkable prosperity
( i remarkable, and presents a phaso of
1 industrial economy that must be. solved
il 1 s ...
uy tiK government in power, wuch, at
imring the week the reserved seat
sale for Vie performances of the Kmuh
coin puny will bn on sale at the box
otllce of tlie opera house, commencing at
10 o'clock this morning. Tonight Hart
ley Campls'll's jjreat coimtlv drama
"TrapM by Woman" will be the bill.
At 10:;t o'ch,k yeserday morning "an j Health is absolutely Impossible, If
, , r ,",,,ru ,ro,n r,nn consUpaUon be present. Many serious
and Cxonmcreml str et, and insU.ntly WN of T nd k,(,
answered by (hemical aiid H.e No. 1. .... -
it ....... t .1. 1 - .., .. 1 ...... e." .-...-.,....
-v , V " ;", ,r ,,"H, Such a deplorable condition is unneces-
i.m. anwr inin u, I'.Miiiy ciiimncy, mil
no serious iLunuge was doiu to 1 1st-premises.
the moment confesses its inability to al
leviate the unusual conditions.
Cured Consumption.
Mr. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kans., tion.
writes: "My husband lay sick for three
months. The doctors said that he had
quick consumption.
We procured a bottle of Ballard's
Horehound Syrup, and it cured him.
aary. There is a cure for it. Herbine
will speedily remedy matters. C. A.
Lindsay, P. M., Bronson, Fla. writes,
Feb. 12. 1802: "Having used Herbine,
I find it a fine medicine for conitina-
Sold by Prank Hark
Best Liniment on Earth.
Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Water
Works, Shullsburg, Wis. writes:
"I have tried many kinds of lini-
and wonderfully made thing that all
men dread who have to do with it; there
is noUring about it to invite the good
will of the elector nor to inspire him
with respect for it. It is cumbersome
to last degree, is faulty, foggy and
futik. But such as it is, the Republi
can of Astoria have invoked it and put
it in such use aa the best intelligence
of the party could muster to its proper
application. It will be observed and the
rults obtained will be adhered to in
perfect good faith. Thoeef Toting it
today will have the privilge of naming
the Republican candidates for all the
civic officer except that the Mayor; that
, will have to be left to a convention oi
the1 party to be held later in the month
; The honors that fall today will be rati
fled by the party throughout the city
unless it shall be known that skull-dug
gery was employed to the undoing of
the wishes of the party, in which event
the matter' needing remedy will also
'"be -transferred to the convention for
' adustinent. Let every Republican do his
whole duty by those who are seeking
.its. suffrage, and having done it, there
is time enough to make (rood on the
mayoralty, and save th? fituaion to
the party, from top to bottom
' 0
The teamships Columbia, Senator
Roanoke and Olvmpia form a fine fleet
of passenger carriers on the ooast ser
vice South of Portland and the choice
of the tr&ve&t is broadened ira the
matter of what splendid vessels he will
patronize on that roue. This is an ad
vantage that innures to Astdria as well
as to San Francisco, Los Angeles or
Portland, and will be valued according
That was six years ago. Since
ii . v ... a ..... ' . . .
iucu w uv ..ways aepi a ooiue in ment, but I have never received much
In conjunction with the large volume tha house. We cannot do without it benefit until I used Ballard's Snow I.ini-
transpire iof manufacture and exports of the au- For coughta and colds it has no equal." ' ment for rheumatism and pains. I think
eoJd by Hart's it the best liniment on earth." 2Sc. BOe.
, ,
Appraisers in New ork that imports ofnrug ,torc- 'and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store.
automobiles and diamonds are still com
The primary election will
.... 'tumn the cheerins news come fr.m ti, 25. 50c. and $1.00,
wuaj iu mis cuy. ine law, 01 isesi, . " I j
is a nuisance, an incubus, a fearfully
President Roosevelt set a good ex
ample to all citizens lately by making
the trip from Washington to Oyrfer Bay
to vote. The election in Nassau County
was probably as unexciting as any elec
tion could well lie. There' was noliody
to be voted for but a member of the
assembly and a few county officers. The
county is strongly Republican, and there
was. not the remotest chance that Mr.
Roosevelt's vote would affect the result
with regard to any ollice. His work at
"Washlmrton is arduous and pressing. If
any Waft corM truthfully say that he
had duties too important to leave in
order to vote for an assemblyman who
would be elected anyhow, hla could. . Yet
he makes the tiresome journey and hur
ries back to to his desk, just to per
form hia part aa one citizen who takes
erioualy his obligations as a member
of a self-governing community.
ing from abroad in extraordinary quan
tities. It reassures us of the prosperity
of the nation to hear that these lux-
ur-sre in demand as much as to look
over (he domestic statistics and and as
certain that t'ie farmers of the country
are buying a higher class of furniture
for their dwellings and a greater quan
tity of dry goods and other n-eessities
and luxuries. One hundred and tliiry
nine automobiles were imported in Oc
tober, in comparison with eighty-five
last year. So far this year nearly one
thousand automobiles have come from
abroad, and the value of the diamonds
extends well into thi millions. The
promise of tfie times is good.
The whole burden of reorganization
of the' empire seem to b falling on
the shoulders of Count Witte, whose ef
forts to form a ministry are rendered
unsuccessful by th evident fear of the
men who should consent to aid him that
the national assembly may not indorse
the premier's policy or that the Emper
or may experience a change of heart.
Upon ti'ie latter point there should no
longer be any doubt Reluctant as the
Czar is to yield one position after an-
otl?r as it is forced from him. he has
now gone too far to dare withdraw. Ab
solutism has paed away forever, and
while it does not appear clear what the
future may bring forth there can aasur
edly U no return to autocracy.
L. E. Sellf?. ! ptP anil Mnfa
Roach's Gift Enterprise and
Dramatic Co.
Ilcaded by America's Greatest and Foremost Comedy Artist.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Prinele
Change of Performance each night
Prices: Reserved Seat 35c, Gallery 25 Children in gallery 15c
Seat sale at box office, Opera House at 10 a. m. daily.
Gifts on exhibition in window of Dnnziger & Co.
The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest
Telegraph News.
Shipping Inteligence,
Condensed Local News.
Portland Market Reports.
Real Estate Transactions,
Society News,
Railroad News,
Sporting News.
County Official News.
Complete Want Columns
And in fact all of the News of the Country
Watch for the Big Colore
Comic SectioB
Ii you arc not a subscriber let us show you
our propositiou and we will convince you that its
thejbest ever made by any newspaper.
Telephone Main Ml for our plan, or if you
livejout of town write a postal and we'll do the
rest.C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager.
The Morning Astorian
lOth and Commercial
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
i:8TAHLl8!li:i 1880.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
S am. a . 2
Obstinate constipation, indigestion
and stomach disorders are permanently
and positively cured by taking Hollia
ter Kocky Mountain Tia. 35 cent,
Tea or Tablet. Sold by Frank Hart.
Kid Yourself of Unnecessary Burdens.
Don't bear unnecessary burden.
Burdens of a bad back art unneaes-
Get rid of them.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure bad back.;
Cure lame, weak and aching back;
Cure every form of kidney ill.
ixU oi local endorsement to prove
Lea W. Mohr, of Clackamas, Claka
mas county, Oregon, writes: 1 have
used four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pill
for kidney and bladder trouble from
which I have suffered for fifty years.
It wa the first medicine I ever used
during that time that gave me any re
lief. It baa rid ma of a sever pain in
the bladder which caused me a greal
deal of suffering, and also has regulated
th action of my kidney."
. Plentjf, more proof like this from An
tori people. Call at Charles Rogers'
drug store and ask what hi customers
For sale by all dealers. Price M cent.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole
agent for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines.
B. F.Allen Son, c.mS st
Sherman Transler Co.
Hacki, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur
future Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shrpped. ,
Phone Main 121
433 Commerd&l Street
Astoria's Best Newspaper
Tale Bohemian lioor
liest Iu The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co. f
Your Prescription:
Rock Island
If you are going East, X would appreciate
your consulting me. X will gladly help you
plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island
service. Just drop me a line consultation
' X will show you a Rock Island folder and our
publication entitled "Across the Continent In a
Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable
importance that you select the right route
there are many different ways to go. I'll tell
you of the superior points about tho Rock
Island way.
a. h. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Rock Island System.
140 Third Street, Portland, Or.