The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 12, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    .."V i ....
, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER ii, 1903.
EtiMiat4 1I7J.
PublUked Dally Ij
By mail, per jnr 7.00
By mail, per month .80
By carrier, per month .T5
By mail, per year, in advance..
KnterM u amnd-4.1&aa mail Inn.
110, at me ponutmr at Antorla. urr
ro, onoer toe act 01 l ong ran or March X,
W"Ortwa for th drJI wm of T 1 Moair
m taroaiaa to riUmr reaxkiooe or place of
twMlnf ar be mad by oottal cud or
through tele bona. Any Imjrularitr la de
li rorf should be 'nneiliatetT rraortnd to tha
office of pubUoaiioa.
Portland, Xov. 11. West-re
Oregon: Generally fair.
Western Washington: Partly
cloudy with prpbajj shower.
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash-
lngton: Fair. 4
have to be on the intant and grow with
her growth at an enlightened power, Oie
nrt law of whk-h it JUSTICE. To d
uiw, win iry her to tha, limit of re
oureea in tmmey, lands, popular benr
fartkma, and tha Urge of life and ad
mini'tratioa that she herwlf must first
leant 1 but she. will loam the kn
along with the peremptory, inefTaorable
and implacable demands that will run
front her for long, long years to eoroe.
"TV. ... ......
jue presence 01 ir r.nuiih mm in
this country U an epixxle that has
large meaning to the people of America
He comes with a meag of great good
will and friend) im-ss from his imiwrial
rather, who. all his life hmg, has been
an earnest and faithful fri.-iul to Ameri
ca. The Piin.v uf Wahs been
trained to Kmk iiHn the United State
as the one nation beyond the inMiamv
of diplomatic rupture and of martial en
gagement with hi own great country
and when ho return-, to Km-land. let
it be with the conviction sown into his
idealie soul, that the two great Kiigli'h
"peaking nation of the world are in
paratiy and fundamentally bound to
run the race of world achievement, of
world-eonquet. of world glory, side Is
olde, heart to heart, man for man, to tlw
abounding honor that shall fall to them
equally in the world-hiory a it shall
be written, Ming, or portrayed.
It is, in no sense, possible for any Re
publican to ignore or "pass by the nwas
ure of responsbility that' belongs to
him if the coming election is lost to the
party in this city. There has been ampl
time for all preliminaries, there has been
no rush about the smallest item of ar
rangement in connection with the cam
paign and its requirements. Let no man
eek to waive the onus of liability that
is his, in the event of a dubious out
come. It is his one, sole, solemn obliga
tion, to get in, stay in, and fight his
way out to an honest victory for good,
public financing, for decent moral condi
tions, and for the success of the party,
at all hazzards. If he does less than
this, he is to be held accountable and
will be so held.
The whole world is called on to allevi
ate the frightful. conditions that beet
the Hebrew race in Russia. We of proud,
peaceful, propserous America, can real
ue but little of tha desperate need
these poor human beings are confronted
with; we can only try to understand
their dreadful predicament, and go to
their' fescue without losing a moment
If only a mite, it given quick
ly. that it may reach its purposed end
in time to save some threatened life, to
do some measure of good to a people at
the Very doors of Tacial dissolution in a
country where the quality of mercy is
unknown and only the emergency of
wretched death can aK-rt further hu
man agony. Astoria must figure in the
roll of honor that goes to this rescue.
Let her do it and do it on the instant,
Give the money to any Hebrew in the
City and it is certain to find its way
to the post of relief for which it is in
Through generations of bitterness and
toil and sacrifice, incalculable, will Rus
ia par for the awful holi-aiit of
crime and death now running riot
through ner domains. She will have to
.account to the civilization of the whole
world for the dreadful manifestations of
brutality of whwh her ignorant million
are guilty. She has emergt-d from the
cloe shadow of her autocratic and bu
reaucratic life and gone out into the
fair light of day, with the promise of
freedom and enlightened government
and she will le put upon the grill of
deadly criticism and conviction for all
that has transpired in the pat fort
night ; there is nothing she can ay, nor
do, to save the situation that will tie ac
cepted now for the very marvel of wan
taa rimv41iat haa ravaged bar Uorder
and made the world gasp and hm!der
with horror. She should have done this
atoning thing years and years ago, 1
fore its lingering bad wrought her peo
ple to the frenzy of a refributory an
guish and madness. She has waited
to do her duty. The world will not wait
for the amend she mot make. It will
Articles on crooked college football
appear on every hand and the expose
threatened for many year appears to lie
near. obody familiar with college life
believes that gridiron championship are
bought and sold. Such clwrjj are made
and entertained only by those ignorant
of the academic Walks. Hut few men
who have taken part in college sports
are unaware that there are many legal,
secret and not altogether dishonorable
ways to strengthen college teams and
that the average faculty is not above
tolerating such practices. Klegible lists
are as a rule lowelv drawn. Good ma
terial is helped to the school and kept
there, either by the alumnal asocia
tions or by means of even more direct
In other words, if the sources of sup
ply for football brawn are not exactly
crooked in the broad sense of the word,
nettner are they absolutely honest in
the narraw sense in which honesty
should be interpreted by men with the
high ideas supposed to be inculcated in
the higher institutions of learning.
In Kew York City, for example, a!
most every paper of influence, Republi
can or Democrat, is urging Jerome's re
election because Jerome is an honest
man who can not be used by the bosses
In Philadelphia the partisan press has
joinefj hands against thi Republican
thieves who have so long debauched that
city. In Ohio. William IT. Taft. .Secre
tary of War in Roosevelt's cabinet, is
fighting the corrupt and degrading Cox
machines in Cincinnati and Ohio, and
the press indorses his position. Presi
dent Roosevelt himself is , inveighing
against conscienceless scoundrels who
are betraying official trust in state, city
and nation. The press, with remarkable
unanimity, is upholding him in this
righteous war. The country, in short,
is coming slowly to Grover Cleveland's
idea that public office is a public trust.
Newspapers, Democratic and Republican,
are subordinating political pivdileO'
tions to the demand for the election of
the honest man and the crushing of the
time serving politician and grafter.
went apologise f it by offelng him a Christian Warfare and' Heroism. Good
pension. All this is the poles asunder music at each service. EvenUnlr cor-
civilization and ideas, dially invited.
pension system is
from American
Obvmisly the
quite at home in Germany and would
1 a contradiction ami. an absurdity here.
Its fundamental principle is un-American
and dNngenuoua.
I Church
IV. Vetro, a spiritualistic medium will
lecture at Carnahan hall this (Suiulav)
evening, at half past 7 o'clock.
First Congregational.
First Congregational church, no mom-
ng service but the people will join
with tlie Methodist church in the ojien-
ing service at their t-hurvh. The usual
evening services, preaching by the pas
tor, Luther D. Mahon. Subject, "Shall
we go Forward T" Music under the di-c-
ion or .Mr, t.eo. r. Wat kins. Sumluy
m'Ii.h1 at 12:20 n. m.
The Norwegian and "Danish M. K.
hunh. Rev. C. Aug. Peterson. th pas-
or Mill preach at 11 a. m. and at 8 p.
m. .t the evening service the subject
ill be "Had men in the church reproved
by contrasting them with msJ men nut
f the church." Sunday school and pan-
tor Bible class at 10 a. m. II. M. Lor
entM-n, SujM-rinteiidcnt. Young People's
ni-eting at 7 p. m. Rev. K. L. San-
th nip, leader.
Pint H. E. Church.
First M.' E Church, Sunday, Xov. 12.
l!3. Morning service 11 o'clock 5 organ
prelude, hymn, No. 8M. prayer, Chant
lord's "Prayer, anthem, "As Panta the
Hart" Spohr-SUmpson, responsive
reading l'saliu No. M.. Gloiia Patria
Scripture lesson, announcements, offer
tory, hymn No, 7i7, sermon, hymn No,
32. Preaching bv Rev. Dr. Rader of
F.wning service 7:30 p. m., organ pre
lude, anthem, "Rejoice the Iird 1
King." quartette, "My God Mv Father,'
Mars ton; hymn No. 1, Scripture lesson,
prayer, response, bass solo, "Faoe to
Face," Johnson, Mr. S, Ktmoiei quartet!
"My be on Thy Guard," SWiernvk
erj contralto solo, "The Promise of
Life," Cowing, Mis Uura Met '.mm
hymn No. H, announcements, uiTertory,
bariton solo, "I'm a Pilgrim," Mr.
Frank , Cariuliaii, senium, anthem,
"Dream of lVudi-e," Gray; hymn No,
0M. '
For the
First Lutheran.
Gustaf A. Rydquist, pastor. Services
todap a4 follows: Sunday school in
Knglish 9:3$. Morning service in Swed
ish at 10:45. Evening service at 7:30
English 9:30. Morning service in Swed
will speak upon thk' aubject, "The signs
of Jonah," and in the evening on, "Tlie
Man's Unreasonableness.
is often as great as woman's. But Thos.
S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Reublican" of
Leveirworth, Ind., was not unreason
able, when he refused to allow the doc
tors to operate on his wife, for female
trouble, "Instead," he says, "we con
cluded to try Fleet rio Hitters. My wife
was then so sick she could hardly have
her bed, and five (5) physicians had
failed to relieve her. After taking Flee
trio Bitters, she was perfectly cured,
and can now perform all her household
u ties." uuaranteed by Charles Rogers,
druggist, price 60c.
ie flSTOHIAf
Delivered right at your door every morning
before breakfast by the BKST CARRIER SYS
TEM in the country.
The Morning Astorlin Contains the Latest
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County Official News.
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And In fact all of the News of the Country
Paby sleeps and grows while ma in my
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Ileaded by America'. Greatest and Foremost Comedy Artist
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Prinele
Change of Performance each night.
Monday Night, "My Sweetheart,
Price.! Reserved Seat. 35c, Gallery 25 Children in gallery 15c
Seat sale open. Saturday morning at Griffin's Book Store,
GifU on ecnibition in window of Griffin'. Book Store.
Watch for the Big Colore
Comic Section
1 1 you arc not a subscriber let us show you
our proposition and we will convince you that its
thejbest ever made by any newspaper.
Telephone Main Ml for our plan, or if you
live'out of town write a postal and we'll do the
rest.lC. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager.
The Morning Astorian
lOth atid Commercial
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
The War Dtpartment's suggestion
that soldiers be given an opportunity to
learn the art ef s Manning, wherever
practicable, is in line with the recent
action of the BritiiVi army authorities.
One of the lesson, of the South African
war was the necessity of soldirs know
ing how to swim. In our own army we
hare the illustrious example of General
Frederick Funston, now almost forgot
ten. While the majority of soldiers
may never have occasion to employ the
art in the course of daily duties, swim
ming U a valuable accomplinhment for
every man and excellent physical train
Germany is a country in which the
pres is miixzled. men are forced Into
lie army and people are lined and im-
priRoned for mlk,iintf tlie empiror. IB
that country everybody except the court
lives to some extent in a political, in
dustrial ainl flnaneial straightjaoket. In
dividual enterpiirf' is fettered and the
Government, having crippled the inde
pendenee of th working class. imple
ments its tyranny with pate-nalis?n.
Workingmen aiv- claswed with children
nd idiots, who mut be maintained at
public expense. Having robbed the
orkingman of Lis wages, the goven-
Our Great Removal Sale of
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our elegant lines.
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