Iff Promt . ......-.? i OOVIRS TMI MORNINQ FIILO ON THI LOW! COLUMBIA 'UlUftHKt PUIL'aOOUTID PRItt RIPORT VOLUME LX NO. 1G9 ASTORIA, OREGON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12U905 PRICE FIVE CENTS CITY TO HAVE K0 HEADS Hearst Will Take Oaths and Demanj Office. fORCE ISSUE IN COURT Only Sure Method to Test the Title to Gothams. Mayoralty. MAYER APPOINTS ASSISTANT Two Special Deputies Named By At torney General to Auiit ia Investigat ing and ProMcuUag the Election Fraud Refuses to Discuss Case, New York, Nov. II. Attorney Gen oral Mayer announced tonight that the caee of illegal acta ia the recent elec tion Lad beeq reported to both hie and Superintendent Morgan'i office in eurb numbers that ha had appointed Jay 8. Junes and Jamet If. Lehmsler, aa spec Ul deputy attorneys to gnu-rally eiit tha regular alaff In Investigating and prosecuting tha reported offenses. Neither Mayer nor Morgan would dis cus the questions tonight It was Us rant, however, that as the result of tha investigation, evident has b&m se cured which will b taken before the grand jury neat week. Ignorance Rather Than Fraud. The investigation haa so far renulted la revelaiioua most senatiotial and of a character aa to show both the Ignor iih and liicoenpetHU'e on the part of the inspectors. - Ia tha opinion of ataU officers, the ir regutaritiaa hevo developid, not eo much through fraud, aa pure and simple Ignorant-. It U learned today that the ballot lot found la the barbershop Friday night waa only for mutilated balloa, and tha r port of tha ranvaae ahowa ten defective) ballota recorded, tha aama number that waa found in the box. A simitar bos waa found today at a poll ing plii.se Went of Thirty-F.lghth atreet. DUAL GOVERNMENT IN NEW YORK If Contest Is Prolonged in Courts Hearst Will Assume Office. New York, NoV. ll.-Tho Tribune !avN that William II Hearst will, If the Jvmitesl for the mayoralty l proloncgd in itlw courts, beyond the flnt of next yver, take the oath of office a mayor, an nounce his appointment and demand potmUMon of the mayor's office in the city hall. Inasmuch as Mayor MeCIel lan ha decided to fight his adversary at every point, this city may hare a dual l T V . J- government on utiw inn uy. The deeUion of the Hearst men to In stall their candidate aa mayor on Janu ary 1st waa reaclud yesterday, It U aid, but nothing officially wan said I about their intention for some days yet. Mr. Hearst's counsel has told him that one sure method of having his title to the mayoralty either confirmed or de nied la for lira to take Uie oath of office THREE NEGROES HANGED IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE ,A Henderson, Tex., Sunady, Nov. 12. 1:45 a. m. Thirty minutes ago a mob f . - 'of 200 broka into the Jail here, over- pwvred tha officers and Uok John m mayor ind tlirut the contact into the court. The Irjfl procedure necessary for the validation of Mr. Hearst's claim to ( mayoralty in n t I mad within the iK-xt fifteen days. Tli Trjbune ww net all to Mnflrm tlu- foregoing through Mr. Hcsrst. WAST PROTECTION Hearat Men Will Ask Coventor Hlggina for Armories. New York, Nov. II The Times says -I. Wesley Homer, who write editorials for Mr. Ileamt, Iff t town for Albany lt night a a sperkl messenger to Governor Higgins to ak the Governor to devote two armories to the storage of tha ballot boxes, which are flow In storage warehouses, gusrdrd by police and IIeart watchers. Governor Hig gins is ako to be requested to allow the state militia to guard the ballot boxes. Mr. Hearst prefers such protec tion to that of tha police. "Understood" Governor Acquiesced At Hearst h-adiuarWs lst night it was eaid that the Hearst league "Un derstood" that tha Governor has ex- preed informally his wllllngnrsn to allow- the armories to be ud as places for the storsge of the bsllot boxes. What his sniiwer will be to the rquet fur state militia protection is not known, and the Hearst forces ventured no prediction. CHEERED JEFF DAVIS Man Who Did It Killed in His Tracks. TWO OTHERS SHOT TO DEATH Election Bow Breaks Out ia Kentucky When Oao Man Cheers Former Con federate Chlef-Thre Ken Killed and Thro Mora Wounded During Tragedy " Nawratuck. W. Va Nov. 11. A cheer for Jeff Davis, uttered by a dmnk en man on Beaver Creek, on tha 'Ken tuck j side of the river, yesterday, re suited In a bloody tragedy in which three men wera killed and three others were wounded. There had been much drinking after the election on Tuesday. Con Estep, an old Confederate soldier, was among the men who had become intoxicated, When he yelled "Hurrah for Jeff Davis," C. Parter, a young man In tha crowd told Estep to "shut up or ha would kill him." Enoch Betithiy, another member of the crowd, told FVU-p to "Hurrah for any one he pleacd." Parter turned upon Iti-ntly and emptied hi pitol at short range, all of the shots taking effect. After he had fallen Hently shot and killed Irter. Kube Morgan, a friend of Prater ,who had shot llenlley after tho latter had fallen, nred at Tout and John Bowling, friends of Eb-p, and then fled, but he was ' shot and 'mortally wounded by the Bowlings. i IWntley died soon after the shooting snd 'Morgan died two hours later. Dun ing the fight John Sadler, belonging to th Prater gang -was dangerou-dy wounded. The Bowlings were both ht, but not fatally hurt. An election bet had caused hard feeling between Estep and Prater. Th excitement over tha tragedy ia intense and another clash of the fac tions is expected. ' ' ' Y'; ; 'v Reece, Robert Akew, and another negro, whxn they are now hanging in the pub lic aquare The negroea were arrested for the murder, a few days ago of 4 farmer, ten milca from here. POLICE VISIT 99 Offflces of Illegal Practice Raided In Boston. WOMEN FOUND WAITING Police Investigc the Result of the Geary Case Horror. OPERATIONS HID FROM VIEW Boston Dens Believed to Be But a Part of a Chain of aa Immense Syndicate, With Branchea Scattered Throughout the Vicinity Evidence Secured. Boston, Xov. II. Twenty detectives, headed by two police captains, made a sensational desoent this afternoon oa five offices on Tremont street .where it is alleged, illegal operation have barn performed on an extemdve scade, and though the raids did not reeult in aay arrest, the police found consid erable matter which they think would aid them In the future. Photo Are Taken. ' In ac office a photograph was tak en of the rooms and instrument found therein: Hundreds of people blocked the traffic .on. Tremont atreet durin gthe raid, and for hours afterward, the popu lar impression was that another girl ha dmet death in one of the hospitals and that the police had caught the criminals. The action of the police to day la the result of investigation in connection with the death of Ma Geary, tha suit case victim, and an operation mora recently performed on Iola Reed, a 13-year old girl of Westfleld, Maine. Tha work will ba continued next week, tha authorities having information in their possession indicating that the busi ness is being conduct! on such a Urge scale, that it ia becoming alarming. Their information alwo indicates thai this, city haa become the headquarters for these lletral practitioner, who bring their patients here from all parts of the country. Three Girla Wait for "Doctors." The vUit were timed so the officer arrived siinulaneouxly, thus preventing a warning being telephoned from one nhu-e to another. No one was found st tlie offices of Mrs. Dr. Ames, Dr. Em- imm and Dr. Uixhop. At Dr. Bntler'a office, Dr. Lewi was found. He is the hunlmnd of Annie Brown, recently sent to the peniten tiary. In Dr. Butler's office, the police found three young women, who. explslned their presence by saying they were waiting for a "doctor " , Tha most interesting pkw-e. was that of Mrs. Dr. Binhop. The polka. broke in the doors after repeated knocking had fajlod to elicit an ans wer. There ware flva rooms in tha suite, with an elaborately furnished parlor. Evidence plainly indicated tha hasty departure of the persons connected with the Inntitution, after Crawford and Howard, "doctors" had confused. Girl Identifies Place of Treatment Whila the raids were in progress, Iola Bard, in company with ft deputy eheriff, identified the Bishop office, aa the place where she waa treated. Tha Bish- op eeUbllxhment la said to be the lary- est in New England, and U . the) head quarters of ft number of brsnch offices, many of which are out of town. It is the belief that part of their syndicate Sn operation hero, and that several offices are used for patient in various place la order to confuse the location of offices where the operation Is per-formed. DOCTORS A physician who acenmpani d the po lice, stated that It wa not surpriting that death followed aome of the opera tion. He pioiKHim-ed tlie instrument veritable biMtnimenta of torture and judged they had very little care. Enormons Buaineaa. The booka found in a dek, showed an enormous buine done daily. There are three operating rooms in the place, all cleverly arranged with the Idea of hiding the operator from the. patient. Over each operating ehair, hang a cur ia if, in which i room sufficient to only permit the "doctors" to work. Addi tional evidences of the extreme care tf conra-al the dientity of tha operator, waa t largo mask found, having long black hair and black veiling to hide the eyes NO DAMAGE AT SALT LAKE. Salt Lake, Nor. 11. A slight earth quake waa felt tvre this afternoon. No damage waa done. EARTHQUAKE AT BOISE. Boi-, Xov. 11. There was a slight earthquake tfVrnor felt here this after noon. It waa aU felt at Idaho City, Bab City, Ogden, Hailey and Sho shone. At the latter pUce, several brick snd stone, buildings were somewhat damaged. The walls of tha courthouse sad schoolhouse were cracked, and tlie plaster shaken from tlie ceilings. RUIll GROUNDLESS No Development of Mob Spirit at St Petersburg. BUOHAW: IS A, MYTH 1 , la aa Effort to Pacify tha Coantry,ani End Fratricidal Strife, Witt KnliaU tha Aid of the Church and banes aa Earyilical Changes Men to Beasts. St. Petersburg, Sunday, Nov. 11. The groundless nature of tha alarmist rumors that ft St. Bartholomew massa cre would take place last night waa de monstrated, when hours paaapd without tha slightest development of mob spirit The only signs of anything out of the ordinary ware tha doting up, earlier than usual, of the Jewish shops in the districts said to be nasigned for the Jew baiting, and tha frequency of patrols in these districts. An unconfirmed report waa circulated lat night in the newspaper offices, UiaX the Cossack 'red on a crowd of roughs in the suburbs beyond tlie Moscow gate, but tills is later authoritatively denied. "Black Hand" ft Myth. Trine Ivoff, tha Moscow Zebstcoiet, has imued a re-assuring announcement, declaring the rumors of an organised "Black Hundred" is almost entirely a myth. In an effort to pacify thecountry and end the fratricidal strife, Count Witt has enlioted the aid of thv church and holy synod, now under tha direction of Prince Alexia Obolensky, and issued an encyclical w Tilch Vlll bo read in all the chruches of Iha ompira, in phw of the sermons toils y. It reminds the Rus sians that wrath and hatred often change tha nature of men and make them like wild beasts, oaunng them to forget he laws of humanity and commit fearful crimes, causing eternal remorse. XFFOSTS FAIL. Graf Walderseo StiQ Agroand Near Now York City. , New York, Nov. 11. Effort to float the steamer Graf Waldcrsee, which went 'aground today, while leaving New York, j were unavailing tohightand another at tempt will be made at highwater tomor row. The agent of the Hamburg-American lino ateiedi tbi. tvenbg that the ceuso of the steamer's grounds waa the fact that a tug with three bargee crossed the liner's hows, and te avoid a collision, the ship waa .forced into the mud. COURTHAL ORDERED Midshipman Merriwefher Must Stand Trial. OFFENSES ARE GRAVE Evidence Shows Branch Died from Injuries Inflicted by Merriwether CHARGES NOT DECIDED UPON Secretary Bonaparte Saya the Navy De partment Will Take No Action Ex cept Such aa May Be Recommended by tha Academy Officers at Annapolis. Washington, Xov. 11. In ordering th courtmartial of Midshipman Merri- wetlicr, who engaged in a fUtio en counter at Annapolis with Midshipman Branch, as tha result of which Branch died, Secretary Bonaparte made a state ment today in which he says in part that the board of inquest found that some hostility existed between the com batants, originating in the finding by Branch, whila ia discharge of hi duty, of suit of civilian clothes in the) apartments of Merriwether, this being a, serious offense under the regulations. No report of tha alleged discovery, sppeara to have been made by Branch. Late Merriwether, it i alleged In sulted Branch by calling him ft "sneak and "coward" and Branch ctavllonged him to a fist fight fight Declsoed a Draw. Tha fight took placa Sunday evening. It waa declared draw, owing to the reported approach of one of tha officers. At tha time Merriwether waa apparent ly tha more seriously injured, and went to tha hospital, which Branch went to his quarters. The report made by the Ben lor medi cal officer and the finding of the board indicates that Branch received serious injuries to the brain during the conflict. The statement says the Department sees no necessity for ft court of inquiry, as it is clear the report imply to Mer riwether, offences of such gravity that a courtmartial is indispensable, there fore, such courtmartial ia ordered for the trial of Merriwether on such charge as may be preferred against' him. The Secretary said today, the Depart ment would take no independant action with respect to tha midshipmen who participated in the fight, such aa ref eree, etc., unless such action waa recom mended by the authorities ft the Naval Academy. BATTLESHIP IS SPEEDY. Boston, Nov. 11. In another speed tet today, the battleship Rhode Island sustained aa average speed of 19.01 knots per hour, for four hours, . BREWERS RETURN TO WORK. Seattle, Nor. 11. The strike of the Northwest Brewery workmen, whiqh THREE MUTINEERS WILL SWING FOR THEIR CRIME Wilmington, Nov. 11. Henry Scott the third ef the mutineers from the schooner Henry A. Berwind, waa con victed tn the Federal Court here today, haa been inexistenca since May 1, waa today settled. The. employers were conceded the i right to employ and dis charge their workmen, but the union se cured the insertion of a clause provid ing for the employment of Union fore men in ajl department and the re em ployment of nil union workmen who struck in May. ! GRAND-DAUGHTER IS DEAD. J Eimira, N. Y, Nov. II. Mrs. Thomas K. Beecher, grand daughter of Noah Webster and sister-in-law of Henry Ward Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe, died here today. DIES BY POISON. Ashland, Nov. 11. George Frederick Parson, a prominent young man of Ash land and only son of Dr. J. S. Parson, died at an early hour this morning from tha effect of a doe of laudanum, ad ministered by his own hand about 11 o'clock last night. Parson was ft most popular young man, and lacked only a few months of being 21 years old. The canse of his surprising ac i yet un explained. ' , , HUMAN TORSO FOUND. Cleveland, Nov. 11. A human torso, devoid of head, arms and leg,' waa found at the city dump today. The body waa that of a man. INITIATION IS FATAL Coroner Says Young Picnon Was Tied to Track. . CANNOT FIX RESPONSIBILITY Delay ia Report Die to Attempt to ' Discover the Perpetrators of the Hor rible Crime Seadered Impossible by Peculiarities of the Case. . ' ; Mount Yernor, ft, Nov. 11. Accord ing to a verdict of the coroner la the case of Stuart Pierson, run ovfer by a train while undergoing the Initiation ef a college society two weeks ago, evi dence waa found that Piersoa had been bound hand and foot and either tied fast to the railroad track, or railroad tiea, or otherwise bound ia such a manner that he could not extricate himself, and while in such a oeition waa run down by aa engine and tender ,and killed. The verdict adds that the delay waa occasioned by the efforts of tM eoroner to .fix the resonaibility of tha horrible crime, which he waa unable to accomp lish, because of the peculiar circumstan- ceea of the case. NOTED ACTRESS ILL. New York, Nov. 11. Edna Wallace Hopper, the actress, ia reported to be critically ill at her apart meats in this city. - It waa said last night that Mies Hopper had been suffering from appendi citis for the laet two weeks, and that at any moment an operation might be necessary. i Miss Hopper has been playing this year with David Belasco'a company ia a revival of "The Heart of Maryland." ago aha waa obliged to dieeon tinue her engagements and com to this city. A consultation of phyisciaaa waa held last night, and aa operation may be performed today. and sentenced tohe hanged 'with kia shipmates and companions in crime, Ad ams and Sawyer The execution tea been set to occur January 20, and will take place In this city.