The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, NOVEMBER it, 1903.
. i . ' . "
Dur New Lint of tit Latet Creatloni ia
havilAnd china
Import! direct from, the manufacturers now await your Inspection.
The gooda art of superior quality and pur prkee are low. It will pay
you io rail JUST TO SEE our new line.
Fancy Parlor Lamps
We are making a showing of artl.tlc lamp at common lamp price.
Hot drinks and aandwlchra at Ilocf
Mrs, Tilda Anderson, mastago. 1470
Grand Avanua. Given either at home or
will oalL
Tba Falaos Catering enmpany'a dining-room
la again open under tba taroa
management Everything first elau.
Cuisine and aervloa unexcelled. Private
dialog-room for ladlee.
Owing to Uia volume of our outaide
hu.lnr, we have been eomptdled for
some time past to neghct the city real
e.tate, and we now take great pleaur
in announcing to our Mend that we
have procured the service of IHck
Itavlee, the well known ami efficient real
e.Ute man, to Uka charge of thia
branch of our work. We will be plcaa
rd to have our patrona and othera hav
ing property for aalei rail and lUt the
eame with ui. aaauring Uiem that it
will be given the moat prompt and very
beat attention. !
179 11th etmt
Mrs. A. D Jewett hai pleasure la aa
nouaclng to her friends and patxona that
aha la now ia poealoa of a eucceaa
ful system of waterproofing cloth
material. Sha will demonstrate tho ia
ttreetlng proceaa, upon rail, at her
room, No. 154 Ninth atrert.
The Little Book Stare for tale.
We have added to
pur stock a complete
line of cooking Uten
sils.' and are now
ready to supply your
wants with same.
iil-iii Twelfth Street, Astoria.
Nothing ia better than ayrup tar and
wild chrry. 23o and 60c a bottle. Sold
by the Owl and Eagle Drug Store.
A reward of twenty-live dollar will
be paid for the re cowry of the body of
the lata Opt. J. p. Hanen of the Schr.
George C. Perkina, supposed to have
been drowned Nov. 4th.
Temple Lodge No. 7. A. F. k A. M.
E. C. HOLD EN, Sac
Oa the fifteenth of November, the en
tire txk of god at tlw Utile Rook
Store, will be put on .ale at cot. Chri.t
nit. bargain in book, stationery uov
eltie, etc. 174 Tenth atreet
N. A. Arkerman, East Sth it does all
manner of tepldrrmy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tres making a specialty and all work
reeled propoxate for bid will be re.
eehed at the office of the Columbia
River Packer' AMmciation for the erec
tion f a wharf and warehouse on the
lie of the old Occident cannery in t'p
per A Mori. Plana and specification ran
be een at the flic. Bid will be open
ed oa Nov. 18 at JO o'clock a. tn. The
right ia reeerVid to reject any or all
bid.. I
A.toria, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1903.
The' aembly club will give another
of their popular danot-a, in the Logan
hall Saturday night
Piher' Ojra Hou.e ju-t had rKrn
lat night for ite audience with none to
-pare. The play, "A We-Mrn Wrl"
wa thoroughly well n-celved and the
big hou.e wa in iranienw and connUnt
iod humor, from the moment the
curtain went up till it Ml on the final
cene, TW Roach Dramatic Company
be. won it way into the good grace
of Atria's theatre going public Mr.
fcd. Lackey, train dipatrhT for the A.
k C. It Railroad (V., wa tha winner
of the entertainment gift of a china
berry act, lat evening. Ecdc'a Girl"
will be the play tonight
' i That Matinee.
Don't forget to attend the matinee
at Fiher'a today at 2 p. m.- The laugh
provoking farce comedy "A Nahful
Wiver" will be the bill. Tonight "He-
ele tJirl" a rural comedy drama will
lie produced and tomorrow, Sunday
niyht the rural fare comedy "l nele"
The Ruwian peple are no u-d to
the thing that they mil' to pardoned
if for a while, they mutUka liberty
for licence.
We Are Getting Ready to Move
Tha great furnltura bargatna we are now offering will aoon and and you
will be aorry U you overlook tha opportunity to buy bfore it la too late.
Every Purchase You
Now MaKe Means
a having'
Wa offer you tha choice of the, larger. and. beat stock of. household
gooda aver displayed In Astoria,
Atoria'e Leanding and CompleellousefurnUhera,
A rii a r air ii nnfttl A ' v1
rft i na'v nr ii nuH i : ii .w c
New Legging Engine A Shay logging
engine of Urge ha arrived in the
elty fur the IVI1 Lumber Company, of
Deep Itlvr, and will nhortly be taken
aero. ,
Imptoveneatlf ta Prope-t5r-Fnk
Patrick Ijtwler U improving hi rel-dem-t
rerty at tlie corner of Irv
ing awnue and Pifunth tret, by a
cement walk.
Improvement! at Sohmidta Piano ei. k Co., will nhortly remodel their
bu.l ne. olllee at thelr weklng plant
and remove it to the e-oiid floor of
tlie main building.
Two Mora Clt;tena Axel HMna, a
Finn, and Coiiktantine Hlurro, a Grcmk,
flle their dH-lnration. of intention to
become citixen of fehe 1'iiited Stale
of AhierieM, jeterdy,' with County
Clerk J. CV Clinton.'
Improvement to Plant Kxten.lve Im
provement are being inadt to tha Lin-
denberger cold atorage plant. Tha floor
of tfia main building i being rained and
the buxine.a olTu-e enlarged. '
Remaldi Interred The rem in of J,
J. Allen, the old man who w found
in th- fMmnna river, near KeaMile, were
iiilerre.l In the l A, It. At, at Otean
'iew c-nieteiy. fM-rvb-a were cim-
Iw-ted in 1'olilV undertaking parlor.
Fall to Appear Two men, arn-.Usl on
a ihnrge of drunkeniie, and releaed
on bail of f5 eaeh, were not prem-nt
wln-n pliee cmrt wa called by Judge
AnderMin yekterday afternoon, and the
city wa $10 to the good.
Twenty-Three Thousand Paid. War
rant to tlie amount of $2,117.81, paid
with City Auditor Andernon yeterday,
by Trea.urer Dealy, making the total
amount paid during the pa.t month, at
Recovering From Uaeaa Henry E.
Cherry ha arrived in the city, and will
remain at the home of hi parent for
ome time. He i recovering from a se
vere attack of typhoid fever, and waa
confined to a Portland hospital for
aeveral week.
Former Aitorla ta Marry New of the
wedding of Mb Mary Feeley, formerly
of t hi city, but now a resident of Mc-
Minnville, U a prominent merchant of
that place, ha been received In thi city.
The ceremony will occur on November
22, and the couple will probably apend
their honeymoon in thia city.
Rededicatioa Service Service, for the
rededicartion of tlie; Firt Methodwt
church, which he recently undergme
exteeiMve re.pir, will le conductwl by
Rev. D. I Rader, of Portland, in the
church Sundav forenoon. An excellent
mimical program will alo be rendered.
Noa Partiaan Now A public call- will
anoeer todr, for a wnv-.-ntion or the
heterogeniotw opposition, under the
name of "Non-Partisans." (tin tune) j
to assemble on Wednesday next, No-
vemVr l."th, for tlM purpose of naming
a ticket for the coming city election, a
1 to tlie traight Republiian line-
Funeral of Yioreux Woman Word from
Win. Yioreuj, tlm buland of Kitty
Yioureux. the wbman of the restricted
ditrict, who wa found on her
tied wa received by Coroner Pohl yc-
terdiy, and tha woman will be interred
in Greenwood toduy. The nian,i now-
serving a aeiitenee in the Walla Walla
nenitcntiarv, for murder committed on
Cray' HarUir, it U claimed. He U
.aid ta have provided the woman with
money, during hi incarceration, and ha
forwarded money for tlie funeral ex-
jien-e. It i aid that the woman ha
a win grown to manhood, and an adopt
ed child, living in the city.
Th Attempt Failed Tha reportorial
MalT of the itorning Astonan. tuy at
it desks last night, were brought to
their feet in fright and amaiem-nt by
a aerie of long-drawn ami awful wails
a of desperate anguish or Intense bod
ily pain, bailing from their own pre
mie, and instantly "ought an expla
nation, of the startling episode. The
foreman, the machine operator, the cir
culation man and the extra man, were
found In the basement doing, or trying
U do, a quartette rendition of Tho
CirVfrom Georgia.", The attempt fail
ed. Three Orderi ' Made-sTounty Judge
TrencWd. Utmg, yeWcWaTfo-T',
hate bn.ine, made 'three order in a
many oase, pending before him: In the
matter of the final account of Ida Chris
tensen, administratrix of the estate of
C. W. Chriat,en, he named Monday,
of a Good thing
t, ton ai
eserves the most credit
of course, bat the
first user comes nebrt.
Althongh you may not be
first to appear in one of our
new L. Adler Bros. & Co.,
Rochester, made fall suits, there
is nothing to prevent yon from
being one of a pretty good look
ing bunch.
$15.00 to $30.00 for style, fit
and service equal to made to
measure at $40.00 to $60.00.
Tic Leading
House of Astoria
December 18, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
for final hearing; and in the case of tha
final account of David Wilson, admin
istrator of the estate of G. J. Wilton,
and bearing thereof, Uie same day and
hour wv-re set. In tha matter of the
final account of W. C. A. Pohl, ad
ministrator of th estate of Christ Nel
son, deceased, final hearing wa et for
Tuesday, D-cember 19, 1903, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Salem, Or, Nor. 10. T.vernor Cham
berlain ha issued the following Thanks
giving proclamation:
"The President of the United State.
in punuanoe of a time-honored custom,
baa designated Thursday, November 30,
A. D., 190.1, as a day of general thank
giving and prayer. Our country hai
much indeed for which to be thankful.
While war and rumor of war, pesti
lence, earthquake and famine have
dbtquii'bsl gnd disturbed tome of the
people of the earth, and worse Uian all
of these, revolution and riot born of
t.vrany and persecution have stained
with tlie blond of the innocent and help-
bis the soil of othtf eountriew and
caused throne of mighty ruler to tot
trr on their foundations, pfic and
plenty have fallii t the lot of our be
loved country. Never in the history of
our own state have fie people been
happier or mono prosperous, and never
has there been a brighter outlook for
future growth and development.
'Therefore. I. Oeorgi- E. Chamberlain,
Coventor of the State of Oregon, by
virtue of the authority in mc vested,
do hereby set part Thursday, November
.10, A. D. 11K.", a a day of thanksgiv
ing, and I request .that the people of
thia magnificent commonwealth do on
uhat day abstain from their usual avo
cations and return thanks to Almighty
Ood for the blessings which He in His
beneficent wisdom, has . en fit to bestow
"In witaesa whereof, I have hereun
to aet my hand and caused the gnat
seal of atate to be hereunto affixed at
the city of Salem thia tenth day of No
vember in the year of our Lord 1905.
"Governor of Oregon.
"Attest: F. I. Dunbar,
"SecnUry of State."
Once each year, around Xma time
Herman Wise, Astoria's reliable cloth
ier, gives a nice present to his cus
tomers who have three or more certi
ficates. While In New York hut June,
Mr. Wise selected a lot of fine presents
and they have just arrived so Mr. Wise
i ready to distribute the present but
you must have three oi more ceriin-
cate in your own name, or you can
get a present if you will buy 25 worth
of good between now and Januay 1st
Three words
to the "wives"
are sufficient
Golden Gate
Health ia absolutely Impossible, . if
constipation be present. Many serious
casea of liver and kidney complaint
have sprung from neglected constipation.
Such a deplorable condition ia nnnecea
sary. There ia a euro, for it. Berbine
will antcdilv remedy matteri. C A.
a w w
Lindsay, P. XL, Bronson, Fla, writes
Feb. 12, 1802: "Having uaed Herbine,
I find it a fine medicine for constipa
tion. Sold by Frank Hart
Rid Yourself af TJnaeceaaaTy Barieaa.
Don't bear nnneceaaary burdena.
Burdens of a bad back art vaaeaee
aary. Get rid of them.
Doaa'a Kidney Pills cure bad backs.;
Cora lama, weak and aching backs
Cure every form of kidney Ola.
Lota of local endorsement to prova
Lea W. Mohr, of Oackamaa, Ckka-
maa county, Oregon, wrlteat 1 hav
need four boxes of Doan'a Kidney Pilla
for kidney and bladder trouble freaa
which I have suffered 'for fifty jMra.
It waa the first medicine I aver aaat
during bhat tuna that gave m any i
lief. It has rid me of a aerera pais far
the bladder which caused ma a great
deal of suffering, and also has regulate!
the action of my kidneya." , v
Plenty mora proof Uka thia front As
toria people. Call at Char lea Befara
drug store and ask what hla customers
For sale by all dealers. Price SO eeata,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, sola
agents for tha United States.
Remember tha name Doan'a and
take no other. .
There's no beauty in" all the land ' .
That can with her face compare,
Her ( lip are red, her eyea are bright,
She takea Rocky Mountain Tea at
night Sold by Frank Hart, drug
Your Room
' ' . ' .-..
Fine display of .framed pictures Special discount .of 12
per cent this week. . Finest line in tne city.
hSvenson's Book Sto re.
Fourteenth and Commercial Street . ,
SoM only 4a aroma-tight j
tins. Ncrer in bulk.
Ssvaa rraascISM
I . "-
A Ccsvltte lice el
Anything In a first clans stove eith
er .Wood rr Coal or Combined, you wifl
find at. '
t! 1 Coiillif
7 liij mm a 1 I. H I II
j. m I ui yuuii