The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1905, Image 1

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    b; 4 ''.-is laja.m
POUT? r V '
- r .- - i
VI Till III ' II I I ' I I I
, . - .
Outbreak Threatened by
the "Black Hundred0
Thruttnln Letters Are Sent to
the Hebrews' and
(I Cratdt and Poland Under Martial
Law Offl ceil Flee from the Mutineer
Strong Band of TrepoB Will B
Miaead if aa Emergency A rim.
Moscow, Rev. 10. Alarming rtporti
of aa aaU-Jowieh outbreak, almulUne
oaaly her d 't It Petersburg oa
Sady eat, at U drcaUUoa hfr tit
'lit ForHg rt tad Jtiri hart rf
cert1 tbmtotiag letter aal have ap-
peaks U U aHthoritte for protao
I tloa. Taa far then have see ao
tp takaay toward graatiag th rO
Bumora of Impending Oaalaught Spread
Tarror ia Russia.
St. Petersburg, Saturday, Nov. II.
Except ia Uw kingtlom of Poland, wbtr
tha rafldl growing Nationalist mova
rnit and ti alata of trnxlim among
tha proloUrUta will aoon bring about
tb dwlaxation of a taUi of war, Ruia
arnna for tba Umt bfing at leant, to t
firoralty tranquil tonight.
Tclrgrajna from Interior pointa Indi
cate tha rtstoratioa of order In nearly
all aho ciUea and towaa, but In many
cltlra, notably 8t Ptmburg, and Moa
cow, bo population la greatly disturbed
owing to tbo rumor of approaching at
tacks of tba "Black Hundred" which ru
mor achedulea to tako place at St. It
mburg tonight, and Monro tomorrow.
The authoritiea have Ukm the full
. et nwaaurea to afford protMion to
the populate. In an emergency the
utrong band of Trepoff will ba inuaed,
evm by the factloua which moe ex
crated kim.
Story In Circulation That "nia.k Hun
dred la Preparing to IQ1L
St, Pcte'rHlmrg, Nov. 10. The au
thority am making evajy erUeaTor
to rtor the confldenoe of Uie people
and to diMipte the atorlea which aro
xing given wide ipread circulation to
, the effei t that the "Black undred, l
preparing for a ataughtcr of Jena at
St. reteraburg.
Dcipite the premutation of the po
lled that no alarm ! warranted, a genu
ine alarm aa been created among tba
Jew. A number of naturalised Ameri
Tci Jawa called upon Spencer Eddy,
American Char&s d'Affaira today; who
ansared them that bo did not regard
an outbreak ao poaiiblo
zf lr - Vte.' a lm tfrvffrV TWrr tt
few York, Nor.' 10. The confesalon i
. .v. .tw nf ffms worth 1100.000
( vi wm b
from" fashionable me in New York
duringtbe Ust two yeaxa, waa mad by
Pore gntri Plea to Warahlpa.
() I , Nv. 10.-I)f piU the MHUf
non of Onvcrmtr General, that no
more diMnlm will be fn rniitU-d, the
foreign rldjiil have oug1it naugw
on the warhlpa of the rcpecUve na
tiimitlitiea, until normal condition prv
Offlceri Flee for lift.
CioiMtadt, Nov. lO.-Reporte that U.e
mutinuii tllor have killed their of
flrrm I not confirmed, but ia ia poeitive
y WMcrted that a number of offtWre
have aought aafely In biding or flight,
Martial Uw at Cronatadt.
HC J'eteraburg, Nov. 11. It in an
mmuead that martial law will ba de
clared throughout Poland. It baa ai
med bran declared at Cronitadt,
Five of Portlend'a Hebrew donated
urn aggrvgating $1000 fur relief . of
tba emeute4 Ituaian Jaw yetrday
efUwnooa. By tonight it U expected
that Umi toel will have ini-real to at
.t M00.
A dUiaich bu been received by Ben
Selling from Jacob Scbitf, treaaurer of
tbe national committee of relief, In
which be ald:
"V'e urge you and your av!la'.a
to call n meeting of JewUh commun
ity to form branch committee and col
lect Immediate fund. Veeitiet very
great Condition appalling.
Astoria Ready to Aid.
The appeal for aid for tha stricken
Jewa In Ruui will find ready repon4
in Astoria, aa aoon a tha Portland
Wader shall have formulated their
plana for collecting ia Oregon cltie
ami town. It U" (nought here the
plan' will be known today, and one
known will be bandied eiplitiouly as
Package Contalnio License Op
ened After 70 Years.
Indisputable Proofs la Vault of London
Bank of Clandestine Union of Mr.
Fitibarbart and George IV, Then
Princaa of Whales,
Guidon, Nov. 10. By the pcrminHion
of the King, the C-hnmicle asserts the
package conxijrm-d to the cane of the
Coutt'a Bank, under stipulation that it
would not be opened fur a long period,
has now, after seventy year been
opened and proved to contain the mar
riage certificate and other indisputable
proofs that George IV, wan actually
mart i Ad to Mii KitJilorlMTt, (Mmtia
Anne Smythe).
Mr. Fitchcrbc'rt licam'e tlie wife of
the Prlni-e of Wales, afterward George
IV, December 1875.
The marrige of the Trinoe is invalid
under the Fjiglih law, though aanction
ed by the Roman Catholic Church of
which Mrs. FiUhcrbert was a memWr.
The question of Issue of this msr
rlaff. which was long agitatel by the
English public, waa not aettled by the
papers just opened. It Is long reported
there waa an issue, one male child, who
emigraWd to' the Upited States, dying
in Washington some years ago, after
living quietly and In good circum
stances. . , . .
Harold Prescott, a. painter tonight who
pawnea w jewel lor aww. jewei
worth $20,000 were recovered from the
pawnshops shortly after the thefta
were committed. , . : ; .
Discovered In Baby Bug
gy In a Bronx Cellar.
Ten Indictments Returned For
Uw Violations and two
for Assaults.
Hearst SupporUra Claim to Have Evi
' donee that Election Clerka Purpose
ly Destroyed and Secreted Hundreds
of Ballota and Ballot Boseev 1
Mw York, , Kor. lo-Wniam K.
Haarat aaaoanced today aa Additional
reward of liooo for evidence for tko
arreat, cosvictioa and impriaonment of
J.;Jae art Tammany district le-vfer to
bo convicted of franda against tao bal
lot on Tuesday' election.
Taia ia la addition to tko other re
ward, aggngaUag I17W0. for proof
of crimaa against the ballot and regia
tration lawo ia the electloa. This nukes
the total of reward ho hat offered
t2?0,X. '
Crand Jury Bring In Indictment! for
Election Fraud. .
New York, Nov. 10. Ten Indictments
for violation of the election law and
two for ss-Jaurrs omrolUe"r at last
Tuesday's election were drawn up by
the grand Jury today. Tlw jury ad
journed until Monday before the indict
ment had been presented to them for
indorsement after bving drawn up.
President Voorhia Say all Snch Talk
I Foolish.
New York, ..or. 10. Evidence of
fraud In last Tuesday ' Election waa
prepared for the Grand Jury today by
both State's Attorney General Mayer
and by the law committee which is eon
ducting William R. Hearst's contest for
the majority election.
Will Ask Indictment.
Mr. Mayer announced that the evi
dence In his possession would justify
him in asking for the indictment of
several persona, both on charge of
violating the election laws and aJsoi
for committing assaults at the polling
booths on election day. This evident
waa prepared by Mr. Mayer, working
ia connection with District attorney
Jerome' etaff.
Mr. Hearst made public a postal card
received today - and signed merely
"Truck Driven," which read:
"On Wednesday night five ballot
boxes were taken from a boarding sta
ble at 232 Front street"
Hearst to Prosecute Lawbreaker. '
The situation today waa described by f
William R. Hearst aa follower
"The law committee has discovered
some very amaiing j things, and the
deeper wt go into this thing, tha uglier
It look.'' We; bjxvat evidence against
twelve district leaders, and I am con
fident that wo shall Wnd two or. three
of them to prison. I am just aa much
interested ia the criminal prosecution of
this case as I am la the recount "In
this case it makes no difference whether
I am declared elected or not in com
parison with the greater duty of sending
crimlnale to jail"
If Loot Ballot Boxes.
President Voorhia, of the Board Of
EVctoins, today said the talk about
missing ballot bote was foo'Uh. , 'The
board, he said, knew how many boxes
it gave out, and aa far a be knew all
that should have come back have been
recelwd. He declared that the story
iboiit ballot tioxea being found in the
river fs all falte. t
An offer waa made in Wall street to
day to be 110,000 against $50,000 that
W. R. Hearst will be seated a the next
mayor of New York.
Tally Sheet of Electloa Return Found
by Official.
New York, Nor. 10. Attorney Hen-
era I Julio Mayer, before toring hia
offic after midnight tbte morning, ar
ranged to appear before a magistrate1
in the criminal courts building today
to , protecute erera person! abafgoi')
with violation of the election laws. Ar
rest, it waa said, would oe ' made at
an early hour and the prisoners in
elude one or more police oflloers.
These arrest, it was said, would be
the result of accidental discovery of
an unlocked and unsealed ballot box,
full of protested ballota in the rear of
a barbershop that had been used as a
polling place in an election district in
the Twenty-first assembly district, j
The first information sVgarding .the
finding of the ballot box eame to Dis
trict Attorney Jerome, yesterday
through a polk-emaa who .walked, into
Mr. Jerome office with a bunch of bal
lot and said that he knew whs-re more
of tbe same kind were to be found, but
that he had not dared to bring In all
be bad found until be had been assured
of protection. : ' i
lis wa sent back with a county de
tective, whom he escorted to the, barber
shop where th ballot box waa found.
At tfe beadquaaers f the Municipal
Ownership LktogtM ' It wa annonneed
that two ballot boxes had been 'found
in a tailorshop next door to the old
town hall, Gravesend. Thia shop waa
used aa a polling place on election day.
The boxes, it ia said, were discovered
by Bernard Way neck, a representative
of the league, who reported that one
contained mutilated ballots and the
other supposed to contain ballot stubs,
waa empty.
Evidence of gross caelesneaa ia the
care of election returns developed yes
terday when tho official enveloe con
taining Uw official return and tall
sheets for the Seventy-thirtf election
district of the Thirty-fifth assembly dia
trict were found in a baby carriage ia
the cellar of a house in Tho Bronx. How
it got there no one in the house waa
able to explain.
Tbe tally sheet showed that 24 rotes
had been cast for Ivirm, 99 for MeClel
Un and 139 for Hearst
Both Mr, Jerome and Attorney Gen
eral Mayer at once began an investiga
tion. Archibald Haasell, a poll clerk.
who aigned the tally sheet, aald he
sealed the returns and gave them to
the chairman of the dttion board.
The latlet when found said he) had
turned the returns over to a man named
Dawson, who waa to take them to the
propeal place! DawaoaJ could not) be
Mayer and Morgaa Investigate.
New York, Nor. 10. Attorney Gen
eral Mayer and Stabs Superintendent
of Election Morgan have instituted a
searching investigation of the alleged
election frauds, which will be con
tinued until the Legislature meets. Bal
lot boxes, broken open and otherwise
mutilated, ballota torn and soiled,
found aecneted In many out of the way
places,, have beekt recovered. Hearst
supporter claim to have evidence that
the flection clerks purposely destroyed
and secreted tfmndraie of ballota and
ballot boxes. ; J
' 1
ProhibiUoniat ad Church
Coo to tha Bad.
s Nor til Yakima, Nor. 10,-WiIIiam
Oowle. for whoa a warrant haa .been
isued oa a oharga of forging warranta
amounting to $1800 waa arrested at
the head water of tho Americen' river,
ia th Cascade mountains, today. Cow-
lea w ckrk in tho Yakima city school J
and raised the warrants. He wa a
member of a local church, justice of
the peace, and waa considered a model
ciUten. He waa also aa active prohibitionist.
Assisted In Delating the
"16 to 1 Heresy"
Gold Democrat Committe Was
Favored by Donation of -$1,000
"More Moral Than Political Mora"
Saya Hegeman, "And to Defeat tha
it to t Hersey Money Loaned at
Low Sates aa "BecogaiUoa,"
New York, Nor. 10. President Hege
man, of the Metropolitan Life, testi
fied before the LegislaUre Committee
today, that hi company had ia 1896,
mad a contribution of $1000, to the
majiager of U Buckoer-ftta Gold
Democratic campaign committe, and
17500 more to tho National Bepnhlkaa
committee, more aa a moral than a po
litical move, to assist in defeating "K
to 1 heresy." He said he had never
made any other contribution to cam
paign fund.
Money Loaned aa "Recognitioa."
negemaa testified that his company
haa naiil Andrew TTmiHyi mwr..
, -ft"-
gate of 13395, for service since May.
1892. It waa shown tho Metropolitan
had made loan of $100,000 to $200,000
at 11 per cent interest, to William
Read, of the firm of Vennily AV Com
pany at various dates from 1901 to 1903.
The market rate of call loans daring
that period waa 41 to 5 pe cent.
The company had thus accommodated
Resde aa a recognition of his valuable
service to trsy company. On boada
and stocks, according to Hegeman, the
Metropolitan haa cleared about $1,200,
000, and on syndicates ia which Vt-r-
milye A Company had invited the
Metropolitan to participate about $650,'
000 had been' made for tho company.
Jospeh Howard, Jr, a writer, trstl-
fled that ho had been la the employ of
the Mutual Life for over thirty years.
He had also done work for the Equit
able. He identified a number of vouch
ers extending over a period of five yean,
ending in ' 1904, aggregating $16,625.
Nothing startling In importance was de
veloped during hia testimony.
Boston, Nor. 10. Morris Na- ,
than, haa been held in fire thou-1
sand dollars bail, as an accessory
before the fact, in the death of
Miss Geary, and Dr. McLeod ia
twenty thousand on a chjsrga
of abortion. ,
1 ,.f
No surety for Nathan has been,
given, but Mcleod's bond, girea
a few day g haa been re-4 4
aewed. ' The rase hare been; 4
; continued until Monday f 5
444444 4
Lo Angeles, Nor. 10. The combined
agea of th bride, groom and officiating
clergyman at a Lo Angelea. weddlag
yesterday totalled 232 years. The -
IlarrUburg, Nov. 10.--Govern-
or I'ennypacer ha isaued letters
to tSe Governors of every state
in the anion, urging the appoint- 4
avut of delegates to a Con- ,
w -gress to be held in Washington.
1 February 16, 190, to consider f
the pas age of uniform divorce
W laws throughout the United 4
State. 4
Governor.) of thirty-four1 f
starts have already appointed 4 -
delegate. '
Paaaenger Thrown Overboard.
London, Nov. 10. A Daily-Mail
ial from, Bucharest, says the sailor of
the Russian steamer Ismael, from Odes
sa, with refugees .aboard, demanded
money and jewels from the. passengers,
and threw overboard, all those who
were unable to comply. '
Jfo Sockeye Fishing on Soand Daring"
, ' 1008 and 190S
, cVattle, Nov. 10. The internatkraal
matrting of the Fish Commissions! of
British Columbia and Washington ad
journed in this city today to meet la
Victoria, B. C. during the first week in
President Edward Prince stated that
today's meeting wa of a preliminary
nature only, and that no real work
would be accomplished, .until the com
missions met in Victoria. .
It waa decided however, to advocate
oa both side of the Hne a closed aesv
sb. 4-vrfwg 14 and )WrV ...
Jt was argued that unless soma such
step "was takea, the red taimoa woald
soon he extinct.
I . it, ' j .m m .
Unnoi KCCOVCF OaO.U.U ftia
te a Nxms,
Coart Aaaoaacat Ita Dedaiea, Hot an
Merita f th Case, Bat Bscaase th
Akfiation of th PaiatiS Wart Mot
New York. Nor. 10. Th Appelate
division of the New York Stat 8a
preme court today handed down a de
cision dismissing the suit of John R.
Piatt against Hannah Eiaa, a aegress,
to recover $685,000 which Ptt as
serted he had givea the woman under
The court announced tha decision waa
not given on the merit of tho case but
the tmany allegations of acta on tha
part of Hannah Ellas, which would re
sult in the decree requiring her to make
restitution, had not been proven.
St. Petersburg, Nor. 10. Th long!
official program published today denir
th recent disorders, fomented by tha
Government. The primes I made of a
careful investigation of the outrage.
S Petersburg,- Nor. 10. Th uni
versities and high schools bar alt
closed indefinitefy by order of tha Min
ister of Education. .
eaaioa was the rnarriage. of Dr. Joha W.
Blarturn, re 70 rtars to Martha
J, Heflln, aged Jl, years. fc lUf. .W. A,
Irwin, retired army chaplain, II year
eld .performed the ceremony.