The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 09, 1905, Image 1

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W JO IT HI 11 ill MB&wM
Prospects Growing Bright
er for Combination.
Russians Inclined to Support Count
But Want Manifesto Prom
ises Kept.
Society ( Ztglaetrt Demind Sraol
of Officers Responsible for Bloodshed
and tht Letgut of League Insist
that th Zailt B Btlsastd.
8t. Petersburg, Nor. 9. PropecU are
growing brighter for working com
binatiou between Count Witt. and th
conservative faction of th constitution
al IVmocTaia tod the wing of tha Zero.
stvolsts, Irft behind ia tht rspld dtvtl
octant of lb rtform Ui of congr
m. The resignation of General TrrporT
and bU nomination a pout commander
of the Imperial palace to generally rt
porUd tonight.
While ilmf factiett ha declared for
in anient loa with rnejnber of tht con
etitutionel Democratic party for several
dy, Mid who ha been Informed of 0
dims el nf Trepoff, the indlspensible
preliminary to arty co-operation with
tbat party, seem Anally to hav. yield
ed this condition. The count ws fav
ored by th split Milch manifested it
eerf at lb meeting- of prominent St
IWerwburg member of the party tbia
Will lipftrt Witt.
Whlk atront faction we declared for
bard and fart union of th Radicals
nd Social Democrat, until tha work of
freedom baa born completed by the con
rotation of the conetituent assembly,
the majority armed inclined lo coma to
tie aupport of tba Count, provided auf-fluk-nt
guarantee be given for tha car
vying out of th promlsea contained In
tha Imperial manifesto.
Prince Svlatopolk Mlraky, former
Minister of U interior left Kharkoff
today for St, Petersburg in response to
a aummona from Wilt. Tbia gave rise
to' the gnatdp that ho will be offered a
portfolio In the new cabin, but In
well fonm-d circlea doubt ia expressed If
be will become one of the premier's ad
Such tha Cast Until Priaonen Art Re
leaaed. St, .Petersburg, Nov. B.-The Society
of Engineer hit addreel an op n let
ter t Count Witte, demanding the lin
mediate removal of all official repon
aible for tht rmnt bloodhed and terror
in tba interior, eecUlly In Caucasus.
The, Leagut of League baa adopted
another etrong net of weolulioiw In fa
vor of a complete amneiy "hi martyra
who remain entombed U the prltoM OT
' living in exile at Archangel or in the"
dptbe of Siberia. It addai Vliila theee
hftroee are not given their liberty, ffee-
San". Francis, Nor. 8. InveMlgation
ebuwa' nW ! damage to ', the Chronicle
building and plant, from laat nlghta
Art, wHl not ' bt over $10,000. The
ilin will t) a farno and the gallowa
till await it mrrllW
American Bebrtwi tt Aid Stricken
Brethren in tht Eatt.
(1ii-ago, Nov. A call to U JewUh
people waa iwiied tonight by Adolph
Kraua, Prelii iit of thu IndeprtMlent Or
der of Urial Urith, for financial aid fr
the benefit of Mifferer from the Jewish
mnui'ir in ltu-J. He aka that all
fund lie twit to Jacob Schiff, at New
Hawtiiana Dt Not Waat to Borrow
Honolulu, Nov. 9. Senator MCand
l a and othj-ra, have aent to I'renident
Rooevelt a proteat agalnat the terri
torial loan for which Secretary Atkin
ton I now tn route toVahington toaee
cure the approval of Prvidi-nt Poow.
velt. Tba lat IgUlatura made a provU
inn for iMuing a loan of H,2:0.00 and
made approprlatin accordingly. Gov
ernor Carter decided to Iwue and ex
fnd only $750,000 and it ia to eecurw
ihi amount that Secretary Atklnnoo
liaa gone to VaklngUn. TJie proteat
ant claim that Covernor Carter ia ex-en-Uing
b-gUlaivt functiona in attempt,
to imue an unauthoriaed loan of 750,.
wx) aelecting wbicb iem among tht
appropriatlona ahall be carried out.
Governor Carter aayt tbat bla action
I In accord with a aound financial pol
icy and that tht bill aa panned by tht
Leghtlaturt provldet for tba ue of ter
rltorial money for mattrr which the
countJee themaelvea thould provlda for.
So Youn Jones Shot it Passen
er Train.
Sixteen Year Old Boy Arretted at Al
bany an Seiitut , Chargea Btllrvtd
by ABthoritlet tt Bt Dtgtatratw'
Commltttd tt tht Reform School ' r
Albany, Nor. I. J. P. Jonea, aged 19
year, waa armted at' Tangent, today,
for shooting at the; Southern Pacific
passenger traiu on October 5Ui. Jonea
hat confeaaed, aaylng be was out hunt
ing and aaw nothing tlae to shoot at
He also coo l sued to putting rocka and
boulder on the track. Tha boy ia be
lieved to be a degenerate. II wa com
mltted to the inform school this after
noon. .
Seattle, Nov. 8. The steamer Santa
Clara went akor near Uioli Point, six
mile from Tacoma, In a hiavy fog at
3 o'clock this aftcruittm. Wlirn sighted
ir Sound steanMT, she waa renting
cy and apeared uninjured. It is
thought she can be pulled off by tug
tomorrow. The Santa Clara, returned
from Alaska this morning.
Indon, Nov. 8. The body of
Sir (ieorg Williams, founder of
the Young Men's Christian As-
social ion, who died November 8
4) will b burkd from St. Paul's
4 cathedral November li.
clock tower waa destroyed and th at
tic story partially gutted, but tha valu
able plant of the newspaper, Including
the maehlnrry, pree and valuable li
brary escaped undamaged. ' ' -
Hearst Charges Tammany With Gross Election
Frauds and Makes His First Move To
ward Contesting Result.
McClelUa' Mayoralty th Smallest on Record, and Interpretated by Many
Tammany Leaders, t Indkatt tht Deair for Murphy's Retirement Time
- Now Rip for McClellan to Assam Personal Charge Jerome Commend'
Hearst' Action and It Ready to Pioteoit Offenders of tht Law.
New York, Nor. 8.-Wlth the grant
ing" of the order" by Supreme Court
Justice William Cay nor, in Brooklyn
tonight, compelling polk CommUskmer
McAdoo to remove every ballot box
from tha precincts in Greater New
York , to the Bureau of Elections Wil
liam JL Hurt, defeatt-d iriinh liml Own
ership 1afut randidaU took the flrnt
legal step in the fight to tecurt the
re-count of tht votr eaH Taeeday.
Aa toon aa McAdoo received the order,
be aent out th general order to every
precinct in Crenter New York, instruct
ing captaina or other officer In charge
to aend ttha boxe etraightway to the
Bureau of Election at Manhattan.
On signing the order Gayuor aaldi
"The police hav nothing whatwer
to do with the ballot hoxea and It la
moat astonishing that they should hart ;
possession of them. They hart no
right to tvrn touch them. Tht order la
The granting of the order came un
expectedly and caused much surprise
and th opinion of Justice Gayuor that
th polios had no right to th bal
lot boxes, threw a new aspect on the
case, Thia (a tha first time such an
order haa ever been made, aa the police
havj always had charge of boxes after
th count had been taken at the polling
place. - I
Mr. Hearst today asked Ivins' the de
feated Republican candidate to act aa
his counsel. Ivina declined, but said he
would gladly co-operate, aa aeaociato.
When notice waa served on the
aergeanU in command at the Charlea
street and West Twentieth street sta
tions, they refused, saying the cap
tain were the mm to tell them what
to do and they will not send the box
es, until their superior officers have noti
fied them.
Deplore Action of Hearst in Bringing
th Contest
New York, Nor. 8.-That a bitter
fight will be waged in the courts to do-
cde whether Georg B. McClellan or
Wiliam R. Hearst shall be mayor of
New York, ia now assured. Complete
returns give McClellan 3843 votr-s plu
rality, tht smallest ever recorded for a
successful mayoralty candidate and the
result of which might be easily reversed
by a re-count of ballots.
Hearst today announced his Intention
to take an immediate appeal to the
Supreme Court, his managers having
djvlarnd they have -cured ijffici(At
evidence of illegal seta, against 1000
inspectors of election, and that 30,000
men who went to the polls to -rot for
Hearst, had found their namea already
rota-d.. Moat of thia fraudulent voting
ia aaid to hare been done ia the East
Side awernbly district, especially ia
tha Eighteen, Leader Murpr'a
liom district, and In th Sixth, ef
Hich T. D. Sullivan ia the leader.
Hearst's proposed action haa met
with strong approval in many quarters
even among those opposed to his elec
tion and b ha received many aaaur
ancea of warm support. District At
torney Jerome expressed himw-lf in
strong term of approval of Hearst's
program and declared he would imme
diately institute a searching inquiry in
to the alleged Democratic fraud:- Be
atao ordered the re tarns from - the
Eighteenth and Sixth district to be
carefully guarded.
After a secret .session of the execu
tive committee of Tammaay haH, held
this afternoon, a statement waa issued
which says th executive committee of
the Democratic organisation proteat
gainst the outrageous threat of the de
feated candidate of Municipal Owner
ship League, to overthrow th win of
th people a expressed by the rot
a east on election day. Tha atatement
add .that it'a law committee will ex
art it best effort to safeguard the
election of McOellea.'
Som leader after tha meeting ex
parsaed the cptnio. that the return
bowed a censure on Murphy leader
ship, aad that ha should step down
and out. They thought tha time for
Mcdellaa to assume the leadership him
svlf, waa now at hand.
Superintendent of Election Morgan
aaid tonlit that while doubtless many
illegal rote were cast, he would ex
press no opinion of th contention madia
by the managers of th Municipal Own
ership League.
Attorney General Mayer stated that
evt n if thousands of rasee of illegal
voting could be found, tt would not af
fect the count for the reason that the
ballots cannot be deducted. His juris
diction, he said, ended with th prose
cution of the criminals.
Hearst Men Alleg Heavy Fraudulent
Voting in New York.
New York, Nor. 8. That a fraudu
lent rota of forty thousand had been cast
in Greater New York waa th claim of
the Hearst manager and given out by
Max Ihmsen last night. It had been
decided, Mr. Ihmsen said, to demand a
recount of the entire ticket, if, after
194 ballot boxes aaid to be missing, had
been located and counted it waa found
Mr. Hearst still kicked sufficient rote
to elect him.
"It must bar been that these boxe
contained many Hearst rotes, Mr. Ihm
sen declared, "otherwise they would not
be missing. Certain it is they would
not carry away boxe containing a ma
jority of McCleyaa. rotc'4 But ox
thing is certain, Mr. Hearst will demand
a proper recount evem should the vote
in these missing boxe tk-ct him. It ia
also certain that we will carry thia
matter to tha court of hut resort, if
necessary. Mr. Hearst feela that ha haa
b en elected and that a majority of
the citizens of New York hsv cast
their vote for him and he proposes to
hare tiioee vote bonetly rfmitd as
well a the many thousand vof-
thrown out.
"Mr. Hearst ha Wn honestly elect
ed," declared Mr. Shearn, with much
warmth, "and Mr. McClellan will never
Irt permitted to take hi seat on this
election. I know enough of law to
know Uii-. election will not stand. Wil
liam R. Heart i the man who will be
mayor of New York afu-r January
if it wt-re true that Mr. lies rot
bad a conference with Mr. Jerome, Mr.
Ihmsen replied that several Hearst men
had met Mr. Jerome within the hour
and talked the situation over with
"I do not know thst the eo-operetion
of the DUtrict Attorney wa aked,"
he replid in anwer to a quection. "A
I underrfUnd merely hi advice was
asked. All I can say Is that our rep
resentatives reached an undcrsta ruling
with Mr. Jeronvt, and we are assured
be will ai-t us in punishing violators
of the election laws, and 'tin soldiers'
or illegal voters. All we are atked to
produce is the evidence, and we have
that galore.
"That Mr. Hearst has been honestly
elected ia our contention and he does
not inb-nd to be counted out through
any fraudulent means." -
Mnrpbey Decline to Talk.
New York, Nov. 8.-Charles F. Mur
phy, leader of Tammany Hall, refused
this morning to comment on the results
of the voting. It waa exephuned
him that a the polling was so close
be realized that a contest would be
(Continued on page 8.)
San Domingo Outbreak May Have
Been Inspired.
News Recti red at Waahingtva aad War
ship it Dispatched to tha tenet f
tat Tta bitClaimed th Leader
Wert Financed Front NtVTtrk.
Washington, Norr. 8. Th new' ef
another uprising against that Morale
garni meat in Santo Domingo) tha rs
ia many month, or indeed erne Mor
Jes wsa installed! aa Axaicwe cuaV
toma collector at the island porta, earn
to the Satta) rrtmexjt last night
from one of It representative in Santo
There waa a lack of details, th state
ment being merely that aa uprising had
occurred at Macorte, directed against
th administration of President Morales.
The news waa immediately communicat
ed to the navy department and an or
der dispatched to Admiral Bradford to
send a warship to the scene of the
Nothing is known definitely aa to the
cause of tht outbreak, but It ia said
here the leader were fhtaaaal from
New York for th purpose of stirring
up strife just in season to adversely in
fluence the action in the Unib-d States
Senste on tht pending Santo Domingo
Rothschild and Schiff Contribute.
St Petersburg, Nor. 6. Lord Roth
schild and Jacob IL Schiff. har each
cabled 130,0000 for the relief of suffer-
era from tht Jewish massacre.
Leavenworth, Kas Nor. 8. William
Brown, alias Harris, alias Golden, seat
to the Kansas state penitentiary from
Wyandotte County haa been ki ntiSed
Missouri Is Tired of New
York Life. i
Superintendent Believes Funds of
Company Impaired By the
Large Diversions,
Order the Result of tht Stenographic
Report of the Proceeding of th In
uraac Investigation in New York
Stat Inquiry Resumed. '
JefTerson City, Nor. 8. W. D. Tan- ,
Diver, Superintendent of Insurance for
Missouri, tonight, suspended the -eerti- -ficata
of authority for th New York
Lift Insurance Company to do busi
ness ia this state.
- Ty erikr attthat a exammata v-.t
of the stenographic it-port of the pro"
oeeding of the Insurance Investigation
CommiUee in New York, the superin
tendent believe the funds of th com
pany are impaired by th diversion of
huge sums ,of money for illegal and
ongful purposes, and th further
writing of life insnrano in Missouri,
by the Near York life, ia hazardous to .
th public, and those holding policies
Inquiry I Rmmsi.
New York, Nov. 8. The resumption
of tha inquiry by tha Insurance Investi
gation Commit tr, today, after a re
ess of several days waa not prodactivt
of any sensational testimony, Tha com
mittee examined President Higymsa,
ef tha Manhattaa Life, aad Emory Me
Cliatoek, actuary of tha Mutual Ufa.
Ftrc Arrested ia Le Anpden.
Lot Angvaca, Nor. a. Dr. Jacoh JV
Force, vice-president of the- Nrtkwwatj
era Lifo laauraac Company of Minae
sota waa arrested here today oa a
(harps of grand larceny in HsnnrpU
Courfy. Mineeota. Dt Force sjtaal
thai he resigned the rice presidencY of
the insurance company a year ago. Ha
kit for Minneapolis tonight to enter a
plea of not guilty.
-Albany, Nor. 8. Mrs, Jacobites, a Bo
hemian, Hring in Crabtree, committed
suicide on Ttvwday by shooting herself.
She also tried to poison her child with
strychnine, but gsvt it aa overdose and
tht little one's life waa saved. - '
. 4
San Francisco, Nor. 8. Captain 4
Clem Randal and Third Mate
4) Holme, hart been suspended for
eighteen months, for wrecking
4 tjie steamer Sk Paul, near Point
Gorda, oa October 5.
ta one of tht three men who eecapedf
from the Utah penitentiary eight yeara
ago, with . Harry Tracy, fchb notorioua
bandit , who terrorized the' North weja
t few years ago.