THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1903. A GRIM OLD DUDGEON THE CHATEAU D'lF, THE PRISON OF EDMONO DANTES. of " It In IK Clr Rfkr lalaael I tli Mrdlterraaaa kra, Thla Maaa ' ! )Mr Jail Ia.aartalU4 hf l)anu la M.I Crlato." " J. B. Jcnner gltes a description of the ensue made famous ly Alexander lutuas in bis novel of "M"nte Crlsto. : "Ybo bas not read the fount Uonte Crlsto' and formed aa opiulou Is to Its possibilities? I bad uiy doubts regarding Us truthfulucss, for the ter- rible tale swiiis to appear exaggerated and Impossible, but I am now convinc ed tbat Dumas lias Intended to place before u a fairly accural picture of tbe grcwsome prlou of bygoue days. "During my travels lu south Franc, irblle Mopping at Marseilles, I bad an opportunity to join a small party on a steamer pi) lug betweeu the city and group of Islands In tbe Mediterranean aea belonging to France. Tbe smallest of this group, a solid rock, not more than a quarter of a mil In circumfer ence, rising almost uprigbt out of the water and accessible only on on side by steps bewn Into tbe rock, Is known as the Isle dlf. "On tills rock Is built tbe celebrated prison, or castle, the chateau dlf, which Dumas bas Immortalized In bis Mont Crlsto.' "!he keep, or dungeon, was construct d In 1529 by King Francis I. to Im prison bis captives after the victorious battles with bis adversary, the Duke of Bourbon, and subsequently used for centuries by the later klnga as a state prison. It was known at that time as tb 'rtaatile of the south.' "The outside walls ar fifteen feet thick. In tbe middle is a small open court sufficient to give light . to the entrances of fourteen encircling cells, ' which are divided by partition walls ten ftet thick and can be entered only by one small opening from the Inner court "Directly opposite the entrance to th court is the cell which was occupied by Ednirnd Dantes, made famous by Alexander Dumas as the hero the Count of Monte Crlsto. Dantes and the Abbe Farla, who was seutenced by order of the pope a a conspirator, each passed sixteen years of their lires In ths cells. "Tl suffering of these and other un bappj prisoners who were confined here must have been horrible. The cells lack air and light The walls, ceiling and floor are of solid stone, and escape was utterly Impossible, It be ing a veritable sepulcber. feels that from behind thes walls you bear the cry of suffering, the last breath and rattle of those who died la despair. "Alt of , the other cells ar labeled with th name of th moat rtromlnent prisoners who bad baen Incarcerated therein. Among these were: "Bemrdot, a rich trader, who had been arrested on suspicion of having designs against Cardinal Richelieu, lie resolved to dl of starvation, and for eleven days refused to eat or drink.; With a piece) f charcoal h wrote 6a ' 0e wall th torture which be endured. II died on the twelfth day. , John Paul, a sailor, for slapping his commander, died in 1779 after thirty one years of captivity. "Marquis de Lavelette, th minister Of finance under Louis VIII., for dis loyalty to tbe king. Aiuni tiu nj. a w i .in . iu. uu un uttu tbe secret of a prison which he bad discovered. "Paul and Louis MarteL Imprisoned for life on suspicion of murder. "ftoisHOW, a religious fanatic, who made an attempt upon the life of a I'rotestant nobleman. "Lajolalg, for an attempt to assassl nate Consul Napoleon before he be came emperor. "Prince Casimlr, brother of Lndlslas VII., king of Poland, Imprisoned by Napoleon I. on having betrayed the French and serving the Spanish. "Louis Philippe d'Urleans, father of King Louis Philippe, for Hiding with the revolutionists In 17I3. "Mirabean, for general liwubonlina tiou, dueling and publishing lutlamina tory writings ngalnt the royalists. "Chevalier de Ballesieros, consul from Hpalu at ftoyotine, Imprisoned by order of Napoleon I. for opposing and interfering with the Introduction of tbe Napoleonic law codes. "This castle was crowded with polit ical prisoners sentenced during and Im mediately before the revolution of 1789, when It was possible fot the leaders to order the arrest and Imprisonment of any citizen without trial and upon sus picion or "trumped up" charges. "Napoleon I. during his early reign sentenced many of his oppoeers to this Isolated dungeon. "In 1853 over 400 persons, principally political agitators, were Imprisoned her for an attempted plot to over throw th government and as lata as 187L during the commune, 000 were massed together In this limited space, sentenced as participants in the revolt against th government "Sine Franc has becom a republic nw prisons hav been erected through out th land, and tbe dungeon on th Isle d'lf Is now deserted, but It dark and grewsom history of the past can never be blotted out '1 left It with an Indelible Impression after having been conducted through th empty prison cells." Milwaukee Wisconsin. T" Small Ads, on this page arc read by those who know their . value . Try them They will be of value to you. 9 l You May Want A furnished houoe. rooms or itore. Make your wants known to the readers of this paper. If you want J a tenant for a house, some reader may He th desired party. X Obtained by Advertising in th 4 Want Columns of th Morning Astorian. DAILY 7000 READERS HELP WANTED. WANTED SAW MILL TALLYMAN for mill, and also for tallying cargo; man familiar with grading. Westport Lumber Company, Westport Or, ROCKMKN WANTED AT BUNKER hill quarry. Take boat to Stella, Washington. WAXTKD ENERGETIC, TRUSTWOR- thv man or woman to work in Ore- ! gon, representing large manufacturing company. talary MU to fw per mont h, I paid weekly; expense advanced. Ad- dress with stamp J. 1L Moore, Astoria j Oregon. LEARN ICLEGRArHY AND R. R. Accounting. 50 to $500 a month sal try assured our graduates under bond. 3ur six schools the largest in America nd endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, Buffalo, K. Y- AtlanU, Ga- La Crosse, Wis- Tex ark ana, Tex., San Francisco, CaL GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK Up to-Date photo studio. 178 Tenth street MUSIC TEACHES. MISS TAWNEY B. M., PIANO, BAR mony. History, Studio at 6C2 Com mercial street Phone 2146 Black. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND HAND DONKEY ENGINES for sale, suitable for logging and hoi-ting purposes. For description and price apply , to F. D. Ku.ttnr, Astoria Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP HORSE, BUG 17 and harness. Inquire Astorian of FOR RENT FURNISHED BOOMS. FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. Man and wife preferred. Cheap rent to right parties, 1CC1 Thirty-fourth street. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED rooms for light bouse keeping. No thidren. Enquire 472 Commercial street, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 127, 7th street. GARDENING. The Astorian, 75 per month. POTTED PLANTS AND FLOWERS for sale Experience gardening and ob work of all kinds done on short notice .Vldres orders to X. C. Care Astorian Office. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Astoria Real Ea (ate association will be held at the Oc cident Hotel on Friday November 10th at 2 o'clock p. rn. C. S. Wright, Pieei dent. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Nolle is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop County warrants, en dorsed prior to September 12th, 1904. and warrants number 8916, 8917, 8918, 8919, 8920, 8921, 8922, 8923, 8924, 8925, 8926, 8927, 8928, 8929, 8930, 8931, 8932, 8933, 8934, and 9054, to present the same to the County Treasurer at his office, 590-592 Commercial street, fot payment Interest ceases after this date. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 26th day of October, 1905. (Signed.) CIIAS. A. nETLBORN County Treasurer. TAILORING. E. MARTINSON Fine merchant tailoring, Room 5, over Cooper's store, K. of P. Building, As toria. ... 2 niii'Pff return flfli iipnNe UUIuii tuLuiliiuvl lb (Ul IL lUI iwu uvlSo Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted S6 Twice Without Charge. BSamWSSaemwasaaSBaaja-aa Free With Small Ads s U t tn v '. t y Uy Special Arrangement with Wadhams & Kerr Bros. THE ASTORIAN has secured a large quautity of their FAMOUS ECONOMY FRUIT JARS One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 25-cent or higher want ad. inserted in eitljr The Daily or The Sunday Astorian. What Sir Fred Drener ha to My about the ECONOMY JAR 1 Kerr GUw Maiiurrturln Onnpnr. Portland, Orfiiit. (ientlrmen: Kererrlns to Die M'ONOMY FKI'IT J A It, Dra .lwr4 to My that wc have beru arllliia tlirm ftir ihme jrwn. The flntt year we oidrrwl lhrr sruwi, the srcuni) year ti inxui, ami (hi year our outer rail rurtwenly-Ave (ium. V,9 Ih-IIpv llml wlthut a rew year they will be the only Jr In um: flnt, bcauMi the nuallty of thejar far rxeel altotheti; lecotid, In jr U aaultary, having a wj imxilh, Unrcforr eaMy rlraiinl. Tim rovrr U a unitary a the (Ian Itnolf, while the ciovi-rr on mnnt other Jar are tuatl ntilnn, whleh produti (lolnon when in contact wuli fruit am! vnci'lutilc. V The absolute certainty of every KTONOM Y JAIt lliii make It the hlxal jar Kirt-annliiK nurtH-.n. He bvM-uk a rmt fiitiirvfor the KOi.NUM V J AH. Re are very truly youre, K. OHKKB 4 O. . By t. lricr, Yrm. ASTORIAN SMALL ADS Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is one cent a word each insertion. Advertisements must be delivered m our office aud paid for in advance. MEDICAL. Dr. D. A. Sanburn ' FRENCH SPECIALIST. The King of Cures 1, IT PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. FHISICIAN AND SUKQEON Aetlnf AMlnlaiit Surgeoo U.S. Marine Hospital Kerrlee. 00 os hours: 10 to H a.m. 1 to 4:1 p.ia 477 Commercial Street, Snd Floor. DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist ' EYE, EAR, ROSE AND TES0AT sos OrtfOBiaa Building. POXTLAND .... 0SEC05 MEAT MARKETS. Central Meat Market C V. Mortoa & Jna. Fuhmun, Prop's. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS PROMPT DEUVERT. 642 Commsrslal St Phsoa Main S21 OSTEOPATHIST. Dr. Rhoda C. Flic. Dr. i. a Snyder OSTEOPATHS. Offlcs UanssU Bid. Phone Black 10(1 I7t Commercial St, Astoria, Ors. DAWSON'S MEAT MARKET J. C Dawson, Prop. CHOICE FRESH AND CURED MEATS Direct from Uis ranch at tbe lowest prices. A complete line of vegi-Ubles always on hand. 418 Bond street, ' MILK DEALERS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FURNITURE. ROBINSOfr & H1LDEBRAND Uilkmust be fresh and pur Tbat old and younf maj enjoj Uj i Few know that it evea maj pro?s a cure I For weakness which is so annoying. 1 We Handle only Pur Milk fresh from I Healthy Cows. j Morning or night delivery, THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, 10th and Duane streets. Goedmsn Bldg. 588 Commercial St SEASIDE DIRECTORY. U F.N ITU RE, Carpets, Stoves, Matting, Window LINOLEUM, Eto. Bedding, 6hsdss, BROKERAGE. C. J. TKENCIIAItl) Real Estate, Insurance, Commisslor and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Office 133 Ninth Street, Next te Justice Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. - - LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In the city. Does the best work at reasonable orices and Is in every way worthy ef your patronage. 10th and DUANE Sta Phone 1991. RESTAURANTS. LOST AMD FOUND. WST-A CHILD'S GOLD CHAIN ON Commercial, near Oregon Cleveland Bakery Finder will receivs reward if returned to bakery. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at (J. 8. Restaur, ant. 434 Bond St best 15 cent meal You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city, at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St WINES AND LIQUORS. THE GEM An up to date renort for Gentlemen. Choii-e Wines, Liipiori and Cigars. Give us a call and we'll do the rent. 0. E. HUNTER, Prop, Seaside, Ore. WOOD YAROS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, bos wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, tbe transfer man. 'Phone aigt Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. Th, Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, docs it quickcr,iasts longer, and costs less in the long run than anv other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Ltt im tend you ewr link took trQinf all ikout ir. Trpfwfarr rntptHn. M- chinw nntri. Strnufrtf ben rurnJhc4. Thw Smith Promltr Troewritwr Company 247 Stark tit, I'of tUnJ Or. -khl BO YEARS rN gXPERIENCg 'r I f '1 '1 w i-s -J jjjmm 4 A. ft. . u 'NH1 CopvmoHTtAe. Aflfofi wn.lrii .katrh and lrrinOm Mf QiUrklr luKfrimii imr OfMiiinn lrm m Km bar aa la.milinn I. prohniiif rtafnntntilA, Cnmniunlr ii,THtli-llr.i,n.(M,il-.l. HANUDCOK no 1-almiU K'Ml (rum. tll lH.l nyxiic, fir Hcuriii( patwiu. I'ai-tiia Ukm llirouvh Sluim A Ufc raoalft IpfliUnnlUt, ih'iiil vhanro, lu tbe Scientific Jlnicrican. A h.ndwiniflT IlliKliTitwl wkty. fwat rtr. f.f n iftitiuo I'Himal. TKrnn, S.1 a T-nr: fnrniiiiha, 11. Sola tj all iMirvtnalarti. MUNN&Co.38'8 New York Hram h (im a. r,A V Ht f a.hlwlyti. U. C Is now In your city, Introducing tuy onleiful art of healing. Come one snd all snd I Mill M everyone their die snd jou Mill l nm.le IL My medicine are all nature rrmcdir, rot. herbs, bail end l.rrWi, After I IntroJuce my mrdiclne I wilt leave certain kinds of it In jour drug torn. My home ofin-e snd laboratory U at M'l Hurst strrt, fniversily Tark, rortlaii.l, Ore. Okllee hours 0 to 12 a. m., t to 8 p. m., st tthe Mlcr Hmiie, OtW Commer oiiil strrrt, rooms I end 2. Consultation free at Astoria, Ore. THE Dr. C. GEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly loratM 253 Aider Klrert: for th rt Ave yrsrs,IJAVE UOVEI) Into U.e law brick building at thai mik. nar of F irst and Morrison Hlreeta. Ea Uaaoe No. Ifl'i Front 8t. Successful Home Treatment nftJr.!?..'! L?W "tW the tk.;;.. u . "t" in "n tola '.".l."4"0' '.' wonrtarftti ear polaonordioeaofanjr kind Ma trWuan? known Ut madinatl arlanra Id thia m,.it and uirou. b ll.a urn"? Ikesi harm) JTrSS-' dle liegitaranUM k cure Catarrh, Asthma, Us J Treble. RWMtin. Nt W. live,, Kid, 7 WtsaiMM snd ail Chrealc D scases. L !n0r wr"f nciuaini i t-oont stamaa br nMllliilok and clrrtnar. AMr? Thi C Ce Woo CMimm Mtdkiae Ce HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. FJnaet HoUl ln th, Northet PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. C24 Commercial Bt Astoria Oresoa Dr. VAUGHAN, Dkntist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTI81 578 Oomnwrrial 8t, Bhanahan Baiiog DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, ilsnsell Building Telephone Bed 2061 Astoria, Oregon THE . MORNING ASTQKIAH . Is on Bsla In Astoria at J. K. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. OTZINGEK'S HEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE, JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE, ana THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, Tenth and Commercial Sta. El LIC San FrancMi o's lrilinji on reiueme and family hold centrally located. Con enient to all far lines, and places of amusement and in terest. Cafe and drill at tached. Rates f I 00 per day endup. STrcetcun direct to hotel from and to all dcota HOUSE San Francisco, Cat. tjf48Hoursi ln l(U) y discharges : V Each Cspsate r baara thoamC(?1 wwauvul ----- ?Tearl fe"Tf'f !