WEDltESDAY, ROVEMBZB I, 1905. THE MOIINJNG ASTORIAX. AsTOHIA; OREGON". .... . ... .. . n 3ur New Line of the Latet Creation io HAVILAND CHINA Imported direct from tin manufacturers now await your Inspection. Tba good art of superior quality and cur jrl(t aia low. It will pay you to rait JUST TO HEE our new lint. Fancy Parlor Lamps W arc making a showing of aititic lumps at common lamp prices. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. THE LEADING LOCAL BREVITIES. Hot drink and sandwiches at Hoef ler'a. Mn. Tilda Anderson, massage. M70 Grand Avenue. Given eitber at boms or will calL Tba Pslaee Catering company'a din Ing room la again open under tba asiue management Everything first elas. Cnlslne and arnica unexcelled, FrliU dining room for ladles. CASD OF THANKS. W. T. RchohVId and family dcMre to eipres sincere thank a to their many friend for klndnes and attention dur Ing their labs bereavement ami to peclally thank the operatore of the tele phone oftW for their moot cniisiderei attention and klnln. Cronp. A reliable medicine- and ona that ahouU alway be kept In the home for immediate ua la Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack if siren as soon aa the child btcomee hoarse, or aren after the eroupy cough appear. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. SEAL ESTATE. Thomaa Linvllle, sheriff, to I.ydla M. Hunt, Iota 4 and 6, Block 3, Rail road addition to Owan Grovej 1. H. 0. Van Duaen and wife to An drew Young, aaat hail of lot 9, block 91, McClureai $7.00 Mary M. Kelley to Victor Carlson and Aeel ' Jacobeon, Lot I, Block 8, AUerbrooki $30. Just Arrived NEW CROP or WALNUTS, FIGS 'ITALIAN J nine IEEDED RAISINS, CITRON, OR ANGE AND LEMON PEEL, SWEET APPLE CIDER Wa will be pleated to hart yon call and eee our atock. JOHNSON BROS.. GOOD GOODS til-isa Twelfth Street, Astoria. We Are Getting Ready to Move Tha great furniture bargalne we are now offering will oon end and you will be aorry if you"overlook the opportunity to buy bfora it la too late. Every Purchase You Now MaKe Means a Saving' . Wa .offer you the choice of the largext and bwt atock of houaehold gooda ever displayed in Attorla. Aatoria'a Leanding and Compleellousefurniwher. CIIAS. H EILBORN ! S CO; iiimccwK tM3 GROCERS. FOR COUGH AND COLD. , Nothing la Utter than ayrup tar and wild cherry. 25c and 60c a bottle. Sold by the Owl and Eagle Drug Store. REWARD. A reward of twenty five dollar will he paid for t'e meovry of the body of the late (Vpt. J. I'. Hansen of the Hhr. fleorjre C, IVrkln, euppoacd to have Uen drowned Nov. 4tb. Temple Jlge No. 7. A. F. A A. M. K. C. HOUDIvN', 8ec. TO -THE PUBLIC. Owing Ut the volume of our ou(il bn-irM-aM, we have been compelled for toinf time pkt to wkIhI the rlty real t ate, and we now take gr-at plraaure in amioum-ing t our friend that we have procured the ervl-e of IWck IHii.n, the well known and efficient Tea rU'e man, to. take charge of thU dram h of our work. We will be pU-ae d to have our patron and other hav ing properly for sale, call and list the ame with u, a.euring them that will be given the moat prompt and very het attention. THE ASTORIA ABSTRACT, TITLK TRUST CO. 179 Iltb street BIG BOOK BOUSE FAILED Sotck,Mot Be Sold at One at From 10 to jo Casta oa tba Dollar. TBESE ABE SAMPLE PRICES Lat copyrights were IIJIO. Our. price 38 rnte. LI include "Th Christian,' Call of tha Wild," BrrwaUr'e Mlllione,' "OraoeUrk," "The CaaUwaT," "David Harum," etc. Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 volumes, half leather, regular 9j6.oo our prioa I7.75. Charles Pickene eon-pk-te worka 15 volume, regular $13.00, our priw, 12.95. Xmaa special. . World' Beat Poet. Shakepeaw, Longfellow and 48 other. De Luxe edition. Full leather, padded, pure gold (tig, regular $1.50, our price 70 c nta each. Every book guaranteed to be new, perfect and satisfy tory, or your money back without question or quibbling. Practically any book or aet of book you wajit ax a fraction or tha retail prion while they last Get our free bar gain lint before ordering. Sav 50 to 90 per cent on Chriatmaa Booka. Write for it today. THE DAVID B. CLARESON CO, DEPT. 4, Chicago, III. X. A. Ackermaa, Eaat 9th at. doea all manner of texidermy, furniture uphof tcring, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tree making a epeuialty and all work guaranteed. Raby aleepa and grow while mammy rrU if llollixter' Rocky Mountain Tea ia given. It ia the greatest baby medi cine ever offered lovinir mother. 35 cent, Tea-or Ta'blcta. Bold by Frank Hart, driiKglat FISH AND October Report of Muter War den Vm Dunn. INTERESTING FACTS SHOrVN Egg Total from AM the Hatcheries OSenaea, Finea and Forfeiture in Connection With the Fiahing Laws Money' Received and Disbursed. From the monthly report of MasU-r FUb Warden H' 0. Van Duien, for the month of O. tober, 11X0, jut filed with the State Hoard of Kih (omnio loner, the following fact are gleaned: In District No. I, two ca of operat ing trapit without licenM have been MiKlit and proaetmtetl and boUi offend er punUhed by fine) In District No. four caHM weirr dixjHwd of with oitnilar reault. From report received from all aoure the collection of Chinook egg on fttrcam tributary to the Columbia riv er thU M-aaon haa been 39,103,900, at per tjc following) Salmon river 153000 M. Kei.le river 1,M100 Wall.iwa river 2,T27,0()0 Ontario, on Snake rir l)20,0O0 Kalama river 300,f)00 Wind River 120,000 I'pjier Clackama river 43,000 Candi-ro, Clackama river..., 48,500 Umrr, Clackamaa river .... 48,200 lji(L- and Tanner creek . ... 431,000 Ul.tle White Salmon river.... 9,700,000 Big White Salmon rivr ....125500 Tlie pmdurta lieing aegprgated ahow a follow: Oregon, 6,518,000; Washing ton , 6,12000; United State Govern ment, 26,527,700, or a grand total of Tfl.IMMiO, aa abmve aUted. The receipt of tha ofllce during the month have been aa per the following: Oct 26 from Juttic of tba Peace Goodman, Atoria ....I 16.70 Oct. 27 from H. Henderson, County Clerk Columbia Co... 33.33 Total .1 50.03 t a ii Lictaaea laaued. 24 art set lioejue 60.00 125.00 5 trap licenae ..; .., 1 urine lioene ... 3 Fi-h deal-r'a licence 15.00 15.00 Total ... ........$ 215.00 Dietrict No, "a." Finea and Penaltiel. Oct. 9 from JuatW of the I'ca.-e K. Bender, Myrtle Toint $ 16.67 Oct. 9 from Juotira ot tha Peace E. Bender, Myrtle Pt.. 16.68 Oct. 31. from Jutl of the Peat C. II. noldcn, Florence 25.00 Total ... .;. .$ 585 Licenaea Issued. 05 gill net licensee 475,00 mi set net uVenC4 240.00 3 aciite licence 60.30 16 Finh dcalcr'a lieenne ..... 80.00 1 Fih dealer' lktne 10.00 9 Ki.h eannnr' wnvi 2l 10 00 1 Fih canner' Iiiene 300.00 Total for both Districts $1088.69 Diaburaementa. The account against the depart ment which I hare approved and pres ent iherewlth for payment, amount to the aum of $1242.80. $ C88.03 of which ia againtt Hatchery fund, District Xo. 1, 18.50 ia against Hatchery fund, Die trict No. 2, SJLU7 ia against the pccial appro priation, contrncting batcher iea on the Columbia river, (Wal lowa hatchery), and 297.00 i against the special appro priation, operating and main taining batcberie on the coast streams (Utnpqua and - South Coos river hatcheries). $1242.80. Cured Conaumption. Mrs. B. W. Kvans, Clearwater, Kans, writest "My husband Uy sick for three months. The doctors said that he had quick conaumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured him. That waa aix years ago. Since then we have alwaya kept a bottle in the house. Wa cannot do without it For coughta and colds It baa no equal." 2fic, 60c, aad $1.00, Sold by liar fa drug, atore. -! " v V., i- Good girl wantd for general house- workfl Wagea $18 per month. Apply at Antorian office. UUIILUK - . 1 at11 ' mv T .' S I II "Soy 1420 V Special Orders Taken C. H. COOPER'S The Leading House of Astoria i VERDICT OF SUIttDE Coroner Holds Inquest Over Daniel Piekkari. Yeterday afternoon at 3 o'clock a jury of inquest, summoned by County Coroner W. C. Pohl, convened at that offkera undertaking eatavUiahmeit, to review the circumstances attendant up on the death of Daniel Piekkari, the Finn found dead in the southern suburbs yesterday. The jury consisted of the following citizen! James Finlarson, William Kelley, C V, Stone, Max Stral, Henry Buthman and William McCrooky. There being oo witnesses to the shooting, the Jury, bad to rely upon extraneous cir cumstance and testimony, all of which led inevitably to the sole conclusion of suicide. I One phase of the evidence wa of a sort to greatly simplify the inquiry, and that waa tha finding of Are letters writ ten by .the dead man and left among his affects at the place be boarded and roomed, at the house of Gabriel Thomp son at No. 3 West Astor street to whom one of the letter wa sealed and addressed to Mr. Thompson. It' con tents were plainly Indira tire of hi pur poe to kill himelf and was written ubt a day or two before the act. The other four were of the same tenor, bnt were unaddresKed. Thee, with such other items of direct information as bore on the situation, warranted the jury in the verdict 'it returned in favor of self-mur d.r. The unfortunate man had subsisted upon $1200 he received for a timber claim some four years ago, and when his funds became exhausted, he became so used to idleness, be sought to live without work, and thia was augumented by a disease of the eyes that put him up against tba real thing and ha could not atay. Obstinate constipation, indigestion and stomach disorders are permanently and positively cured by taking Mollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart, druggiat "No complaint, everybody s a e d," when you buy Golden Gate Coffee Grind fresh each day. m a a . oold only iPxaroma-ue nt tinsv' Never in bulk:.1 j. a roLCCR & co. San Frwncleco CTllMf rial! By waUrpreal cl'Hhi wt do not mm rubber goed r aMckJataiha, that art o ebfec-tionabletoiKcwtar-tr. But rtgutar woeUa clothj that art epedal!y pre pared and proofed by tht mw pre uh that doe not change tht fabric, but leaves the doth as porous and health Mas tht original piece. MORE REFRESHMENTS. At 5 o'clock yesterday even ing Tba Warwick, the new hand some; saloon at 473 Commertial street, threw its doors open to the pub lic and entered upon its. career of bosi noe. At 10:30 o'clock avroast-pig sup per, fortified by all that waa good to eat and smoke waa indulged in with the freedom that goes with such affairs, and thus tha Warwick Booze Company launches a new enterprise. The usual prices will prevail todaty and hencet forth. "Marl in made a fins touchdown yes terday." "Good football player, ia bet" "No; he managed to borrow a hundred dollars.H-DalIas News. - . Son Lost Mother. "Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my mother," writes E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For tha past five years however, on tha slight est sign of a cough of cold I have taken Dr. King'a Ne,w DiscAery for Con-; sumption which has saved me from serious lun; trouble." Ills mothers death waa a sad loss to Mr. Ried, but be learned that luag trouble must not be neglected, and bow to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for coughta and colds Price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at Charles Rogers' drug store. Trial bottle free. f ji ' - r T,1ialf " NOW IS THE TIME Fine display of .framed pictures Special discount of 12 per cent this week. Finest line in the city. iSvenson's Fourteenth and i At - . .... V -'"- I 1 -V-; for (he Rainy Seascn. Specially llziz to Order. f 1A u WATER-PROOFING. Mrs. A. B Jewett baa pleasure; in an uouncing to her friends and patron that she is now in possession of a success ful system of water-proofing cloth materials. She will demonstrate tha in teresting process, upon call, , at her rooms, Xo. 154 Xinth street. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! ! OYSTERS! ! ) Stewed, fried, roasted, baked. Try aa "Oyster Lorf," its fine. Nothing but the finest of meals and cooked to your taa'te at the TORE POINT OYSTER HOUSE Next to Scully's an nth St : In thia age of keen competition a Business Education ia an indispensabla adjunct to the ambitioua young man or young woman who wishes to auoceed ia business Ufa. Wa hare the reputation of being tba LEADING BUSINESS COL LEGE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OUR GRADUATES ARE ALL EMPLOYED Our teachers art all practical men and specialists in their particular lines, V yon are thinking of attending business college you cannot afford to ignore tha Bchnke-Wolkcr Business College Stearns Building; Portland, Oregon, Send for illustrated catalogue. Free. Decorate Your Room Book - vStore, Commercial Street A Complete Line of eaini Steves Anything in a first class stove eith r Wood er Coal or Combined, yon will find at. XI J, Scul 470-472 COMMERCIAL STREET 1 ! v H V a r I! I!