The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 08, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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r. Bowser on
Good Behavioi
Comci Home From the Office
Ahead of Time With Wordi .
of Praiae For Mr. D.
Seyi She Growi HinJtomrr Ever
DySlie Kcturni I In Affec
tion Mother-in-law
H'Kpyrighl, t;. Ir n II. McClurr.J
llOWNKIt liiul mine home
from Hid ltl liulf u I10111 .
abend of Hum, and as Ml
HdWHtT greeted ti i lit there ww I
(lll'Uil Ml InT llfNti. For H moment 1
alia Miirak thttt MikiittilltlltiV II lit tilft m il I
Hit feeling im
liad hut
Uii'Uy llt'lll.
"Hello, iiin, but Mr you (unpi-laed to
mv in liome so mmnY' til saluted a.
put ami around Imr and jcur
f&r moment. Ttm Mr. Bowser
Uogtied and said:
We'll girt It to the flrat German
band that cornea ainng. We won't let
un a IM thing dm ttila put ua out"
I' ive minute later some ne on tlx
ear threw Mauut and hit Mr. How
ttr lu tl uo f, Mm. ItowM-r got ready
to Jump off, but ho only laughed at It
Thi'U a fit tt'oinnu Willi two LuuOU-x
Jammed prist Mill and Ui uttered thai
lil kl( feet took 1111 too much room,
but he mixed bin lint and milled al
her. It seemed to Mm. Bowser that
loincthlng luiietied every Ave minute
fur the iiet two timirn-ftomrlhliig that
Under onllimry circumstances would
have Initiiiilly aroued Mr. Itowser'a
lio and liioiijit mi a row-but every
tlilntr roll 'I off III shoulders llk wa
ter fmui a (luek'n Imek. aitd when they
tlniilly rem lied home attain be bad but
Ion I liln temper "lire. Indent, bo bud
hunched at thing that bad provoked
Other i((MMiittri ,
It lu I tie luk of evening that
they reaehed tbi lr own giito. A sur
(iriMO awaited them. On the steps nat a
hiiiuiiii f 01 in, It a bonnet 011. It
Ht holt upright. A satchel rented near
hit feet. It held a folded umlircila In
one liiiinl.
"It'11 mother! I fa mother!" eiebilro-
Ilowscr uk alio bsstciied for-
Mr. liowner followed at a slower
nii e. 11 lid he u!d nut reach the top step
tutil mother aiid il 11 uit liter bud em
ber a kin. J hrm-ed. Then be took the mother In-
"IUs-Lsi anything liniipctiedt" ah law I" hi arm und gitve ber a hug.
asked. I Me wun puniljxed for a luoineiit. Then
"Not a tbltift. Tliere wn nothing do ! etrugglwl away and
tuts at tin- ulllif. and o I Hole half an exclaimed:
hour. rt.leeti lonesome, for you all' "Lemuel HowNer, do you want me u
the afternoon."
"ltut dinner frn't quite ready," ah
aid a (lii1 ImikiHl at blui lu wonder.
"Nvr mind that Wi ll alt and tajk
until It W reiidy. How would you llkr
to go out tlila evftiilug for a rid on tb
open cart"
"Would jroo to)
Td le glnd to. Yea, we'll go and
take a ten tullo rid and get tb air,
on t anra ar a ivmak roaM.
It will do ua both good. Wt haven't
dona auylblng but alt on the front ateyi
for thirty inning a put Of couraa I'd
like to go." - . .
"Tb can are aura to be crowded.1
"I know, but what of lit VY can
take our cbanrea with the reef
"And there may be aome tougha oo
"Never mind the tougba. Don't try
. te diMourage me, Mra. Bowaer, for I'va
made up my aalnd to ga la that a new
way you've got of doing ut your hairr
"Ob, no. U'e the way I've bad for the
lait two year. v ,
"Well, It tooka night nice. By
Oeorge, Mm. Bowaer, but you art a
.good looking woman! I don't want to
flatter you, but you eeea to grow
younger every day. Here-glve mt an
other klM."
vMre. Ikiweer bluahed Ilka acbool
girl, and It might have ended with
tea re If the dinner bell bid not auav
moned them to the biaement Mr,
Bowaer'e good natura grew, The rook
tiotk-ed It at once and gave Mra. Bow
aer a warning look, and the family cat
came aannterlng In from the back yard
and noticed It and aald to hrraelf a
abe hulled out again:
'"lliere'a going to bo the awfuleat
kind of a family row around here be
fore bedtime or I ain't the Bowaer cat
you rend of In the pa pern."
Aa a tmunl thing at dinner Mr. Bow
aer complaint of the meat ai imm ai
lie la teated. Then be takei up the. rent
of the dlahei In rotation, and when be
Anally geta to the coffee be pronounce
It the wont atop ever let before a
white man. U'a atmply bli way, aa It
la many another huabaud'a way, and be
can't help It On tbla occmlou, howev
er, everything waa done to a tarn, and
he bad nothing but praise. During the
nildxt of Mn. Bowaer'a bewilderment
be laid down bla knife and fork to aay:
"Little woman, I want you to know
that I appreciate all you do to make
our borne happy. I don't believe there'a
a better managed houae In America,
and I alwaya coma borne to find you
amlllng and ready to welcome me. You
deaerve a better husband than I am."
"I think you are ana of the beat of
Buibanda,H ibe anawered.
"Tbat'e good of you, but I know I'm
not I'm an old villain of a huiband,
and there are time when I ought to
be kicked for the way I talk to you."
The cook put her bead into the room
and made danger algnala to Mra. Bow
aer, and the con venation waa a witched
off to a lifer lubject, naif at hoar
after fee meal had 'been flnlahed they
were ready for the car ride. Mn. Bow
aer ibook In ber ihoes, but the law no
way to get out of it They ciiugtit a
cir, and away they went The con-J
doctor gave, Mr. Bowaer a lead nickel
among bla rhinge, and when It waa
dlacovered, a continent held tta breath j
break llila umbrella over your bead?"
"Why, mother, I w4 Jut greeting
you," he explained.
"Ho Im ko plen-M-d to eo you" added
Mra. Bmer.
"i:ii? I.'h? I don't undiTHtaud thla
at all. After I have bad aomctblng to
eat I'll I'xik Into mutter."
Wbeu mother and daughter were
alone the mother mild:
"Now, Samti, tell me oil about It and
keep nothing l in k."
"All atxiM what, mother f
"Where you were wheu I got hero."
"We'd teeii to tnke a ride 011 the
opeu cur."
"I eee. He ineaut to gut you out Into
the country and murder ) oil. I thought
omrthliig of the kind would be going
on, and that's the rentou I came. How
did you escape!"
"Why, mother, you shouldn't talk
(bat way. Mr. Bowaer la oue of the
beat husbauda In the world."
"Sarah Bowaer, don't you let him
fool you. He'a laying low. Ue'a got a
trick up bla aleeva. I know Lemuel
from bead to heel, and I warn you not
to be deceived. Where la be uow V
"In the library, I gueea."
"Well, I want about fifteen minutes'
talk with him. You keep away. If
he'a up to tricks I'll pull the maik off
bla face purty audden."
"Well mother, did you bav a pleas
ant journey V aaked Mr. Bowaer aa abe
came downstatra.
"Humph r ahe replied aa ahe ut
down and folded ber handa and atared
at blm.
"Your visit la unexpected, but wel
coma nevertheleaa. I hope you 'will
atay a month thla time.
"Lemuel Bowaer," ah aald Ut aoletnn
tones, "don't try to decetvt ma, for
you can't do It!"
"Mother, I'm not trying to deceive
"Do you pretend that you love
Barahr s
"I don't hart to pretend."
"And that you art glad to let mer
"Of count I'm glad."
"And that you'vt got over buying
hair dye, baldheaded cures, eprtng ton
lea, Ore escapes, new milk cowa, blcy
cles, burglar alarma, Leghorn chlckeni
and all thitr
"I shall buy nothing mort of the
The mother-in-law alowly rose up aud
left the room, and when again alone
with the daughter aba aald:
"Sarah, I can't make htm out I
can't aay whether be means to reform
or murder ua both In our bed a. I'll see
htm again In about an hour."
An hour later ahe descended to the
library to see If Mr. Bowser waa In the
lame mind Mtin. hue round blm asleep
In ols ehnlr with a amtle on bla face
end the family rat lying on his kuee.
"Well, I'll lie mummed!" ahe whis
pered to herself aa ahe continued to re
gard him. "Lemuel Bowser has either
become a pirate on an angel, and I
don't know which It Is!"
Crockery Sale
It will save you
lots of money
Coupons given
with every
purchase. Don't
miss this sale.
American Importing Tea Co.
T1 CssMereial It., Asf.rla
Our 100 stores
help us to help you
AH Interested are hereby notified that
I am now in bunineM for myself and lo
cated temporarily at 129 Klevt-nth t.,
that I have severed limine! relstions
with noelofm, the tailor, and am work
ing on my own account
H.r ll.allrap.
"I auppose your wife will give you
aomethlnf handsome for your birth-
"I don't think ahe can afford It old
man. You aee, I haven t been giving
sac much money lately." isew .vr.
The mosquito has gone Into wlntrr
quarters but the peekaboo wafat con
tinues to remind ua of summer.
Notice is hereby given that the reg
ulation books of the city of Astoria,
for the primary nominating election to
be held in this city on Monday the 13th
dsy of November, 105, will be opened
at the Auditor's oflice In the city hall,
on Monday the 23rd 'day of October.
YM, and will clone for said primary
election on the 7th day of November,
1905, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., said
registration books will be again opened
on Thursday the 10th dsy of November,
1005, for the general election to be held
in this city on Wednesday the 13th day
of December, 1003, and will close on
Saturday, the 0th. day of December.
i'Ji.-, at a ociock p. m. All persons
munt register In order to be entitled to
vote. m
, !ated, Astoria, Oregon, October, Slst,
Auditor and Tolice Judge of the city of
Accordion. Sunburst
and Knife Pleating
To Ordef
a Hot Iron. Ho Burning f Gotta.
Miss 6. Gould
Kifhta Floor, Marquam Building.
Prompt and Careful Attention Givta
to all 0ut-of-Tiwn Order.
AbseluhrSaihr. FlntslFIaYor.
Orc&rtsl 5rrtnh,viwvtt!tfrkA
Writ ui for big UrgalM in Hunt
A atom tie Switch A Signal Co., atock
before the awitch goei on road. Regular I
price 13.75. Our price much lower. IIow '
can we do UT Ws bold more iharM 1
than wt eaa conveniently carry and
must aacrifiee to rata cash. For partlcu
lare address W. J. Curtis A Co, 15
Commercial block, Portland, Ore.
r t
399 Bond St., cor. Ninth
Tki3 is "Hie,
lund of a
Siozjtj for
is payirg
too nimcttT
Nw!tmIs WW. W 0 Mtnd.
hmm4 pnm M Oulii tnaMM mm 4m
tvmi ftmm ko hi4 I IK irw n tin lMf.
1-1 nwtrcS bmk Alt lU M Scr.
i'l tim.f Mit, IwtaS OTtf M im t
M'll U mt.y
iiui n nn t M, lt." ivi U " 0
u ml.y Dm irt B.t1c. Al
(Ml Irtlu i
know of
ateite one
Wewmt little stories, snecdotes, bits of
vtr-sny flipiiing Iroui s nc iLuti.
nuzins or book Uat lu nade ) uu
Think, Laugh or Cry
840 ptuei fa. girn lot tt btt u.-lcc-Uon.
Irn pilii ol sihresdolUMathirh
at t! first tirn t uoeulul cowtielitort art
tlit firM aa.
! Tli. only condition for entering thit com
patltiun H that too trnd withvonrcliMiiiic
yx. fi a sn monthV tral mbscnpiitm
to Urn NaOiosMl MayaxlM. dJms,
Our Great Removal Sale of
Hih Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity "to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines.
L. E. Selig, Lessee and Manager
Roach's Gift Enterprise and
Dramatic Co.
Headed by America's Createst and Foremost Comedy Artists
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Prinele
Change of Performance each night.
Monday Night, "My Sweetheart.'
Prices: Reserved Seats 33c, Gallery 25 Children in gallery 15c.
Seat sale opens Saturday morning at Griffin's Book Store.
Gifts on eutibition in window of Griffin's Book Store.
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and TransferredTrucks and Fur '
t niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Comaerd&l Street Phone Main 121
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art .. .
OS 3S s$ vl!
We take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your, shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
. : to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
v Library.
. The J. S, Bellinger. Co.,
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astorian Building Corner Commercial and IOthJStrekt