MONDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORTAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. ETIQUETTt IN 1628. la a flank Wrlllra Ttea Ar Tfclaa? H klrh ( arUaa Maw. What U probably im of th oldtat booke on deportment In ex luetics waa published In Parii In HUH and la an tltlwl "(toad Manner In Confers Auiourf Men." The tcit ta In Frcucb. with a Latin translation. lNportmnt lit public I first toucb d iiHn. "In yawnltin do not Kruo," tbla aitrlrut guliln to polltrnm says, "and do not gi even wIh-m siwAlna;. In Mowing tlijr turn do It aa one would sound a trumpet and sfd'rwnrd regard nut fixedly tlijr Immlerrlilrf. Avoid wiping thy iiii.n s tlio dillilrrn do wllh thy fliwrs or umi thy ilwc Winn Hsbmlng to some- una shaking do not wlittfl nlHiut, tut kwp thyself In thy akin tlin while." It lutiat hsvn lvu turd to olxy thU Intii-r Injuiii'tlou, Judging from what In xuld little further a Ionic, "Kill not floss or tlx Hk In the pn-sfuce of otin-rs, but r-svuss thyself and remove whatever torment tlne," ITm litiutrx yfara ago jentlemen did not wear auib and colored coatumea j aa they do todny, and one ran not help feeling that a lulls' pride and swsggcr' were eimaable to a dandy of thou daya when he donned for the Drat tlm a particularly fetehlng nmiiune of hlgti colored allkeu doublet and boae. Yet tbla ".Tilde" remark aeverely : MIf thou art well Imdliumad. If thy boae be tight ly drawn and tby habit U well order ed, parade not tbyaelf, but carry thy- aelf with becoming moileaty. Iemean not tbyaelf arrogantly, neither tto minc ing' alwut. It not tby hands hsng limply to the ground and tnrk not up tby boe at every turn." "Do not embellish tbyaelf with Sow er upon tby ear" la another Injunction which sounds mrloualy twlny, bat the advlo. "When speaking, ralao not tby voice aa If thou wert crying an edict." la Just aa Mrtlneut now a when the budding young gutleuien of Iji Franca bad It drummed Into them. Table inamieta In tlioso daya muat bave been miner uiorn primitive even than those of some of the fifty rent ta ble dilute In our title, for tlio book aaya, "Iteiug aented at the tabln, acratch not thjsclf. and If thou must cough or ailt or wipe thy no do It deiterotialy and without n great nolae. "HtulT not thy mouth with food when eutli.g, and tlrtiik not too much of the wine If thou art not itinxtcr of the bona. Hhow not n verm mil pleaauro either at the ments or wine. "la taking eult have a cara that thy bnlft be not gieaay. When it I neoe. aary to clean that or the fork, do II neatly with tho iwplilu or a little bread, lnt never with the. entire loaf, flmell uai of the meat, and. If hr chance M -elds CURED DV FOLEY'S ..(KIEV AND TAR I Obttinat, racUnf Congha that mat your bead acba, jour throat tad langt tor and Inflamed, that rob yon of sleep nntfl your tyitem become to mi down that jron are In grav aangtr of Pneumonia or Consumption, ara quickly Nund by Folty't Honty and Tar. FOLEY'S HONEY 1KD TM aootbe and Deals tha Inflamed air pas age, allay tha feverish condition, tops tho cough and prevent! serious results from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR Is tb only prominent cough medicine on the market that docs not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind and on this Account Is safest for children. It Is unexcelled for Croup and Whoop bg Cough and will quickly curs the racking cough which follows measles and leaves so many children with weak lungs unless property treated. Remember the nam Folty't Honty and Tar and refuse substi tutes that cost you th tarn) as the genuine. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation. CotttBSiptloa C. Ungqr, 211 Mapls St., Champings, Dl., writes: "I was troubled with a backing cough for a year and I thought 1 bad consumption. I tried a groat many remedies and I was under th car of physicians for several months. I used en bottl of Foley's Honey and Tar; It cared me, and I have not been too bled tInc.M Three i!se-i5c, 50c, $1 .00. The 50 cent six contains two and ns-balf time as much as th small sis and ths 11.00 bottl tlmMt six time as muJi. . SOLD AX9 BECOKMEKDEO BY r CIIAIU.KS ROGKRS, Druggist, tAu'itdeCput tham not back afterward before another. "It la very Indecent thing to wipe the aweat from tby face, with tby nap kin, or with the aatne to blow tby no or Clean the plate or platter." Atllla's Wlae Deelalaa. General Lew Wallace waa rlalted one day by a rich old man who fearod that after til death bl will would b contested by hi two eon. lie bad bla will with blm. and be read It to General Wallace. The latter thought that bore and there It waa not fair and lmpar tlnl enough. Ho uggeted amend ment, and the amendment the old man ngreed to make. "You see," said General Wallace, as bl friend wn taking leave, "It I al ways weeaanry,, If w wlah our wills to b uncontented, to make tbem per fetly equitable. We should draw up our will with Attlla In mind. A cer tain thief of All. I vuc died, leaving bl property to bis two ou to divide among tliemaelve. That was a foollHb courae. Tti two son quarreled ove. the dlvlalon for three month, an nnnlty, in a deadlock, asked Attlla U arbitrate. The king listened to their atory carefully. He thought a little while. Then he ssld, turning first to one young man and then to the other: H 'I decide that you, being the elder bmftier, ahall have the dividing of th property, but alv decide that you, th yonnger brother, shall have th choice of tho two auarea.' " Life af Se4a. In one of Mr. Grelneri' book on gar dening there la a table which give th length of time during which aeed may be expected to retain their vitality. It la of ao much value that a large part of It I quoted here, from Uils It appears that Beaks! and pennuta are good for one year only; onion and parsnip from one to two; corn, dandelion, aal slfy and arorsonera two; chervil from two to three; aula, caraway, dill. leek, parsley, pen, rhuhard, aagn, summer anvory, throe; corn salad, mustard, per mt and tomato, four; carrot and ajiWNh fnnt four to Ave; aapsrsgu, kale, brocoll, hruascl' sprouts, enh I , cauliflower, crce, kohl rabl, lavender, lettuce, melon, nasturtium, okrs, radlnh, aplnacb and turnip, flv bean. Iet. eginlant and globe arti choke, alx; cardooo, aeven; ct-lcry and chicory, eight; cucumber and endive, trn. Mweblr aa Pes. The bluebird make a very playful and affectionate little pet A. IUd cly ffe Dugmorw speaks of a very In teresting one be possessed. "While 1 am writing." be ssys, "a pet on, bet three month old, I sitting on my psper, Memlng to veeoder what I am doing and why I do not play with blm. He nip my pencil, but I pay no st tentlon to blm, then be trie to creep up my sleeve, and still I pay no atten tion; so, dUguarod, b flies off ta search of ants and other email Insects. After a Urn I rata my band and call Back b come Uke a fash, and, hovering, more Ilk a large sooth than a bird, be parches on niy finger, singing at tb sains tlm a sort UtU song that Is bla method of a peecb. M-tt rfichoiaa. THE SHfUYVD COLLECTOR. Bow He ASaa Msj ! Tfcreasr DMUn CaaaiUalaM. "I think," said the shrewd collector, "that 1 bar made about $10 on com ml salons this week. At any rate, I have recommended a doctor to two sick peopl. and If they are In as bad ahap aa I think they art he ought to msk enough off of them to afford to psy me tS splec." "Is looking up patients for impecuni ous doctors oue of your specialtiesT" asked a frltud. "Well. ye,M admitted th collector, it I a kind of aide Issue. But It Isnt fair to call this doctor Impecunious. He I really a good physician and baa pntlenta of hla own. Htlll, he U not aver ho to receiving new one occaMlon ally to t.ike the place of the old onea Unit be send away cured. Thou, I am not only doing h!m a fsvor by Inervun lug hla practice, but I am acting the part of a gMd Hj murium to tlie sUk folka. "It wus xvhotly by accident that I bit upon tlint wny of avrvlug my fellow men. Oue uiorulng I called at an ICIk'hty tlrst atn-et bous ti colhvt the monthly pnytneiit on a aet of books. I hud to wait ecvernl minutes before I could see the tfomnu who owed tho money. W'liU' waiting I was nnked to etep into the parMr. There was a man In the room huddled up against tho register and couching miserably. Ho spoke pronetrtly cf what bad shape ha was In. u 'You do seem a little tuckered out,' nld I. 'Have yem aeon, a doctorT "'No,' said b i haven't. I don't know whom to ace. 1 am a atraugur In town, and 1 have learned to fight ahy of the doi-tors one picks up by chance. They are apt to do you mora barm than good.' "(That la so said I. And then I thought of lr. niank. H bad recently pulled tn through a spell of sickness, snd naturally I bnd faith In bis ability. I told the man my own experience and advised him to ace the doctor. He proved to be a pretty profitable patient,' and the doctor, of course, did the square thing by m. Since then I have been on the lookout for opportunities to recommend him. Many of my calls are made at boarding bouses, where strangers abound. Ia the nature of things, those twwple gt sick occasional ly, and sines all New York doctors look alike to them they don't know which oe to consult. In such an emer gency I freiinently happen around, and then itell. Pr. Blank's name U straightway suggested." New York Herald. ' s 1 COLLCOE PORTLAND. OREGON. If you are thinking of attending bus iness college you can not afford to ig nore the bast in th northwest. Our ulpm-nt is unurpsaed west of Chi cago. On account of our rapidly Incress ing attendant ' WE WILL MOVE October first to our elegant new quar ters in tb Elks Building now being completed at Seventh and Stark streets. Our grsduates are all employed. Tlaoed 207 pupils la lucra tive positions during the past year. Send for our handsomely illustrated catalogue. Free. Address all communi cations to dur present quarters b tb btearna Building, Portland. nones. All Interested are hereby notified that I am now in business for myself snd lo cated temporarily at 158 Klevenlh st., that I have severed business relations with Roelofsg, the tailor, and am work ing on my own account. E. MARTINSON. IfOTICE. Notice is hereby given thst the reg istration books of the city of Aatoria, for the primsry nominating election to be held in this city on Monday ths 13th dsy of November, 1905, will be opened at the Auditor's office in the city ball, on Monday the 23rd dsy of October, 19)5, snd will close for said primary election on the 7th day of November, 1903, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m aaid registration books will le again opened on Thursday the 16th day of November, 190S, fur the general election to be held in this city on Wednesdsy th 13th dsy of December, 1903, md will close on Saturday, tb Oth. dsy of December, 1905, at 4 o'clock p. m. All persona must register in order to b entitled to voU. ushq, aiwria, 1rrgTni, vawuw , iwv, 1005. OLOP ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of th city of Astoria. Accordion. Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order 8TXAM PROCESS. Its Hot Irons., If Burning of Goods. MissO. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt snd Careful Attention Gives to all Out-of-Twn Orders. C0FFEEJEA, BAKING POWDER, FUV0R1HG EXTRACTS AboluhPurihr. fiMst flavor, Qre&tot Shtnh.lVaSorvablt ftk CLOSSETftDEYERS f pORTLAND,ORXaON. The Astoria Restaurant. GOOD, CLEAN MEALS EXCELLENT ... SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 399 Bond St., cor. Ninth H0TICI. ' Write ne for big bargains In Uurst Automstio Swikb & Signal Co stock befor the switch goes on road. Regular pne $3.75. Our price much lower. How ran w do it? We bold more shares thsn w can conveniently carry and must ssrrifice to raise cssh. For particu lars address W. J. Cnrtis sV Co, 15 Commercial block, Portland, Ore. ' , -s I jSior for I wKickiKe NATIONAL MAGAZINE to paying $10,000 f TOO DimCULT T ' Is S Nsy1iMl Im s BW rrtnat !' a fhm oum nnrnr m ar aess.4 SM mttntf ni tm TM4-wpka. s fmmt ftnm S tmd m IS. tmum M M Iway oa tn rscsms st Mdia si kw Tkt M Mr w at Imt to en tktt Mtt tu4 I. IS. WMVIlp 6f.kU u.i iimi r-wi.a kM si Sr OUS S mhf !ht ttm pmnUt, AM fa- ilwif" s m. imiIj. -.1 hU h tmm u, -..T!iwi." hM n M Oiw. w. lT -II u Wmm ma w4 u linow odf atetier one Wt want little stories, aotcdotes, bits ct vttv- any clipiins Ironi a besir, BaguiM or book Uat M nude )uu ThlnK, Laugh or Cry R40 prizei will U given for th bf-st srleo turns. Ten pile ol silm duibis aliigh si tha first trn suctaaiul compeutorsua the hntavudv Ths only condition for entering this com petition is that you trad with ourclipping tit. for a sis nvmllit' trul subsciiption Co ths NatloaaJ Maqaata. Auuiess, JOE QIAPPLE, Editor Mi OOBCBCSTCS AVENUE. JUST A MOMENT! We Want to Talk to You , ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . 58 i& Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any ; . library We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library dt & & g The J. S. Dellinger Co., Makers of All Kinds of Books v . ' , Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th J Street Our Great Removal Sale of 7 - ' . ' : : , ; i -t -. - - High Grade Wall Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. Now is the best opportunity to secure bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are selling wall paper at prices lower than you have ever seen it before. Call and inspect our elegant lines. B.F. AllenaSon,c.mSist FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. E. Selig, Lessee and Manager 05E WEEK COMMERCING. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 6th Roach's Gift Enterprise and Dramatic Co. Headed by America's Crestest and Foremost Comedy Artiste Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Prinele Change of Performance each night. Monday Night, "My Sweetheart' Prices: Reserved Scats 35c, Gallery 25 ' Children in gallery 15c Sett sale opens Saturday morning at Griffin's Book Store. Gifts on eabibition in window of Griffin's Book Stort. Sherman Transfer Co. HEJTRY SHERMAN, Mafcaxer Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks and Far niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. ,., , , 433 Commercial Street Phone Plain 121