THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1905 - 3 i! ii i i! U I"! i I i t THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily bj TEE J. S. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. tj mall, pfr year .$7X0 By mail, pr month .60 By carrier, per month .79 WEEKLY AST0RIA1T. 1 By mail, per year, in ad vane. .$1.00 Entered aa teeond-claM matter June lMft, at tbe poUifflo at Astoria, ure fon, under Uit act of Congress of March I, tWOrAm for the deUmrmc of Tit Hour DM taroaiAB to etther reaideooa or place of nay ba made by postal card or through tele bone. Any trreirulartty la de brtej should be laraed iatwty reported to the offloeof publioatioo. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. WEATHER TODAY. Portland, Nor. 4. Western Washington, and Western Ore- gort: Sunday, partjy cloudy. Slightly wanner Sunday after- Boon in tbe interior. Eastaro Oregon, Eastern Wah ington: Fair. RETRENCHMENT THE ORDER. ' Retrenchment is the order paramount in the City of Astoria. Obedience to the mandate is all that is left, disagree able aa the program may be. It it possible, dificult as it may aeein. Seven yeara ago the City of Salem confront ed just such an emergency and by &Wr business rules overcame the situation to the tune of $15,000 per yer to the good of the taxpayer. SM topped right and left, cut her interest bills in two, reduced her department forces, put her salary-roll upon a reasonable living basis and looked sharply after all expenditures and requsitions, and U to day one of the best governed cities on the coast. Astoria and Salem are prac tically on a par, as to population, prop erty values, resources and cost of main tenance. And it will scarcely be con ceded that she has more public spirit than the City-by-the-Sea. Think this over. Mr. Taxpayer, and formulate your wishes and above all, make them known It is up to youl .. PREPONDERANT ISSUES The pending municipal campaign has not progressed to a point where the is sues can be clearly defined, but enough is known of public sentiment to permit the conclusion that the preponderant issues will be "Retrenchment or con tinued extravagance," and "an open, or a closed town." The firt is (if any distinction may be hazzanM as be tween such vital proportions), the more potent of the two, pot.-nt as both are, for the credit of the city is a matter that reaches far beyond lier confine and affects her most nearly in a public sense, while tlie second is more of a home matter and ameiiuhlc to consider ation from day to day as action may be needed, though this statement .loe not carry with it any suggestion that the issue of an orderly regime here U to be made uuidiary to anything el-. It is of grave 11 ml immediate coikvhi and will be fou-ijit for with vigor and un ceasingly. But l!iiim-H is Business, .and retrenchment i it, hand maiden. right quantities of food elements re quired, to pleae the taste and at the same time save money. By making such good e of the in formation given by this one pamphlet aa the average American housekeeper i able easily to make, at least a, dollar a year may be saved on the food supply of eaoh person of the eighty millions in the country, and at the same time add to the comfort and health of all. o TYPE BY HIMSELF. The Governor of Arkansas extended the welcome of lis state to the Presi dent and then refused to eat with him, owing to the presence of otier guet. One sure sign of relief for Arkansas is that the office Mr. Uivis is running for now will keep him out of the state most of the time if he gets it, and if he doesn't get it, he will at least be Gov ernor no longer. ' o 1 WILL IT CURE. Faul Morton contends that publici ty is the only certain cure for corpor ation evils. In a few years the cor newspaper will be printing certifi cate like tliist from prominent trust) magnate: "The doctors rounld do' nothing for me, I was run down and nearly all in, when chance put me next to a bottle of your celebrated keep-it-before- the-petple-remedy I do not esitate to say that it saved my con stitution and by-laws." o TURN OUT, ASTORIANS! .... The meeting of tlie Astoria Chamber of Commerce at its Bond street rooms tomorrow night will be well worth the time and trouble it takes to get there. There are some things of vital concern coming up for illustration and discus sion, among them the Black Sand ore values and the latest estimate put upon them by Dr. David Day; the new hotel for this city will receive an impetus that will not cease until its doors are thrown open to the world on the night before the opening of the l!R)6 Atoria Regatta, besides a number of other es sential and up-to-date things. Xo man, alive to the future of Astoria, should fail to be present tomorrow night. The Chamber of Commerce is doing too much good work to be ignored and its bur dens left upon a few willing shoulders, PLEASURE AND TRAGEDY. Italian Harbor the Scene of a Terrible Mischance. Xew York, Nov 4. According to dis patches from Genoa, the fetea in con nection with the inauguration of the new harbor works had a tragic conclusion, three officer bing their lives in an strident, says a cabk dispatch to the Herald from Milan. A storm came up on Wednesday night at a dinner given to the French and Italian officers on board the battleship Goliath. A cutter from tlu Italian armored cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi, with seven officer and eight seamen on board, nevertheless left the Goliath for the shore. The cutter was crossing the outer harbor when it was run down and sunk by the packet steamdp Maria Teresa. An alarm was immediately raised. The warships in the roadsted turned their searchlight on the harbor; boats were launched and all of the occupants of the cutter ere rescued Several of the officera were in a des perate condition and during the night Captain Surgeon Enrico Malir.ia, Cap tain Engineer Frmvio Montario, and Commissary Arturo Grassi died in the hospital. Ueutenant Point and Mo- dena are reported mortally injured. The ships of the Italian and foreign squadrons are flying flags at half mast and their departure has been postponed in order to send deputations to the fu neral of the victims. VALUABLE IMMUNITY. Tbe city of Astoria enoys remarkable immunity from fires, great and small. There is, perhaps, no other community on the Pacific Coast where the use of wood and other inflamabl materials is so general a in this citv, comparatively speaking, and her record of freedom from loss and damage from this source is something to marvel at and rejoice in. . The wood and water are in such juxtaposition, perhaps, that the one operates on tiie other in some pchyeo logical way and forbids independent ac tion; at any rate, the splendid advan tag is hers to make the most of. USE IT PROPERLY. In a single year the people of the United States may save more mon.-v than their national Dcpaitmeir. of Agri culture has cost in all the generations of its existence,if they will only make such, use as any fairly intelligent per son can easily make of information giv en by a single one of the many publi cations issued by that department. That publication is one wihich shows what ia the nutritive value of each food in common use, and how to com Line those in such a way aa to give the MEMM0RANDA. Make a note of this: The registra tion books will close on Tuesday next at 4 o'clock p. m. Tlwy will open again on Thursday, November lfith and re main open until Saturday, December 9. at 4 o'clock p. m. So that those who fail in the first period may make good in the second. And the Republicans who fail in both seasons will rightfully lose their franchise for the pending election. But fortunately, there are no such mem bers of the party here. o- POOR EXPEDIENT. Chancellor K. Benjamin Andrews of Nebraska University is in favor of turn ing over condemned murderers to the surgeons and doctors for surgical and medical experiments, the subjects to re ceive their liberty if they survive. The murderers might prefer death bv wav of the operating table and anaesthetics. but would the surgeons and doctors be willing to play the role of executioners? 0 The President is only constructively ab-ent from tjhe United States when 'Hum . 1 1 i sea ami communicating with olliciaU on land by wireless tele- ijraph. 0 A.-cording to Secretary Shaw, some of the money for river and harbor im provement jH H-nt wisely, and some is thrown away. In a field of such vast advantage to the count ly kCongren, should see that not 1 cent is wasted. Citiieni Organize to Quell Disturbance!. Warsaw. Nov 4. The authorities here have released 350 political prisoners which were confirmed in the Citadel Regi ment of diHgoons has arrived to rein force the garrison. All pont and tele graphic employees threaten to strike to morrow. A eitiwns committee has been orga nized to prevent further disturbances. INITIATE CANDIDATES. Fraternity of Chicago University Make Fools of Members. Chicago. Nov. 4. Special poliivinen in several of the downtown hotels were called on last night to ejwt from the lobbies hundreds of persons who were attracted by the initiation of two can didates in a fraternity of the Chicago University. The candidate danced in fantastic costumes, and having small papier mache cats fastened to their backs, were conducted with bandages over Uieir eyes into the lobbies of the Talmer House, the Auditorium Annex and other down town hotels and ordered to get down on their hands and knees and fight.' A crowd collected alxiut the contes tants in each instance, and it was neces sary for the police to disperse the par- ty. Man's Unreasonableness, i often a great a woman's. But Tho. S. Austin, Mgr. of tha "Roublirau" of Lftveitworth, hid., was not unrcsuon able, when he refused to allow the doc tor to oHrat 011 his wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he aays, "we con cluded to try F.lectric Bitters. My wife ' was then so sick she could rardly leave) her bed. and five (5) phyiiciana had failed to relieve her. After ttking Elcc trie Bitters, she was perfectly cured and ran now perform all her household uuties." Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist, price 60c. utmwjejg,.jsjo.iop oojtr) pwq h iot aim 1 aqii tua soop j jChm pmoqt i Ml ).natop VptMita 1 ( etng toa piMiu qj uo ,n ' 1 -luttnon 'bkouui m iiiojj huja i tq Jinuq jtio.C jiwq l-q.vintQ 'rJMM n -jMi V I Thank The Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Utile) Rock, Ar., "for the relief I got from Buck- len's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, bum and wounds. Guaranteed at Charles Rogers' drug store; 25c. SWEET BUT IMPORTANT. Hawaiian Sugar Tariff The Subject of Reneed Attack. Denver, Nov. 4. The director of the Chamber of Commerce last night voted to send a letter to the Chamlier of Com merce throughout the West and middle West inviting them to send representa tives to a convention to discus the pro posal on the part of the National gov ernment to remove the" tariff on sugar coming from the Philippine Islands. The letter in part is as follows e believe that the time i very op. portune to call a conference of a con vention of representative of the leading commercial bodies of the sugar produ cing states to take action looking to ward a correct public opinion on this important subject and also to secure the assistance of the representatives in Congress from the above states in pre venting such tariff legislation." HOLDING THEIR NOSES. Santa liar burn, (nl., Nov. 4 The In J lien of twenty dead whale, known as "killers" are floating in the channel off Santa Cruz i-land, thirty miles from j this city. The gigantic corpse meas ure from twenty to forty feet in length and bear mute evidence of H fierce battle between the monster. This warfare has hei-n going on for ome time be tween two varieties of whales and swordfish for several weeks in the ocean near thi Channel Mauds and it is probable that in the extermination of so many of this variety of whale a sig nal victory has been won by some of the levithians. L Great China and Crockery Sale It will save you lots of money Valuable Coupons given with every purchase. Don't miss this sale. Great I American Importing Tea Co. S71 Caaaierelal St.. Aatarta Our 100 stores help as to help you 8OFTNE88 OF 8EAL8KIN. Is lUTsIrd kr llamas Hair Where Dnadras? la Eradicate. Sealskin la admired the world over for Ks softness and glossiness; and yet the human hair Is equally a soft and flossy when healthy; and the radical cause of all hair trouble ts dandruff, which la caused by a pestiferous parasite that aaps the vitality of the hair at Its root. Newbro s Herplclde Is the only preparation that I fatal to the dandruff (term. Without dan druff there la no falling- hair, but a lux uriant growth of loy. soft hair I cer tain. Scourtnr the son to won't cura dan druff. Kill the dandruff jrerm. Thous ands or women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newhro's HerpMde. Bold by leadlna druggists. Rend Vtc In atnmni to The Herplclde Co., Ietrolt. Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 251-353 Bond St. Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. 8t, T. F Uurin, Prop. "Special Agent" I I I ft M aaaaBBBB . a 1 1 w GOOD CAUSE IF TRUE. Xew York, Nov. There was organ ized in New York, yesterday, the Amer ican Drug Syndicate, which include one thousand retail dealers. The syndicate has a Rhode Island charter and is cap italized at t200,0()0. The orranlwr Is C. F. Ooddard, formerly of San Francis co, who controls ten per cent of the stock. The organization is intended for mutual protection, to combat niurinns and inferior drugs and compel a stand ard in the staple products. The Pres ident is George Ramsay. Healthy, happy babies. Mothers say that Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest baby medicine in the world. Makes them strong, well and active. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist. 'O SPICES, o CQFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, FLWORIHG EXTRACTS JlluhftrihrY flrvtst flavor. CrrzLrrjf Sirenh, fcasork Pricn; CLOSSETfiDEYERS r PORTLAND. OREGON. The Astoria Restaurant. GOOD, CLEAN MEALS EXCELLENT SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 399 Bond St., cor. Ninth 75C PER MONTH For tho WIG ASTORIA Delivered right at your door every morning before breakfast by the BHST CARRIER SYS TEM in the country. The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest Telegraph News. Shipping: Inteltgence, Condensed Local News Portland Market Reports Real Estate Transactions. Society News, Railroad News. Sporting News. County Official News. Complete Want Columns And In Ifact all of the News of the Country Watch for the Big Colored Comic Secfliom It you are not a subscriber let us show you our proposition and we will convince you that its thebcst ever made by any newspaper. Telephone Main Mil for our plan, or if you live'out of town write a postal and we'll do the rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager. The Morning Astorian lOtli and Commercial First National Bank of Astoria, Ore r..STAHLiNin.I 1HH4J. Capital and Surplus $100,000 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT ! i Pale Bohemian 15oor I5cet In Tho Northwest North PacificSBrewins Co. I sv Your Prescription: Sock Island If you are going East, X would appreciate your consulting me. I will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free! I wUl show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled "Across the Continent ia a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable importance that you select' the rfelif route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. I a.m. Mcdonald, " General Agent, Rock Island 8ystem, 140 Third 8tret, Portland, Ora,