THE MORNING" ASTORtAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1903 T FORMER ASTOKIAN 1. 1 Rev. Harry Brown the Victim of '1 g Grant's Pass Cabals Presbyterian emm-hi was here row i . .- ? day ago. and tho elders hold a secret ' "' meeting with him. It wa th.-n tho plan of getting Row Brown out wa de f iuiMru' Uin IC MfVT ACnATlvi,H1, few hour lator, Rev. CnuKtrl rVAK D nui ArvuijHolt wh0 nll,lv hM no autnortty to !aot in such a capacity, so the friend of 1 jRev. Br two declare, notified tho young 1 minister that he must resign from Eldfcra Versut Congregation Trumped Up Accusation of Unfair Dealing 'Against "Young Minister No Warn ings Given and He Stands Pat. . firant' Pas. Ore., Nov. 2.-R.v.Har- , , . , ry nrown, wno came nere m mourns . r . . - . 1. . ...... y 'x'""" om miniate of IVthany Presbyterian lj a ne i)4 ltW,w fri,,i f lhl. church. ha been asked to resign. The majority of the elder of the Grant' trouble i Mid to have arisen over a Tas 'church, it i then- desire that he lie : mining deal in which Rev. Brown i al- returned h.-re, even though tlte position l.-ged to have been unfair with a mem- land the reputation of Rev. Krowu be ber of hi congregation. The elder of , sacrificed. the church also Mate that Rev.. Rrown Though young, and lacking in exjx-ri-is not fulfilling hi contract with the Jem- of older minister, Rev. Brown i church. The affair i causing much an enthusiastic and tireless worker, eoniment here, -a Rev. Brown and his mid his sermon have been classed , w ife, Imtb of whom are young people, j among the best heard in this city. ' have made a host of friend both in j and out of the church during their resi- : Cured Consumption. ' dence in Grant' Pas. J Mr. B. V. Evan, Clearwater. Kan., A special meeting of the mem borship j write: "My husband lay sick for three 'of B.'thnay church will be held tonight j month. The doctors Mid ihat he had j for final action on the matter. A a 'quick consumption. number of the member of Bethany j We procured a bottle of Ballard' - church feel that, Rev. Brown h not ! Horehound Syrup, and it cured him. been treated right by the elder, they j That was six year ago. Since will insist that the question be brought : then we have always kept a bottle in 'to a popular vote of the congregation. It he houe. We cannot do without it. It i believed that the minister w ill j For cough t and cold it ha no equal." find more than one-half the church inj2.V, 30c, and $1.00. Sold by Hurt's . his favor. He declares he will not re-, drug store. , sign tyniply on the request of the elders. but he will abide by the wihe of the congregation a a majority. It" was less than one year ago that the same elder put Rev. W. C. Connell, then minister of the church, out of the pulpit, giving him no opportunity to appeal or defend himself. The same method will be tried on Rev. Brown, but his sup porter have rallied about him and in- HAVE YOU A CHANCE 05 THAT HOT GET IT TODAY. ONE FREE It's Nt What You to If s What You Are Today AN OLD AND A TRUE SAYING INTENDED FOR HUMAN NATURE, BUT JUST AS APPLICABLE TO MERCHANDISE A STORE THAT HAS DONE BUSINESS AT THE SAME OLD STAND FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS, NATURALLY ACCUMULATES A GREAT DEAL OF OLD AND OUT OF DATE GOODS, WHICH THEY ARE ANXIOUS TO GET RID OF. SUCH MERCHANDISE IS NOT A IF YOU WISH TO AVOID PROCURING SUCH OLD AND OUT OF DATE GOODS PATRONIZE "STORES WHERE YOU KNOW YOU'LL GET ONLY NEW GOODS. f'" STYLES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING. NEW IDEAS ARE ft DAILY BEING INTRODUCED. It WITH FASHION'S LATEST DICTATES MAKE YOUR. VISIT T.0 THE BIG STORE MORE FREQUENTLY, THE FOARD & WHERE THE NEW. THINGS it that he demand a popular vote of the chuivh. "II i all suqirise to nii,' said Jh:' minister. "It came like a thunderbolt out of clear sky, with absolutely no warning." j Rev. ut the tt? missionary of the Bethany churvh. No reason, other than that he i not fulfilling hi contract, wore given. , One of the ojdor memWr of the chuivh state that the elder desire Rev. - Kiowa out of the a t make room 'for Rev. Mctane, who wa minister f Bethany church several year ago. who ha since U-en a missionary in 'South Amenca. Rev. MeClane will re :,urn to Am.-rioa and to Oregon .mm. Croup. A reliable medicine and one that should alway be kept in the home for immediate use ia Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. FINE STEEL RANGE YET? IF WITH EVERY I1.00 PURCHASE. Used BARGAIN AT ANY PRICE. YOU DESIRE TO KEEP IN TOUCH ST6ICES CO. ARE FIRST INTRODUCED, ft Be RENEW lliAPEL YORK Letter From Rev. L D. Mahoni on This Subject. MANZAtilTA SEES DAYLIGHT Arasona ia En Routt to Asia Tele graph Again on Duty Falls of Dee Due Caihbronne Arrive Local Boats and Boatmen. The following communication from Rev. Luther D. Mabone, of this city, puts a new face on tlte subject of a Sea mans' Institute, and one that should meet with hearty com-om-nc 011 the part of many in this oit jr, t whom the matter must commend itself by reason of their intimate relation to matters and men marine: . , A letter in yesterday's Astorian re lative to the Seamen' work might re flect a little on the present Superinten dent. Rev. .1. K. Forsyth. " Mr! 'rVryth wa appointed teniMrarily to the work and ha been a successful a aa man could be under the circumstance, lie wa indorsed by the Ministerial Associa tion of the city by a iiuauiiiiou vote and if it had b;-en possible they would have been glad to have seen him re tained then permanently, but the work demund a man that can speak the for- ign language. Dr. Hunter, the Sec retary of the society came ou and he felt that a the people of the city Mere not taking any interest in the work that it wa too much to expect the so ciety to -keep a man here. So it i up to the people. The matter ha been placed in my hand and a soon a the people will manifest an interest in the work, I will see that a tirt cla man i appointed. Fiixt these mut lie a local organization and ways and mean at once set in motion to provide the flshemen and sea men with a pla where they can meet. Some sort of an institute supplied with good reading matter and a place con venient to hold services, entertainments etc. The society from the cast will put $100.00 year into the work, in the way of salary, and I am led to believe from a letter just received that they will assist in the construction of a building. , This society iias .been put ting this amount of money into the city for' more than twenty year and it i no moret than right that peojjle should do something in return. Our city is to become an important shipping point, it we are to judge from the statement of the press relative to the railroad that are headed in thi dirwtion. i. A headqmrttrq for tip seamen would bring many of them to the city that wwuld not iconic other wise. Then the moral effect of such an institution would be of great ben- fit to the city and to the people that could come here. Any oje that i ' interested in the matter-1 would be glad to cofer with tlura and at once put thi work upon basis that will hold the work here for all time to come. ' . v, Very respect fuly LUTHKK I). MA HON' K. Manzanita News. Official advice from the J. If. Robert who ha charge of the work of raising the light-house tender Manzanita. state that the vessel was moored forty feet nearer shore yesterday, (iovernment ofr flcials belive that the progress will ba rapid from now on, and do not look for further difficulty. The Manzanita should be in Portland by the first of the week. Her pilot house wa alxive water when the I.urline passed her yesterday. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM The Cost Rica is due here from San Frisco on Sunday morning next. The steamer Whittier crossed in early yesterday morning and went on to- Port land. The big British liner N'umautia is due back .here from China, about tlie middle of this month. Another British ship the Kuphrosyne, from San Francisco i also due to arrive here at any time. J The steamship Columbia is due down from Portland, early tWs morning, cn route to San Francisco. The barkentine Portland left up for the city of her name yesterday fore noon on the hawsers of the Oklabama. The steamer Alliance is due down from Pottland tomorrow morning, on her way to Coos Kay, Eureka and San Francisco, The American barkciitiue fieo. C, IVikin arrived down from Rainivr yes terday afternoon on the tow line of the steamer M. F. Henderson, she i lumber laden for San Francisco and will leave out today. Tho tier man ship Karpcubach, direct from Port lm Angeles, in part cargo, for Portland crossed in late esterday af ternoon and anchored in the lower bay. She will proceed to Portland on the first tow line that offers. The steamer Telephone will lie berth ed until spring opens. Captain Bangh man resigned his command of her yes terday aud her crew ha quit. Cap tain Hangman niters the Snake River trade a master of the steamer J. M tlanford. Tlie (ierman ship Arthur Fitxger from Portland with a million and a half feet of lumber on Itoard, for Australia, ar rived down yesterday morning, the Oklahama showing her the. way. She cleared here and got to ea on the after- noon tide. The Kriti-h ship Fall of IVe, CaptiMii Doty, from llauiburg, for Portland, un der charter to Meyer Wilson a Co., ha been out iU days yesterday. At sun down yesterday another ship, nr.iiie un nown wa reported off the bar, and it mav be her. The (ierman (learner Arsgonia left Portland yesterday noon for the Orient with a cargo of wheat, Hour and ma- cliinerv. She had not reached thi liar- sir at midnight but will be here this morning, perhaM on time to avail her self of the flood, to ea. The I.urline got awav for Portland in good shape last night with a big mani fest of freight and a number of pco- pl., among whom were, ( . C. t lark, A. W. Williams, T. W. Kcktrom, H. Haw kiu, and Deputy Fih Warden P. I.ip conck of the State of Washington. The French bark Camhronne, 1-120 tons (plain Richard, 17.1 days from Liver pool in ballat, and under consignment to Taylor, Young i Co., at Portland, ar BEEUSJHIVE Special Tbis Week Reductions in Raincoats Ladies' Craven nette Coats in Tan and Oxford lao.o oto 1 18.00 1 1 8.00 to 1 1 6.00 1 1 6.00 to 1 1 4.00 Special for this Week Ladies' Suits ' I35.00 to I15.00 to lai.oo Wei have a grand line of Ladies' uita from $10.00 to $35.00 in all the newest atylea. , Children's Bear Skin Coats . A41 Colon it . . . Jj.y 1 Reductions in all atree bat!. JM9 t5hc BEEUjSiHIVB ftliljinery rived (n fat evening at 8 o'clock and is anchored in the lower harlair. Site will go up tlte river today or tomorrow. Tlte following notice was posted at the Western Union Telegrraph olllce In this city at ti:0H o' l-l evening, by Weather Observer Powells Storm southwest, warning 3:.10 p. m. Disturbance over British Columbia, moving east. Strong southerly wind on inland waters ami fresh to strong, gale at Rca. The slimmer Telegraph arrived' down from Portland at 1:1.1 o'chsk p. m. yes terday. .She left Portland st 7:11 a. m. ami m de four way binding -thus making the trip in six hours. She brought down twenty aseiiger and a small bunch of freight. Her new sche dule call for eight stop between here and Portland. PRIMARY REGISTRATION. Registration at .the City Auditor' olllce yesterday numbered forty-one, bringing the total for the elcctorial eason to tils. The laioks will close on Tuesday, iient, November "III, and re main closed until the morniiiji of Novein- ls-r 10th, when registrtion will tie con tinued until 4 p. 111. on Saturday, IV-cemla-r Dili. There will 1m 110 iMwsjldc excuse for any able laMidied Republican in this city failing to (icrfiiriii thi ex acting duty. READ ALL THIS You Never Know the . Moment When This Information May Prove of Infinite Value. It is worth considerable to any citizen of Astoria to know how lo be cured of painful, annoying and itching pile. Know then that Doan's Ointment i a Misitive remedy for all itchiness of the skin, for pile, ce tenia, etc. One applica tion relieve and soothe. Head this testimony of its merit: R. B. Long, harness maker, employed with John Clark A Sou, 104 Front street, Portland, who reside at 348 Second street, same city, y: "Karly last summer I broke out all over my body with eczema, tetter or itch. I did not know just what it was nor what caused its appearance, but I do know that the torture I endured was something fierce. I was very much alarmed about it, was anxious to know what it wa and what caused it. I thought the best thing to do was to. go to a doctor for treatment. I did so and was treated by different one, but they failed to do me any gtssl. When I became the least bit overheated I just fairly clawed the skin off me. Anyone w'ho has never had any thing or-the kind knows nothing at all alsmt It. I was in bad shape when I no- liied an advertisement in our paper about Doan's Ointment being a "tire cure for such affliction. It proved to I all that is claimed for It. than two boxes msde a complete cure in my case. About this time my younger brother was taken with the same affliction. A box and a half of Doan's Ointment cured him. I know what I am talking about when I say that Doan's Ointment i one remedy which can lie depended upon." Plenty more proof tike this from As toria people, tall at Charles Rogers' drug store and ask what bis customer rejairt. For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cent. l-'oster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole rgents for the I'nited States. Remember the name Doan's and lake no other. . Bilious Attack Quickly Cured. A few weeks ago I had a bilious at tack that was so severe I wss not able to go to the office for two days. Fail ing to get relief from my family phy sician's treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, and the next day I felt like a new man. II. d Bailey, Flitor of the News Chapin, S. C. These tablets are for naJe by Frank Hart and leading drug gists. Many a rich acher has made p Mir husband. Neuralgi Paint. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating Influ ence of Ballard's Snow Liniment, , It penetrates to the nerves and bone and being absorbed into the blood, its heating properties are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect some won derful cure. 2fc, 60c, and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store..- -." ",-' Wealth isn't essential to happiness, but it helps some. It.taUa a strong woman tq bold Iter own tongue. The price of pretty face is 11. 00 th ree packages of , llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.? Brings red lips, iright eyes and lovely "oolor. JW cents, Tea or Tabk ts. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist. m I pS,; if I i-s- ly. 1 ! Remember If you buy a Suit or Overcoat best ing P. A. ST0KKS label and it doe bm4 give tho wear you expected it should, bring It back and we will refunJ you money, P. A. STOKES Keeps Dreuy Shop for Dressy Men. Accordion, Sunburst and Knife Pleatin? To Order 8TZAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. No Burning of Good. MissO. Gould light rioor, Marquam Bnlldlog. PORTLAND. Prompt and Cartful Attention Greta to all Out-of-Tewi Order. . . . . . . a In Tims of Peace. In the first months of the Russia Jap an war we had a striking example of the necessity for preparation and tho early advantage of tbiHe who, so to pesk, "have shingled Jheir roof in dry weather." The virtue q preparation has made history and given to u our greatest men. The Individual as well a the nation 'should Ik -piepsred for any emergency. Ate you pr pared t successfully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be cured much more piickly when treated a soon a it has become settled in the system. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy is fimons for its cures of colds and it should bo kept at hand ready for instant ur. For sale by Flunk Hart and leading dlllggist. AT LESS THAN COST. Mr. Ho, of the Boss millinery par lors Is mmlelitnlatini m tikrtn Irnm .... ... . .... ... "gi m . " Y" m the citv. lastinff until the rcsumntinn ' ' r a of her spring business as soon as sho can diofl of her present stock of good and to expedite this, will, begin ning this morning, place the entire stock on sale at less than cost. NOTICE. Write 11 for big bargains in Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co., stock before the switch goes on road. Regular price t5.7S. Our price much lower. How can we do itt We hold more ahareo than wt can conveniently carry and must sacrifice to raise cash. For particu lars address W. J, Curtis A Co., 815 Commercial block, Portland, Ore., Tha Astorian, "5e per month. , The Astoria Restaurant. GOOD, CLEAN MEALvS EXCELLENT SERVICE . OPEN ALL NIGHT v 399 Bond St., cor. NmU. - v.-' - r. ' ' i v I