FRIDAY, XOVIKBEX j, 190). THE MORNING ASTORIA. ASTORIA, OREGON. 3' THE NEARER BATTLE By Howard Fielding. Copyright 1905, by Charles W. Hooki. FOUTJKIfci ngulimt tb day's uti kindly pwrulae by a inrtmi (lily breakfast, Kendall rc turned to die npMr regions ol the bonrilliiir house ami rtnolutely sui lowu to .write. There lay Itefore bin Hi Drat agft of a story. It hnl top nhI Ilka a cheap chirk In the ainnl hours of tha iiioriiluir, and lio lind altamloued It with a groan ami haft Bone to bod. Hut the thing uniM I tinkered and put toother ami wound i5 ana bad vnur amri icu at uim imjoii tip ami Hiild. lie aratiued' It 111 th cold light of dny ami was ainaxed to And Nome good In It, a clever lilt ol characterization warned, a touch of tin ilctuni(uo oddly out of place, a gliut of trtitrt In a muddy tnea of lualncorl ty. There wna even a pleaaant "Jlngl In the language, marred by dlnaoiiaucet unnatural and inalleloua, aa If the very devil had Jogged the autbor'a elbow. Kendall read and wa affected wltb Hty of bluiHelf and wltb a certain aym fiathy, a eorrowlug tenderueaa, for tlx Mor tuff that be bad labored to pro duce, the rotabfgotten child of fall abllltlea. A weak, uneven tapping at the dooi . a knock that waa aa cbaracterlatlc at haud writing and revealed a Died bablt of Indeclalon-aumiuoned Kendall t perform the aad rltea of bomeleea hoe ltallty. The ape-t of bla Tlaltor wat ao clear In bla Imagination that b acarce aaw ber tetter after the door waa open than before. Hue waa a fad ed woman of forty-live In wboae face there lurked an tatonlahlng prettlnese, moult and Inappropriate to ber years, the ghost of girlhood. , He gave ber welcome from an honest heart, but with a feigned good cheer. Would ahe come In? No; abe waa upon aome errand and bad merely atoped at bla door. Nevertheless aa be con tinued to atand waiting abe entered and eat down. "Edith hat bad break f ant." aald ahe. "1 brought up a cup of coffee and an orange. Hue aeema to feel better tula morning." "There's nothing like a good square meal auch aa you mention," aald be, mulling aadly, "to put a heart lu one. May I go In by and by?" "Yew; right away," ahe aald, rising, while her eyea wandered to the writ lug table. "If It won't Interrupt your work. JSdltb wanta to aee you." He eacorted her to the hoad of the atalre and then returned to bla room, k where he paced back and forth for some uiltmtea, fore-lug hlnmelf to think cheerful and lira re thoughta and strlv hill to bring bla countenance Into ac cord with them. When thle process had accompllahed all that could be hotted of It In the light of hhi expert euttt therewith he weut out Into the ball and aaw a big, aturdy man as ceudlng the stair, which creaked loud ly beuciitb him. ' "Good morning, doctor," aald Ken dall, "May I auk If you aro going to ee Mies Cameron)" "Yea. I waa on another call In the bouse and met ber mother, who sug gtatel that I ahould go up." - ','WIII you look In upon me after you have H4Hn her?" auld Kcudall, turning toward hla room. It may have been half an hour later when the doctor knocked and waa ad mitted. ' Kendall eyed hi in with ob vious, aching anxiety, "Convalescence la a long bualneaa aometlriies," aald the doctor. "Mine Cameron bad a serious Illness, and there la a aenae In wbtcb abe baa re covered from It, but a complete resto ration to health may be a very tedloua process." "I)o you aee any Improvement V The doctor shook hla head, and to tha bext queatlon, "A loaa, perbapar ba anawered with a guarded aaaent "1 dread the winter," aald Kendall. "If ahe could have a change of scene. If ahe could live an outdoor Ufa In kealtbfnl surroundings" , m "I nuderatand that there la a pecun iary difficulty." "They have a email property," re joined Kendall, "but It la not yielding touch Incomo Just now. I have looked Into the matter at Mm. Cameron'e' re quest A year from Dow they will be aorwlint easier In pocket.Meanwhll they live Ui Upon greatly reduced terina lriiu of rclatlomiblp. Yo iloulitliwa know the situation." "Mr. Cameron ejilnlnl It to me," aald the doctor -niitiMily. "Hhe nieu tlotied nu linlchliHliifxn which Con foil in I It: he broke out. "If the peo ple wou'd Ntop worrying, the girl would be ss well iim I urn In six uiontha." Keiiilnll wii very pule, ami bla face looked drawn and olij. "You are 11 ware thut I waa enguKed to Min Cameron," miUI be, "In aueu elrcuiiiit'uu -C4 ut the time of Mia Cain erou'a lice wilier, with great re-luctiiiHi-, lu-riiiluel me to nlt In meeting noiiie cIcIiiiiikIh. 1 wait then Id a fair way, hut n w" hla voh-o aud dculy betu;!f xhrlll ami tremulouft "now I bine gone nil to plw-e. 1 can witrcety - make my living. And th kuovii!(o of my altered comlltiou la the hint straw upoi, their baeks. Mle Ciimeroti ha iu.e:iod me from the eu gngemeiit peremptorily. Khe will not bear of lu roiiiliiiiuiii-e, believing ber nwu cine to bi' liopeU-M and her ml f a mere burden. Ho, even If I had the money, they would inl take It. They would not let me auve tier life." "I'iiU-m you had the strength to car ry the matter with a blxh hand." re apomled the doctor. "And. laklna of your atreiitfih, I am not your med ical advhter, but If you will grant for a moment the greater privilege ot advlNlng you aa a friend 1 ahall auKKeMt for you oImo a change of aceue. I think you Hhotikl not uxelixuily wreck your own career, of win we prouilHe I havt beurd aome very flattering thing." "I tlmiik you," miM Kendall coldly Aud the doctor took hi lome. Anln Kendall pa-el tmi-k and fortU and minniioiii-il it hU courage with even bit profit thun In-fore. Then Ur aat an hmir with Kdlth nml rclurm-d tt hi own room, hi heart nore with of and heavy with rih-ouriicriucni. And at uhout the Hume hour then were two men talking of thl very mat ter. One of them waa Kendall' ne thotiKh be ImikiHl younger, lie iimk vlgorouly.amoked hartl between wbllet ami wulkel the floor with an air ol et lu the exerctiw. The other wa much older. Ilia fare waa deeply lined and thoughtful, lie at by a broad, flat tuplNMl dek Uttered with mantmerlpti and letter aud an odd aiutortment ol reference book, big and little. "You have cboneu the flower of tha flock." aald the younger man. "Kendall la not only a natural born corrcioiid ent, with the gift of getting the truth aud the much rarer girt of writing It, but be la the very man pbylcally for thl Job. Heat and cold, rain aud drought, good food, bad food and uo food at all; awampa, microbe and bul leta-I tell you Kendall eata them all and growa fat The only thing that hurt blm I a quiet life. I aaw him In Cuba and In the Philippine, and be waa alwaya In coudltlou, alwaya bright and cheerful and cnthualaetlc. Dealdea, be baa a amattertng of Japea had a Jap claanmate In college whom hi waa very foud of. I tell you, Graham, wltb theae arrangement of your and Kendall aa your man you'll get th only good atuff that will have come from the eaat alnce tbo war began." ' "There are two polnta," aald Graham lowly. "We 'cannot afford to pay much; the expenea are bo heavy. He'll come back uo richer except In reputa tion. Hecond, I wlh that be bad kept hlnmelf more In the public eye of late. He ba aunk completely out of eight." "There'a a reaou for that, aa I have told you," aald the other, biting hi cigar vlcloualy. "Hut you can boom blm up. The public rcmeuibera blm." "Well." Oabam reauined after a pnuite, "I authorlxe you to lay thl proportion U'foro blm. You are hi cloHuMt friend, Htetaon. You are the only man who without offenxe can ahow htm the folly of hla present cotlrae. Get him for me. I want blm." "Without offeime?" echoed tftetaou. "I don't know, ltut I'll do my duty. It hurt rlrfit that Ned Kendall ahould wreck hla career for Jhe aiike of any woman, though ahe were the beat In the world." "Telegraph him to dine with you." atiKirexted Gruhtim. "Take hliu to Ju Uuu'a, where tho old crowd goe. Give blm aome raw tneat aud aomo good atroug 'man talk.' aa Kipling call It. That will fetch him." It w.u half paat 0 when Kendall and Btetvon met at Jullalf. Kendall wn weary with the day'a ungrateful toll and gloomy , thoughtj; Stetaon waa alert and kwn, with tub eyea of a buut er. Fortune waa kind; the right crowd waa there, the atmoapbere of the scene waa perfect, and Kendall with lan guid aurpriae, aaw himself welcomed aa If from a long lllneaa or the very Jawa of the grave. And In the exposi tion of the acheme Stetaon aurpaaaed all hla own expectatlona. "Jack," aald Kendall at last, "I thank yon from my bouI. If this hour la the turning point of my life, as I truly be lieve, the credit Is largely yours. Ton have awakened my manhood." ' '"Thank the Lord!" responded Stetson fervently. "Too have made an error, however," Kendall continued, "a natural error, which I will point out to you. We have aeen ao little of each pther In 'the past year' that you have loat track of me completely and now know nothing of my progreaa. I have advanced a great distance, but you have thought of me as standing still Just where you left we. We all make such mistakes. We hold the pictures of our friends as we last aaw them and forget that they mult chnngfi- you mean that you've rea!ly got on with your work? Kendall abook his bead. "Very badly," said be. "My work la moat respects baa gon hack. It la 1 that have advanced, and I really didn't know It myself until this evening. There Is my debt to you. It Is the way yott bare apokeo of man'a life that has otM-ued my eyea. Why, Jack, you've been talking of boy' gnniea, the health ful amiwemciit and exerelwn of youth, which fit ua for the serious IjunIimk of the world. Io yon really faijl-y that following an army ami living on hor meat end alc-pliig lu alx Incbea of dirty water In the ttoiii of an abandoned trench comdltute a great achlcTcineut that la worth while lu Iturlf? My dear boy, I have outgrown audi thing. I bnve done them In the pnt. aiffl they beneflted me aa much a fojthall, per bap a little more. It renin In for me now that you have brought thi ne early Icmioii buck to m& reiiieiiilirauee to take the good of them ami profit by the patience, atrength and rourccfiiliiea and courage that they taught me. 1 will begin tomorrow 110. tonight, for there are three good hour before VI." "Hut-hut aren't you going: to take Grabam'a offer?" "I can't conlder It The war In the eat la no doubt an Important matter for thoae who are cngngi-d In It hut nut for mo. Certainly I can't afford to look ou at It I can't afford to b a looker on right here and now, for there I war all around u. aud I stand armed In the thick of It. I buve dropx-d my -n and taken up the aword while you aud I have ut here at tbla tabU." "What do you nieanF "I mean thut the flmt duty of every man la to the woman be love; thut all the labor of hi youth are merely prep aration; that he endure hardnhlp and aee battle and fights tbem If tha chance cornea for no other worthy pur low than to learn how to fight for her. And I haven't done It. I have been looking on and Jotting down note that I cull aforlc. I'm through with it. To be plain with you. Jack, there I one blgh and holy tank before me now, and the Ird, through you, bus given me the grace to ce It. Good night. Give my rcNpcctful thanks to Mr. Graham. You will hcp 111c again when I have cut my way out of the heart of this bat tle." On the third day following tbla Inter view at the time of auuaet Kendall knocked at the Cameron' door and was admitted. He waa haggard and pale, but bla eyea revealed an Inex hauMtlhle energy of spirit He crossed the room' quickly to where Edith sat by the weteru window snd kissed ber hand with a One deference. ' "What baa happened?" ahe asked, looking up at blm. "Something baa come of all the mystery of theae lust few day a. 1 It a atory?" "Yea." aald he; "a love Btory about the prvttlet girl that ever lived and the tuplilett man that ever died and didn't know It till one day he waked op and aaw that he was dead and came to life again. The occaalon of thla mir acle was a conversation with an ex cellent friend who for the dead alive man's good suggested ao expedition to the wilds of Manchuria, where, I am told, there Is a war la progress. In stantly the awakened Individual per ceived that there was fighting nearer home In which he bad an Intimate con cern. In the midst of the battle be saw the prettiest girl aforesaid desperately threatened and aurrounded by- foes. Now, which battle waa his, think you? "It didn't take him long to decide, and be began to look to hla weapons. In bla right hand there was a pen-s good weapon In Its way, but too alow for thl emergency. Bo he reached up Into the air aud aelsed an Idea which bad the form and potency of a sharp aword. It bad been within his reach and dimly perceived for many months, but he had been too sluggish to grasp It Armed therewith, be hewed bis way to the citadel of a powerful ma gician who sat by a barrel of bright gold, with which be worked his won der. Thla sword for a share of that gold." cried the Invader, but the magi cian uttered a cold 'Ha, ha!' "Thrice and four times the man re turned to the attack, and each time tlx AT 8IASI0B ' TH1 MOBRIIfO ASTORIA la on 8al at UWIS Jt CO.'S DKUO STOKI MOKRISOH h CEEEItBAUM'S CIGAft STORE. ' flie curve of the work! frotn" a little hotwe towered In roees. It shines Into yotir cheek. Come; there will be more color where the rose sre. Let na go to find them." ' "1 dare not." ahe murmured, trem bling. "A gentleman connected with an ex pre compiiuy." aald be calmly, "will call for your baggage and your moth er's tomorrow a1out this hour." : .V44. 60 YEARS V EXPERIENCE Honcz. Xotiee is hereby given that the reg istration looks of the city of Astoria, for the primary nominating election to be held la thia city on Monday the 13th day of Kovember, 1905, will ba opened at the Auditor's office la the city hall, 00 Menday the 23rd day of October, 1905, and will clooe for aaid primary election on the 7th day of November, 1905, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., aaid registration book will be again opened on Thifriday the 18th day of November, 1905, for the general electioa to be held in this city on Wednesday the 13th day of DwemVr, 1905, and will clone on Saturday, the 9th. day of December, 1905, at 4 o'clock p. m. All person muxt register in order to be entitled to vote. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, October, 2 1st, 1905. OLOF ANDKRSOy, Auditor and Police-Judge of the city of Astoria Tmdc Mama Dcatana frsftO CorftMTS)4e. Anrna Mnittna a katrti snS a uWt'm w1 M-llf Miruin oar npniw tnm wlbmr m ikm I umrf tin Mranna Mtanu. Fatant UUrn tiinunb Muno Co. fwttv ltimtritlr r,malnt manl I CWaoU Scientific American. A hanitonnolr ninral4 wtwklf. IjiiwI Hf. calaltim of nr wtoMiao VrtimaL. Tana. S a f-nr : imir RHxitiw, i. Bum bf mi tniMwi HOWtC(LBfcllewYqrt wiwi unni. darn. WMBiaatoo. v. v. as 1 The & Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quiclcer,lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than anv other type writing machine. It is The World'a Best Typewriter Let M tens' roa our link took tdfing 11 ibout k. Trprwriter ruttptict. M chinai rrntfi Sccnofripbm funuhca. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 47 Stark 6 1, PortUnd Or. t IH POKTLAHD THE MOSHINQ ASTOSIAIf is for sale at the newt stands of THX - OREGON NEWS COMPANY, . , ' 147 Sixth Street, 115 Sixth Street situated at HOTEL POKTLAHD. 0?3 -O SPICES, o C07FEE,TEA DAin;;oFOVrt)zn, FLCCnSEXTRLCTS UluhMr, FiMJlFlivor. OmtntStreh.CtuouUirriail CLOSSETaDZVEDS . DMrrLAND.MXCOlL . , j Dr. D. A. Sanburn FSENCU SPECIALIST. The Kin of Cures You May Want A furnished bouse, rooms or store. Make your wants knows to the readers of this paper. If yon want a tenant for a noose, some reader may be the desired party. Obtained by Advertising la the Want Columns of the Morning Astorian. I DAILY 7,000 READERS I .or' - M Is now In yonr city, Introducing my wonderful art of healing. Come one and all and I will tell everyone their disease and you will be made welL My medicines are all nature's remedies, roots, herbs, barks and berries. , After I Introduce smy medicine I will leave certain kinds of it in your drug stores. My horns office and laboratory is at 1982 Hurst street, University Park, Portland, Ore. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m, Z to 8 p. at tthe Megler House, 080 Commer- ' cial street, rooms 1 and 2. Consultation free at Astoria, Ore. ' . -v JUST A MOMENT! Ma tova rroRT about ths prittUst OIBIi THAT BTVU UTX0." aword waa aharpened upon hard facts and polished wltb murti thought And at last he forced It Into the hand of tha great magician and was himself next moment bead and shoulders in tho barrel of red gold. To be plain, Edith, I have done a pretty stroke of business. hare some money down and some work to do and a good, safe contract for a sufficient salary. Dearest, look out into the west TV tint In thai sky Mnp np arontyl s We Want to Talk: to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in AH the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . V Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. Wc take your old worn out books with 1 the covers torn off rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library , 05 S8 The J. S. D.ellinger Co., Makers of All Kinds of 'Books Astorian Building Cornbr Citf3Rci.L ao I0ra Street; 1 .1 4 . .' t , , ''i