V. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER . 95 TTFP. MfYnitfTVl ACTATITAV ACTVYOTA nnrr-mr ' " , I NOTICE. ii - Colonel Bunker's Critics Apology By M Quad, Coprlght 1903 by R. B. McClure.' i T was my ruNtom, sab," an Id Colo- lid H.inliir as bo carefully re placed thi glass on the table nud elevated feet -"It wit my custom In hII perilous moment diirliifl t ! wnh to pluce myself at tint hcml of my rilm'iit ami wave my sword ami 'Mil ujmiu iuy gullant men In follow me to victory or death. 1 do not go fur n to clului (hut I originated this cu loin or practice, hut I believe 1 fol lowed It nioro clely II11111 any oilier colonel In the service. When private I I "mi, run knsmi m in rmmr or cat" soldier s-c hid commanding officer ready to sncrlilcv hi life there run b iiohatiKliiK back. "Yen, iih, 1 would place myself where shot mid shell ralucd the thick est, and after allowing tun men time to toady themselves I would wave my word and utter a few worda of fervid elouuctice. Then 1 would wheel and load thorn, aud It win aeMoiu that vie tory did not erch ujxm our banners. Htio bad to perch. There wm no get ting out or It When you follow a fer vid hwIi with a dawn aud a yell aooicthlug baa got to hrrnk. Tbo one tooted exception waa at tbo second bat tle of Muaantiaa. My glorloui old regi ment waa placed Id a certain position ud ordered to bold It until my udg tnatit dictated an advance. We bad fought for three hour when the opmr tune moment arrived. I'laclng myself In frout of the tine, I went through the uiuol wave and then aald: were rlght-ino' thuii right Accept my bund, mih, aim! let in bury tbo hatchet' "Those wei- bin word, anh, while hla djunciilior W;i In coiiKoimiiee with them. Aiul nliut eoiild I do but shake bl blind iiikI order twenty touiida of augur pent to my buime aa a clincher? "A not her of my erllle waa Majnli Hoke, The- imijiili IiihIhIihI tht my wish to die for my country lk.nl noth ing to do with It; Hint I hud Im-cu or dcred to bold n certulu position ami Hint It wn my duty to do It; Unit It looked mole like lending a reglmeiit out to piny n giiiue of IhimcImII than to fight mid oilier remark that stt deep, I could not chuileiiKe him, he helnic my Infirh.r. hut I tweaked hi noe f ir bltn iiml slated that If he would cluilli uu'f me I would waive, tlir difference In nnk. "The 11111J.1I1 n nil ginger, suh. lie bud the challenge tend) In leu mluutca, and nil was arnmg t to meet next ma wiilng KjkIi wa fully deteriiilued to kill the oilier, hut we were not ti meet. That night while he wn going the round of the pli-ket be wna no badly kicked by nu army mule that he wa sent to the boHplial. A few days Inter be wn gobbled up by the enemy and held prisoner to the end of the Willi, I met tillll oil the street or this town a ytar biter. I wna about to glare at htm and pax blin by when be held up hla band for me to bait aud aald: Volonel Hunker, I have come to th coiicliihloti Hint my word of year agt were uncalliHl for. You were put In certain place to ecrcli your bent Judgment, ami whatever you did wn t;lglit. WInIi to recall those word snh, nud I w IhIi you to accompany nu; around the corner and take a nip In boiioh of the renewal of our friend ship.' It WHH a time wliell all men Wep' burying their nnlinoKltlcK, iiikI the ma Jah and I imhi buried mux. I then ha ouly niic more man to deal with. II had Imm ii lleuteliunt culoiiel In 111 v brl gfdc, and It had no hnppeiie that we bad played poker together on mnny oc cusliina. It bad al hnpiieiied, a It will NoiiietlmeH, tlmi l bad most al ways been tbo winner. The colonel waa a gentleman, nub, a well a a aol dler, but bU oua rankled a bit "When my trouble came be remarked that I waa probably leading my rcgl ment In aearcb of a four ace band, and when I called on him and demanded an apology he refused to mnke one. I waived the difference In rank and chat longed Ii I in. He promptly accepted. As both of u wIhIio.1 to have the affair An Appreciative Audience. THE rlrcua do-n't come alone a oftaa a I'd Ilk. 1 An' fun U omfthln' a a rul that'a mlahly lurI lo strike. Out whn lull Jmr tomei rourtln Wflt, 1 lmily 11 nt lo my The way my ikt t will Icit a rlrcur any day. gh hnkr hi tin ml wv up tilth an' any, "Why. Iiowly OV" The anme a It aim didn't a-e lilm evrry day or I wo. An' lln-n ho trim 10 ana-r txick an' 1 hokc an' hna lo conah. An' I'm a-luuahln' fit to kill whli UtT 1 ahowlir 0 IT. 8li Inlk 'If. 11 1 book that'a wroli Ir Kr-mh, an' h any a, "Vi-, lnili-d:" A rooktmok la the only kind 1 ever u h-r rd. Ilr fm limk fin by amliifht, an' ou Im-1 I wonMn't care To toll Mm 'bout Iho frr-kl-a that art hldilen a'lmowhfr" tli-re. Shti I'l.ty on the l,iiio. rtntw-i hariitu an' Ihirii aim alah An' look like xho w angl forma a-ftoat- In' from th kli . Bh yll al m all day. but whn Illll cull her von o mt mr An' muliy llko. it' almply arat whtn alad-r'a ahowln' off. I wouldn't mind n bit to bo hor coml'n' It ao alrona. Provided ahe waa only Job the aame th wholn day long. Out when h'B i-ron a tack an' Irloa la B t ILM BWl-ft M pit It atrlkoa m a eo hiimoroua that I've ot to huiKh or die. I An' when h aontly hold hor hand I'm terppted lo hit allp The fact that ah kin hit moil hard enough to ailnk a hlp. X know It ain't the proprr thing to aneer at folk nn' aentT. Dot, hniimi. Iioy. It funny wh-n mj aUti-r a ahowln' off! Waahlngton Btar LEWIS & C0.S DRUG STORE 4 AT SEASIDE THE HORNING ASTORIAN la on Sale at MORRISON k GREENBAUM'3 CIGA STORE. MU BJ years Vy t EXPERIENCE 1 (mm j Trdc Marks 'r " a. Kotke ia hereby given that the reg intration booki of the city of Astoria, for the primary nominating election to be held in this city on Monday the 13th day of November, 1905, will be opened at the Auditor' office in the city hall, on Monday the 23rd dar of October. 1905, and will close for aaid primary election on the 7th day of November. 10O5, t the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., aaid registration book win be again opened on Thumday the 16th day of November, 15KJ5, for the general election to be held in thit city on Wednesday the 13th day of Decrmtier, 1905. and will eloae on Saturday, the 9th. day of December, 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. All prvn muiit register in order to be entitled to vote. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, October, 21t, 1905. OL0F ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the city of Attoria. 0 SPICES, o DAIflNOPtffDEn, 0rraft5freih,CtMOffricJ CL0SSETGD2YO1S t PORTLAND, ORXQON. AnyonB amiltnf a at etch and doMJliXtoB aur tmetir amruin nor nfnnfrii ma tmim as " 'Men, the enemy la In front of u! over wlUi at the mrlleat iHlble mo- oo win loiiow me until me taai one; TOnt w, wnt out Wthn ,5e hoQTi naa aied or aurremlereo r "i wllir ahouted a hundreil both of ua were dead ahota It wa pre dicted Uiat there would be a double 1 tragedy, but there waa a roaring farce Inatead. "We entered a meadow well beyond the llnea aud were about to take poal tlona when we discovered that we bail atlrreil up a neat of bumhlebeca. The Inaecta attacked ua with fury, and both men, and the next moment we were daahtug forward. After we bad daabed about eighty rod I began to look for the en emy, but be waa not to be found. We kept on for half a mile, but no enemy. We were determined to do or die, iah- do or dle-and we continued charging ' ahead and thinking of our forefather 1 0f , W8r tUDg repeatedly befo' we who died at Islington and Hunker Hill ! roUld make our eecape. The humor of until we bad gone two mile. It then tne thing appealed to each man, and a trauapirca mat tnere waa no enemy for few Judicious worda from the aeconda ten Diiica in tnat direction, and arter a brought about a reconciliation. .u. I ,.lll.Aiul 1 - . . . "w ,"U""A 1 naa aeiertnineii to piay no mo "I am aorry to Bay that our gallant poker with the colonel, but at bla ear uano waa miaconairueii in cennin qoar ; Rmt anj re,,eatel aollcttatlona I did tare. The brigadier, for Instance, said 1 relieve hhu of email auma at regular ne couiiiu 1 make out wny we suonia 1 Intervals for the neit year or two. go cnurging an over tne country aner good soldier and a game man. suh, but an enemy ttint waa cloae at liana. I re-1 not tip on the polnta of the great Anle pBt.u tne words or my rcrvlil address CBn game. Tliafa all, eah-that's all ,to mm, nut it waa no go. I tola lilm or 1 And when th cocktail waa brought our wish to .lie for our country, but be 1 be drank It at a gulp and was eoou only amllisl. At length, sah. at length nodding In sleep. . M. QUAD. wuen no iHM-uine aarcastic 1 remarket! that he vn my superior officer 11 ud outside of tiny rhnllenge from me, but If we both II vel to the end of Uin wnh be would be forced to meet me on the A StaBdlae; Hale. Jones hnd Just run over to aw If Mr, and Mr. IWiink would go to the thea ter with them. Mr. Blank was awful field of honnh. For my words I was y aorry -she would so much like to go. put under arrest for tVo weeks. Jllt unfortunately. Rhtnk wna out; lut "Colonel Johnson of my own brigade , probably he waa nt the club. She would wa anoiner wuo ilia nit unueratana tolcphone. The following conversation tne aituatiou. it was jui at tno time eiiHuetl: umi aoenn were nie, ami wouiii ,ou -Mnln 31..1 please. Hello! Is till believe, anh, that ho bad the Impudence (he rlub? Is my hushand there? to asa me ir i ntm isaen my regiment n,.0: Not there? Sure? Well, nil on a little trip to gather tbo succulent nr, then. Hut bold on. How do you ...U it a.. .11 a .1 1. 1 aa . iruiw i umi uuu t-iiniicngcu wiimn nve , know? I haven't even told you my aeconua, uut in going to tne nem se- name" lected I fell over a stnno and Injured my back ao that I waa laid up for a month. At the end of that time Colonel Johnson waa drafted Into another regl inent, and we did not meet again until all waa over. Then be came up to me one day with outstretched band and aald:- M Colonel Dunker, I have had almost three years In which to think that thing over, and I hare come to the conclusion that blackberries bad nothing to do with It 1 think you were Inspired al together by heroism and that If you bad found the enemy he would have been slain to the last man. Forget the worda spoken years sgo, eah-forgot tbera.' "I bad to forget them, sab. Too cant force a man to fight you after be has apologised. It was only few weeks later when I met the brigadier. The wab was over, and ho bad gone to keeping a grocery. I walked In on him one day, but before I could make a re mark be came bustling forward to aay: M 'Colonel Bunker, I am glad to. fee you, sah mighty glad. When you wanted to die for your country at sec Anl Manassas and made a dash tif T ttirrws nit I oa. In hnnaM tt flnA siAmA amjb to kill you I did not exactly appreciate the sentiment nor the situation, . I bars given them much thought since, and I are corns to the conclusion that yov There ain't noNaly'a husband here nerer!'' waa tho wine attendant's reply. -New York World. Rialalaed. Housekeep You're a roan. Why don't you big, go to Mrs. healthy work? weary waiuer-i-aay, ni tell yer rue trouble. I'm an "unhappy medium." Mrs. Houaekeep What do you mean by that? Weary Walker Well, yer see, I'm too heavy fur light work an' too light fur heavy work. Catholic Standard and Times. Man's Unreasonableness. ia often as great as woman's. But Thos. 8. Austin, Mgr. of the "Reublican" of Leiventworth, Ind., waa not unreason-1 able, when he refused to allow the doe tors to operate on his wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he says, "we con cluded" to try Electric Bitter. My wife waa then ao sick she could hardly leave fter bed, and five (3) physiaiana bad failed to relieve her. After taking Elec tric Bitters, she waa perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household Luties." Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist, price 60c j Bilioua Attack Quickly Cured. A few weeks ago I had a bilious at tark that was so severe I was not able to go to the oflice for two day. Fail ing t get relief from my family phy i-iatfs treatment, I took three of Chainlierlain' Stoinarli and Mver Tab b in, and the next ilay I leit like a now man. II. C. Bailey, Kditnr of the News Clianin, S.I C. These Ublets are for Mile by Frank Hurt and leading drug iht. He Dwltrd the Door. Boston Globe. Seereta ( the Craft. Customer (Inspecting the sample the waiter bas brought bim-How do you Biattngulsb your clnm chowder from alaln vegetable soup? Walter-We hare different labels on the kettles, air. Wish any coffee? Ctlcago Tribune. Constipation. Health is absolutely impossible, if comttipation be present. Many .serious cae4 of liver and kidmy complaint have oprung from neglected constipation. Such a deplorable condition is unneces sary. There is a cure for it. llerbine will speedily remedy matters. C A. Mndsuy, 1'. M., Bronoon, Fla. writes, Feb. 12. 1H02i "Having used Herbine. find it a fine medicine for constipa tion. Sold by Frank Hart ivantwm M enrfiahlf MienuiilaCoai urtni I a 1 IPteial otkt, without clr, m tb NuirUlryiMTitbJ. HANOBOM oa Fatauu immI wnx-T Ir oourtnc Dauou Plni tatoa tfamarh Mana k Co. rvotlr Scientific American. A kui4mBlr lllnralo4 wooklf. Ijurmtt otr. rulaiMm i.f any umllDr VmrruJ. Tcnn, tl a rwi f'Xir month. II. bcMejaJI MliWin. MUNN&Co.",B'-. New York Branca 0o. Kt t Bt. WarttMloo. D.U r i The 1 Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, docs it quickerlasts longer, and costs less in the long run than anv other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let oj trni you our little book telSn all about it. Typewriter tupplie. Ma chinai rented. Sienofnphcn funmixA. Th Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 6Urk 6t, Portland Or. -III PORTLAND TUX M0R5IHG AST0SIA9 is for tale at the news stands of THE OSEGOIf NEWS COMPANY, situated at HOTEL PORTLAND. 147 Sixth Street, 125 Sixth Street Dr. D. A. Sanburn FRENCH SPECIALIST. The King of Cures 1 Jr ' e ; - : h jl T You May Want A famished house, rooms or store, slake yoar wants known to the readers of this paper. If you want a tenant for a bouse, some reader may be the desired party. Obtained by Advertising In the Want Columns of the Morning Astorian. DAILY 7,000 READERS Is now in yoar city, Introducing my wonderful arts of healing. Come one and all and I will tell everyone their disease and yon will be made welL My medicines are all nature's remedies, roots, herbs, barks and berries. After I introduce my medicine I will leave certain kinds of it ia your drug stores. My home office and laboratory is st 1982 Hurst street, University Park, Portland, Ore. Office hours to 12 a. m., to 8 p. at ttbe Megler Ilouse, 080 Commer cial street, rooms I and 2. Consultation free at Astoria, Ore. Dlaerlmlaattoa. Mr. Iluuskoc p My aerrant girl doesn't know very much; she's equally careless wltb the flue china end the common. Mr. Illrnm Offen My clrl Bbows considerable Intelligence. Mrs. IlatiHkfM'f) Vca? Mm. Iliriun Offen-Yes; she's most carelexs with tho fine china. Catholic Standard and Times. Best Liniment on Earth. Henry I. Baldwin, Supt. City Water Works, StiulLsburg, Wis. writes: "I have tried many kinds of lini ment, but I have never received much benefit until I uxed Ballard's Snow Lini ment for rheumatism and pains. I think it the best liniment on earth." 26o, 60c, and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. ' TTelpraf airi." What a big girl you're getting to be, Edith! I suppose you help your mother about the house a great deal." "Oh, yea. Whenever mother says ts me, 'Do get out of my wsy, 1 de It." Philadelphia Press. His Oalalaa. She I don't see why people who are engaged should not get along without quarreling. He Yes. They might wait until the are married. New York Press. The price of s pretty face la $1.00 three packages of HolligUr's Rocky Mountain Tea, Brings red lips, bright eyea and lovely color, S5 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist Ths Astorian, 75 cents a month. I JUST A MOMENT! 5 j We Want .to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING Wc do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art ... ' se js Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. dt & g The J. S. Dellinger Co., Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building Cjrto CoaasRcut. kso lOra 1 Street I laflsaTafllatilaTaM i