WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, t, 190J Small Ads. on this page J arc read by those who know their value. Try them They will be of value to you. Small Ads. I cent a word each Insertion. 30 cents a line per week of 7 days. 75 cents a month Try them. rvn CO "n rvr Ml 111 JVJ Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. THE MORNtXG ASTORIAX. ASTORIA. OREGON. K 1. " 111 1 I 1 in v. 5 5 i HELP WANTED. "WANTED-SAW MILL TALLYMAN' for mill, and alo for tallying cargo; sua familiar with grading. Vetport Lumber Company, West port. Or. IBOCXMKN WANTED AT BUSKER ldQ quarry. Tale boat to Stella, : Waeaiarton. " WANTED BY CHICAGO MANU ?ACTUBJXO Houae, person of trust- . vortiiMea and somewhat familiar with lean tsrritoy aa aaaiatant in branch of- .tea. Salary $13 paid weekly. Per maaeat position. So inveatment re spired. Previous experience not eeaen aal to engaging. Address, Manager Como Block, Chicago. , WANTED DfSTAIXMEST COLLEC TOR for merchandise accounts; Rood t salary and expenses. Address Manager, , P. a Box 1027, Philadelphia. Pa. LEARN 1LEGRAPHT AND S. B. AewHint!"g. 50 to SSOO a month eal aty assured our graduates under bond. Oar six schools the largest in America Mi endorsed by U Railroads. Write iat catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0, Buffalo, 5. Y, Atlanta, Ga, La Crosse, Wis., Tex rkana, Tex, San Francisco, CaL WANTED TWO YOUNG GIRLS. AP . pry at the Eastern Candy Works, 13 Duane street. WANTED BY CHICAGO WHOLE Sale and mail order house, assist sat manager (man or woman) for this ssonty and adjoining territory. Salary ISO and expenses paid weekly; expense Money advanced. Work pleasant; posi tion permanent No investment or ex perience required. ' Write at ones for prrtteulars and enclose self -addressed Bart lope. Thomas J. Cooper & Co., 132 Lake street, Chicago, HL GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK Cp-to-Dete photo studio, 178 Tenth street. I WE CAN MAKE A MOST ATTRAC tire offer to energetic men and wo- saea io become our permanent repre . seat ati res in their own localities. Pre ' far those who can devote their whole tana, with a view to managing branches ; far a after January . 1st No capital i assured. . . We manufacture . a staple ; lae si merckandies, for which there is universal demand. Raymond Hill & Cosspany, 183 Kinzie St., Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED-BY A JAP anest girl to do light work for board Sm private family. Enquire at U. S. restaurant, 434 Bond street FOR SENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 8 ROOM HOUSE, 236 Tenth street MUSIC TEACHER. MISS TAWNEY B. M..-PIANO, IIAR aaony. History, Studio at 5C2 Com mercial atreet Phone 2146 Black. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. JfOR SALE CHEAP HORSE, BUG fj tod harness. Inquire Astorinn of fce. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 400 EGGS capacity; also three J00 capacity Sjrooders; flrst-claaa condition, Ad areas A. Astonan Office. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ' HOUSE keeping room. Apply at Atorian afliee TOR RENT-THREE FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. No cJtidrea. Enquire 472 Commercial street. FOR RENT-FRONT ROOM WITH OR without board, centrally located, rea saaalls terms. Address "M.M this of Se. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, IN . private family. Inquire ai 172 Frank la arenas. 10R RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms. For particulars iaauvs at As office. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH LIGHT, beat and privilege of bath, $7. Ad dress "B1 care' Astorian. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 127, 7th street Free With Small Ads to... FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. UANTED-TWO OR THREE ROOMS furnished for housekeeping by couple without children. Address "B." Astor ian office. NOTICE OF BIDS. PROPOSALS FOR POTATOES AND ONIONS, Vancouver barracks, Wash ington, Oct SL, 1905. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering potatoes and onions for six months beginning Nov. 1, 1005 will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Forts Co lumbia, Lawton, Stevens, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden, until 10 a. m., Oct 12, 1905 and then opened. Information fur nished on aplication. Envelopes con taining proposals should toe indorsed Proposals for' potatoes and onions," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied or to Major George B. Davis, ehier som'y. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUT TON. Office of chiera commissary, Tancouver barracks, Wash., Ort. 2, 1909. Sealed proposals for furnishing and de livering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning Jan. 1, 1900, will bee received here and at offices of commis saries at Fort Stevens, Ore., Boie bar racks, Idaho, Forts Cayy, Columbia, FkffVer, Union, Walla Wolta, Ward, Worden, Wright and Vannouver bar racks, Wash., until 10 a. m,. Nov. 1, 1905, and then opened. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed. "Proposals for freeh le"f and mutton" to be opened Nov. I, 1903, and ad dressed to commissary of pot to be supplied, or to Maj. Ceorge B. Davis, ohief som'y. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice i hereby given to all parties holding Clutsop County warrants, en dorsed prior to September 12th, 1!K)4. and warrants number 8910, 8917, 8919, 8919, 8920, 8921, 8922, 8923, 8924, 8923, 8920, 8927, 8928, 8929, 8930, 8931, 8932, 8933, 8934, and 9054, to present the same to the County Treasurer at his office, 590-592 Commercial street, for payment. Interest ceaes after this date. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 2Gth day of October, 1905. (Signed.) CIIAS. A. HEILBORN County Treasurer. GARDENING. GARDENING PERSONS DESIRING lawns or flower gardens beautified may have the work done in first class manner by leaving orders at the office of O. F. Morton. Charges reasonable. WOOD YARDS. WOODl WOODl WCODl Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. Theme si 91 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposiU opera house. ' By Special Arrangement with Wadhanis & Kerr Bros. THE ASTORIAN has secured a large quantity of their r a m aiic rrnni a hv FRUIT JARS One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 25-cent or higher want ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Astorian. What Mr Fred Dreiser has to say atxrut the ICOXOMT JaR i Kerr GlMllanufkcturlni Company. Portland, Orecon. tientlernen: Reforrliijr to the KCONOM Y FRl'IT JAK, we are pleased to say tbat we bar. bean aelllnc them Sr lures yearn. The Dint year we ordered three fro-, Uie second year ten f roaa, and this year our order calls for twenty-flv. rioaa. Ws believe that within a few years they will be the only Jar In uae; flrat, because (he Quality o( the Jar rar excels all others ; second, the Jar I mtnllary , having a wide mouth, therefore eaNlly ckaued. The cover la aa sanitary aa the (laaa Itself, while theenverron many other Jam are made of sine, which produces polaon whvu In contact with fruit and vegetables. The absolute certainty of every RTON'OM Y JAK aeallna makes It the Ideal Jar tor ranntiiR tiurpoaea. We beeoeak a gnul future Air the ECONOMY JAK. Me are very truly yours, K, DKKHHKK A CO. By K. nreer, Pres. ASTORIAN SA1ALL ADS Are "Kconomy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is one cent a word each insertion. Advertisements must be delivered in our office and paid for in advance. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FURNITURE. ROBINSON & H1LDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 68S Commercial St FURNITURE, Carpets, esddinf, Steves, Matting, Window Shades, LINOLEUM, Ets. BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar OX Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything First Class. Fineit brauds of Liquors and Cigars MEAT MARKETS. Central Meat Market C W. Morton t J no. Fahrman, Prep' CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commercial 8t Prions Main 321 BROKERAGE. C. J. TttEXCHARI) Real Estate, Insurance, Commiaaior and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Office 133 Ninth Street, Next to Jtistlos Offiea. ASTORIA, OREGON. MILK DEALERS. Milk must be fresh and purs That old and young may enjoy it) Few know that it even may prove a cure For weakness which is so annoying. Wa Handle only Part Milk fresh from Healthy Cows. Morning or night delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, 10th and Duane streets. HAMMOND DIRECTORY SALOONS HAMMOND. The Hammond People do not take time to knock When at the end of the walk. The man on the bank of the river, Fins liquora and cigars will deliver To you by the light of sun or moon,. If you call at the nammond Saloon. W. STORM, Prop. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8 U KG EON Aetlng Assistant Snrgeoa C.8. Marine Hospital Her Y lee. Offloe hours: IS to It avm. 1 to 4: IS pA 477 Commercial 8tret. Ind Floor. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 624 Coroaterciai St Astoria Oresoav Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Pythian Bnilding, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTI31 678 Commercial St., Bhanahan Building DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, Mansell Building Telephone Red 20til Astoria, Oregon DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 305 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON OSTEOPATHI8TS. Dr. Shod C, HIcis. Dr. i, V Huyder OSTEOPATHS. Office Mansel. Bid. Phone Black 20(1 671 Commercial SU Astoria, Ore. LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry Tha snly whits labor laundry In the elty. Does ths best work at reasonable prices and Is In every wsy worthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE Sts Phsns 1991. RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doaghnuta, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant 434 Bond St BEST to CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St SEASIDE DIRECTORY. HOTELS. THE OSIER CAFE AND Short Order House Oysters, Clam sand Crabs in any Stylo. Home cooking, nothing but the best ol everything. Short order or regular meals at reasonable prices MRS. C C. OSIER, Prop. Seaside, Oregon. COLONIAL HOTEL Located in tha most besutiful spot, over looking ths ocean. Ninety elegantly furnished rooms. Bath Houss In Connection. Comforts of horns. Beat meal. Rates, 2 and up. McGUIRE'S HOTEL largo and Airy Rooms, flood beds. Everything flrst-claaa. Kates Reasonable Main Street, Seaside, Ore RESTAURANTS. THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER PARLOR. Is getting to bo ths leading resort at Seaside. Short orders a Specialty. MRS. U. A. STILES, Proprietor. tf naM LIVERY AND EXPRESS. Livery Stable Livery, Sals and Feed StsMe, Saddle Horses, First-Class Rigs, Baggage and Express. Wood for aale and general de livery, N. D. Bi IN ft CO., Seasids, Ore. WINES AND LIQUORS. THE OEM An up to-date resvrt for Gentlemen. Choirs Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give us a call and we'll do the rent. 0. E. HUNTER, Prop, Seaside, Ore. THE BRIDGE Harry Kretwr and Harry Bulger ! Ara now running The Bridge Saloon, where they will be pleased to meet their friends. EAGLE SALOON Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Finest place in Seaside to pass a pleas ant hour. FRANK SCOTT, Prop. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Is on Sals in Astoria at J. N. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. UTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE, JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. and THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, A saBBNSBl Tenth and Commercial SU. s , Pot Kidnev ot liiaaaer troubles. m a, a i Cures In CMNART DISCHARGES Sscn Cttmrie peats the nnrt BtvsTrf 97 tfUaWl.ll I mil m M a aw MEDICAL. THE Dr. C. GEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly localM 2M Alder Strw-t: fr tha aat Ave ycara,IIAVE kloVK.I) Into tha sVe6,nlzl' . ihH uiiilli-eaat eor. ner of First ami Morrison Streets, En trance No. I0J Fnnt Ht. Successful Home Treatment Dr.C.UEK WO Is known thmushoul ths Culled Htalea, and U railed the Ureal ChlneM Ixirttir 1111 aretmnt of hla woudorful cures without Hie alii nt m anile, without u.ln iMilwtn r diuia ofanr kind. Ha teaU any and all dlaeaaea with iHiwerrul oriental rH herha. Iiarka. and vegetables that ara uii known to metMcal arlenee In thla country, and through the uae t( ttieas harntleas reme dies heguarauteea to curs Catairh, Aithma. Lun Trouble, Rhsumttism, NtrvooiMM, Stomach, Uvsr, Kidney, rtmale WtskiMsi and all Chronic Diseases, (fell or write, enrlnalne 4 S-eent stamps for mallltif tKMik audrlreular. Addreaa, The C Oe Woe CMimm Msdklm C No. IW .2 Mnt St, S.E. Cor MorrUea. Mention this Portland Orea. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Flneat Hotel In the Northwest LICK San Francisco's leading con venience and family hotel centrally located. Con venicnt to all car lines, and places of amusement and in terest. Cafe and Crili at tached. Rates $ 1 00 per day and up. Street cars direct to hotel from and to all depots. HOUSE San Francisco, Cal. 15 Discount on a Fine Line of China Cups and Choc olate Pots. Yokohama Bazar 631 Commercial Street, AUrl OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW" OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE QOINQ TO MAKE THI MORNING, ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OF ITS SIZE. WILL YOU HELP usr TELEPHONE MAIN Ml and I WILL Cll AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT OR SEE C. C. CLINTON, Circulation Mauser. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. P. 8. If you live out of town writs or eur plan. . Sunday Excursion ts North Beach. Ths' Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Company ars sellinf round trip tickets very Sunday from Astoria to all eotta, at a rata of ons dollar for ths points on Long Bea Including Nan. round trip. " AW.,