The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 31, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1873.
Published Daily by
By mail, per year .............17.00
By mail per month .60
By carrier, per month .75
By mail, per year, in advance.. $1.00
Entered at peeond-elasn matter June
St 16, at lh pcMsUifflce at Astoria, ur
fon, under Ibe act of Congress of March S,
fallen to that of a mere fcminiteril
agency." Oh, what a fall wa there my
tVOntora for the dettrenn of Tbb Moan
iva ivroaiAK to either reaideooe or place of
huainM nT be made bT metal card or
through tele bone. Any irregularit j in de
hrm should be mihertiatoly reported to Um
office of publicaUoo.
Portland. Oet. 30.-Oregon,
Tuesday: Fair.
Western Washington: Fair fol-
lowed by increasing eoludine
near the coast; cooler in extreme
Southwest portion.
Eastern Washington. Fair.
The consumer, dNsatitied with the
treatment he receive Rt the hand of
the pernon from whom he buy hi gen
eric, waring apparel, etc.. ha the pnv
ilege of trailing with other dealer ill the
same line. The consumer who patron
ize the corporation which ha a mon
opoly of any public utility i at the
mercy of the monopolist. He doc not
hav tint privilege of choosing from
whom he will buy a monopolised com
modity. It therefore stand to reason
that if any corporation i unfair to it
patrons, the latter are entitled to a rem
edy. There are but to remedies that
suggest theniselx r. One is imuuYioal,
tate or national regulation and super-
vision; the other i public ownership of
utilities. The corporation which are of
the kind that have no consideration for
the pcopje other than to get an much
money from them a possible for tiie
minimum degree of service, will event
ually be compelled to accept one of those
renxslifi. Regulation and Mix-rviin
will still leave them adequate return for
motley invested. If they refuse to ac
cept that tkey must blame no one but
themselves if public ownership is do
inunded, and the demands are enforced.
The whole question is up to the corporation.
The trick that were played in the
olden days to ascertain who the anxious
one would marry are many and various
and for an extended lit of them the
reader ia referred to the works of
KoWrt Hum. In later year the Hal
lowe'en prank played have fallen off,
On the part of the boy the reaaoa may
be ascribed to fear of the police more
than a lack of spirit, for the policeman
of the tttcntiotli century discourage
trick that damage property.
The Russian Kmperor is at the lat
ditch in the fight going on beteen hi
people and his lord. Nicholas the Third
face the same tremendous crisis that
ha confronted the rule of absolutism
everywhere on top of the Earth. He
must give way way; must give repre
sentative government to his subject
and wipe out the lat vestige of tyran
nical, coercive force; nni-t wipe out the
bureaucratic form that have made hU
government a by -word of hate among
the nation fur centuries; must align
himself with the spirit of procedure in
t . - ...
national life that belongs to 1905, or go
down in a cataclysm of ruin, in which
hia dynasty, hi family, hi Empire and
his friends will all figure in sacrifice
fearful to contemplate. He is even now
trembling on the verge of making Count
Witte Chancellor of the Empire and giv
ing the nation a parliament with large
prerogative and abolishing martial law
throughout his dominions, but his in
berent personal weakness is again giving
way before the tremendous pressure of
the imperial cabal of grand dukes and
hereditary henchmen, a it always has
in the past, and there is but little hope
that lie will muster courage enough to
do the one great act of his poor, pur
poseless life. The fearful alternative
of internecine war, or rapine, murder,
and the endless array of horrors attend
ant Upon great revolutions, will repeat
itself to the undoing of the Russian
eople, and the puny, impciial human
toy will be tmia-hed in the doing of it.
It is pitiful, but as certain as all other
edicts of fate, and as iicee.-ry as it is
Roosevelt the Educator. That's what
he i. He has done more in the public
career that has been his, to educate the
American people along line of national
duty and sectional reion-dlility, than
any man in the life of the nation. To
this man's wisdom and diplomacy i
due the absolute wiping out of the old
bug bear of Southern hostility to all
things Northern and the beauty of it all
i that it ha been done effectually.
There is nothing transitory in the spir
it that yields him such universal and dis
tinct honor throughout the whole Smth.
The Southerner i no man to play with
his own prejudice; he cherishes them
and fight for them, or he cast them
out. once and forever, and is just as
loyal to the newer inspiration as he was
to the old.
fme giant battle ship of today uli
as made junk of a large part of the
Runsian fleet in the battle of the Sea of
lupan could destroy both the liccts en
gaed in the most itieturcwiiu- and in
many respects most ni'iiiorable nava
battle of history that of Trafalgar
and come out of the contest without
even the paint knocked from its arm
ored sides. A vessel that can pour in
a deudy fire at a distance of from three
to five miles was probably not even
dreamed of or desired by Nelon. Hi
liked to close with the encmv and do
real fighting, hand to hand, if nece
Colonel Wattet'soii, like all genuine
Southerners, never does things by halves,
and his enthusiastic greeting of the
President in his Southern trip is merely
an illustration of the changed spirit of
the South toward Theodore Roosevelt
as man and President.
Hereafter it
Agent" Page!
will bn "Ministerial
"Ministerial Agent
Republican, register! Register, to th-
last man! And do it in time!
"Ministerial agent" is certainly good!
The Oregonian of yesterday gives
voice to an actual and imperative con
dition confronting the commerce of the
hlate and its metropolis, that is alarm
ing. Secretary Taft will not recommend
appropriations for harbor and river im
provements from Congress at the coming
session, and all available funds for the
Columbia river and bar are exhausted.
This is indeed serious and the Astorian
can but feel a measure of Hatisfnction
In having shown the real conditions on
the bar, since the showing may be used
nt Washington as one of the potential
reasons to be employed in urging Sec
retary Taft to relinquish the stand he
lia taken, and ask for an emergency
appropriation to at least proceed with
the work in hand.
The office of Police . Commissioner,
formerly held in such high esteem and
o much sought after, ha fallen so low,
that "there are none so poor as to do it
revefrewc"; yestajrday it) miglii havm
frtood against the world, but now- it has
Halloe'en Pranks Are to Be Expected
and Door Sells Will Come in for
Their Share of Attention.
The wise limn will see that extra
fastenings are placed on his gate tonight
and if he has a hell on the door of his
rcidcnce he will I saved all kind of
annoyance if he will muffle it for a few
Door Ml handles are liable to be pull
ed wUh alarming frequency this even
ing and gate that are easily removed
from their hangings may lie found in
any old place tomorrow morning. The
transposition of signs in another thing
that amuses the youngsters and some
of those youngsters attain a fair-sized
growth before they forget to engage in
these pranks.
Tonight is Hallowe'en, or the eve of
the Feast of All Saints, and from time
immemorial it ha been a night given
up to merrymaking.
The Iwy do not have things all their
own way, for while they are out paint
ing w hite horses black, putting carriages
on top of church spires and all that
kiad of thing their youthful sisters
and Home who are not so youthful will
be playing varioua tricks in an effort to
ascertain the man who will have the
honor of leading them to the altar.
You Never Know the Moment When
This Information May Prove of
Inflate Value.
It is worth considerable to any eitieii
of Astoria to know how to Is cured of
painful, annoying and itching piles.
Know- then that IVwn's Ointment i a
positive remedy for all itchiness of the
skin, for pile, eczema, etr. thie applica
tion relieve and soothe. Read thi
testimony of it merit:
R. B. 1-ong. harness maker, employed
with John Clark & Sou, llM Front street.
Portland, who resides at 3-iS Second
treet, same city, miys "Early lut
summer I broke out all over my ImsIv
with eczema, tetter or itch. 1 did not
know just what it wa nor what cause, I
it apeaninee. but I do know that the
torture I endured was something fierce
I wa very much alarmed alsmt it. wa
auxiou to know what it was and what
caused it. I thought the best thing to
do wa to go to a doctor for treatment.'
I did so and wa'treutel by different
one, but they failed to do me any
good. When " I became the least bit
overheated I just fairly clawed the skin
off me. Anyone who has never had any
thing of the kind kuows nothing at all
alsmt it. I wan in Ink! shaH- when I no
ticcd an advertisement in our paper
almut IV .an' Ointment Iteing a sure cure
for such atliictiou. It proved to Im all
that is claimed for it. Less than two
boxe made a complete cure in my cue.
lout this time my younger brother wa
taken with the same affliction. A Ihix
and a half of l)oan' Ointment cured
him. I know what I am talking alxut
when I say that Doan's Ointment is one
remedy which can be
Plenty more proof
toliu people. Call I
drug store and ask v
For sale by all deal
Foster-Milburn Co., 1
agents for the Unitei 1
Remember the . , 1 1: i.
take no other.
Cropkery Sale
It will save you
lots of money
Coupons given
For tho
Delivered right at your door every morning
before breakfast by the HEST CARRIER SYS
TEM iu the country. s
with every
purchase. Don't
miss this sale.
American Importing Tea Co.
ATI (mmrrrlat St., Aaturla
Oar 100 stores
help us to help you
Saved HU Lire.
J. W. Davenport, Wingo, Ky., write.
June 14, 190-.': "I want to tell you I
believe Itullard's Snowr Liniment saved
my life. I wa under the treatment
of two doctors, and they to'd me one of
my lung wa entirely gone, and the
other badly affected. I alo had a lump
in'my side. I don't think that I could
have lived over two mouths longer.
mil induced by a friend to try Hal
bird's Snow Liniment. The lirst applica
tion gave me great relief; two fifty
cent bottle cured me soiind and well.
It is a wonderful medicine and 1 rec
ommend it to suffering humanity.' 2.V,
5(V $1.00. Sold by Frank Hart's drug
111 ni rrnuin
U .',!.
Vl : . . .
, : . '
ill! . ' '
1 ... .
The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest
Telegraph News,
Shipping lateligence, v
Condensed Local News. ,
Portland Market; Reports.
Real Estate Transactions.
Society News,
Railroad News. '
Sporting News.
County Official News.
Complete Want Columns
And In fact all of the News of the Country
Watch for the Big Colored
Comic Secftiom
Ii you are not a subscriber let us show you
our proposition and wc will convince you that its
thejtcst ever made by any newspaper.
Telephone Main Ml for our plan, or if you
live out of town write a postal aud we'll do the
- f
Mr. Arthur iaul of Well.ville, Ohio,
write: "I wih every one nlferin(; from
cutiirrh or hriinchhil tioubh' knew tiie
value of Viiml a I do. '.efore taking it
I bad ciitiinh for fifteen year, and for
the la-t ycur I had a pain in my ltiti.'
;nd couched night and day, whirl) cuued
me to loe Hei. I felt Mire I wa- goiii;
into coiiMimptioii. a nothing ccmcd to
help me.
"Vino wu- reeoinineinled, ami after
taking four bottle I um entirely cured.
I uould not take 10OO f,,r the pood it
iia done me. I I could cr-uade
ew-rybody who suffer from catarrh and
iioiicliiul tioiildc-., or, who dread 0.11
Mimptiori, to tiy Vinol."
'To fill titer convince the people of
A-toria in regard to the value of Vinol.
I. (' ha lie liogi-r, declare it to be the
mo-t valuable preparation of rod liver
oil for all wating dUeac. the greate-t
It It restorer and ilrenth creator fin
ite weak, the conviilcM-eiit and lite uge.l
which we have ever wild.
"I can only ak every peivon in A-
toria to try Vinol on our guarantee to
return their money if it fail. Thi i
a fair, bonent offer on which you cannot
e." Churle Koger. druuifiNt.
" Words cannot describe the terri
ble ecrttna I suffered with. I wa
almost a solid mass of sores from head
to foot, and looked
more like a piece
of raw beef than a
human being.
Blood apd pus
oozed from a great
ore on my scalp,
from under my fin
ger nails, and near
ly all over my
body, and every
hair in my head
fell oat. I could not sit down, for
my clothes would stick to the raw
and bleeding fkh, making me :ry
out with pain. My doctor did all he
could, but I got worse and worse. I
did not think I could live, and wanted
death to end my frightful sufferings.
"My mother-in-law begged me to
try Cuticura. I said I would, but bad
no hope of recovery. But oh, what
blessed relief I txpericncsd after ap
plying Cnticura Ointment. It cooled
the bleeding and itching flesh, and
brought me the first real sleep in
weeks. It was as grateful as ice to a
burning tongue. I would bathe with
warm water and Cuticura Soap, then
apply the Ointment freely, and took
the Resolvent for the blood. Soon the
sores stopped running, the flesh began
to heal my hair started to grow, and
in a short time I was completely
cured. If any one doubts this, tell
them to write to me. Mrs.Wm. Hunt,
i.VS Thomas St., Newark, N. J."
OrnpM titoml n4 hlrrral TrMlmoi tor mrf
llamor. Iron eimel K Srnifvl, from Infuiry to A,
eomtitl' f ut Cuik-ura H"p, ait, IMimrwirt, ., R.l
WM, Vtr. (In form 4 Chorolatr ( f4 rill ale. pr
Vkal of Out. mT Iw IM of IHriirlt. rtuf ! crtU
tun kf-Mll4 rs " How to Oun k.r1 blUBOC."
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Pale Bohemian Pttr
l!et Iu The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
J. Q. A. BOWXBY, President.
O. I. l'KTKRSO!, Viee-Prehident.
.1. W. OAHNrHt, Aitant Catdtier.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid In 1100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits ttf.OOO.
TransaeU a General BDklng Buntne. Interest Paid on Time Deposits
168 Tenth Street,
Sherman Transter Co.
Hacks, Carriage Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur
niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street'
Phone Main 121
Your Prescription:
Rock Island
If you are going East, X would appreciate
your consulting me. I will gladly help you
plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island
' service. Just drop me a line consultation
free! '
. I will show you a Rock Island folder and our
publication entitled "Across the Continent in a
Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable
importance that you select the right route
there are many different ways to' go.' I'll tell
you of the superior points about the Rock
Island way.
A. h. Mcdonald,
' General Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third Street, Portland, Ore.