T THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA." OREGON. 3 SATURDAY, OCTOBER il, 1905. aaeeaa A Mountain Girl's Ruse Copyright 1005 l.y Frank L. 8wt. The last raye of the auu Boft'ened the girl's red bolr tuto a golden halo a ahe at upon the log, ber bare feet ahow Iiik beueatb the hem of ber cheap irlnt klrt. On the log bealde ber wee a kUiilMiunpt, aud preaslng against tbe tunlMinuH waa the helve of an ax, aucb ita oul a very atroug man waa accue toiinil to wield. The girt waa evidently resting after duy of hard labor, for deep around lnr were scattered the etlll odoroue llm culpa, aud on the other aide of the log rose a buge pile of wood, cut luto two foot cliuuka to fit the regulation fireplace of the mountain log and mud cabin. A bandaowe, powerfully built man Lad couie down tbe mountain path, tiarefoot, aud, aa be aeemed to tblnk. uunotlced, for be stopped a few yarda away and regarded the girl for aome lime wltb an air of adnlrlug owuer aulp. In tbe euullgbt ber balr waa tautlful, and ber form, even In Ita de Jectrd attitude, waa graceful and puree ing. Tbe only appearance of feminine orna mentation waa a pitiful attempt at ruffle on tbe auubonnet "Don't etand there gawkln' all day, -'Hoke," at last tbe girl called pettleh )y, but without turning or raising ber Lead. "Ton ain't no acared rabbit wltb one paw up, and I ain't no great to look at. llow'a alir Tolerable," anawered the man aa be came forward abeeplably. "But I ava'n't acared, an you needn't aay yon ain't no great to look at. Tiny, for ftaln't eo. I've come clear from Hear Uck to ak you what I asked laat fwi-ek. When are you going to marry titer "iKm't know aa ever." ahortly. "Hut your daddy'e dead," earnestly, "and your cablu'a plumb two mllee from any other. Ton can't lire bere all ly youraelf, Tlrty. 'Taln't proper." "And why notf lifting ber bead de fiantly. "Ain't I got a bigger truck patch than any man on the mountain, and ain't I kept It better worked? And didn't I help father build tbe cabin, rutting and toting tbe loga and mixing became aober. "tVby, Tlrzy," be re motiatrated. "It a acandalQuat You're Uia baudeouiMt aud peartest girl on the mountain aud tbe beat worker. Any luau would be glad to bave you. And he"-conti,mtuoualy-'1ie'a Juat an out- aide ouMtiUM-r. coining here and fene Ing In In nd und digging In the dirt tbe whole enduring day, and he totea bla trurk Muff down Into the valley 00 bla own back and tx-uMIe It round. Hub! lie couldn't bit a N ar teu foot off with a uliotipiii. and be dou't chew and don't know the late of whisky. Why. I 'low one diKJoiiful would aet blm plumb era y. Hut be does wear a b o e a," pro- i,iniriii tb word definitely, "and roti're colng to atudy-'botit-blm." "Yea. 1 am" ouletly. "He knows how lo work ami ain't acared of It And ud where be cornea from women folka don't milk aud cut fireplace wood -tip there tbe men folka look out for tbe women. If ; round Hog-1 mean Mr. Alli n-marrlea me, It won't be Juat tweauae be alma to be more comfort able. Muth'eh! Here be cornea now." A mau bad emerged anddeuly from the wooda and waa approaching tbem rapidly. Hoke waa atlll atandlng aet eral yarda away. Aa the atranger came to about tbe aame dlatance an Idea aeemed to atrlke tbe girl, for abe raised ber band warning!?. "Don't come any cloaer, either of voii." aha called. "I waa down to Hack creek yesterday." "Hack creek r echoed Hoke, recoil Ina- a fc atei. "Why, tbat'a where they bave the emallpos, and tbey do aay It'a terrible thla aeaaon. Everybody catchea It that goee near:" "Vea, I've heard ao." calmly. "Oh. Tlrtv. how could yooT And Hoke took a few more Involuntarily backward stews. "I waa oblttced to, Hoke. I beard a arlrl I ud to know waa down there and I wanted to And out for euro." Tbe atraiigrr waa now at ber aide, and Tlrry had noticed wltb an odd look In ber eyea that be bad not ahowu the eat limitation at her etartllng an houncemcot "Well, I II see you again. Tiny, Hoke called from a atlll greater dla tance, "and I hope you won't catch It, but I'm mighty afraid for you. "I don't reckon tbere'a much danger, Hoke." the girl retorted, "for 1 didn't ko acroaa the creek. I Juat called and a woman anawered that 'twaan't tbe clrl 1 knew at all." Hoke ruined abruptly and waa turn Ing to come back when aometblng In the attitude of the two. who were now seated upon the log, made blm grind out a few wonla between bla teeth and awing aavagely Into the wooda. 0 SPICES, ol vurrcbaTtA DAIflNG POWDER. nj:on-j;oExmcTS taaluh Purify, Flnisl flavor, MtsTSrrfih.fitmfTi(ciJ CLOSSETuDEYERS !r PORTLAND, ORXQOM. I THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. freet to the eaat and eouth. Making lloee connectlona with tralna of all transcontinental llnea. paaaengera art given their cholc. of routea to Chicago, Loulavllle. Memphla and New Orleans, and through the polnta to the far eaat Prospective traveler dealrlng Infor tnetlon aa to tha lowut ratee and beet routea are Invited to correspond wltb tbe following repreaantaUvee: B. IL TRUMBULL Commercial Agent, 142 Third Bt, Portland, Ore. Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quiclcer,lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let w tend you oar CftW book telling ill about it. Typewriter ftippliri. Me china, rented. htenofnfhentuhUteL The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 147 SUrk fct., Portland Or. -M POBTLAHD- THE M0R5IHG ASTOSIAN ia for aale at the aewt stands of TH ' OREGON HEWS COMPART, aitoated at HOTEL POBTLAHD. 147 Sixth Street, 115 Sixth Street 1 w Honcx. Notice ia hereby given that the reg istration booka of the city of Astoria,, for the primary nominating election to be held ia thie city on Monday tbe 13th day of November, 1905, will be opened at the Auditor'a office in the city ball, on Monday the 23rd day of October, 1905, and will clone for laid primary election on the 7th day of November, 1905, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., said registration booka will be again opened on Thursday the 16th day of November, 1905, for the general election to be held in thia city on Wedneaday the 13th day of December, 1905, and will close on Saturday, tbe 9th. day of December, 1905, at 4 o'clock p. m. All peron mut register in order to be entitled to vote. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, October, 21at, 1905. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of tbe city of . Astoria. Tha Astorian, 75c per month. Tkis 16 "ike incL of a Stojqy for wmck'iKe NATIONAL MAGAZINE $10,000 naa awoiLtMo a raw tipk, raa KTHAMOKa e NOW AT RKR HIDE. the mud myaelf? Aud did any man on the mountain ever cut more fireplace ' woinI in one day than that?' rising euddeuly to ber feet and flinging out oue band toward tbe day'a work. n Hoke aurvi-yed the wood critically, apreclatiugly. , "No no, I don't reckon I ever did h 0 much cut In one dny, Tiny." be ac knowledged, "though I alu't enyln' but lota of men could If they act out.1 "Yea, that'a Juat It." acornfnlly. "If tliey act out. Hut men folka round liere don't act out to do uothlng bunt cooua nnd drink atlll wbUky and einoke orncoli pipes. It'a the woiueu who work truck patches and chop wonl and milk cowa and do every thing else Unit' aure enough work. But wbat'a the use talking'" dropping licr nrma agnin llHtlHly. "There's no difference b-twcen you men folka. 1 think a beip of you, Hoke, like I aald t.at wnck. You're bit? and good na- tured and tlie handsomest man, round, j but all you've got In tbe world la a nne and four dogs and a tumbledown cab In that'a acarcely fit to live in, and I've beard you aay youraelf that you could drink more corn whlaky than any man on the mountain and not ahow It. And you go barefoot, too, Hoke, Maybe I'll bave to marry aoraebody aome time, but I need to aay when a girl that I'd never marry a man who didn't wear ah oea." Heke looked down at bla feet re flectively. "I reckon tbere'a but one nan on tba mountain who weara ahoea ateady," ha observed aarcaetlcally. -Maybe be'd marry you If you asked tlm." "Yon mean Ground Hog," flaahed Lack the) girl Instantly. "Well, be skad'm but Tueaday , ana 1 tdW im Ilka 1 did you-I'd atndy It over a BDeU." noka looked at ber lncreduloualy for a moment, then threw back bla bead ' in a roar of Inughter that echoed trough tbe forest "Told blm you'd tndy It over." he ejaculated between blabnraU of merriment -Told Ground Bog that! Hx bo! X'H aura have to let tha boyi know." Then ioatantly ba Every now and then you will find In aome periodical an Item relating to the subject of a book In which 70a are In terested. It la a food plan to enter on tbe flyleaf a reference to lbla passage. ao that you may And It again when needed. Hiuh notea neatly written In pencil do no barm and will often aare you much time. You may In tbe aame way pake notea of tbe numbera of pasea In which you have Deen apeciaiiy Interested. A correspondent wrlteo to ua asking whether we recommend "marking books." To thra eitent we certainly do. provided the book la not ao fine an edition that It should be kept as spotless ua can be. Beeklee, very light pencil uotea can be removed In a moment without barm to any page. Hut the marking of booka that extenda to dltdgurlng them will never be done by any one who reallaea bow long a good Ixtok may iintiiiue to delimit new renders aud to bring them help In right living- and thinking.- Ht. Nicholas. Uaaajeraaa Devices. There were eomu cuuulug device In voiruc among the I h' Ilea of the old world for it Mug expresHloii to the eve. The miwt reck lean of them were wont to place a niiiglc drop of that deadly iiulrfon. !ruNl' acid. In the fait tout of a wlueglata and hold It against the eye for two or throe secouds. or, more ruahly still, tliey would take a email (linintitv, a iiltne not lurner than a irrnlu of rlce-of an ointment contain ing Hint mortal drug, atropla, and rub It en tlie brow. Km-h of theeo was aup- Ioed to jive clearness aud brilliancy, exnand the pupil and Impart a fusel- natlng fudnesa and mellowness to Ue eye. Certnln ellghtly pungent and rob atlle iHTfuines, aucb aa oil of thyme, were occasionally worn on the hand kerchief, causing the eye to glitter and Mpurkle. Tlie eye waa made to appear large, full and almond shaped by the use of a line pencil dipped In antlmo- iilal sulphur or Egyptian black, rubbed upon the lids along tbe angle. Black Bottles For Wl. Black bottlea for wine wera intro duced about a hundred and fifty years ago. Lord Dclaval, an Engllah peer, hrousht over a number of Hanoverian blowera and started worke at Sutton Rinw In Northumberland. Ilia main Idea waa to uttllee a Beam of Inferior ! an bla estate. At drat tha black color waa due to the material used In picking the glaaa, but afterward the nuhiic became ao bahituatea 10 we aa- aoclatlon of wine and black bottlea that, even when tha conatltnenta need were changed and Improved, coloring matter waa introduced to keep tip tha familiar appearance. too Dimctai la rartuia 'm mm mm k4 la It ttm at Ma a aat iml'aa mm m 4ar a Tlx Mr m al Imt aa Mla awa, im fti a paaaa m mm vaaaina- im.ni trman e?at at tar '.(? '" - t A llmr k mM. UuMtir lm 'hJ, -11 na iraaia I mtm aa!af Do Voti know of abetter one Wm liNU alnrlaa. ananintM. tilta 1 vena any clipping from a newipapav, auguioa or buok tliat hat nud you Think, Lauh or Cry 840 prirei ill be given for tha best rrc lien. Ten piles ol tiK-er dollan aihiah at tha tint trn auccettiul competitor! aia Tlinnl condition for entering thitcom- (ivillln is uil you nriiu min joiir m'tHug coc. liir a is month' trial ubcnilion to tlit Natioaal Magaalae. Addrest, JOE QIAPPLE, Editor M OOBCnCSTM AVENUE. Boaloai, Maaew . JUST A MOMENT! We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in AH the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. . . . je i8 Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. dt di The J. S. Dellinger Go., Makers of All Kinds of Books . t... n-Dvi?n fSf wanrrAT. jn 'lOfff ISTREET ASTORIAN JJVIl-Uinvj. . m I I s s mm mm Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened nd susceptible to attack from the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. m not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Contains no opiates. It Saved Kb Uf After the Dootoi Bald Ma Had Conaumotlon. W. R. Davis. Vlaaalia, California, writes: "There la no doubt but W. R. Davis, vlaaalia, Ctunortua, writes: -1 nera ta bo doudi bui what Foley Uoner and Tar saved aay life. I bad aa awful coogh en bt Inna-a and tha doctor told ma I bad consumption. I commenced UKiar troity uoncy mna -a mi three bottlea cured na completely. A PoUoeman'a Testimony. I. N. Patteraott, night poUceman, of Nashua, Iowa, wriUaj "Laat winter I bad a bad cold on ny lungs and tried at least a balf-doaea adTertised cough medkinea and bad treatment from two physicians without retting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley Hooey aad Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I caaaidar it tba greatest cough aad lung medicine la tba world." Three alwa 25c, 50c aad $1.00. The 50-cent abe contains two and one-half tiroes as ranch aa tha small aba aad tba $1.00 bottle almost alx timea aa much. Refuse Substitutes. k am The Attoriaa, 78 eenta a month. Z SOLD IHD RECQEHEHSEO BY ' " Sold and ReccommcAd by CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist.