THE MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER i, 1905. Small Ads. on this page arc read by those who know their value. Try them will be of value to you. Ml Small Ads. 1 cent a word each Insertion. 30 cents a line per week of 7 days. 75 cents a month Try them. n u uu Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. HELP WANTED. MEDICAL. SEASIDE DIRECTORY. WANTED A NEAT AND CAPABLE With Small Ads girl for second work in private fara HOTELS. ily. Call at the Astorian office. 6 RET Free EOCKMJ'-X WANTED hill quarry. Take Washington, AT boat BUNKER to Stella WANTED BY CHICAGO MANU- FACTITJNQ llouae, person of trust worthiness and somewhat familiar with local territoy as assistant in branch of' See. Salarr $1S paid weekly. Per manent position. No investment re quired. Previous experience not essen tial to engaging. Address, Manager Breaches, Como Block, Chicago. WANTED INSTALLMENT COLLEC TOR for merchandise accounts; j,ood alary and expenses. Address Manager, P. 0. Box 1027. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED APPRENTICE GIRL AT Up-To-Date photo studio, 178 10th street, LEARN 'lELBGRAPHY AND R. R. Accounting, 150 to 500 a month sal ary assured our graduates under bond. Our tlx schools the largest in America i and endorsed by all Railroads. Write! for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0, Buffalo, H. Y, Atlanta, Ga, La Crosse, Wis, Tex arkaaa, Tex, San Francisco, CaL WANTED TWO YOUNG GIRLS. AP ply at the Eastern Candy Works, 13 Duane street. WANTED BY CHICAGO WHOLE Sale and mail order house, assist ant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; posi tion permanent No investment or ex perience required. Write at once for prrtculare and enclose self-addressed envelope. Thomas J. Cooper k Co., 132 Lake street, Chicago, TIL ..:.) "a" i-r r V.I ' - . V . i By Special Arrangement with WaJhatns & Kerr Bros. THE ASTORIAN lias secured a large quautity of their FAMOUS ECONOMY. . FRUIT JARS One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 25-cent or higher want ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Astorian. What Mr YnA DreMer has to ajr about the ECONOMY JaR : KwtOUm Manurartartncrempanr. Portland, Orecnn viTunriiivu; nvivrnu ay thai we hare bero set KefcrrliiK to the ECONOMY FRUIT J All. w. are ukuuml In linir them for thn ra.r The flntt year we oidered thrr (mu, the socood year ten croM. and this year our order rails for twenty. five kiou. Webrlieve that within a few er they will be the only Jar In um; nrt, because the Quality of the Jar far exwla all others : iwoud, the Jar U sanitary, having a wide mouth, thirrfure easily rUannt. The cover la an annltary aa the flaw Hwlf, while themverrou many other Jam are made of sine, which pruduce poison when In rontart Willi fruit aud vegetable. The absolute certainty of every KCONOMY JAIt mhIIiik nmkni It the Idral jar ior cunning urMawa. we ovH-us agmtl rtilurr for tli ECONOMY JAK. THE OSIER CAFE AND Short Order House Oysters, Clam sand Cut in any Style. Home cc iking, nothing but the Lest ot everything. Short order or regular meals at reasonable prices MRS. C. C. OSIKR, Prop. Seaside, Oregon. COLONIAL HOTEL Located in the most beautiful spot, over looking the ocean. Ninet elegantly furnished rooms. Bath House In Connection Comforts of home. Heat meals. Rates, $2 and up. McGUIRE'S HOTEL K e are very truly yuura, MtKSMKK A CO. By V. tirwuvt, I'res. ASTORIAN SMALL ADS Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Froperty, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is one cent a word each iusertiou. Advertisements must be delivered m our office aud paid for advance. I Urge and Airy Rooms. Good beds. Everything first-class. Rates Reasoosble Main Street, Seaside, Ore RESTAURANTS. Ill SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED SALESMAN AND COLLEC- lector for Clatsop County, including Astoria. Good proposition. Apply to S. P. Piatt, 121, Tenth street, Astoria, Ore. WE CAN MAKE A MOST ATTRAC tive offer to energetic men and wo ea to become our permanent repre sentatives in their own localities. Pre fer those who can devote their whole time, with a view to managing branches for ns after January 1st No capital required. We manufacture a staple line of merchandies, for which there is universal demand. Raymond Bill k Compaay, 185 Kinzie St., Chicago. FOR RENT HOUSES. SITUATION WANTED BY A JAP anese girl to do light work for board in private family. Enquire at U. S. restaurant, 434 Bond street YOUNG LADY FROM SEATTLE WISHES position in dress making or tailoring establishment. Can give good references. Address Miss Gill, general delivery. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG lady, as second girl or assistant in Mouse work. Call on or address 217. 3dth street, Uppertown. MEAT MARKETS. Central Meat Market G. W. Morton & J no. Fuhrman, Prop's, W00O YARDS. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commercial 8t Phone Main 321 BROKERAGE. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. V ANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS furnished for housekeeping by couple without children. Address "B." Astor iaa office. NOTICE OF BIDS. FOR RENT 8 Tenth street. ROOM HOUSE, 236 MUSIC TEACHER. MISS TAWNEY B. M..-PIAN0, HAIt mony. History, Studio at 5G2 Com mercial street Phone 2146 Black. LOST AND FOUND. LOST AN OTTER FUR MUFF, FIND er return to Wm. F. McCregor, As toria Box Co., and receive reward. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE CHEAP HORSE, BUG- gy and harness. Inquire Astorian of flee. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL- umn newspaper outfit; complete ex cept press; cheap. Inquire at this of flea. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 100 EGOS capacity; also three 10 capacity brooders : first-class condition. Ad frees A. Astonaa Offlc. FOX SENT 'FURNISHED RS0KS, FOR RKfT FRONT ROOM WITH OR without hoard, centrally located, rea sonable terms. Address "M." this of- FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, W privets family. Inquire at I7S Paaak Ea areaae. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED sootna. For particulars iaquirs as As office. - LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH LIGHT, heat and privilege of bath, $7. Ad dress "Bl" care Astorian. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 127, 7th stmt. PROPOSALS FOR POTATOES AND ONIONS, Tsncouver barracks, Wash ington, Oct 2., 1905. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering potatoes and onions for six months beginning Nor. 1, 1905 will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Forts Co lombia, Lawton, Stevens, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden, until 10 a. m., Oct. 12, (06 and then opened. Information fur- aisiiea oo apucauon. envelopes con taining proposals should Tie indorsed Proposals for potatoes aad onions," and addressed to commissary of post t be supplied or to Major Ceorga B. Davis, ekier eom'y. C. J. TRENCHARD Real Estata, Insurance, Cammlsalon and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offiea 133 Ninth Street, Next ta Justice Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. MILK DEALERS. GARDENING. Milk must be fresh and pure That old and young may eajoy it; Few know that it even may prove a sure For weaknesa which is so aaaoying. We Handle only Pure Milk fresh from Healthy Cows. Morning or night delivery. THE SL00P.JEFFER3 CO, 10th and Duane streets. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box -wood, any kind of wood st lowest prices. Eelly, the transfer man. 'Phone at 91 Main, Bars 00 Twelfth, opposite opera house. I THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER PARLOR. Is getting to be the leading resort at SeaMule. Short orders a Specialty. MRS. II. A. STILES, Proprietor, CI V I THE Dr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co. 1 1 j ,mjPrZI l"W brick builditiR MiAiX "- ait the .intt...H. ,r. ner of First and Morrison btreeta. En trance No. 10J Front Bt. Successful Home Treatment Dr.r.OKK WO I known throughout ihi Pill (Ml MlJItea. Mil luimllnd lh llr..1 lN'Ur tin amiuhl of hla voinlnrriil wtllioul h aia of a anln, without unliif iMilMin orilriivaofaiiv kind lin irni. miu I all .IIimw. with powerful orlniUI rts o-roa, nana, aim vMaianir timl ara un known tat liir.ll.-al arlKnr In llila Pounlr ti.l lli rough thn iim nf lhaac liaruileaa rrm lm lirsuarantKraUi cura Catarrh. Aithma, Lun Trouble. Rhtumttiim, Ntrvouinus, Stomach. Uvtr, Kidney, rtmals wiaancsi sna an Lnronic uistasts. 1 an or wriui, rncloaliia luallliif lK.k aiidrlrriil Th C 0s Woo ChlncH Midklne Co.. No. lot .2 First St. S.E. Cor Morrisoa. PcrtlsadOrtioa, us 'i-ornt stamps Iter uiar. rtqiireaa. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORI. Finsst HoUl In the Northwest LIVERY AND EXPRESS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Livery Stable Llrery, Sale and Feed StaMe, Saddle Horses, First-Class Rigs, Haggage and Express. Wood for sale and general de livery, N. D. B4IN k CO, Seaside, Ore, PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND KUliOEON Aetlnf Assistant Burg ran C.8. Maries Hospital Hervlee. MBoe hours: 10 to II am, 1 to 4:11 p.ttv 477 Commercial Street, ind Floor. WINES AND LIQUORS. THE GEM DENTISTS. An up to Jute report for (Ji-ntlrmen. Choice- Wines, Miium and Cigars. Give us a rail and we'll do the r. t 0. E. HUNTER. Pros. R. A, n,. LICK San Frsncisro's Icadina ron- eniente and family hotel centrally located. Con tenient to all car lines, and placet of amusement and in terett. Cafe apd Grill at Uched. Rates $1 00 per day and up. Street cars direct to hotel from and to all depots. HOUSE San Francisco, Cat. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. Ki Commercial St Astoria Oreson. THE BRIDGE Harry Kretir aud Harry IMatt Are now running Ihe bridge Saloon, whi-re they will Ik. p,-e.'d to meet their friends. HAMMOND DIRECTORY SALOONS HAMMOND. The Hammond. GARL)ENLG-PEr.SOXS DESffiI lawns or flower gardens beautifleu may have the work done in first class manner by leaving orders at the office of O. F. Morton. Charges reasonable. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FURNITURE. ROBINSON H1LDEBRAND fple do not take time to knock A'hen at the end ef the walk. . !! man oa the bank of the river, l ine liquors and cigars will deliver To you by the light of sun or moon. If you eall at the Hammond Saloon W. STORM, Prop: LAUNDRIE8. Geadman Bldg. 68t Commercial St FURNITURE, Carpets, Steves, Matting, Window LINOLEUM, Eta. Bedding, Shades, BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar 01 Billiard Hall. The Troy Laundry The only whit labor laundry in the eity. Does the beet work at reasonable prioee and is in every way worthy ef your patronage. 1tth and DUANE Sta, Phene 1M1. RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLA8S MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at (J. S. Restaur ant 434 Bond St Tables New and Everything rirst Class. ine.t brands of Liquor, and Cigars BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St 1r. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Pytbian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN rpTrui i-hnlre wines, Ujnors and Cigars, aTTO if1AHK.A..!-t J U1 1 ?1 1! I Vinitsi ntana t L.' . . . uio vAiiuiucrcmi o..t ousnnnaD xouuinj( i m oraniuo u puna pie I 15 I Discount EAGLE SALOON ant hour. DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, ManBell Building Telephone Red 20il Astoria, Oregon KKA.N'K SCOTT, Prop. DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 305 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND . OREGON 08TE0PATHI8T8. Dr. Kboda C. Hlcia. Dr. J. b Snyder OSTEOPATHS. Office Manseb Bid. Phono Black 20(5 171 Commercial 81, Astoria, Ore. AT SEASIDE . THE MORNING ASTORIAN Is on Bale in Astoria at J. N. GRIFFIN'S B00EST0RE. CJTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT. OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE, JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. and THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, Tenth and Commercial Sta. on a Fin; Line of China Cups and Choc olate Pots. Yokohama Bazar (Ji.Oommerclal Streot, Astort THE MORNING ASTORIAN Is ea Sale at LEWIS k CO.'S DRUG STORE MORRISON eV GREENBAUM'S CIGAA STORE, Kldnev 4 Gladder uouoies. Cures In 48Hours URINARY DISCHARGES Sack Csnmb "V bears the umcfr vSq iitniiii e it OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW" OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE Q0INQ TO MAKE THE MORNINQ ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OF ITS SIZE. WILL VOti HELP usr TELEPHONE MAIN Ml and I WILL CLU AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT OR SEE C. C. CLINTON, Circulate Manager. THE MORNINQ ASTORIAN. P. 8. If you live avt of town write pun Sunday Excursion ta Forth Beach. The Ilwaco Railwar aad Narkatioa Company are selling round trip tickets wj Sunday from Astoria to ail eotta, at a rat of ona dollar for tfca polnta on long Beach. Including Nai- rousi trip.