WEDNESDAY OCTOBER is, 1905. Small Ads. I cent a word each Insertion. 30 cents a line per week of 7 days. 75 cents a monthTry them. Small" Ads. on this page arc read by those who know their value. Try them They will be of value to you. Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. THE MORNING ASTOIUAX. ASTORIA. OREGON. R - 1 ' II in pen ITU IjOliyuvlSn HELP WANTED. WANTED A NEAT AND CAPABIJE girl for second work in private fam ily. Call at the Astorian office. KOCKMKN WASTED AT BUXKER kill quarry. Tate boat to Stella, Washington. . WANTED BY CfflCAGO MANU FACTURINQ House, peraon of trust vorthinew and somewhat familiar with leeal tertitoy aa assistant in branch of Sea. .Salary. $18 paid weekly. Tex ananetti position. No investment re tjoired, PreTious experience not essen tial to engaging. Addre, Manager Bra aches, Como Block, Chicago. WANTEDINSTALLMENT COLLKC TOR for merchandise accounts; Rood alary and expense. Address Manager, P. 0. Box 1027, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED APPRENTICE GIRL AT Vp-To-DaU photo atudio, 178 10th tract. WANTED ENERGETIC, TRUST WORTHY man or woman to work in Oregon, representing large manufactur ing Company. Salary $40 to $90 per anonth paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp J. H. Moore, As toria, Oregon. LEARN IfXEGRAPHT AND R. R Accounting. $50 to $300 a month sal Air assured our graduates under bond. Our aix schools the largest in America ud endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, O., Buffalo H. Y, Atlanta, Ga, La Crosse, Wis., Tex rkana, Tex., San Francisco, CaL COMTETENT GIRL WANTED. ArrLY at 598 Commercial. WANTED TWO YOUNG GIRLS. AP pry at the Eastern Candy Works, 13 Duane street. WANTED BY CHICAGO WHOLE Sale ud mail order house, assist sat manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; posi tion permanent. No investment or ex perience required. Write at once for pertjoulara and enclose eelf-addresaed envelope. Thomas J. Cooper A Co., 132 Lake street, Chicago, HI WANTED SALESMAN AND COLLEC , lector for Clatsop County, including 'Astoris. Good proposition. Apply to S. P. Piatt, 121, Tenth street, Astoria, Ore.. WB CAN MAKE A MOST ATTRAC ; tire offer to energetic men and wo snen to become our permanent repre tentative! in their own localities. Pre fer those who can devote their whole time, with a view to managing branches for ns after January 1st No capital required. We manufacture a staple In of merchandiee, for which there is anlrenal demand. Raymond Hill & Company, 185 Kinzie St., Chicago. Free With Small Ads By Special Arrangement with Wadhams & Kerr Bros. THE ASTORIAN has secured a large quantity of their C FAMOUS ECONOMY FRUIT JARS One ofwhich, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 25-cent or higher want ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Astorian. What Mr Frod DrtMor dm to say about the KCOKOMY JAR i Kerr Ola. Manufacturing Companv. Portland, Oron. Ucntlemen: Kererrlni lo th. KCONOMT FRt'IT JAR, w. are flwwd to say thai we havetxvn arlllnit them tor three yean. The flnrt year we oidered Ihrre gruaa, th. awund year ten ram, and this year our order call, for twenty -Ave slum. Webelleve thatwlihina fewyer they will be th. only Jar In uw; Itrnt, became the quality of the jar far exeela all other. ; lecuud, the Jar l aanllary , having a wide mouth, thereSjr. eaully cUaned . Th. cover I. a. military a. the kIhmi ItHelf, while theeoverron many other Jam are made of tino, which product, polton when In rout act with fruit and VFKetabUn. . . The abaolute certainty of every ECONOMY J AK elln mukrn It the ldial Jar fr rnnnliiK purixwo. We bcak a great future for the KCU.NuM V JAK. A e are very truly your., K. iHtKSKKR A C. By K. lirw-cr, Pre. ASTORIAN SMALL ADS Are "Kconomy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is one cent a word each insertion. Advertisements must be delivered in our office and paid for in advance. SEASIDE HOTELS. THE OSIER CAFE AND Short Order House Oyster. Clam und Crata la any Style. Home cooking, nothing tut the best ot everything. Short order or regular meals at reasonable pries MRS. C. C. OSIER, Prop. Seaside, Orogon. COLONIAL HOTEL Located in the most beautiful spot, over looking the ocean. Ninety elegantljf furnished rooms. ' Bath House In Connection. Comfort of home. Best meals. Rates, 2 and up. McGUIREVS HOTEL Large and Airy Rooms, flood beds. Everything first-class. Kates Reasonable Main Street, Seaside, Ore RESTAURANTS. MUSIC TEACHER. MISS TAWXEY B. M., J?IAX0, HAR niony. History, Studio at 562 Com mercial streot Phone 2146 Black. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG LADY FROM SEATTLE SHES position in dnss making or tailoring establishment Can give good references. Address Miss Gill, general delivery. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG lady, as second girl or assistant in house work. Call on or address 217, 36th street, Cppertown. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. V ANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS furnished for housekeeping by couple without children. AddresT'B." Astor ian office. NOTICE OF BIDS. FOR RENT HOUSES. TOR RENT 8 ROOM HOI'S li. CIIG Tenth street. DESIRABLE HOUSE FOR RENT FUR niched or unfurnished. Call at 29 Astor street, opposite Fred Sfcerm -. FOR SALE MISCELLANE ' iT FOR SALE CHEAP HORSE, BUG gy and harness. Inquire Astorian of-fee. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL imn newspaper outfit; complete ex. cept preta; cheap. Inquire at this of- ce. PROPOSALS FOR POTATOES AND ONIONS, Vancouver barracks, Wash nigton, Oct. 2., 1905. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering potatoes and onions for six months beginning Nov. 1, 1905 will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Forts Co fambk, Lawton, Stevens, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden, until 10 a. m., Oct. 12, (00 and then opened. Information fur aished oq aplitation. Envelopes con taining proposals should le indorsed "Proposals for poUtoes &nd onions," and addressed to commiAary of post be supplied or to Major George B. Davis, ehier oora'y. GARDENING. GARDENING PERSONS DESIRING lawns or flower gardens beautified may have the work done in first cla manner by leaving orders at the office of O. F. Morton. Charges reasonable. BUSINESS DIRECTORY MEAT MARKETS. Central Meat Market G. W. Morton & Jno. Fuhrnun, Prop's. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commercial 8t Phone Main S21 BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCIIARD Real Estate, Insurance, CommlMior and 8hlpplnp CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offioo 133 Ninth Street, Next to Justice Offio. ASTORIA, OREGON. MILK DEALERS. Milk must be fresh and pure That old and young may enjoy it; Few know that it even may prove a cure For weakness which is so annoying. We Handle only Pore Milk fresh from Healthy Cowt. Morning or night delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, 10th and Duane streets. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone aiat Main Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND KUKOEON Aotinf AMlnuiot Burgeon C.8. Marin. HoiplUI Hervlee. Offloe bourn: 10 to II a.m. 1 to 4:11 p.m 477 Commercial Street. Ind Floor. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. C24 Commercial St Astoria Oreeon. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dkxtist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. HAMMOND DIRECTORY SALOONS-HAMMOND. The Hammond. People do not take time to knock When at the end ef the walk. The man on the bank of the river, Fine liquors and cigars will deliver To you by the light of sun or moon, If you call at the Hammond Saloon, W. STORM, Prop. INCUBATOR FOR BALE MO EGGS capacity; alao threa 100 capacity fcroodert; flrst-claaa condition. Ad kWaa A. Aston an Office. FOB RENT FUMTISHID ROOMS. FOR RKNT FKONT ROOM WOT OR without board, centrally Wetted, rea- aonaVle terms. Addrcea "M." this of FOR REf ? FUXN ISHZD ROOM, ptivaU fasaily. Inquire ai 171 VaMk m avenae. FOR RJCNT HICKLT FURNISHED leoma. ' For particulars Uf ulre at As office. LARCH FRONT ROOM WITH LIGHT, heat and frlvilege of bath, $7. Ad dreaa B1" care Astorian. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 127f 7th street. FURNITURE. ROBINSON & H1LDEBRAND Ccedman Bldg. Ut Cemmerclal St FURNITURE, Carpeta, lading, ttevca, Matting, Window Shadee, . LINOLEUM, Eto. LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry la) the city. Doca the beet work at reasonable prioae and ia in every way worthy ef yeur patronage. BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar (SI Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything First Class. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars 1fth and DUANE tta Phone 1M1. RESTAURANTS. F1RST-CLA8S MEAL for 15c; nice calce, coffee, pie, or doughnut, 5c, at U. 8. Restaur ant. 434 Bond Si BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You camlwftys find "the beat 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commercial St Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 578 Commercial fit-, Snanahan Building DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, llanHtill Buildinfr Telephone Red 2001 Astoria, Oregon DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 305 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON OSTEOPATHI8TS. Or. Rboda C. Hlcis. Ir. J, E- Buyder OSTEOPATHS. Office ManseL Bid. Phone Black MB I7S Commercial 8t, Astoria, Ore. r- AT S2ASLDI THX MORNING ASTORIAN . . Ia ra Sale at , LEWIS fc COS DRUG STORE MORRISON k GREENBAUM'S CIGAR STORE, .4 i THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER PARLOR. U getting to lc tlie lcaillng rrtort at Si'ttiil'. 8hort order a Specialty. MRS. II. A. STILES, Proprietor. LIVERY AND EXPRESS. Livery Stable Livery, Sale and Feed StiMe, Saddle Horses, First-Class Rigs, Baggage and Express. Wood for sale and general de livery, N. D. BilN & CO., &aUe, Ore. WINES AND LIQUORS. THE GEM An ip to date n-wirt for (Jrntlemfn. Choice Wine, LiqiiDT and Cigars. Give us a rail and we'll d the ret. 0. E. HUNTER, Prop, Seas de, Ore. MEDICAL. THE Dr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly locate! 2M Akler Htreutl (or the iast live ycara,UAVE MOVED Into the tttfM KrlnV Itnitjllnt. PX"-1"- at the south-east cor ner of First ami Morrison btreeta. En trance No. 102 front Ht. Successful Home Treatment Pr. C. (1KB WO U known thmnihout the UnllMi 8UIM, and l lulled th. (lrtt cblni IVorlor uii cviunt of tila wondnrful rurr. wiilmiil ih. aid of a hnlfK. wlUiot u.lng m 1 1 .on ordMisauf any kind. II. trntt. any and all llmjw with iww.rnil urlmilal rnHs hrlia. harka, and vrulilp that ar. ua known Ut nirdlral wlrnrw In Ihl roil n try, and Uirouch Hi. ua. nf Dim. harmlc. tttf iXirm lief uarantrra u, cur. CaUrrh. Aflhma, Lun Trouble, Rhiumttiim, NtrvooiMU. Stomach, llvtr, Kidney, Timels Wtskncu sad all Chrealo DUuic. ( all or wrlia, .iirloalnt 4 -vnt stamp, fer rualllnf book and .Irrular. Addrraa, Thi C- Cc Woe Chinese Mtdldae No. 161 1.2 Nnt St, LC Cor Morrlien. Monilon thu Portlend Ortcn. 9 HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Finest Hotel In the NorthwMt LICE San Francisro'i leading ron enience and family hotel centrally located. Con venient to alt car lines, and placet of amusement and in tereit. Cafe and Grill at. tached. Rates $ 1 00 per day and up. Street can direct to hotel from and to all depots, HOUSE San Francisco, Cal. THE BRIDGE Harry Kn t. r and Harry Bulger Are now running The Bridge Saloon, i where they will I plrsw-d to meet their frit-nd. ' EAGLE SALOON Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fincnt place in 8taide to paas a plea ant hour. FIIANK SCOTT, Prop. 15 o Discount on a Fine Line of J China Cups and Choc olate Pots. T1IE MORNING ASTORIAN Ia on Sale In Astoria at J. N. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. rjTZINGEE'S NEWS DEPOT, Yokohama Bazar 3t;Cmmerclal Street, AaUirl OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCTJLLTS CIGAR STORE, JOS.. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. e and 0 TEE ASTORIAN OFFICE, 4 Tenth and Comiaerdal Sta. . e e yrJB si 1 1 i 1 1 uii "car Kkinev t Dladder trouble, Cures In 48 Hours URINARY .DISCHARGES XachCapwile "v iaeum.awini OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW" OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OR NOT. WE ARE QOINQ TO MAKE THE: MORNING. ASTORIAN THE BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OF ITS SIZE. WILL 'YOU HELP USf TELEPHONE MAIN 661 and I WILL CI LL AND TELL Vnil Al I aamn-r IT OR SEE C. C CLWTQN, Circulate' afaaager, , i THE M0RNIN4 ASTORIAN. . . '. 1 .. ' P. 8-lf ycu live out of town writ or cur plan. Sunday Eicuraloa tt north Beach. The Ilwaco TUilwar and Narlntioi Company are selling round trip tickets . erery Sunday from Aatoria to all eoita, at a rate) of one dollar for the point oa long Beach, lsolodlnf Nan- round trip, ;