The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 25, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903.
The Foreter are planning to give a
ball in the Foard k Stoke hall, on the
evening of Saturday, November IH.
Friend of Mr. and Mr. Harry Ik-ll
have received new that a baby boy waa
born to Mr. IJell recently. The now
reide iu fceattlc.
Itoelof.jE, the tailor, ycnterday pur
chawd A. MartiiiMiu tailoring etab
lihmcnt. Mr. Maitin-oii will be em
ployed iu Mr. KoeloNx' ahop.
Marriue liee)i-- were Ufiied yes
terday to Owar -I. f Awards and Helen
K. Crevlingj c. Hrumbach of Ilwaeo
and Josephine Page of Astoiia.
Funeral aervieea over Victor flimre,
the young i,n of Mr. and Mr. 8. A.
IT 1 . -
Those who place quality first ue
Tli ick In of quality, the perfect fniit of lung experience.
Their epcaren I Inviting, appetizing, they IHk gmx) but taste bet
ter. We have them In neat
shower fm
um sals
for the Rainy Season, Specially Made
to Order.
. !42o
Tha Palace Catering company's die
lag-room U again open under the Mine
management Every thing flret class.
CuUIne tail service uneioellrd. Private
dining-room for led lee.
N. A. Akerman, takldermUt, mat
tree makrr, furniture upholstering
harncea repairing, carjiet cleaning and
laving. Kinth street.
Mra. Tilda Andereon, massage. 1470
Onand Avenue. Given either at home or
will call
We to announce that the Mon
arch Malleable, Itange were the only
ranges that received the grand prize
anil gold medal at the I.ewi and Clark
-Mmitin. Other claiming (hot
their received the unit aie doing so
(ur Die putpoe of deceiving the public,
we U-g to refer J oil to tin' committee
on reward, I-wi and Clink rpoition,
I'oi t Ut rut, Oregon. Your very truly,
Mni.rli Malleable Imn I!ang Com
puny, Heaver Hani, Win,
A v'imm! triy Imiv wanted at the
A-toliuil otlic to h ill II plilltcl' Wade.
Mia. A. It. Jewctt, who fur some time
past haa ucccfully served t lie A. Dun
lar Company in the rapacity of diens
maker, bat withdrawn from it employ
ment and haa opened dreinaking par
lora of hi-r own, uptaira at No. 451
Commercial street, at the southeast cor
ner of that thoroughfare and Ninth
atteet, where hr will be pleased to meet
and nerve old friend and patron.
Shipment of
Sweet Apple
Cider Has
Just Arrived
118-iaa Twelfth Stmt, Astoria.
Hot drink and aandwlche at lloef
Mra. A. C. Ivy, from Kan Francisco
I at the Occident aample room with a
line of model pattern hata. Thcao hut
will be on display for three daya only
The ladiee of Astoria are Invited
inpect the atork, Monday, Tueaday and
Wednesday, Oct, 23, 24 and 25.
Write ii fur big bargain in Ilumt
Automatic Switch A Signal Co., etock
before the switch pie on road. Hegular
price f 4.7.1. thjr price much lower. I low
can we do it? We hold more ahare
than we can conveniently carry and
niot saciiflce to rui mli Fur partic-11
hir addrc W. .T. Curti & Co., 21.'
Commercial bliHk, rortlnnd, Ore.
Ih'i-d tiled at tin' ' Hici- of the Cinin
ty Ch-ik tlic iu"t few day indicate
iitnilv III v-tt I et.itc. 1 c-tci!iiv m
di-eiix were nun, iic iiaiiMi't auioum
inj; to j 1 1 ,'."'. lollowing 11 if tlic in
t 1 nun ut- tiled:.
Aii;-ii .1. M.nkiiV et al, ti Flunk I
Ibivi.c.. .t ul : S I 2 MI I 4 and S I
of SV I I mt 2S tp ft n, 1 (! w. ( n
i'li-ml iM .'LVai,
M. It. Sherwood to Align ('. Mackay
S I 2 of S 12 ' 2. to 5 n, r .1 w. t on
idcralioii f't.'mi.
It.T C. Smith to Cemgc C ( 'lit hci. 1
lot 5 and , block !), in Smith' Wur
ri'iitoii. Coniii-rntion ;.".
I int.-. I Mate, to .lull 11 Corn.; S 2
of SV I 4, ..1 2f and S 1 2 of SF. I I
i- :, tp ft n. r 7 w. Patent.
Allrn) II. K-te. to John .1. 1 : 11 : S
I 2 SF. 14, Wt, S I 2 SW 14 ft"
2l, NW 14 2?, tp 5 n. r 7 w. IW
idcrntion Jf-J'HNl.
( hnili'o llmiH-n et al., to A.toilu Ab-
-tract A Title (oiniianv; Sr. 14 we
2H, tp 5 n, r 8 w. Consideration IM.
otto PulTner to John I. Itupp et al.,;
SK 14 SW 14. X 12 SF. 14. SK 14
NK 14. we .H, tp 5, r 7 w. Con-idera
Saved HU Life.
J. W. Pavenjiort, Wingo, Kjr., write,
June 14, l!Ki2: "I want to tell you 1
believe Hallard'a Snow IJniment saved
my life. I waa under the treatment
of two doctor, and they told me one of
my lunpi waa entirely gone, and the
other badly affected. I alo had a lump
in my aide. I don't think that I could
have lived over two month longer. I
km induced by a friend to try Bal
lard' Snow Liniment. The first applica
tion gave me great relief two Afty
cent tiottlea cured me lound and well.
It i a wonderful medicine and I rec
ommend it to suffering humanity." 25c,
50c 11.00. Sold by Frank Hart's drug
Make digestion and assimilation cr
feet. Make new red blood and bone.
That'e what Iiollister' Rocky Mountain
Tea will do. A tonic for the sick and
weak. 35 cent, Tea or Tablet. Sold
by Frank Hart, drucgi-t.
We Are Getting' Ready to Hove
The great furniture bargains we are now offering will wain end and you
will be aorry if you overlook the opportunity to buy bfore it i too late.
Every Purchase You
Now Make Means
a Saving'
We offer you the choice of the largest and best stock of household
good ever displayed in Atoria.
Astoria's Leanding and Compleellousefurniiihers,
. ...... n M . Hi mm r 1 i f 1
Itl!l HI-II HI IUI1 !:A. I 11 yiw
Cimre, were held in I'olil'a undertakini;
parlor ye-t.-nliiv afteiniNoi. The inter
tnent wh iii (;reeliwiiod.
lohii Kdward wa picked up by Offi
cer Tlmiiipwin and ilon yesterday
afteriiixm for drunkeniie. Ib had
la-en InuriK out in the rain on the I.ur
linn dock, when he wait picked Up bv
hy.t.iiiilern mid taken in out of the wet.
The decree of the Circuit Court in the
eaw of M. S. SherwiMul v. the South
Ala-nleen Coinpuiiy, by which the form
er Wii L'iw-11 title to the south Imlf of
the iMiiitli half of M-ction 'JH, township
"1 iioith, nint'e n wet, was miole a docii-
tiiciit of reiind in the oHic of the
County Clerk ye-terdny.
Mi !-ie Tamiehill. late leading
holy itli the Tritolj Oix-ra ('oiniianv
l a fu-ml liner at the Slur flientre Una
week, .Ml I U II -) I i I I coii-k ered to
one of the Iciiditi; i-ouieiliemie 011
the lilil opent ljie of today mid i a
lete ion to the lii-lit oiiern ta"c.
c i- unit 111' a hit with lovel of (;ood
I unci ;il eiicr over tin- remain of
Mr. Slo-in.i Smilli. wife of I!, S. Smith.
the A. A C. II, tatioii iigi-nt ut Wur
lelilon. will l,e belli flout I'ohl' MIliliT
tiikinj; pin lot iii the fit v today, at I
"clock, llev. . . r.rim. of t ie rn-t
Mctlimli-t churcli, will deliver the er
mon. I lie .ice.i4 il iliril in tin city
Mimiiiv i .-li in-' of iliiilH-te. Mie w.i
mii 11 in Noitli Ihikota, ami ua 25 vour
of n;e.
A letter calling attention to the dan
k'croiii eotiilitioti of the ilrain, rtilining
throiigh bliMk H. of Mi lure' addition
wa tiled bv Senator C. V. Fulton, with
the City Auditor vetenlav. The drain
run between the residence of C. W.
Fulton and Mr. J. Gearhart, and
live letter allege that if it i not re
paired, much injury i liable to nult
to ImiIIi proiertif. The citv i warned
in the communication that it will lie
held rcNiiiibh for the conciucn-e.
lo atifv a iudL'iiicnt iuisl bv the
ireiiit court in favor of the Alaka
Fi-herinen' I'ackiug Company and
aiaiut C. C. and 1'aiil J. l.utjen and
(osirin riiimmer. eleven share of tlic
tiM'k of the company were old by the
herilT yet-rday forenoon. The judg'
nient and eot amounted to $.'(74!.15
and the liale were knocked down to
(o-oru'c I'liinimer i Couiiuinv for the
urn mentioned.
By waterproof
cloths w do not
meaa rubber foods
or aucklntatht 1,
that arc obc
tiotvable to 1 he wear
er. Bat regular
woolen cloths that
art especially pre
pared and proofed
by the new pro
cess that dees not
change the fabric,
but leaves the cloth
as porous and health
Mas the original
Special Orders Taken
The Leading House of Astoria
Distinguished Salvation Army Workers
Are to Visit Astoria.
On Saturday evening Atoria will en
joy a vtit from a numlH-r of dieting
uihed Salvation Army worker, head'
ed by liriiradicr .Jenkins, providential
Hicer. Amimpanying the brigadier is
Major Wade, providential secretary, and
"ii plain . Harris, stenographer. All
three will appear at the regular meet
ing of the Salvation Army on Saturday
evening and will lie heard at the Con
gregational church on Sunday forenoon
and again at the Salvation Army heud-
imirter Sunday evening.
Hrigadier denkin lias been engaged in
army work for the pat 24 yeara and is
fluent speaker. Major Wade, I a
performer on the concertina and a splen
did vocalist. Captain Harris ia no
stranger to Astoria people, particularly
the younger generation, as she attended
hmd in this city for several years. A
cordial invitation i extended to all to
be present at the meeting conducted by
the oiricers on Saturday evening and
FttH of Tragie Kaaamg.
are these line from J. TL Simmons, of
Casey, la. Think what might havt re
sulted from hi terrible cough if he had
not taken the medicine about which he
write t "I had fearful cough, that dis
turbed n wight' rest, I tried every
thing, but i"Milng would relieve it, until
took DT. lCIng New TMacovery for
C nsumption, Cough and Colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cure all throat and
lung diseaae prevent grip and pneu
monia. At Chaa. Rogers' druggist guar
anteed; 60c and f 1.00. Trial bottle fret.
Sudden Cancellation of Concert Date in
Astoria Explained.
M.l.l.illii- Jennie Norelli, the noted
Swcdi-li -in'ei, lia- cjlhi-llc'l her con
cert date in .-l"ii.i, uiii evening, jit
l-opm' II.1II1 and for ss-eifii- reaoti.
When he nj; ht",e hefori', on May
S, I'.MHt, the imidiiiue eont raeted for
the Ue of l i-liel' opera hollM'. for one
nijjht. at j:ii, paying $20 down. The
cont 1 act wa ignei by Manager I.. 1'..
Selig, of the oera hoii' ami aci-cpt-el
by her agent. C. O. Carlson, in her
prceiic and the presence of other wit-
iie-4"H, in a well known business of-
fu in thi citv. The concert came off
and was a diinal failure, not from any
fault found with the splendid singer,
but because ber agent got up hi pro
gram fr the evening in Portland, print
ed there and bordered with the "ads"
of Portland firm, a matter of indes-
cretion in the distribution of patronage
voiindlv rebuked bv Atorians, who re
fused to attend the concert on this
score. The next nav the great singer
left for other field, and her agent
CarNon absolutely refused to cover the
balance due Mananger Selig for the use
of the boue, despite the fact that he,
the agent, had delivered to Mr. Selig,
an order on Madame Norelli for the sum
of I0 still unpaid. When the order
wa presented to Madame Norelli, she
referred it liack directly to ber agent,
with the result stated, and the troup
left here, that much in arrear, at
least, thoucli there were otlicr bill
pending which were subsequently paid.
At intervals, during the years that
lapsed. Manager Selig has written the
popular and successful artist for a
cacellation of hi claim. None of hi
letter have Wn answered. He want
hi due in the premises and nothing
Hearing of ber intended visit and con
cert here, Manager Selig advised ber the
other day of hi desire for a settlement
of hi claim, plus a bill of $4.00 for in
terest, and of hi purpose, in default
of such adjustment, to file suit and
swear out a writ of attachment for levy
upon the box-receipt, a program the
madame could hardly face with com
posure and sing a she is wont to sing.
and therefore is the Astoria date cancelled.
The fact that she will not appear here
as advertised, will have no bearing on
the purpose of Mr. Selig to recover
what i due him, the suit will proceed,
the levy be made wherever practicable.
and the law invoked, for or against the
claim a the issue shall determine.
Madame Norelli' repudiation of the
claim, as being the affair of ber agent,
ia not taken in good part by Manager
Selig, who hold that she is the princi
pal in the transaction, and endorsed the
acta of her agent, and, no doubt, di
rected him in the doing of them, and,
he thinks, her engagement of another
hall for the late proposed visit quite
confirmatory of the equity of his claim
and of her disposition to meet it. This
community is to be deprived of a genu
ine treat by res son of herfairare to meet
this paltry obligation, which, though
it was of her agent's incurring was no
less a debt of Madame Norelli's, she be
ing the party directly in iterest.
Justice Goodman Makes a Record of
Three Couples in One Day.
lutiec (ioodman i of a modest and
retiring li-po-ition and he has never
iii.ii'c any attempt to jHipularize hi
i-u'iit a a matrimonial bureau. Rut do--piti'
his modety there i something
about the way in which he ties a knot
thai pleases the ieople for whom he
performs thn ceremony and they tell
their friend aliout it. Perhaps this ac
count for the fact that Justice Good
man was a busy man yesterday, aud
during the day he pronounced the words
that linked together the live of three
At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon Miss
Joie Page of Astoria waa married to
W. C. Brambaih of Ilwaeo. During the
afternoon Miss Annie Lerogue was mar
ried to Albert Miller, the ceremony be
ing performed at the residence of Mr.
and Mr. Alex. Miller, on Fourth street
At 6 o'clock last evening Miss Helen
E. Crevling was married to Oscar J.
Edward in the office of the Justice.
All of which goes to bear out the
opening statement that Justice Good
man i popular and has a pretty fair
cinch on the marrying game.
If you want a pretty face and delight
ful air,
P,oy cheeks and lovely hair,
Wedding trip across the sea,
Put your faith in Rocky Mountain
tea. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist.
The Astorian, 75c per montn.
Until November 15th, 1905.
Men's Suits $L50
Pants 60
Coats LOO
VesU M
Overcoats L50
Steam cleaning done every day.
185 nth Street, Astoria, Oregoi,
We Give You 12 Per Cent
Discount This Week.
vSvenson's Book vStore,
Fourteenth and Commercial Street
Morning Astorian, 75c per montn.
. A - a )
X - J'"'"" I ,a w "V
a Complete lice cf
Anything in a first elaaa stove eith
er Wood e Coal or Combined, yoa wil
And at.
IV, J, Scully