THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. 3 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14. 95. MAKES A LONG TRIP Allen Baker Travels Many Miles to Join Loved Ones. FINDS THEM IN WASHINGTON Old Man It Stnt on an Errand to Neigh boring Farm and Return to Find Ilia Son and Grandchildren Have Left for the Writ He Locatra Ilia Relativre. eil thai 1,. coma Weal to Join 1,1 4rr1 w over rn prereo,,, iii Humwr. an.l ! v.i s-nt tl.ire "Httrrlaouel lag lib stumm frn Kiibn." at, m.r. Tli mlli.g Utwren tli but Urn provident Mnthllde aeut blin a KMiiillutlirr Hii'l iliililn ii ra a jiiyoiii package of twlebark. lie dipped the "awect, familiar runka" In milk and romaim-d thrni, ami the gate of Inapl ration were oretied again. "Owl, what the proper rtmk ran do!" he exrlnlmed, TTita "Tristan" wna eoiiip'iMjd.-Wa 'kt'b Letter to Mathllde Wfwndourk THE MONEY CRAZE. Wro Slaadar hr Whirls tha World la I'raaa la Mr.i.r. Man. Hie money craw, or tendency to rimiini'n liillw the Idt-nl, la found In all walka of life. Never N-fure were ao many clergymen, eapei-jnily young clergymen, ln vlnic Ui to (4 In t tmaliie. The gret roinoicn-lal prlaw-a are no tempting that t'nHr own j.ltlfnl anlarle look contemptible In romparlaoii. There are clergymen In the American pulpit preaching for a few lnuidrid dollara a year who know perfectly well, and eveTytwdy else knowa, too, that they rould make many SwirrSamnMahip Acalaat a Tlarr. Hlr Jauiea Oiitriuu, known n tin- Hnyiird of India, waa a "nilglily hunt it ami an ai'coiiipiiHiiei awor.iNinuii He ouee performed tin- hiuurdouM feu! of killing u tiger with hl a word and from the tnk of bin borae. General NlrhoNon iK-rformed a ulinllar lie rude round mid round the tiger at c Km Hop. gnuluiilly narrowing the circle until lit biNt be w near enough to de liver bla Mow. He hud only the oik blow and If l had failed would bavi lamina, H. lliiiiiliiupM'd by ad tiinrd age mid w-arvely able to cuie for IhimhiIw and make hi want known, All.-n Huki-r M hi boiue in I lurk t ounly, Indiana, lnt Monduy and tiav- rbd alone to Tai'tunu, a dUlance of tf.VHl null", in order that In- milit be le united with lii kii and growl" bildien, who left their Indiana home a weik ago i-t nluy without bid. liny the old man pNNlliye or U-lling inein ih-i- iih-j Verr going. the mui and hi family ele located 4it Sunnier and the melting between the ' njred man and hi little gtaiidi liiUrrn in tliut silluge yeterduy a nil affecting celie. Hark tn Indiana, Mr. Hakcf'e aon lived in Otlw-o, where he wolked at bi trade ill a bhu k. -mil ti lmi, uImI hi t- cbililriii, a Iniy of mid a giil i.f I, were care for by their grand f. it her, whom life had Wll given ocl to the little one Mlli-e the licit ll of hi' wile four J cur ago. A h'il time ago tlic Mill dei icb'd to come Vi-t, but it V11 deemed lx t not to permit the aged ;iaiiilfatlii-r to make the tii, and in older to avoid a ud palling IhIwicii the ihildieii and then grandfather, the bitter U11 decoyed to a farm, and while be in the country, the aon and hi children Marled for Sumner. Win n Mr. ',ker returned from the country on .Monday, the home of hi m.ii vn de- uiteil and no Word had Wt left to indicate what had Income of the family Inquiric among the neighbor availed the grandfather nothing, but when hi wna to the tatioii agent he learned Hint the family had departed on Satur day for Simmer, Vah . and depite the distance and the protet of friend Mr. linker punhacd a tiket and tMik the llrt 1 1 it 1 11 lor the Wet. On the 1 1. tin the old man acted quietly and the trainmen tlmught Ih-1 to bring him into Tacoina, a be could not tell an intelligent utoiy of when- he wanted to go. When he reached thi city hiduy hIlOiL he wa aluioxl ehuilted and win unable to give an account of blm elf. Hi money bad given nut and hi wa cared for at the police tatioii until yesterday morning .when It wa lenrn HEAD SOLID SORE Awfil Suffering of Baby ad Sleepless Nights of Mother. CURED bTcUTICURA tered. Kew Curt tor Career. I . . . M a il.. m a flmea aa uiticli nioner la biudnwaa ra- wxk aunn. 1 ne ripinniuiou 01 uie ieai peera Many of them do not eea why la the tiger (loea not aprlng upon n.ev .hould not Ihtodm Hch and bow- the lioraeman during the circling proc ..rt,A Tt,.. ln not underatand wbf I beeauaw hi la watching hla opportu H.i. ii.on rnaklnr raoarltT la nity. Aa the circle flrawa rioaer ana nn riitioata frn- tbaui aa for oth- doner upon him be becomea w-wiiaerea ere. In othrr worda. thre U a power- hy nia atrange maneuver, ao ful temntatlon t.alar for a clergy man that or any nunter d naa aTiir aDcoon- to turn bla creative farultlea Into roon ey maktiig rbannela. Manr of our lawyer are looking for . .1 a K I - i.iif f.-.s. rather than for creat lecall aii euriac ranccra are now Known acumen or blgb atandlng at the bar. I to be curable, by Ducklen'a Arnica, BaJvt, They know that lawyera are nr!d j. Waltera, of Nuffield, Va., write; today not ao muc& aa menioere or a i bad at. canc r on my lip for yearn, that great and learned profwalon, uphold- wmeJ inoUfable tin Bucklen'a Arnica era of tha mafeaty and Juatle of the . , .fc- Salve healed it, and now it ia perfectly law, aa becauae many of them make 1 . . .l nM frm nrae. (iUnUlte4 CUM for CuU BJld I 1 nm a wa a a th e. Tbey know, too. that they are "urna. zjc ai cnaa. juigerar omg aiore. ranked by fellow lawyera largely In .1 a. a.a. B.l 11a .a. tsl Mt proponion 10 uimr auun, w n u,,, rowraar of Fallara f". It I well known mat aome or A honQT to th nan or woraan wt,o the men who get Miormoua fea and knflW 0 Bljrh wor)J M defeat; wto leeome mllllonalrea are not gr'at law- . ,,ovt thw r,thway of a conalatent yera at all and have nothing like Uie d f) m of dut ryeB legal ahlllty or ottieni wno are noi i.,th th( tlftfk B,m,,ow of fa,ure 0b- paid n qtinrier or uieir reea. nai -..- tllP wa- -r bnve the courage bla practl.o worth? accma to be Uie . . -,...,,.. at all 1!me fln(i queatlon by which to ineaaure a law- UIld,,r rtrr-umidnri.-ee requlrea no yer-a atandUig in tbe minua or morn Brii( ))f ,.jnrfir.r aii ,i,.terml I""!'!- nation. It Is better to go down to uttl riiyalclatia and aurgeona are meaa-1 . 0verUirow In a cauoe which ona ure.1 in tniicb uie aanii way. now or- tMeve, 0 jUt an(1 to ten wo bear It aam, "wny. mai pnyai- nflt n Pf,lnnroinlaa with ron- clan baa a practice of fi'.OOO a ypn""Lrpnce 0r aiiffer the lowering of thf Hometlmea the autn naiiiei la twice or ,.., ,ona mwl to all thrice aa great Juat aa If thla waa . , the con0ioul,CHa of adher the ineaaure of a t.byalcian a tioerui- .. t1 th., f-h rathM wenr ht nea! Of courao In a wmae getting hattrtU of boneat defeat-Madatna, enormoua rwa la aom proor or nia abllltT. but It la not the beat evidence of a man'a real ecrvtc to the world. The Beat Doctor. Many authora today do not aeem to n c norton. Kulnhur Fpringa, Uilnk no much of putting immortality Ju, 19 lm. ..j have us into tneir cotnpoaiuona-or wmiun - Kn..w 1 ::. ...... w..... .w.... .n im. eil in my family llallarda Snow i.ini ouoaa nuiru mihii ii.w uivua l .... . ,i. r,, tha larvaat amount of n.ent and lloretiounu Fyr.ii., a..u v..w money poaa!bl with their pena. Few have proved certainly aaiisiaciory, mr modern writer would apeiid yeara up- liniment i the Ut we have ever ued on a tiny bit or compoaiuon or ex change their live for a few Immortal verae or a alngle book that the world would not let die.- Buccm. A.FO10EK A good com rade for cabin or castle. Golden Gate Coffee High grade. High price. Sold only in aroma-ticht tins. Never in bulk. A. FOLCER A CO. San Francleco faiaauaaia n route are Invited to correapond with the following representative: Ut Third St. Portland. Ore. J. C. LI NX) SET, Trav. PaaaengT Agent 142 Third Bt, Portland. Ore. THI ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintain uneiceiled aerrtc from the wet to the eaat and aoutb. Making cloa connection with tralna or ail tranacontlnental llnea. taengera are given their choice of route to Chicago, Loulavllle, Mempbla and New Orlean. anl through theae poInU to tha far eaat Proapectlv traveler deelrlng Infor- mAtlAn a to the loweat rat and beat If you are thinking of atbndlng bu inea college you can not afford to ig nore the beat in the north weat. Our equipment U unurpaed weat of Chi cago. On account of our rapidly increai ing attendance WE WILL MOVE October Tint to our elegant new quar ter in the ElKs Building now .being completed at Seventh and Stark atreet. Our graduate are all employed. I'laced 207 pupila in lucra tive poaitiena during the paat year. Send for our bandaomely illustrated catalogue. Free. Addrea all communi cation to our preaent quarter in the btearns Building, Portland. '. -W POKTLAND THE MORNING A'STOEIAN ii for tale at the newt standi of erst L for headache and pain, ine ciuk nvrup haa ln-en our doctor for the last rhht veara." 25c. 60c, $1.00. Sold y o ar - Frank Hart, druggK Falhor f M4ea La a Couetabl painted the acene a be Isaac IW-lbu, a lalmring man waa aaw It. but he waa not aatladed with .,., ..... .. (;ravv bVer lat ev merely copying nature It wai to Jim uffrr. frmn Bn tla(.k of ,,ara. ao real a companion that. In tb flret " " ...... t-n,,.!-! plan, h. tried to make It live In hi. l St Vu hot picture - that the rlouda might move and overhang the apot, that IU atmoa phere might penetrate every part the acene and that tree and water and the very plant by Um roadalde might move and have their being In It, and, econdly, be put hla own pereonal fection Into hi reprenentatlon. Then, too, In the matter of color, which can not be Judged from the reproduction, he dared to paint nature green, a be I Pears' Pears' Soap is made in a clean, sun-flooded factory; lion Qtnrerl a full vear in a aaw It, and the akle blue, with tb Jrv aJry place, before COBl- Is it such a wonder it lasts so long? K.iUblithrd la l;;. Skin Fair as a Lily with no Scar to Recall Awful Sore Writes Mother. "I herewith write out ia foil the be ginning and end of that terrible diaeaaa eczema," eayi Mra. Wm. Rycr, Elk River, Minn., " which caused my baba untold Buffering and myself many leeplesa nights. My babe was bora seemingly a' fair, healthy child, but when she wai three weeks old a 1 well ing appeared on the back of her head, and in coune of time broke. It did sot heal but grew worse, and the aore spread from the size of a dime to that of a dollar. I uacd all kinds of rente dies that I could think of, but nothing seemed to help; in fact, it grew worse. Ilcr hair fell out where the sore was, and I feared it would never grow again. It continued unUl my aged father came cn a visit, and when he aaw the baby he told me to get Cuticura Soap ana Ointment right away. "To please him I did so, and to my surprise by their use tne aore began to heal over, the hair grew over it, and to-daTsh haa a nice head of hair, her skin is as fair a s lily, and she has no scar left to recall that awful sore, and it is over eight months sad bo sign of its returning." CURE. PERMANENT "Your letter of the 19th Inst re ceived, aiking in regard to the cure of ay baby some six years ago. WeU, the disease has never returned to her head which at that time was solid sore on top and down the back." Mrs. Wm. Rybr, Elk River, Minn. Feb. 5, 1903. iT.r. Cw.1.1. ci nita,a..etaj loJaoi, )it.i.i,av ,o.o.f. it' I" J1. S.. Foi Driif a Chm. Cor., al frapiMgCfc irtaiafllinaBiintiiaii or w bite. It U. then. txcnuae of this cloaer fnlthfulnciia to the hues of na ture and to the effect a of movement, of atmosphere and of light and becnuae he Interpreted nature according to hi own mood that Const aide la culled the father of modern lnndacane, for theae are the qualities that particularly oc cupied the artiNta of the nineteenth century.-St. Nlcholna. THE OEEGON NEWS COMPANY, situated at HOTEL POKTLAND. 147 Sixth Street, 113 Sixth Street Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker, lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let in il you our little book telling all about it. Typewriter wpplie. Mi chin rented. Stenographer rurnihea. Th) Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 Stark St., Portland Or. Tkis is "ike kind of a, Sioqy for NATIONAL MAGAZINE is paying $10,000 r TOO DimCDLI I. a rawrjrlmila I "tor. tht Vrlmat Ummt a pria M Oulur talaMar m lay HaM aa mnMf at aw anHni,iw, )MtmM.Mk UM ww an f.ty m ran netval sac SadaVa M kw, 1 Tk M Mf M at kr kal a tht a.Mi. iwvHrm. mm a. phot m wwiinf-vrrt mm all fcrr rouuf r.tlt loeiu mm at mum. u hf Om. mw aarrtoi, laX tlnu-.r- ha mi4. UulfiflT Thtt to ma UM, Tlitkua." mtt Ik Mi Oav erm MJaly "II wa. bwaa I vat aoi a MJ ,lll.. M ft, 1M m" m DO OteV know of abetter one We want little stories, anecdotes, bits of verw anjr clipping from a newspaper, maguin or book that has made you Think, Laugh or Cry 840 prize will be given for the best selec tion!. Ten piles of silver dollars as high as the first fen successful competitor an the first awards. The only condition for entering this com petition is that you send with your clipping ex. for a six months' trial subscription to the National Magazine Address, JOE CRIPPLE, Editor H OORCHCSTEB AVENUE. Boston. Mm. . Th As tori n, 75 eenU a month. THE ILLINOI8 CENTRAL, rest to the eaat and south. Making llose connections with trains of sll transcontinental lines, passenger are given their choice of route to Chicago, Loulavllle, Memphis and Kew Orleans, and through these points to the far east - Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation as to the lowest rates and best route are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent, lit Third 8L. Portland. Or. IliltlWWtiWt A I alqaa Coal of Arms. Thor waa one rbllntleltihlnn who not only Inventiil arm for hlmwlf, but new and rviilllrnn anna, after dis carding tin' iimi'xtrul anna of his fnm- lly. Thla woa l'fter Brown, at one time an eminent citizen of Phllndel phla. In 17H4 Wllllnni Trlr-at, nn Eng- IIhIi mualolnn, Imm-uiik atliuhcj to Uie tlieatnr In I'lilliuli'lphU lu bla pro feaalonal caimi-lty. In 1)2 Mr. TrloHt prlntinl In Umdon a book Piitltlitl Trleaf Travel In tb Unltwl State," which 1 now exceedingly rare. Tb frontlaplere to thla book Is a strange and curious dealgn, entitled Teter Brown' Anun." In explana tion of this frontispiece Mr. I'rlest say: "Peter Brown, a blacksmith of thla city, having made bis fortune, set up bis coach, but so far from b Ing ashamed of the means by wbldt be acquired hi riches he caused t large snvll to be painted on each aide of his carriage, with two pairs of nak ed srms In the set of striking. The motto, 'By this I got y.' " A Great Composer' Inspiration. At last Wagner was possessed by "das furcbtbar Sebnen," which, was essential to the composition of .act tws snd three of "Tristan." On Nov. 1 be even bad thought of suicide? II wrote the music with the gold pen pre sented to hloi by MathUde. The third act was written with as grat passion as the second. Wagner tn bis uncom fortable hotel St Lucerne became Tristan tossing on his couch st Kareol. Then we find him weeping while be compose Kurwenal'e word, "Auf leaner Weld und Wonne," etc. O 1 fol 8. however, bs haa been stlckins Columbia, Ohio, May 30, 1903. Six year ago I had a severe attack at Inflammatory Rheumatism. I waa laid ut In tied for atx montha, and the doctors 1 had did me no good. They changed med icines every week and nothing they pre scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be an the use of S.S. S. Mv knee and elbon inta were awollen terribly, and at one ime my joint were ao swollen and pain ful that I could not close them when opened. I was ao bad that I could not move knee or foot I wagetting discour aged, you may be sure, when I began S. S. S., but a I aaw it wai helping me I contin ued it, and to-day I am a aound well mas and have never bad a return of the disease. S. S. S. purified my blood and cured m of thi lever case of Rheumatism after everything elae bad failed. I have ro commended it to other with good re mits. R. H. CWafMAlT. 1 355 M t Vernon Ave, The poiaonou acida that produce the In flammation and pain are absorbed into the blood and Rheumatiam can never be con quered till theae are neutralized and fil tered out of the blood and lyttem. S. 8. S. goe directly into the circulation and at tacks thediaeaae itself. It purines and re store th blood to a healthy, viporotu condition. It contain no potash, alkali ot other atrong min eral, bnt is guar anteed entirely vegetable. Write ns and our physi cian will adviM without an j charge whatever, OurbookonRhen tnatltm sent free. TN Swift Spiclflo Company, Atlasta, JUST A MOMENT! We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . j ft We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your -1 Library The J. S. Dellinger Co Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building . : s Corner CoMiiEftdAi, and 10th Strkbt