t 2 THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873 Published Daily by . THE J. S. DELLINGEK tOMPAIfY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. fiy mail, per year By mail, per month M By carrier, per month -75 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance. .$1.00 Entered ss teeond-elsss matter June 9 1906, at the puttofflc at Astoria. Ore gon, under the act of Confress of March J. w-iVWi for the deliTtnnx of Tas Moan lira uroaiAic toeitiier reaideace or pUc of btaiDraa nsj be made by postal card or through U4e hone- Any lrrruUuity la de Uwry ahcMild be aubaiistelr reported to tha office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. 4 WEATHER TODAY. Portland, Oct. 21. Western Oregon, and Western Washing ton: Sunday, increasing cloud iness with showers near' coa., cooler in the interior. Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington: Fair, with slowly rising temperatures. IN RE POLITICS. Local campaigns are odious in that they afford certain people, without any other recourse for reprials. an opening for the indulgence of personal spleen, demonstrations invariably the more vic ious because of the ease with which they are launched in the public pies under the guise of political matter or semi campaign material. It may be said that editors are core-ponsible for the publi cation of such stuff and they are, know ing its character and the animus behind it, an insight not always practicable when it reaches the editorial desk under plea of urgency and expediency direct from friendly hands, and tlie only safe rule known in obviation of the evil, U the enforced signing of the contribu tions by the author. This goes far to mitigate the bold severity of such communications, fixes the actual ac countability and lessens the frequency of the offerings. A political season is the harvest-time of the coward with a grouch and he cannot be too well watched, in th- press and outside of it. . 0 FIRST DUTY. year of Irving' active career the cycle of the scenic wge manapl winded itx'lf out to completion. To day extiaagaiia almost comei the xvne painter and the costumeis t'ul tured people look for the Shakespearean diama in large part to the kue lmard of the lien lireet players, and Bernard Shaw' drama, with email ea-t and simple oecnery, ate the talk of Uii town. WANTED: The public spirit to tackle the proposition of building a big. handsome, stylish, roomy hotel in the city- of Astoria. All le is at hand, money, brains, Mte, material and skill ed !aW. Apply at the Chamber of Commerce on Monday evening. Novem ber Cth. next, at T:: o'clock. If you are a republican; if you intend to aid in placing your party in power in this republican city; if you want to vote in this behalf and lend your in dividual aid to the men who shall figure as nominees of that party in the elec tion on December 13, l'J05, you owe it to yourself, to your party and its nom inees aforesaid, to register for the pri maries today, at any rate, before 4 o'clock p. m., on Saturday next. The same duty confronts you on No vember ICth, and before 4 o'clock p. m., on December 0, 1103, in older to secure your franchise on the day of election. Wcrlwt reci-tration. and you may lapse D c - - n into the 'iniujcuouet dcsuetudity you please, but your n-publicani'in, will be open to challenge. Register! and then Register once more! RANDOM THOUGHTS AND SKETCHES. W. IseacreSay, did you read that storv about the man who is troubled over the fact that a growth of hair is appearing on his tongue, thus depriv ing him of the power of speech. lo you know I have a theory in regard to the starting of that growth of hair. I be lieve that the man had a cold ami that he started to take some cough medicine and took hair elixir instead. II. Enpeck Oh, you are noted for your theories. But if you can show me that vou are riaht in this instance ana can tell me what kind of elixir he took I will give you $1000 in cash. W. Iseacre Whv. old man, I did not know that you took such an interest In scientific matter. H. Enpeck Science be hanged. My wife has a cold. A true friend i one of thoe per-on who knows all alnuit you' and still re mains your friend. Little Willie found a looking gla-s And he scrajM'd the mercury off. Then he swallowed the shiify ubtance Thinking to cure his cough. Hi mother in telling the story To her neighbor. Mrs. Mcfiown. Said: " Twas a cowhl day for Willie Whin the mercury wint down." Ijite Local New We stop the press to announce that a valuable pointer dog belonging to William Thompson was struck by a train and killed today. For nice frc'li home made auage rail at the meat market conducted by Wil liam Thompson. Advt. Portland. 0,-t. 23. The Octogenarian today say: "It i now quite evident that the city of A-toiia i doing every thing in it power to injure the com merce of tlii city, .lame .iumpotTky returned to Portland Iat eveninir from a fishing trip to the mouth of the Co lumbia river and relate a story of de lay in A-toiia that really demand that mine action should be taken to put n 'tup to si;eh tactic a our friend down the river are adopting. He had made a larse catch of silverside and was re turning to Portland, when hi fi-hing paiTtner wa taken with a sudden chill. ju-t as the I.iuikIi was opposite the A-toria whaeve. The boat put into the shore and hi partner went to a sa loon to get something to relieve t.10 chill. After waiting patiently for ovr nn hour for the return of hi partner Mr. Jumnoffskv went ashore and found the man consuming highballs at the rate of one everv five minutes and so drunk that he wa unable to walk to the boat. Now, we demand to know by what right Astoria saloon men supply our mariners with whisky to the detriment of our commercial interests. SIR HENRY IRVING. John Henry Brodribb, knighted in 1S95 as Sir Henry Irving, made his stage debut as the villian of a melo drama in the English provinces. Tradition has it that in one at he appeared with a piece of raw beef concealed under his coat collar, that the faithful dog of the heroine might nightly leap at his throat in the interest of virtue endang ered and the dramatic uniti-. That was stage management, an art in which Irving for years led his con temporaries in the two great English speaking land. Opinions might differ at to Mr. Irving's power a an actor 01 great parts; that he was as a manager in.li irreaf nn one could doubt, rl- delitr in detail, historic study as a pre requisite to constumtng and scene paint- inir. he insisted upon, lie dared to pro duce tine plays in a fine manner. It might be well if we had with us still an Irvin In nit prime. -0 New Cure tor Cancer. All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. Jas. Walters, of DufTield, Va., writes; "I had a cancer on my lip for years, that seem! incurable, till Bucklen't Arnica Salve hialed it, and now it is perfectly well. " Guaranteed cure for cut and burns. 23c at Chas. RogerV drug store. NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that the reg istration books of the city of Atiria, for the primary nominating election to be held in this city on Monday the 13th dav of NovemW, 1905, will be opened at the Auditor's office in the city hall, on Monday the 23rd day of October, 1903, and will close for said primary election on the 7th day of November, 1905, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., said registration lxxtk will U: again opened on Thursday the Ifith day of November, 1905. for the general election to be held in this city on Wednesday the 13th day of December, 1905, and will close on Saturday, the 9th. day of December, 1905, at 4 o'clock p. m. All persons tnut register in order to be entitled to vote. Dated, Astoria, Oregon, October, 21st, 1905. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the city of 75C PER MONTH For the HOB G ASTORIAN Delivered right at your door every morning before breakfast by the BEST CARR1KR SYS TEM in the country. The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest Telegraph News. Shipping latellgence. Condensed Local News. Portland Market Reports. Real Estate Transactions. Society News, Railroad News. Sporting News. County Official News. Complete Want Columns i . . . i And in fact all of the News of the Country Watch for the Big Colored Comic Section If you are not a subscriber let us show you our proposition and we will convince you that its the best ever made by any newspaper. Telephone Maiu 'U1 for our plan, or if you live out of town write a postal and we'll do the rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager. The Morning Astorian lOth arid Commercial 'blood purifying tablets. MAKES RICH RED BLOOD, HEALTH AND STRENGTH. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A POSITIYli CCHIi FOR ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES WEAK LUNQS CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREQELAR flENSES LIVER TROUBLES. . mi 1 u .11.1. ..rnnAtA frntn Via Csnr of m OA-iTlU'UM 1 laDlClS BIC lumiwun-w rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of ovtr 20 years 0! medical research. SA-flU-LAH acts prompt y on the Lunjs, Liver and Kidneys. These organs are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH Is a blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are invaluable in casts of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess of febrine or uric acid. Every disease or disorder that .flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. ssidIs pscksfs " SA-MU-LAH UbWs will cm ml lr- te ssy FREE p mni sad socloalaf c t. ...r cost .1 p..t... ON SALE AT PRINCIPAL DRUOOISTS. PRICE PER BOX CONTAINING 23 TABLETS. 30 CENTS. If your dealer cannot supply yon, send price and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., 140 NASSAU ST., "tw TO"' Are Yow Interested In Advertising? Tl. third qusrterly convention of the Paolflo Coot AdrrrtUing Men's sj.nocl.tion will convene at Seattle, (VtoW 23 and 24. The association U made up of advertisers, advertising writers and agents and advertising solicitors-and every one who Is Interested la ad vertUing. l'epera on advertising sslmun, shingles, reUil stores, eiort trade, etc., will be read and discusned. You Are Invited Whi ther or not you sr. st the present time a member of tke assorlatlon. the meetings are onn to the public and will l-e immensely helpful to any one. who uses ore expects to ue advertising spse. This is the place wjrre new ideas are sprung -make it a point to be there. For further information writ, to C. V. WHITE, WASHINGTON VICK-PKESIDHNT I. C. A. M. A. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. i,. Your Prescription: Rock Island If you are going East, I would appreciate your consulting me. I will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free,! I will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable Importance that you select the right route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Tret, and Rnyt. F L B18UOi Secretary A. I.. FOX, Vice Pres. AHTOKIA HAVJM1S UANK.TreaJ Designers and Manufacturers of THF. LATEST IMFIIOVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers. Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. AN A5TUKIA FKUUUU I Pale Bohemian Beer Best In Th3 Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. J. Q. A. B0WLBY, Preni.lent. FRANK PATT0N, Cashier. O I. PETERSON', Vive Prwident J. W. GARXER, Assistant CCashier. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In 1100,008. Surplus and Undivided Profits $35,000. Irsosscts a General Banking Business. Interest Psld on Time Deposits A8T0RIA, OREGON. fORRESPONDFNCr SOI ICITFD. Foot of Fourth Btreet First National Bank of Astoria, Ore r.STAIlLIHHI'l) 1880. Capital and Surplus $100,000 Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur! niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed And Shipped. 433 Commercial- Street Phme Main 121 Weinhard's '-"Sfo It is a curious fact that within the Astoria. 168 Tenth Street,