The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 22, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Tm yew hotcakea in tke morning
Maple Syrup
'1 Gallon 135
it--cno .75
JOwrt .... .... -45
Cooking Apples
" 65c per Box
123 Commtrtlil St
Phona Main 681
' S. lVnriger 1 IV, be-st decor t-
j ed building. 40.00
I Wm. Madison. 2ml let dswatcd
building 20.00
O. F. Morton, collecting tickets
country dance ...... ' 8.00
H. M. Urentoii. stake boat 22 50
Chicago .Costume House, Prince
ami Iewis ami Clark costumes 70.0(1
P. Allison,. Klma hoe team.. 50.00
X. 1'. Sun, violinist, dance ...... t.SO
I has. U Bivwn, baud an I .. or
chestra in full .V.Kt.OO
w-.. ... w .1 .1. o.. I ' 1- . ' 1 ia
., . i nrri ,1 eicu, kirn iTicr m'K mer las'
Pacific RuMr Co., oilskin apron a 11 J .'.., . .
(Continued from page 4.)
C. R. Morse, on box men' sox. Not
raced for. Returned.
A. Brown, on $3 gold pie1, mint
of lSoA. Not raced for. Returned.
Old. Wortman & King, silver cup.
Not raced for and donated to next re-
petticoat. Not raced for. NId.
Scow Bay Foundry, one broiixe wheel
Not raced for. Returned.
Hot Blast and
No. 2, - $1.25
No. O. - 65c
Tenth and Commercial Street
Branch at TJnlontown.
Cant Lose
J. N. Griffin
.1. S. IVllineer Co.. stationery.. 8.30
Astoria IVily Budget, station
ery 22.00
Sherman Trans Co., hauling.... S3
Astoria Daily Budget, advt .... 23.00
Daily Astorian, advt 25.00
Oregonian Pub. Co., advt 100.00
Portland Daily Journal Co., advt .WOO
Griffin A Reed, atationery .... 40
John Svenon, record book .... ..
F. J. Johnson, stamps, postage.. 6.00
Johnston Bros. pare. paper for
copying l-'J
Astorial Elec. Co., lighU, hdqut 2.50
Vancouver Transportation Co.,
uw dock for grand atand.... 50.00
J. S. Dellinger, ptd atationery.. 6,'fl
Wells. Fargo Ex. Co., elides to
Seattle 25
R. T. Twomby, salary aa stenog-
rapher, July 29, Aug. 9 25.00
Ja Tatton, 1-2 part rent of Hed-
rick' theatre H00
J. S. Dellinger Co., advt mat... 40.C0
J. X. C.riflin, stationery .ViA
Astoria Daily Xews, cir letters.. COO
W. C. Curtis, window cards and
lance tickets 10.o0
Astoria Citizens' band, service
per contract 70.00
The Art Store, 37 regatta slides 1 1 31
Postal Tel Co., three telegram 3.2S
Albert Dunbar, securing con
cessions and collecting 39.65
Astoria Crushed Rock Co., .rth
for filling Van Pnen g'osurl . 10.00
Fred J. Johnson, stamps 10.00
B. F. Allen & Son, sign for Miler 5.00
C. H. Cooper, 200 printed bulges 5.00
ii'toria" Daily B'Mget, 20,000 nd-
vertising tickets M.ffl
Wells, Fargo Ex. Co., shipping
!( lide-to Seattle 25
Oregon Eng. Co., 13 line cuts
for advertising 4.95
Clara Simpson, stenographer ... 30.00
J. X. Griffin, one receipt book... .50
A. Dunbar, expenses, col, etc 20.23
I. X. Griffin, firework for marine
parade 54.00
J. Q. A. Bowlby, Farmers fair.. 250.00
Fred J. Johnson, stamp 5.00
1. Strauss, advt Skamokawa ... 5.75
L. E. Selig, opera house Redmen 10.00
Pi-.irt.rtn Jt- TTiTtKrnjt nnf nf
A new cap for goi, quilt and pillow 12.00
keeping your ' pen j Pmttt Tte telegraphing1 2M
in any pocket! -h II. n. Zaph, rent of beds, pillows,
and quilt 7.50
Johnson Bros., 3X candle for
marine parade
O. Juhr. eleanins build ine for the
country dance
Cha Westridge, 10 hours work
cleaning for country dance...
Sherman' Transfer Co., express
goods to opera house
Astoria Electric Light Co., light
for country dance
Owl Drug Store, 3-lbs floor wax
I. C. Swojie, 127 sitoi for F. boats
C. R. More, muslin and ribbon..
Bring In your pen
and see about ex
changing cap
costs but a trifle
and you cannot
lose your fountain
Millinery Sale
Star Theatre building. The entire
Stock Most Be Sold by Norember 10th.
MBS. A. JAL0FF, Prop.
Btar Theatre Bldg. Astoria, Ore.
Sh.mU Caviar Eva tfc. Heat Skep
tical ( Its Tratk.
If ther. ta the ellrhtest doubt In the
minds of any that Dandruff germs do not
list, their belief la compelled by th.
fact that a rabbit Innocxlated with the
genna became bald In six weeks' tlma
It must be apparent to any person
therefor that the only prevention of
taldnsa la th destruction of the germ
which act Is successfully accomplished
tn on hundred per cent, cf cases by
in application of Newbro's ITerplcM.
Dandruff la caused by the same germ
which causes baldness and can b pre
vented with the sam remedy Newbro's
Accept no eubstltute. ,,Iestry the
eaus you rem or th effect."
Sold by leadlns; druggists. Send 10c. In
atamps for eample to The Herplclde CoH
ltrolt, Mich.
Eagle Drug Store, 851-353 Bond St,
Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St, T. 7.
lanria, Prop. "Special Agent"
Xorris Staples, email -ports fund 300.00
H. M. Lorentson all fih races.... 7.V).00
A. Dunbar, meal for soldiprs .... 30.00
Owl Drug Store 31b floor wax.. 1.50
Foard A Stokes, rent anchors .. 1.00
Sherman's Trans, t o. hauling an
chors 25
A. G. Sjtexarth, blank cartdjr1-- -50
Sherman' Tr;in- Co., carriage
and liorf. r parade. 32..VI
J. X. Griilin t-WMrks for mu
rine parade 51.25
Kate Anderson, calling at coun
try dance 3.75
C. P. Allison, lineman's tournamt 50.00
iE. O. Gloss, 31.00
Max PohV Redmnn's fatur.l. . 230.00
Clara Simpson, stenographer . 15.00
Eddie Raistakka, 1st prize boys'
race 2.50
Albert Grussi, second prize boys'
race 1.00
John Corno, 1st prize, fat man's
race 5.00
Herman Lenhart, 2nd prize fst
man's race 2.50
Florence Johnson, litt prize girl's
race 2.50
Mary Johsnson, 2nd prize girl's
race 1.00
Wendell Watson, 1st prize, 100
yard dash 10.00
Francis Reidick, 2nd prize, 100-
yard dash 5.00
Francis Reidick, 1st prize, 440
yard dash 10.00
William Hoover, 2nd prize, 440
yard dash 5.00
Concomely Tribe No. 7, prize for
largest number In parade .... 20.00
Carpenters' Union, 2nd prize larg
est number in parade 10.00
Concomely Tribe, Xo. 7, best ap
pearance in parade 20.00
Royal Neighbors, 2nd best ap
pearance in parade 10.00
Rowing dub 60.00
J. O. Brooks, distributing litera
ture for dance 1.00
W. I MeCrosky, M prize sack
race 2 SO
W. L McCrooky, 1st pi ire boys'
100 -yard dah 3.00
Wesley Welch, 2ud prize boys,"
100 yard dash 's.OO
Franci Reddick, 1st prize, 220
yard dash, 10.00
Wm. Hoover, 2nd prize 220- dash 5.00
Welch A MeCrosky, lt prize 3-
legged race 2.50
Fake A Carlson, 2nd prize 3 leg
ged race 1.00
William Woods, 1st prize half
mile run 10.00
Wiliam Hughe, 2nd prize, half
mil run 5.00
H. F. Todd, 1st prize yacht race
class B 75.00
Ambrose Scott, 2nd prize yacht
race, cla H 35.00
Arthur Breyman, 1st priz yacht
race, class C 73.00
Cha, Shivelv, 2nd piize vacht
race, class C 35.00
Arthur Breyiiiun, 1st prize, illum
inated Mil craft 20.00
H. F. Todd, 2nd prize illuminated
sail craft 10.INI
II. F. Todd, tlrt, free for all
yacht race 1 00.00
mbros Scott, 2nd prize free
for all yacht race 50.00
(lias. Shivelv, 3rd prize free for
all yacht race , 25.00
J. F. WollT, gasoline launch race 37.50
I. M. Arthur 4 Co., gasoline
launch race 37.50
James Vernon, lit pruo White
hall sail 20.00
Xorman Raymond, 2nd prize
Whitehall sail 10.00
J. C. Barneburir, 1st prize rowini; 20.00
Xorman Raymond, 2nd prize row
ing 10.00
Allen A Schnee, caqenter work
Logan hall 11.00
G. Juhr, 20 hour labor clean
country dance hall 6.00
Geo, T. Goodell, Str Electro, 1st
prize towing larget number
sail craft 20.00
Chas. O. WeMridge, lalwr clean
country dance hall fl.dfl
Capt. Gordon, Str Guy Howard
1st prize best decorated and
illuminated craft 40.00
(apt. Pickernell, Str Shamrock
2nd prize best decorated and
illuminated craft 20.00
Miss Harriet Talant, launch Rest
les, 1st prize best decorated
and illuminated tra. launch.. 20.00
H. L. Knight, 2nd prize best dec
orated and illuminated gaso- 1
line launch 10.00
Astoria Hoe Team, four exhi
bition race 175.00
H. L. Knight. 1st prize gasoline
race. 1 ft and umler 10.00
T. S. Tmllinger. 2nd prize gaso
line race, H ft and tinder .... 5.00
Jack M. Johnson, service 3 musi
cian country dance flO.OO
I). R. Blount, watching fear Farm
er's dance 2.50
C. P. Svenson, 5 night watching
head'iuarter. l"i.(Hl
If. Wise, president, expenses trip
to Portland 10.35
Wetern Union Tel Co. telegram 17.09
Albert Dunbar, rent launch to
tret two anchors from barge . . 2.50
Geo. Curtis (Manzanita) divided
cittUr race 15.00
F. T. Warriiierl Columbine) di
vided prize cutter raw 15.00
John Corno, hauling 3.00
O. P. Skibbe, high dive 1st day . . 5.00
Geo. Benrd, M prize greased pole 2.50
Willamette Tent A Awning Co.,
pennants nd flag 88.50
Ralph Wooden, 3 1-2 day calling
country dance fi.75
Callende'r Xav, Co., use boat, etc 22.50
Prael Kigner Trans Co., hauling
boats and hack hire 10.00
Sherman's Trans Co., hauling
benches for ball 22.50
J. N. Griffin, atationery 2.85
That trt tirtnty tfrfferem
dnnamoa barlu, and they cost
from 4 to 55c lb. This ex.
plaint the market, all but one
particular. Schilling's Best is
the best with the coarser pieces
picked-out; not thro wn-awayj
oh no; the go to some less
particular grinder.
Johnson Bros, candle 2.25
Johnson Bros, cornineal Si
I. S, IVIlinger Co., dance pro
gram and ticket 13.00
Postal Tvl Co., telegram .... 4 27
I. I. Nwope, Banner material and
lettering ;.,'i0
I. C. Swope, signs and material
used ... ............ I "
M B. Scully, man four days
at 2 er dar 8.00
t.. M. McHiidc, taking ticket
at country dance .1.00
J. II. Seymour, cleaning headqrtr
and man carrying banner, jt
(PoitiinH) ,.. 1
I. II. Seymour, jewel cast' and
smoking m l JO.OO
Alle", Ramakcl Co., dray and
Use piano country dance 7.50
Asloiia Daily News, notices, ad 5.00
T. R. Davi. 8 davs' lulsr 2400
Frank Carlson, 1 12 days labor 4.50
John Corno, hauling iU 25
Pac State Tel Co., phone scni.r 3 80
Kinsley Houghton, r.iecil pdice 9.00
Ast Kiev Co., gas at headqrt.. 2 80
A. Punlwr. mdse er Mat'tnt.. 3,V4
J. C. Branebtirg, 1st prize rowing 20.00
A. d. Spexarth, blank cartridge
and cleaning guns 4.00
II. II. Zapf, lo pillow and quilt 1.23
K. D. Bnxk, siM'cial police .... 10.50
('apt Pickernell, boat for trans
portation soldier 20.00
Foard A Stoke, mdse per stat'mt 7.80
The Art Store, slide and k-ttering .75
M. F. Hardesty, 3 day ecinl
H)HH 9.00
Admiral's staff, incidental ex ... 20.00
Clara Simpson, stenographer . . . 10.00
Kxpresn A Baggage Transfer,
hauling anchor and anchor lines
Astoria News Herald, dance ad
and other noli.-c 3.110
City Lumber A Box Co., lumber
to isicr grand stand 12.70
Smith Premier Tyewriter IV,
Ih carls. 11 pasT 3(Ki
A. Dunbar Co.. blanket luam-d
and lost Tim
Louis Johaii'Min. pi ic en tin nit race Mini
Mi. George Malar cx to Portland IIihi
Norman l!amond, prize cnllxHit
race n.m
11. Wilson, prize catlHiiit laisv. Ioimi
Prael-Kigner to, liauliug fiirni-
tun' from headquarter 2 'Hi
Astoria News Herald, ptif report in
Frcil .1. .loliiiHiin, stanqn O.ixi
Prael Kigner Co., hauling I 00
Total $.V074 21
iziouies Dougm ai t lse s rressea i ree zcepisaiuraays
Aerial Political Items Garnered on the
This is Dame Rumor's own particu
lar harvest. She was busy yrsterday
lilling all the public oflicc ,f Astoria
with new timber, old timber, t iiiiImt
good and timlier lad, available and unavailable.
Among the morx-U the unreliable old
rone rolled under her it-inoicle
tongue, were the following:
That Dr. T. L. Ball and Dell S-ulley
were after the honors of the Council in
the First Ward.
That a petition calling for the nomi
nation of J. K. Iliggins for the mayor
alty was to be llouted tomorrow morn
That Fred S. Johnson and -lames Rob
inson wanted seats in the touncil
luuiiber as rfrc-j-iita ti w-s from tin:
Second Ward.
That C. Lcincnwchcr would succeed
limsclf in the same dignified semi circle.
That John Noi'd-.troin is well again
and will ligure in the race for the 11111
nicipal treasuryship.
That Marl in Foard, W. C. l.uw, and
aptaiu .dim , liaolmlge arc i-l.iN .I
for the new I'niiie ('omiiii--iiin.
That A. li. Dalgity will ligure ii
run lor the poriticm of I'oIkc .lu.lg-
and Auditor.
That Alfred S. 'lee desire not to re
linquish the pl.i if City Sum VT.
And lin.u'y, thai tlice gcllcincn
are all wilMu llie iciiulili'-iiii iialc uinl
ligure ns sin ;, in lln ir uiiiat ions.
Tln'-e rumors, ami oilier, are afloat
the "iiinliii nl' uiiil uic iimonu.le t
nial, doulil, indilTerence, ninl is.rt.'Iin ;.
tion, as time, people and cin iiin .tan. .
shall determine.
In order to liven up business I
will give another Mask Ball
on January 3rd, 1906, at
which I will present to one of
my customers a
Fine Pi&mi
One Number With Every
$2.50 Sale
The Finest Stuck and Liberal Treatment
Tbe Occident.
Geo. W. I.iirren, Portland.
Capt. P. J. Byrn, Astoria.
Walter Scaborg, Sknmokawn.
Bernard M. Levy, Xew York.
T. B. Misgovern, Xew York.
Mias M. Francis, Ixs Angeles.
J. S. Thompson, Elgin.
O. K. Gardiner, Portland.
W. Socks, Tortland.
K. W. King, Portland.
1). Anderson and wife, Astoria.
G. K. Patterson, Philadelphia.
Dedication of the Fine New Pipe Organ
at Grace Church.
An event of especial' and happy cig-
mQcance to the rector, wardens and
member of Grace Episcopal church, in
this city, will transpire on next Tues
day evenig, and the pleasure incident
thereto will be shared by many lie-
yond the pale of the parish, for those in
interest have kindly scattered broad-
ast 11 lining fie 1n11.i1 Intel, of A.toiia,
imitation to Is- picent at that phor
lid time to uitnc the dedication of
the beautiful new pipe 1. 1.(11 lately in
stalled in that -tie-tiui). I jiii.lia-.i-. will
lent tile iKi iii'in by I'.e in-l I iitnetil a
tion of Mr. ( all llenloll, oliM'n-t of
rinily cluiie'i, I'.u tl.ui.l, tthom no
oigaint of hi. yen i, on thi enit i.
ctler iialiliei fur uoik, im.l
the f.ill.m iliL' iirnctam is e.iuallv ill-
lieiitivc of the high cla.. of eiijuj incut
ill --toie for llio.e wlio alteiid:
Psrt I.
riiMc-.ii.n.-il, Hymn MO.
laud'. I'lBJer and Veri le.
Calm I ."..
onria l'atri.
I.'i .lii a I ion of organ.
Recital, Mr. Carl Denton.
Wedding Music, Guilmatit.
!, Serenade, Brars.
Inl' i mezii, Bizi't.
"-..!,.. U. K. tiratke.
Part. II.
I I ' -ii nil f l lit ".Mill idye." Adllllls.
licii-eii-e in D Flat, !cmice.
"I -. : . t i. Illlblli.
llciini nf the Nuns, Wely.
lie la.-t ( hold, Sullivan.
Anthem, Choir.
J:.! i imiat, Hjmn 17!.
I ' - - . M J. I
It. II IIuiImui, of Rainier, was doinir
Iiii.iiic.. in town yeterday.
A. M. Whcitttille, of Seaside, was up
flom theie mi btlsinrss rb-rday.
Mi.. A. Cisik, of Deep Hiver, wa the
gue.t of friend in Astoria yesterday.
Mi's. I. Cohen will leave on the Co
lumbia Tuesday, to vi-slt her son, Harry
Cohen, a I Chico, (a I.
City Tien.iircr Thomas Js-alcy went
lo I'm I lan.1 yestenlay on a pleasuie
dip He will witness the production
nf Hen llur, while at I he metropolis.
T. F, Cowing has been siifTcring from
nil attack of the grip, but i sufllciently
iceoteled to Is- able to attend to hi du
ties nt the Western Union telegraph
Baked Salmon,
Scrambled Brains on Toast
Sausage a la Mode de Cain
Scalloped Oysters
Banuna Flitter
Roast Chicken with Dressing
Roast Beef
liobster Salad
Corn on Cob Stewed Tomstoe
Apple Iemon Cream Cranbeiry Pie
Fig Pudding
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It is a bad habit to borrow a ay tiling,
but the wort thinif von ran possibly
Itorrow, is trouble. When sick, sore,
heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains
and poison of dyspepsia, biliousness,
Bright' di-srayv, and similar Internal
disorder, don't ait down and brood
ovir your symptoms, but fly for relief
to Electric Bitters. Here you will find
sure and permanent forgetfulnesa of all
your troubles, and your body will not
be burdened by a load of debt disease,
At Cha.. Rogers drug store. Price 50o.
Xo mercury, no minerals, no danger In,
Hollintcr's Rocky Mountain Tea. The'
greatest family tonic knawn. Brings
good health to all who use it. 85 cents,
Tea or Tablet. Sold by Frank Hart
The Astorian, 75 cents a month.
JOHN FOX, Tree, and Snyt.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
A. I,. FOX, VlcaPrea.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
Foot of Fourth Street.