SUNDAY, OCTOBER ai, 1905. THE MORNING ASTOKIAX. ASTORIA. OREGON. ,7 PORTLAND MARKETS I licit Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complett Market Reportt Corrected Each Day Giving Ibt Wholesalt Pricet ol Commodities, Farm Product and Vtgt tablet. I'ol llmid, M. L'O, 'inHi li r ijiiirt continues (i prevail In tb wholesale fruit ilitril ui 1'iiillmicl, and lcr are Im'lini'il to Uomir alanm-d ovrr tli proatweU. Utile or net dwnand iif r fur what fruit f-oiiK-i in, mil prices of all kinds, except apples, art in tin.-I to to drop In mdiT that stwks may I moved U'foit decay srta in. Ililtinrxa iiimi aloiiK Kinnt street at ti Unite tli lark of (It'iiiH imI the mid dell t.f itMil weather Mini to till rloa iiiif of the etiKwilion. and tlie roust qtient fulling off in travel. "The lui nna of the lintels ami restaursiits bo fallen) off rifiiditrMy einee OHoW 13," nn wholesaler explained today "and wo niut now depend upon our old trade that exUted befom rxposil ion timo enued. will nut pay to pluce perishable fruit mi (lie murket to any ettcnt 1111I1I the iIpiihimiI l.cdiMi nor mill arnin, arnl tliia will tak- a inontli r eel at leant." In Hip iih'IiiiI ime, litrp- ijiKintiliin of ihni, tlir taut of Dm M-Rnon, ill pit- liiK' Up ill tli vmrcliotmeii, w it h lilt I or no demand. Price nil L'riiiiea vtcr iiuitked down itintrrinllv tlii nmininj.' in ruder that u piiMiitinii n( tlno coming in inilit li moved Imnipiliiiti'l v. Retail grocers who make d.iilv viit to Front lii-t to replenish sUiek r-.ii plain of extremely tiinh pricea. "i'.fm hotter, chec.e and canned fiiiit sn- in ordinatfly high," lhce retuilcr say "an I7 the tiin tli profit of the Mimll dealer Is aiill the rut seem rind MUM to th consumer. Grain, Produce, reed. Wheat-Walla Walla, 72c; valley, 72c; bliiettem, 7 red, 68c. OaU-White, 124 M; gray. 122. narley-iWing, t'l); feed. 110.50; rolled. 2I . Hay Timothj, $l2ftOJ300; clover, IM; cheat, $7.W); alfalfa, 10. MilUtuffs Middlings, tUWit", chop. $10; bran, 10r(2O; abort, $21(522. Flour Hard wheal, patent, $4.50; traiKht. 3.ao3 IK); graham, $1 00; rye, $6; whole wheat flour, $385; valley flour $3.80(3 4 1 Dakota. $(1 50(0,7.25; eastern, rye. $3.50; I'illabury, $6,8667.23 Corn-Whole, $28; cracked, 20 prr toa. Itt-11.30 per cwt. Produce. Ilutlcr-Kaney rrramery, 27o; city ereamery. 32c; dairy, liC,l7e; atore, I4trtl5c. Cheene Young America, 15o; Oregon fall crrum, 1.1 Jc Kgjrs-Fresh Oregon ranch, 2flr27c; svteru 26g26V; cold storage, 23 (V4c. Poultry-Rooter. H(u0e; bene, 10(a) Ho; fryern, lOfrlls; broilers, 10( ll; jreew, !if, 8a Hlrt drenewl, PtfJ 10rj Uirkeya, life, Uf15c; dreaeed, 18 at)n; ducke, old, 1I(&I2'; enrintf duck ltl3c; pion, per dozen, 11.00(31.25; equal, $2.(X)(l2.80. Honey-Dark, lOJHc; atulier, 12 13cj fancy whit, 12113c. Ule; 10 lb. aacka, $4.00 per balet apllt peaa, $4.00 r 1001b. aack) 251b. boxee, $1.10) pearl UrUy, $4.25 per 100 Ilia.: 251b. boaea, $1.25 per boxj paatry flour, 10 lb. eacka, $2.50 per bale. Canned talnum Columbia, river, l ib. tall, $1 5; 2 lb. tall, $2.50; fancy l ib. flat, $2.00; 12 lb. fancy flat, $13; fancy l ib. oval, $2.73; Alaaka tall, pink, Wk-i red $1.45; nominal. 2a, tall, $2.00. Muin fruit jar-Hulf uallon per groxa, $1.00; quart, $7JKj pint, $0.55; xtra rap, per grona, $2J5. Fxiioiny fruit jar Half gallon, per tfroM, $13.33; quarU, $10.00; pint, $H.85; extra cape, IM. Kverlantlnff fruit Jar Half gallon, $12.50; quart, $8.50; pint, $7.50, extra cape, glaa, $2.50. Frnita and Vegetables. firapea 50cJ1.00. California grape $l(Jl .25. Cantelonpe Crate, $11.25. Pluma Crat, 607e. lVahea-Oregon Freetone 75c$1.50. Apple flreen, 75e(S$1.50. Orape fruit Crate, $2.50(g3.0O. HuckleberritMi Per lb, 7o. Crnnberrie per bid, $0(50.50. Tropical fruita-lmon, fancy, $5.00; t choice, $4.00 per Iwx; orange, $4.B0(? 00; banana, 6c per lb; pineapple, $3.50(34.00 per dorcn. Potatoes New Oregon,03(376c per 100 ; onion, 83e per 100 lba; tomatoe, lox, 2O30ci turnips sack, 750Oc; cabbage, per pound, l(il 14ej bead lettuce, 2530o per down; hot house, $1 box; celery, doxen, 7580c; radiehea, per doxen, 15c; peen onions, per doxen, 15c; rhubarb, lb, 22e. Cucumbers-Rox, 50c; beets, $1.00 per sack: carrots, 75o per sack) green peat, l2c; green beans, 45c, wax, 4c; garlic, 10c egg plant, 15c lb.j wax, 4c; corn, 121o dox.; awect potatoes, 2Jo; red peppers, Oc pound.- Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, 0o per lb.; sundried, aacka or boxes, none; apricots 11I21; peaches, 10llo; peart, 1012 l-2c; prunes, Italian, 0($ fl l-2c; French, 3 l-2cj figt, CV Vct I 3-4; do, white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard. dates, Oc; plums, pitted, 0c. Cereal foods Rolled oats, cream, CO lb. aackt. $0.75; lower grade, $5.00 $6.25; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-lb. Backs, $4 per bale; 10-lb. aackt, $4.25 per bale; oat Groctriea, Provisions, xtte. Kugsr, eara; baka 3olden C, 4.05; extra C, $4.73; powdered, $5.33; patent cube, $525; ran, I. (1., $.V25; fruit sug ar, $3.50; beet augar, $5.15; barrels, ct., lOe; kegs, cwt, 25c; boxes, cwt., 50c ad vance over sack bails (less 1 4c per lb. If paid for In IS days). Holt-Holes of 75 2s, bale, $1.00; bale of 30 3, bala, $1.00; bales of 40 4. Ule, $1.00 bah-, of 15-10, bale, $1.00; bags, 50, fine, ton, $11.00; bag, 50 lb., genu ine Liverpool, ton, $17.00; bags, 50 II., 1-2 ground, 100, ton, $7.00; K. H. V. P., 20 3 lb, cartons, $2.25; It. H. V. P., 24 3 lb. rartona, $175; Liverpool lump, ton, $18.50. Hii-e-Imperial Jnpan, Xo. 1, $3J5 12; Southern, Japan, 4 l-2r5c; broken, 3 3 4c; head, fanrv. 6 3 4c: head, rhoin. I 2c. Date T'.olden, 00 lb. loxes, OfrG 1 2r; 1-lb. pa-ksge. 8r; Ford., 15 lb. boxes, $1.40 box. Nut - Walnuts, No. , soft shell, 10c; No. 1, hard shell, 13 3-4c; Chils, 13c; almond, 2r; fllUrU, I4fl7c; Hrsril. 15c; cans. 13 1 215c; hickory. Ho; Virginia peanut, 7fi.7 l-2c; Jumbo Virginia peanut, fe; Japanese peanut. 5 l-2ftCc; cbetnut, Italian, 14c; cocoa- nut, dozen, (m. Figs-White, lb., 8 1 20c; black, 0 7c. lieans- Small white, 4 l-4e; large white, 3 l-2r; pink, 3c; bayou, 4 3 4; Umas, 7c; Mexican, red. De. Pickled goods Pickled pigs feet, 12- barrel, $5.00; 1-4 barrels. $2.75; 15 lb. kits, $1.25; pickled tripe, 1-2 barrels, $5.00; 1-4-barrels, $2.78; I5 Ib. kits. I 25; pickled pigs' tongues, 1 --barrels, $0 00; 1 4 barrels, $3.00; 15 lb. kiU. 1.50; pickled lambs' tongues, 1 2 bsr- rel. $0.00; 1-4 barrels, $.5.50; 15 lb. kits, $2.75. Coffee-Mocha, 24(?28c; Java, fancy. 2fl32c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordi nary, I7ft20c; Costa Klca, fancy, 18 20c; Costa Rica, good, 14rl8c; Ar buckle, 18c p-r lb.; Lion, 10c per lb.; Columbia coffee, 13 l-4c; Salvador, 11(? 13c. Provision Hams, to slxe, 13 3-4c; hams, picnic, 9 l-2c; bscons, regular, 12c; bacon, breakfast, 13 l-2ftlS l-2c; dry alt sides, lie; backs, dry salt, 11c. Lard Kettle-rendered: Ttercea, 11c; tubs, II 14c; 60. 11 14c; 20c, 11 3 8c; 10s, 11 3 4c; 6, 11 7-8c; Standard pure: Tierces, 10c; tubs, 10 l-4c; 0s. 10 l-4c; 20s, 10 3 8c; 10s, 10 3 4c; 5s, 10 l-4c; 6. 0c. Comnound: Tiarces. 7c; tuba. V 60s, 0 3 4c; 10. 7 l-4c; 5s, 7 $ 4c. Sanssgc Portland Bsm, 13 l-2o per lb.j minerd hsm, 10c; summer, choice dry, 17 1 2c; bologna, long, 5 l-2c; Wiener wurst, 8o; liver, 5c; porlt, Oc; blood, 5c; hesdeheese, 12 l-2c; bologna aausnge, link, 4 1 2c. Raisins Loose Muscatels, 3 crown, 7 l-2c; 2 crown, 0 l-2e; bleached teed less Sultanas, 7012c; unbleached seed less Sultanaa, 0 3-4c; London layers, 3 crown, whole boxes of 20 lba., $1.85; 2 crown, $1.75. Oysters Shoal water tar, per gallon $2.25; per aack, $3.75 net; Olympia, per sack, $5.25; Eastern transplanted, $1.00 per 100 lba. Clams Hardshell, per box, $2.00; raxor clams, $2.00 per sack. Fih Craba, per dozen, $IJW Shoal water bay oysters, per sack, $4-00; oyt tern, gallon, $2.25; halibut. Or; black cod, 7; baa, per lb., 15c; herring, 6c; 7c j bass, per lb, 12 1 2c; herring, 6c flounders, 6e; catfish, 8c; lobsters, per lb, 12 l-2c; silver amelt 7c; shrimp, 10c; perch, 6c; sturgeon, 8c; ailverside Oc; sea trout, 12 l-2c; black bass, 20 25c; Ysquina rhinook salmon, Oct (rain bigs Calcutta and domestic, l-2. Wool-Valley, 2027 I 2c; Fjistern Oregon, 18('520c. Tallow-Prime, per lb., 3g3 3 4c; No, 2 and grease, 2S 2 l-2c. Mohair Choice, 30(32. Feathers tieese, white, 3540c; geene grsy or mixed, 25(30c; duck, white, 15r20c; duck, mixed, 12 15c. Beeswax !ood, clean and pure, 20 22c per lb. Hopt, Wool, Eldet, Etc. Hops New crop, 1O0j12c; old crop, 10 Oi, 12c. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 16 Ibt. and up. 10(3 10 I 2c per lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 15 lb., 14ft 15c per lb.j dry calf, No. 1, umR- 5 11., 17f 18c; dry salted, bulls and etags, one third b-s than dry flint (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, uiurrsin, hair-slipped, wenther-beaten or grubby, 20 3c per lb. ltst; salted hides htcer. sound, 60 lbs. and over, Sfii 10c per lb.; 50 to 00 lbs., 8 1 2Uc per lb.; under 50 lb, srid cows, 8(0c per lb.; salted Ug and bulls, sound, Cc xr lb.; Baited kip, sound, 15 to 30 II., 0c per lb.; salt ed veal, sound, 10 to 14 lbs., 0c per lb.; sited calf, sound, under 10 li., 10c per lb. (green, unsalted, 1c per lb. tens; culls, Ic per lb. less). Sheep skins: Shear lings, No. 1 butchers' stock, 25 & 30c escb; short wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, 40 50o each; medium wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, 00(4' 80c j long wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.00(31.50 each. Murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 12 14c per lb.; horse hides, salted, each, accord ing to size, $1.30(32.00; dry, each, ac cording to size, $1.60; colts' hides, 25r 50e each; goat skins, common, 1015o each; Angora, with wool on, 15c $ 1.50 each. Oils. Turpentine Cas, 80e per gallon; in good barrels, 88c per gallon. White Iad Ton lots, 7c; 600 pound Gasoline Stove gasoline, cases, 23 lo; Iron barrels, 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c: Iron barrels or drums, 26c. Coal Oil-Cases, 20c; iron barrela, 13c; wood barrels, 17t. Benzine 63 degree, canes 22c; iron barrela, 15 la Lineed Oil Raw, barrel lota, 68c; rases, 04. Boiled, 04c; 1 barrel loU, OOe; cases, 00c. SPICES, ol tUFFEETEAt DAIflNC POVfDEn, Fu:onu.GExmcTS AMuhptiiry, RrvwrFIivor, Omtat S.reh.tojorarn CLOSSETODEYERS PORTLAND ORXOON. I Dr. D. A. Sanburn FRENCH SPECIALIST. The King of Cures W 40 t ' 1 I fit? ' f : L f J It now in your dty, Introducing my wonderful arts of healing. Come one and all and I will tell everyone their disease and you will le made well. My medicines are all nature's remedies, roots, herbs, barks and berries. After I introduce, my medicine I will leave certain kinds of it in your drug stores. Mr home office and laboratory is at 102 Hurst street. University Park. Portland, Oie. Office hours 0 to 12 a. m., 2 to 8 p. m., at tthe Megler lIoue, 6S0 Coinmer cial street, rooms 1 and 2. Consultation free at AitorU, Ore. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Steamer Telegraph LEAVES CALLEHDEB DOCK, As toria, for Portland, daily except Fri day at a P. M. Arrives in Portland t 8:30 P. It LEAVES AST0BIA FOB P0BT LARD on Sunday t at 1:30 P. M. Ar rive! in Portland at 9:00 P. M. LetTet Portland, Alder St Dock, oatly except FriHay at 7:30 A. M. Leaves Portland on Snndayt at 8 ' A. H. 0. W. S. Navftratlon Co. Main Office: Alder St Dock, Port land, Oregon. Astoria Office: Callender Dock. THE MILWAUKEE "Tbt Pioneer Limited" St Paul to Chi cago. "Short Line" Omaha to Chicago. "South-West Limited" Kansas City to Chicago. No traina in the service of an rat road in the world that equala in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul By. They own and operate their own Bleeping and dining can on all their traina and give their patient an excellence of service not obtainable elae- where. Bertha on their sleepers are longer. higher and wider than in aimilar cart on any other line. They protect their trains by the Block system. Connection! made with all trrna-coa tinenUl lines in Union Depota. Her tales Danak, Sreoak og Norsk Eier wird deutach geaproeben. H. S. Row, General Agent, Portland Oregon. 134 Third Street, corner Alder. Freeh Meata and Fish, Fresh meata Veal, small, 7 1 28e; large, 35c; pork, 771e; beef, bulls, 1 1 22c; cows, 3 l-24c; steers, 4 l-2gS l-2c; mutton, 06 l-2o; lnmbs, 77 l-2c. College PORTLAND. OUKflON'. If you are thinking of attending bus ineaa college you can not afford to ig nore the best in the northwest. Our equipment is unsurpassed west of Chi cago. On account of our rapidly incrcai ing attendance WE WILL MOVE October Firtt to our elegant new quar ters in the Elks Building now being completed at Seventh and Stark streets. Our graduates are all employed. Placed 207 pupils in lucra tive positions during the past year. Send for our handsomely illustrated catalogue. Free. Addreas all coramuni cationa to our present quarters in the Stearne Building, Portland. i. Mea YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rto Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are to many scenic attr&e- tlona and point of Interest aloni the line between OtcJen and Den ver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you art going East write for In formation and get pretty book that ill tell you all about it W. C. McBride, General Agent 1:4 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON TIDE TABLE, OCTOBER OCTOBER, 1903. OCTOBER, 1905. High Water, Date. 8UNDAT Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday . Saturday BUNDAT Monday I Tuesday ....10 Wednesday It Thursday 12 Friday 13 Saturday 14 BUNDAT 16 Mondny .........It Tuesday ....17 Wednesday It Thursday ...19 Friday ....20 Saturday 21 8UNDAT 21 Monday 23 Tuesday 24 Wednesday 16 Thursday 24 Friday 27 Saturday 3S SUNDAY 2 1 A. M.(p. M." h.m 1:27 1:19 4:15 6:14 1:21 7: 44 1:54 1:50 10:27 11:11 U:U 0:10 1:47 1:22 1:67 1:27 2:07 1:43 4:20 6:!S :8 7:46 8:47 1:40 110:28 11:15 11:66 0:2S 1:28 meal (ground,, 60-lb. tack., 17.50 per'0 V.V.V.rJS llo! l? ft 7.0 7.7 7.5 7.8 7.0 (.6 7.S (.2 (.6 7.0 7.6 1.0 8.6 1.2 1.2 8.2 2:29 3:12 4:00 4:66 6:08 7:20 8:86 9:44 10:4( 11:15 12:26 12:64 1:20 1:46 2:10 2:41 8:16 8:69 4:52 6:0 7:10 8:50 9:69 10:66 11:48 e s 12:36 1:17 2:0J 1: 441 Low Wat er Date. ft 9.2 SUNDAY 9.0 Monday a T Tuesday 8.1 Wednesday T.1 Thursday 7.1 Friday 7.2 Saturday 7.2 SUNDAY 7.S Monday 7.1 Tuesday .........10 ... Wednesday 11 8.1 Thursday i 8.2 Friday 13 8.2 Saturday 14 8.1 SUNDAY 16 7:47 t.I Monday I61 8:12 a.m: h.m. 8:261 9:15 10:08 11:10 0:00 1:10 2:10 2:25 4:20 6:08 6:60 1:25 1:67 7:24 P.M. 8.0 Tuesday ,.n 7.1 Wednesday ......18 7.6 Thursday ,,19 7.1 Friday 20 6.9 Saturday n 6.7 SUNDAY 22 6.6 Monday , 23 7.2 Tuesday 24 7.6 Wednesday 25 8.1 Thursday 26 .... Friday 27 9 4 Saturday 28 9.6 SUNDAY 29 8:40 9:11 9:67 10:65 1 a 0:66 2:08 8:15 4:11 6:0 6:60 6:25 7:11 9.6 Monday 80 8:09 1.1 Tuesday ll 8:59 Jhjnjft ' -0.5 1.7 9:68 -9.4 I S 10:66 -0.1 1.9 0.212:21 1.2 0.6 1:28 14 0.T 2:54 1.1 0.7 8:69 17 0.8 4:62 11 0.9 6:29 1.6 1.1 6:18 1.2 1.2 6:55 0.1 1.6 7:16 0.1 19 7:55 0.6 1.2 8:22 0.6 16 8:60 0.1 19 9:24 0.6 3.2 19:02 9 6 15 10:61 0.8 1.7 11:48 1.0 .... 12:13 18 1.1 1:26 16 1.2 2:48 10 1 2 8:63 12 1.2 4:60 1.2 1.2 6:40 0.4 1.2 6:26 -0.1 1.2 7:11-0.9 1.6 8:00-1.1 1.9 8:60 -in I 14 1:40-1.9 SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S- CO. Far Including berth and msala, $15; Round-trip, $25. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancitco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, em California. G. W. KOIIEKTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon, A. O. D. KERJAELL. Gen. Pas. Agent San Franslseo, CaU STAMMERING -ANLV-STUTTER- . . ING, CURED .., For Particular Address THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOB STAM MERERS 1201 eat. Yamhill Street, . Portland, Oregon.. MENAXOV X I i'n an fai im tiK-tartM.iaSi U irrilaliou or of wsi s MEN AXO WOMEN. B for sasalaral ,laSmaitloa, r icoratioas .iSr&OM. Mmw. P.mlM. .nd mot uth.. InttEUSSCNtNICtlCs. .IMKIUMI .. ciscimun,! rJ aM sy Drniu. L Cli. a j? or snt la lala ro, T oisrwM, oroooio, r? i n. nrsomtmsi.TS. CUvoUr wsl oa rogasst. V Oregon Short Line 79 hours from Portland to Cnicatn No thane of ear. TRAVELER? GUIDE. 0 "111 111 ASK ANY TRAVELER and ha will tell yea th Electric. Lighted. Is the Crack Train of them all for COMFORT at J ELEGANCE. The ticket office at Portland is at 55 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Ptstenger.'Agent PORTLAND. 0REC0N. "Best by Test" A trans continental trav eler eays: v I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before star tins on s tiip-ao matter rbere-wrlte for Interesting Informa tion aboat comfortable traTelUf . H. L SiSLEIl CcssrsI Afeai. 132 Third EL Portland, Oregon. T. W. TIARDAUC, General Paaawnxer Afsnt, . en. ul,Aian, ,. .. Depart. Chicago Portland Special tlAa. m via Hunt ington TIME SCHEDULES From PORTLAND Salt Lake. Innr irt Worth. Omaha. Vmn- Clt.Ht Loula, t uicnu ana ice um Atlantic KxnrfM Palt rw.r rJ 0.10 p. in. m orin, Omaha, Kan via Hunt- saa nty. bt Louts, tnxton , Chicago and the East r Sh?!?'.. L1' ' 1 as" 1 innu uiu. niafiBTBiiaa uinna i apolla. Kt j'au'l. Dulatd .ctfv .Hiiwauaee, tBlcago, kane 'and Cut i Arrtvs Titfai 1.-01 pn Dally ex cept Hun day atTaui k'olumMa Rivr to rartiand and War landings 4am Daily ct eept M on A. C. CRAIG, Genl, Pas. Agt, Portland. STEAMER NAHC0TTA Leave Astoria on th Tid DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR 1LWACO, connecting there with train for Long Beach. Tloga. an North Beach point, aeturnln ar rives at Astoria sam evening. , rhrough ttckeu to and from an prin cipal Earopesun cltle. O. W. ROBERTS, Aent, Aateeia, Or. ABK THX AGENT 1XB TICKETS VIA. T potuuM, it Paul, MIrbmpoUs. Daluth, Chioago, WL Louie, n1 U point east and wtith, 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and! he Fast Mail L SPLENDID tERVICI UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYE , Daylight trip aeroea th Caaoad ana) Rocky Mountains. For tickets, rate folder and full In formation call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent UI Third Street Portland. Or. O. TERKES, A. O. P. A, Corner First avenue and Tetler war. Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED . StTRYTCe ON FREIGHT. ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full information from VVM. HARDER, General Agent. Portland, Or. ' The) VVorld'a Pair Revta. . Astoria & Columbia River R. RCo. 2Sj 28 I 30 a.m.! p.ra .la, tn. 8:1W:80 35 6:10 36 6:11 8:466:25 8:466:261 55(6:30 53:6:40 127:W 187:11 9:25 7:20 U)4Ti 12:05 12:10 12:3d 24 ?. m. 8:ld 0:03 0:24 10:35 irrEcnvE siPT 18, 1905. 22 jLea veV Arrive 1. ml 8:00 PORTLAND 11:50 12:14 12:21 12:30 (Union DtpH.) leave. Coble. arrtv Clatskine Junot Westport arrive ASTORIA leave leave ASTORIA arrive arriv WARRENTON leav leave WARRENTON arrive arrive Ft. Stevena .eave leavt Ft Stevena arriva arrivt WARRENTON leave leavt WARRENTON leave arrtv Clatsop. Oearhart SEASIDE leavt 21 23T25 1 29 a. m.fp. m. p.m. a. m. 11:2019:80 10:30 8:40 9:11 7:40 8:81 l:l 7:45 6;1 T:40 6:20'2:45 10:45 7:20 8:062.20 10:25 7:20 It: 15 10:25 7:06 2:00 10:15 7:06 10:14 6:62 10:05 6:52 S:08 10:05 6:29 4:45 0:45 6:22 4:38 9:38 6:15 4:30) 9:30 - 1 raaMaacs Sunday only. Through ticket and elosa Coble, and O. R. A If . via, Portland. ' . , J- C MAYO, C. F. tad P. AtmL ,