3 SUNDAY, OCTOBER ai, 1905. WHEH YOU THIMK Receipts and Expenditures in Con fection With Regatta. THIHK F 4 HANDSOME BALANCEON HAND f1 THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. REPORT SUBMITTED OF RIFEM r.vrty legitimate Dill Hai Bern Paid nd There It Money and Material on Hand Comprvhcni ve Report of Com mittee Covera Every Detail of Event. A-turia. Or.-., I.. Hhi.V To Our Itlluw (iti..'iii: 'J'Im' I- it 1 1 Allium! J;.y!U uti.l lihlnMriul IMuliilion In IuiiikI a uiKf tu liUUny. uikI in il"in IIikI wf, we miit mt frKl jour mimiiI mill fiiroiir: (ji'iiK'iil- Volhinjf 11111M lime 1 npt"! n t H'j?le-l our fumllira, "lf fli'H'l. ' 0111 lniiiM'Kn vx'l I In- t; ik' Ih v our cily n In. Th.nimrxU if ft 1. nip ,,,r will''" .1.1- i.. !.. ami 111 lit (Ill-Ill ili'imrt I without acquainting lliem of our ei- f i-4ii a li itiiiiinuiiity, and with .... 1 1 our ip!enuj reeoureet, woiim nv vrmn elmoat a crlma. 'I inir iwd mi, anil m one wemwl In .nn. In thi i-iikiki ii' J our Honor-nlili- Mayor. .1. W. Suirrnant, i a Int ir.inrt, tuUi'il n iii.ii" iiicilinj; of it ii iih. 11I tin' mint Imii'. win'", I'.v a uiiiiiiiiiioic oti, n committee of IwiIvp VH rliiiM'tl to llll'li-ltlll tlie tttli. Kuril a coinmiiinl could not well ! disregarded. Tin dlfilcultif were great, tlm tnk tverm-il alimmt hopi-e, Imt with tin aitatanro of the nty jre., tlia Intent pint of tli people uiotin-. iiml wtliin twi-nty flvB dna after tlm null rliilioii Iit were out, tin- Id-pit tn w lirM. the runner' Fuir win iniiupinit' l n nun me prm-eion of iiiiikhhI upli-mlor vim aen, the street parade, the vnrioiia mipmti.- and land aporta ti-ik ptioe, mid rv tjIkhIv had a holiday. Kery legitimate hill in paid, and a p4 i(d balam of eaah i on hand l-iile Ih- material for a grand Und nn-t other proierti etii-rally til during a regatta. Wlnli- t!n loiiiinitti-e lnlMiied ilny and night, and ha received the jrener u ri-ii gnllon of the people, let it I not forgotten that; rOr all, the jieopleell of the people - are the onea In he congratulated, Waue nlmve every ther condi-ratliai, we he learned that in order to stinted we mimt le, and we a. ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ASTORIA. Very repeet fully, your oliedii-nt T anta, II HUMAN' WISH. I'lenid.nt KUKT .IOHVSON, Secretary. AI.HF.IIT PUXBAK, Tre.aurer. Eleventh Annual Regatta Subacriben. We herewith annex a d taili'd atata ment of all the rei-ripW and dia iurwtntta of the' moneya fnlrinUl in our handa. The balam-e on hand ia ili-Miliil with the Aitoriu National Hank: A. A '. It. It. Co 2M1 'v Koiinh of July rointtiilU'i' KIT K) . II Wainhnrd U-'." v.orih I'n.-ilh! Ilrewing Co H0 CarUon lliothrra " W) AlUrt Dunliur A Co W 00 Herman 'i 00 Norri Staplea 10 00 1'. A. Stoke 60 00 K I)nnr.ipT A Co r.0 00 City llox A I.uiulier Co 50 00 ltoM, Higj;iii A Co fiO 00 Irving Clnl. 60.00 Otto Mikkh-aan MOO t. II. A V. Company 0'-') .1. Kwnim 8O.00 M. S. Coland 50.00 t'nion '!a F.ngine "0.00 Foard A 8tokei Co SO 00 .lohnaon A Cook 50 00 M. Oorman 60 00 Knijihta of the Royal Arch .... 50 00 C. II. Cooper 35 00 Central Mt Market 26.00 T. F. Ij.urln 25 00 (!. R. Mor 25 00 The Aatoria Budget 25 00 Auguat Dunlclaon 26 00 J. S. PeTlInger Oo 25 00 Will Madiaon 25 00 Imperial Oyater Houaa 25 00 1riitenaen A Co 25 00 W. J. na 25 00 Alex Tagg 25 00 Aatoria Klectric Co 25 00 f, Ur Theater 25 00 Trael, Signer A Co. 25 00 Kjiatern Candy Worka 25 00 Aotorla lloae Team 25 00 T. J. Proemaer 25 00 fi. E. Harria 25 00 f herman Tranafer Co 25 00 Wartin Franclacovltch 25 00 1 Ibeck 25 W arloa WirkkaU 25 00 L. Uraen 00 Mandard Oil Company 25.00 r MADAME N0RELLI. Mine. .Ii-nnie NorelH, prima donna no piano who appeara in grand eonrert at lopin'a hull next Wednenday night, la fnh Irom a five-year tour in F.urope and tho ea-m, having recently tuki-nj li-ading part at (Convent tiiirilen, ln don, and the .Metropolitan OjK-ra (Vim- puny, Ni-w York, ller uii'iialilled u-- itm nt the I'liilharmonie and Qin-eu' hull ptoiiii-tinde oluc-ltK and her four jeara' ngagement at Convent Garden, brought her apeedily Into prominence and to be compared by critica aa an equal to Melba and other great aingcra. In December Mine. Xorelli returna to Kngland to fill an engagement with one of the greate.rt mimical organization of KurojM-. Mine. Xorelli waa educated at the Royal ( 'onm-nvatoire of Muic, Stockholm. ('luneiiteiH' t'nion 2.1.00 1 iNilli-niler Natigatioii Co 2.1.00 Augu.t Krati 2-'"0 Fl.ia.hner Mayer A Co 25. W SUr Idaweiy 25.00 U. li. .M. riicrwm C'., 20.00 Anchor Snlooii .1. N. Criffln 20.00 Mra FUr,-t 2000 Uuvrc. Portland 20.fX) S. F.I more 20 00 Chaa. Wla-.n 20.00 I'. S Keiiney 20.00 VtrM.n A itrown 20 00 Wherity, RaUton A Co 20 00 Il.a n.-r 20 00 Chaa. licllborn A Co 20 00 J. U. Soymoura 20 00 Atoria Iron Worka 20 00 I'. K. IVteren 20 00 Swan Wilw.n 20 00 SUndard Fjigine Co 20.00 Johnaon A Morriaon 20 00 114-njamin Young 20 00 S.holliel.1 A Hauke 20.00 .lohn.n Rroe 20 00 I. II. Duncan 20 00 Firt National Rank 17.00 AMoria Saving Raak 18 00 Astoria National Rank 15 00 J. V. Buma 15 00 N'ol Simonaen 15 00 Frank Woodfleld 15 00 j-e Herring M.OO lohn S. Man.-ict 15.00 F. N. Smith, iKilera) 1.1.00 .lohn Rlaich 15 00 Charlea Rogera 15 00 II. 8. Rctnurant 15 00 C. .1. Tren. hard 15 00 Frank Hart 15 00 A. V. Allen 15 00 (iemge l.indntroin A Co 15 00 I'eler Dourell 15 00 C. II. I'ap-t. 15-tH) I'. A. IVU-rw.n 15 00 J. O. TilM-rg 15 00 AlU rt S-afeldt 15 00 Fahice RiMaurnnt 15 00 It. F. All.n A Son 15.00 Clerk' Union 10.00 Portland Plonr Mill 10.00 Foiaata-V Ijidg.. 10.00 N. M. Adam 10.00 Finnish RroUierhoo.1 10.00 8. Schmidt .... 10.00 Suomi Co opiative Store 10.00 Cpt. Pickernell 10.00 Ma ar Broa 10.00 Portland Ilotel Co. R'.OO Rining Sun Restaurant 10.1M) Victor Vrmm 1000 A S. IWd 10.00 Mix (Mevidand 10.00 S. F. Kanthri'p 10.00 Occident Hotel 10 00 Chaa. Uraen 10 00 II. H. Zapf 10 00 F, A. Fiabar 10 00 Bloop A Jefferiea 10 00 0. W. Fulton 10 00 J. C. Swopa 10 00 n. FJitrom 10 00 ' W. I Robb 10 00 Crown Bottling Worka 10 00 11. A. KmWit 10 00 1 P. Miller A Son 10 00 M. Frenetoviteh 10 00 Pacific Iron Worka , 10 00 J. II. Hanaen 10 00 Robinaon A Hildebrand 10 Of King A Corbatt 10 00 Lindenberger A Co 10 00 F. Ia Parker 10.00 Andrew ,Yung 10 00 Van Duaen A Co. 10 00 W. C. Uw 10 00 Seaide Rakcry 10 00 CVntial Hotel 10 00 Atoria ;rory 10 00 Ja. W. Welch 10 00 C. fJ. I'ulmbcrg 10 00 Nick Kawppi 10 00 K. M. Raker 10 00 Pride Cigar Factory 10 00 Wm. Urk 10 00 K. 7.. FergiiHon 10 00 II. Crohn 10 00 A. (i. Snow 10 00 C. H. M. flreenwald 10 00 C. A CnmplM-ll 10 (i S V. A 'en lr 1' .trii Reetatirant 10.00 F. I. Dunhar ... I""0 Fiher Broa Uo lo.OO Scow Bay Foundry 10.00 IX lain A Kellogg 10.00 linU Schacht 10.00 Climax Camp. W. O. W 10.00 H. J. Unp 10.00 Troy Uundry 10.00 Dr. F. Vaughan 10.00 Mail Uing 10.00 Mi KaU Flaval 10.00 Mia Kellia Flaval 10.00 Mug Saloou 10.00 Jell' Saloon 10.00 J. K. Ferguson 10.00 William Union 10.00 Great F-aatern Furniture Co., .. 7.60 John Svenaon 7.00 T .8. TrulUngar 5.00 W. II. Williama 5.00 Tboa. J. Patcnon 600 Sum (iulilich 6.00 A. Jah.fT 5.00 II. Jona 5.00 Murinoeovieh A Co 5.00 L. I. JoliniMin 6.00 John Glawr 5.00 Chaa. Oleen 6.00 SUr Corner Cigar Store 6.00 H. Twilight 5.00 D. R. Sandera 5.00 0. F. Morton 5.00 Boston Meat Market 5-00 H. J.ldneaa 5.00 Ha ut a la A Raitanen 6.00 Birch A Jacobaon 5.00 1. uckol A Ja.v!n 5.00 Lukol Kink A Cake Soap Co., .. 5.00 Tho. Chamber 5.00 Sam Willott 5.00 Janioi Caey 5.00 Man an Wojtawwoki 5.00 ercy Margretta 5.00 John 1L Smith 5.00 P. Grant 8.00 J. Montgomery 6.00 A. S. Tea 5.00 Oriel Hwiae 5.00 C. B. Allen 5.00 Capt Tatton 6.00 I. Bergman 5.00 A. G, Long , 6.00 iV-ifW l"apar Co., 5.00 Tom Draley 5.00 loiter McLod 5.00 J. C. Clinton 600 Dill A Young 6.00 P. B. Sorey 5.00 A. M. Smith 6.00 Amu Brix 5.00 K. Onburn 5.00 William Fitrgerald 6.00 Emil Palmtirrg , , 5.00 U E. 6a 8.00 Armour Co., 5.00 II. L. Henderson 5.00 J. A. Fulton ..... 6.00 W. E. OarpenUr 6.00 A. D. Craig ... 600 (Continued on page 4). m SWIFTS SPECIFIC, thb'creaij blood tanni The most Popular ih widely-Known Blood Purifier GUARANTEED PURELY VEGETABLE This is the season that tests the quality of your blood, and if it is not good, then evidences of it will begin to show as the weather grows warmer. Carbuncles and boils, pimples and blotches, and numerous itching and burning skin eruptions will make their appearance, and are sure in dications of bad blood. If spring-time finds you with im pure, sicklv blood, then vou are in poor condition to with stand the strain upon the system which always comes at this time of the year. A failure to look after your physical wel- I fare now, by purifying the blood and toning up the gen- c eral svstem. mav result in a complete breaking down of health later on, and you will find yourself weak and run down, with no appetite, and a prey to indigestion and ner vousness. It is poor blood that makes weak bodies, for it u is this vital fluid that must supply vigor and strength to our systems, and upon its purity rests our chances for health. Any impurity, humor or poison in the blood acts inju riously upon the system and aHects the general health. It is to the morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood that chronic sores and ulcers are due. The pustular and scaly skin eruptions so common during spring and summer, show the blood to be in a riotous, feverish condition, as a result of too much acid or the presence of some irritating humor or acrid poison in the blood. A large per cent, of human ailments have their origin in a polluted, diseased blood, and can only be reached by a remedy that goes into the circulation and uproots and expels the poison and restores the blood to a healthy, natural condition. If Bpringfiald, Ohio. May 16, 1903. fW?0111 WhaaUng, W. Va.. May 28. 1908. On twooooaalon. I hart "aed your . Da.a Diooa, ana are I hare used your 8. 8. 8. this sirring, 8. 8. 8. In the spring with fins results. I thinking 01 a blood pun- &nd found. It to be a blood purifier of ths can heartily reoommend It as a tonlo. and r Vin tViin of Q best order. My system was ma down blood purifier. I was troubled with ner, ineu inm Koi o. o. o., and my Joints ached and pained me oon- headaohes. Indigestion and liver trouble, a remedy With a long- siderably, and I began to fear that I was whloh all disappeared under the use of a taUJO.-rl renittatinn ROlng t0 lald up with RnenJatism. 1 few bottles of your great blood remedy. CStaDllSliea reputation had nMd a s beforfl( wnat 8. 8. 8. My appetite, whloh was poor, and that has proven it- it was; so I purohased a bottle of it. and was Rreatly helped. I can eat anything 1f t l cnecific in dis- tknMveral bottles wiUi the result I want now without fear of indigestion, se 10 e f specinc in Q1S- tnat the h, and pains I had are gone; and my blood has been thoroughly eases of the blood, and a my blood has been cleansed and reno- cleaneed of impurities and made rich and cnr.r1Vr rntllV arA vu jated. my general health built np, so tart strong again. As a tonlo and blood pur- Slipenor toniC ana SyS- j 0&n oheerfnUy teBtlfy ltf M Ifier it is all you claim for it. tem builder, b. S. S. COn- blood purifier and tonlo. MR3. QEOROE WIEOEL. tans no mercury, pot- t Bw JOHN C 8TZZH. 771 E. Main St. , J ' 1. 1533 MaTk,t 8ttMt- ash, arsenic or other mineral, but is composed exclusively of vegetable ingredients, selected for their medicinal properties and gathered from nature's store-houses the fields and forests. The thou sands who have used S. S. S. and know from experience what it will do in blood troubles, do not need to be reminded of a blood purifier now, for they know no better can be found than S. S. S. If you are thinking of a blood purifier, think of S. S. S., which has been sold for nearly fifty years, while the demand is greater now than ever in its history. No remedy without merit could exist so long and retain the confidence of the people. Write us if in need of medical advice, which is given without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. JUST A MOMENT! dt tiS We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING t We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art . . . J5 We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and turn . to you good as any new book. Let us figure with you on fixing up our Library. The J. S. Dellingei Co., Makers of All Kinds of Bt i ks Astorian Building Corner Commercia nd 10th Stabst i I 5 ti I