The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 20, 1905, Image 1

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Roosevelt Receives Royal
Reception at Raleigh.
Was (he Text of an Importan
Address Delivered at
This Point.
Mil. Roosevelt Comes in for Her Share
ot Attention Bit of Sentiment CalU
for a Short Stop at Lexington Will
Vint Home of Mother the Itinerary
t li.itli.tte, X. ('., M. fl The ontioli
nisi. id liy I'n-.iilrtit Roosevelt during
I t journey through n poition of Vir
gihin l continued today a lie tiavi-l
i ll I humeri .oilu ((111111111, licgltiliiug
Mild hi mrititl Ht Raleigh wheic In-
wits L'rerleil hv cheering crowd en
mute, the dcitioiistrstion in thii rity Im1
Hid it fitting farewell tn tin- citizen of
tin- nl. I Tarheel state.
Die (ratine nf the ilny was a viit
In the fair in piogrcs nt Raleigh. Here
he delivered all addles which ili-alt
villi the iniMirtaiit iiiestioti f rail
lniul nwiiclsliip noil the iilgimiiitioil nf
tupital anil hilHir.
The speech Wa given close attention
ami friMiuntly interrupted hy heaity
npplaue. He wa accompanied In the
gnmml hy II r. Rooxrvclt h ml she too
icccivrd rn ill-It attention.
At Durham, where u stop of ten miii
lite m innile, the president devoted
his remark to the student nf Trinity
mllege, who gathered in fori1 to meet
him. A flat rn r hail hii'ii converted into
h I'll 1 v decorated stand a Mil from llil
the pre-idclit Mike.
A lot nf sentiment wu teioii-ilile
for a short stop nt Ifingtoii, where the
president was greeted liy scvcial huiid
I nl Hiiile, to whom he spoke briefly.
I itijt n i the county M'lit nf 1 n i f -on
county, the only county in Ninth
i ii roli mi that gnve Roosevelt n majority
in the lii I proiilctitiul eh-i'tion.
Tonmrrow the pic-lilcnl will pay n
v i i t to lioxwi'll, Ch.. the lioniii nf hi
tool hi r. Ftoin there he will (;o to At
lit ill n . where limit of the ilny will he
Mnt. Mm. lionu'vilt will lenve the
)iieiii'iit when the enpitiil of Ceoipa
i" reiu hed anil return to 'nliiii(;toii.
Will Protect the President.
VahinRton, Ort. 10.- Shouhl Prrnl
lent RooKfivelt 1 liitti'n liy a hum
iiito while in New Orlenn, or any
where ele in the South, fie will lie null
Jeeleil to the mirireon'a knife. The utir
peonn will rut out the flfh around
the plnre where the nioitquito iimeiteil
Iiii atinjrer.
Rear Admiral Rlxey, aurjjeon general
tif the navy, will accompany the prel
lent on the aouthern trip. Rixey will
eoopcrate with the federal and lorat
hialth authoritien throughout the jour
ney, to afford everjr protMion to the
M. reUrflburjr, Oct IB. An Imperial
manifesto was indued today proclaim
ing the ratification of peace between
Russia and Japan. Tho manifesto con
tains a tribute to the bravery and cour
In hotel I In- room of lln- president
will be can-fully screened tul fumigated
hy t tin Inn It h authorities. Hiwy ami
i.llirr siHgcon will carefully iuicct
I lie rooms li-fii the r-iijcri t i al
lowed lo occupy them. Tin- train win
dow will lii- tun-fully screened.
The parly will of urt next Wednesday
morning at H:.'IO o'clock. For a con-
jidcmlilc linn- today tin- president ws
jnt woik m it ti Secretary Ijh-Ii in clearing
hi dck nf mi ni-i-ii in illation of Imxi
i ne.
j The Preaident'a Itinerary.
' I'-lt W u.liiiiL't.iii H.M) a. in (h t.
I'.ii'hlnoinl, Vh (U-t.
Ituh-i(h. X. C
Diiiliiiin, X. C fit.
C.rri'nlMiro, X. t' t-t.
IliKh I'oint, X. V t.
Salinlmry, X. C 0 t.
Imrlotte, X. C CM.
ltowell, (ia O t.
Atlanta, Ia it.
lurkaoiM ille, Fla i't.
St. AlljfilMilie, Flu 21
Moliile, Ahl ft.
Tllki-yee, Ahl "i t.
Moiit(.'oiiiiry, Ala Ot.
Ilirmiii.'hiiiii, Ala. .
I.itth- Ark. . .
Mi'inphi", Teiin. . . .
Vew llth'iili, Iji. . .
An lie Vhinton,
District Attorney of Hawaiin Is
lands Brings Injunction Suits.
Allegation Made That Agreement Ex
ists for Keeping up the Price of Lum
ber on Islands Cattle and Meat Deal
ers Will Next Be Called to Account.
Honolulu, (M. in.--Actinj under the
inMriii tioii of the I'tiited State attor
ney L'cin-rul, I'intru-t Attorney HrecK-
cut, ini" niMituuMi (tie iiri oi a nuin-
h'i of "iiitt for the urom of bieuk-
iii up the local IniMi,
A miii wiim tiled today iixuiimt m-vcral
luinlur tiierehantH imkinjf that they lie
rextiuincd fioin carrying out an alleged
((tceincnt for iiuit rolling the entire
IiiiiiImt liiixinei of the ixlundi.
It i allcp'd that a n reult of the
-ouiliiiiiitioii, IiiiiiIht it 17.1 ir tint
higher thiin on the iiiMinhiiul.
The dintrict attorney iiIho icpoited
that he i uImiuI to licgiu uit iigainft
attic and incut dealer' who, it. i nl-
cged, coinliinetl to iimtrol retail price.
agreeing to cll to only n inglc niaikct
in Honolulu.
Sew Yolk, (M. l!l.-Mr. Ccoige W.
Iloadly, wife of the iiiiinagcr of the In
tel national Tower Company, and prexi-
lent of the American Itriilge Company
wa robbed of iflO.IHHI in diamond Ht
her home in the Buckingham hotel Tuei-
lay. The fact became known with the
urrc-t and arrHignment of John Voike,.
Im-II Ihiv, nnd Alliert Sehultx, a former
hell Ihv nt the hotel. Neither of the
upcct would talk in court, except to
.len v the tlmrge.
Portland. Ck-t. Portland, 4; San
Francieo, I.
li Angeles, Ort. 10. Loa Angcle, 4;
Tacoma, 3.
Sun Francieo, Oct. 10. Seattle, 4;
Oakland. 8.
age of the Russian troops against a
mighty enemy. It predicts that the
eastern portion of Russia will now de
velop in peace and good neighborlincs
with Japan, which now becomes Russia's
Dora Jennings Charged
With Awful Crime.
Murder Mystery Cleared up by
the Confession of
Jasper Jennings.
Crimee waa Committed at Granite Hill
in September and Wat a Most Re
volting One At First Was Thought
to Be Case of Suicide Girl in Jail
(IranU I'mmi, (M. 19. One month in
a dark cell, coaxing, cajoling and sweat
ing have nt lift wrung from .fn
Jctming, the awful mmi'I t!i;t
tcr i- a ihi i ii iile.
Dout Jcnning ii the klnyt-r of V. X.
leniting. the miner, who wa, f ..ntil
ilcml in hi cabin at Granite Hill, near
the California bolder five weeks ago.
Such in the burden of a confcuion gaj.
d out by thin mere lad after hi limit
of endurance had been reacbeil.
"She hated father," explained the Iwiy
to Sheriir Uwi yesterday afternoon.
"She couldn't liear him any longer.
"The night of the murder we were all
up until Il;30. Then futlier went to
l'd and to uleep,
"A little after midnight Dora clipped
away. She went out in the dark to a
cabin itome of im ued clone by and got
a 30-:i0 rille.
"Then he cm me buck and put the rifle
clone to father while he lay there deep
ing. She pulled the trigger and next
morning be wa found dead. Dora, aid
he had lieen up lute and tdept Roundly
and didn't know anything about it.
'Then nlie hid the rille in a thicket
hack of the limine and went to ck'ep.
She told a trill friend aliotit it. nn.l
that' the way I found out. No. I hadn't
a thing to do with it. I'm innocent. She
didn't tell me anything almut it for two
The boy' Ktory i la lieved a fur a
it goe. but ollicer Micve he wa more
deeply concerned in the erinie hiniM-lf
thnn he admit, and think he i trying
to throw the whole blame on the hi
ter. Hi eonfesfion. however, will lead to
the aoltition of a mystery that for over
month ha puzzled the prosecuting at
torney and ollicer. SherilT Iwiit left
todiiy for Jacksonville, where the girl
i confined in the Jaekaon county jail.
The murder of "Old Man" Jennings
was a mimt revolting t ne. The miirdcr
ed man wa found in hi cabin on the
morning tif September 8, the cabin at
Oranite Hill ta-ing npattcred with the
blood of the victim. The suicide theory
that waa at flint advanced wa noon
abandoned in the light of later develop
ments, a every evidence pointed to a
brutal murder.
The peculiar feature of the crime
which attracted much attention at the
time wa the statement of the child
ren that they knew nothing of the mur
der or the struggle between their father
and hi aailant until they woke in the
morning, and it was thought that they
must have been drugged, as they slept
in the name room.
Charged With Attempting to Assassin
ate Turkish Ruler.
Constantinople, Oct. 19. Ohirkis Var
taninn, who claims to be a naturalized
American, citizen was today again sen
tenced to death for the murder of a
jpioiiiinent Armenian merchant here on
Aiijfu-t JJlith. Alfurian, another Armen
ian cliiiiiiiiiK American citiw-nnhip, wat
clmr(;c. ith implicaton n the. plot to
aaiiiiat the miltan on July 21, when
a Ijoinb wai explmled ax the nultan wat
leaving the niojue, killing 40 pemona,
a M-ntenced to I" yearn impriton
ment. Vartmiaii and Alfarian were sen
tenced to death for the erime charged
ajmiict them, hut owing to interven
tion of the American niinintcr, the aen
Unce waH iiiahid and a new tfrial
wan ordered.
James Bryant of Colorado Killed in t
Practice Game.
Canon City, Colo., (M. !!. Jame K.
Hryant, aged 17, wa almont instantly
killed in a lrailice irume of football
today. Hi- wa carrying the ball when
one of the opposing player butted
into him, ti iking him in the pit of the
Ntoniuch and a dow-n or more piling on
top of hm n the wrumble for the ball.
When the player aroe Hryant was
dead. The coroner will invetigate.
Xew York, Oct. Ift.-W. R. Hearst,
nndiilate for mayor on the Municipal
Ounershili ticket, made tour of the
eastern section of R-rooklyn tonight, ad-j
dressing large crowd.
Canliffe Feared to Carry Bigl
n . . . .....a ...
Bills With Him.
Newspaper Man Finds the Hiding Place
of the Money Stolen From the Adams
Expre Company Curry r(7 Secret
ed in a Suit Case Bank to the Good.
Bristol, Conn Oct. lO.-.Vearly $80,-
HX of the money stolen by G. E. Cun-
litre from the Adams Express Company,
in Pittsburg, was recovered tonight at
the home of Joseph Hoard in an, Cun-
hires brother-in law. For just a week
the fortune had luin hidden in an old
tiit case unknown to Hoardman, who
wa holding the valise expecting an
owner to call for it any day.
A a result of a statement made by
CuntifTe in Hiidgeport tonight, that he
sent $8.),000 to hi brother-in-law, a
representative of the Associated Press
called at Ronrdman's house. Roardman,
who is agent for the Kleetrie Express
Company of Hartford, stated that he
luid not received any money, but had
received nn unmarked suit case. Sup
posing it had been sent to him as an
.. a l. l.t .a !
iigcui, lie n no inn opened u. ne sum i
he would call the police and they could
break open the case.
In the presence of officer the cac
whs broken and huge bundles of
money tumbled out No one was more
surprised than Hoardman.
Roardman says he had not heard from
COunliuV for eighteen months and Oif
he had known the fugitive had come
this way he would have notified the
Destroyed the Money.
Rri.lgeimrt, Oct 10. CunlilTe will be
taken to Xew York tomorrow. After
Wing told that $80,000 had been re
covered. He waa pressed to tell what
had become of the rest of the money.
He replied that he had destroyed it for
fear that he would be detected. He said
the bills were all of large denomination
and issued by the Allegheny Xational
bank and he knew that everybody
would be looking for them CunlilTe
said that rather than carry them around
he burned them.
Washington, Oct 19. Secretary Taft
will leave Washington October 27 and
the next morning will board the cruiser
Columbia at Hampton for Panama. It
is expected that only officers of the
army and navy will accompany him.
HE BURNED $20,000
McCurdy Will Stay With
Mutual Life.
No Action Taken Regarding the
Plunkett Episode Men
tioned Yesterday.
(Testimony Yesterday Was of a Techni
cal Nature and Although Important
it Was Uninteresting to Spectators
Adjournment Taken Until Tuesday.
Xew- York in rr.u;.i.,t' M
- ,,r,iy of the Mutual i.if made the
.1.1. I l.ut. .. I. 1 .1 .
nti-iii.-ni, emni mm nf nan no inten
tion of resigning, that he was elected
to serve until June next and nothing
would drive him out. He also announc
ed that no action would be taken .
V-rdi-.g the Plunkett matter which was
yesterday turned over to the district
attorney by the insurance investigating
McClinlv closed, with the exeinlion
. . ""'I
of a few details, hi testimony before
the committee today.
The testimony today wa very much
of a technical nature, though of much
value to the committee in its work.
Following MoCurdy, hi son, Robert H.
was examined regarding ome travel
ing expenses in HKH, which appeared
very large.
McCurdy was not able to give any
reason for such krge txpcn(ps, but
promi-ed to furnish the details later.
' f i war
.ner examining v. . niohards, con-
jtrolh - r of the Mutual Life, regarding the
, sciui-sit ion of some properties by fore-
closure, the committee adjourned until
Talks of Campaign Contributions.
Xew York. Oct. l!). McCurdy. during
hi examination wa aked if the Mu
tual ever contributed to the campaign
fund of any candidate for judicial of
fice in Xew York.
"Xo, I cannot conceive such a thing
to lie possible." replied McCurdy. He
added that very likely he had been so
licited by agents of political parties for
(campaign contributions, liut could not
! remcmlier whom.
"Were you solicited for campaign con
tribution in 180tl and by what party!"
"My mind is a blank as to that. The
talk nlsnit campaign contributions is.
vague and. if I might say so. in the air. I
cannot remember if I contributed."
McCurdy said he was not present at
any meeting of the people when cam
paign contribution were discussed.
Xew York, Oct. 19. W. T. Jerome to
night continued the vigorous independ
ent campaign he i making for re-election
to the office of district attorney. At
Murray Hill lyceum, Jerome spoke to a
large crowd,. He denied Tammany
Leader Mrrphy's charge that Jerome
sought hiin in connection with the demo
cratic nomination for district attorney.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 19. The bu
reau of equipment of the navy depart
ment Is preparing to establish wireless
telegraph stations at the Tuget Sound
He attacked the present democratic
nomination and nominee and toward
Murphy hi language wa scathing. He
compared Murphy in a disparaging man
ner with Croker, whom he said was "
real man, a man with jaw, a man that
food up and never lied to a friend." He
claimed Croker as his friend, though he
fought him for twenty years.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 1!). With the
termination of the printer's strike here,
factory workmen also returned to work.
AH newspaper were issued today. A
call wa issued for an All Russian con
gress of Workmen to meet in Vnvemlur
I to determine its attitude toward the na
tional assembly.
Xew Y'ork, Oct. 1!). The payment of
$130,000 through the asphalt company
to support the Matos revolution in Ven
ezuela, was the burden of the testimony
of Vice President Andrew, of the Na
tional Asphalt Company today.
Lincoln, Oct. 1!). The supreme court
tonight handed down a decision sus
taining the constitutionality of the snti-
cgarette law, and the law to prevent the
desccraion of the American flag.
Investigation Surprises Directors
of Allegheny Bank.
Papers and Notes Found That Bank
Knew Nothing about Cashier Fiscal
Agent for Two Development Com
panies and Expected to Raise Money
Pittsburg, Oct, 19. An investigation
into the condition of the Enterprise Xa
tional bank, closed by the controller of
the currency yesterday, show beyond
a daubt that the institution was con
ducted in a manner entirely unknown
to the directors.
Since the investigation began, papers
and notes have been brought to their
attention which they never say beforo
Among these were two notes bearing
the name of W. H. Andrews, who today
stated positively that he had no pa
pers in the bank. The statement made
by the Santa Fe Central & Pennsyl
vania Development Comapnie inj be
half of which the dead casnfer waa said
to have negotiated loans seem to place
all the blame on Clarke, who o far as
known, left no statement of the bank's
lchitioii with the two companies.
Supplementary statement by tho
signers of the statement show that they
take a position that Clark was fiscal
agent of their company and as such, it
was hi duty to raise money whenever
Bank Pres dent Indicted.
Louisville, Oct. 19. W. R. Smith, ex
president of the Western Xational
hank of this city was indicted today on
ten counts charging embezzlement, mak
ing false entries and misappropriating
fund of the bank.
The total defalcation charged was al
most $200,000. Smith is said to be in
Porto Rico. It i alleged, a cablegram
was received from him stating that he
would return to Louisville October 29.
Smith was formerly prominent in
church affairs and taught a class in the
Rroadway Methodist Sunday school of r
naval station, Foiot Wilson, Cape Flat
tery, Xortb Head, ik the mouth of the
Columbia, river and Cape Blanco.
Work will begin at ortca at the Pugrt
Sound nary yard.