The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 19, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1903.
f he product of th beet, quality an
surpassed. It melts Id your mouth and
' leaves an Impression of unusual delid
ousness. Our price.
IS Cents the Pound,
Tb Palaoe Catering company's din
log-room b again opn under the ume
management Everything - first class.
Cuisine and service unexcelled. Private
dining room for bullet,
N. A. Akerman, taidrrmUt, mat
iron maker, furniture upholstering
karuesa repairing, carpet cleaning and
laying. Ninth afreet.
The 0. R. A N. company will continue
to Kll ticket until October 13th from
Astoria to Portland and return for t23,
good returning until October II, 1905,
Join the shorthsnd class tiefore it I
too late. There will be after regrets if
you nile such a splendid opportunity
Wisdom's school, opposite Star theatre.
Tbe family reaUurant of Aatoria la
recognised aa the Ileaa restaurant. Tbe
beet meala and the beet service la Aa
toria. 120 Eleventh street
lira. Tilda Anderaon, nmun 1470
Ornd Avenu. Given either at home or
will aalL
Mrs. A. D. Jewett, ho fur some time
past haa eucceesfully served the A lun
bar Company in the rapacity of dress
maker, haa withdrawn from Ita employ
ment and haa opened dressmaking par
lore of her own, upstairs at No. 431
Commercial atreet. at the southeast ear
ner of that thoroughfare ami Ninth
street, where she will be pleased to meet
and aerva old friend and patron.
15c a Glass
iil-m Twelfth Strict, Aatoria.
Mr. Petri, k Nliea 1 l.n.k from a
trip to Portland.
A. L 'Jile of tliinook wa in the city
on biiklne today.
City Attorney Smith returned from
Portland hut nigbt.
day. She will, upend a few day in
llwant before returning.
(5. I Stone, of Ashland, Ma in the
city on bimine today.
Mi. H. K. Font, of Portland it vis
iting her .UU-r, Mr. W. A. (Jilday.
Mr. and Mr. .1. i, Megh-r were down
from Hrooklleld yeterday afternoon.
Mm. O. II, Kle and daughter, Mi
Pearl, have gone to Seaside, for a vUlt.
Mm. S. T. Well, of Portland. i vi-it
ing her aii, ("haa. 0. WelU, for a
Andrew Mattson ha returned from
Kelso, where he wa employed on the
CowliU county bridge.
Itiiliard Kverelt, who ha Wn ron-
nec-ted with the Kagle drug store for
eeral mouth, ha gone to fioldemlale
wher ho will g in businee.
Mr. Jame W. Welch i bark from
trip to Portland. Ib-r mother, Mm.
A. Hce, avompani-d h-r, and will vi
it her daughter for eome time.
Hay Mann, the popular Seaside ton
A new are light ha been placed at
the A. A C. atation platform.
Owing to the illneaa of Judge M-Hride,
Judge Frailer la holding court for him
at St. Helena.
Tha work of repairing the man eon
duit leading to the city water reervolr,
waa completed yesterday.
A meeting of Atoria Company No. 1,
I'nlform Rank K. of P will be held in
Atorla hall thl evening.
(1. P. Wheeler, a former eherilT of
Clatsop county. 1 now connected with
newspaper published in Eat Tort-
Senator Fulton tiperte to leave on the
Alliance next week for Cone Bay, where
he will take up the matter of the im
provement of the bay.
City Treaurer Dealey paid another
batch of atreet lmU yesterday. Thi
time there were 21 In the kit, and the
final payment came to $226.80.
The electric, current which operate
the fan at the city hall waa ehut off for
several hour yeterday afternoon, and
the official were conidfralily inconven
ienced by lack of heat.
When the Foard A Stoke Company
heard that the janitor had made requi
eition on the city council for four ther-
fpw Jinometer. it immediately sent the re
quired numlM to the city ball, with
their compliment.
Pipagiannakif Trlei To Kill For
mcr Aitoriart
Papagiannakia Left Aatoria for Port
land Yeaterday Morning and It la
Suppoaed That Hia Object in Going
Waa to Have it Out With Pagare.
A reception to" Rev. Franri K. AI
ieyne, the new assistant pator of firaoe
Fnisconal church, will be held in the
Sunday school room thi evening, begin
ning at H o'clock. It i under the am
pice of the tadie' Guild.
A reception ilt be given Rev. and
Mr. I'. S. firim at the home of Mr.
and Mm. E. A. f'crding, 38.1 Eleventh
All mem-
iVer and friend of the Methodist
church are cordially invited to be present.
..rial artit. wa in the city on bu-i- f treet on Friday evening.
nea thl morning and after aome hur
ried strides around the city, returned
on the noon train.
Attorney (Scorg Nolund, of thi
city, and W. J. Donovan of Oakland,
Cat., left lat evening for Salem, where
they will argue the apM-al in the
JUh S. Smith ca-e. Mr. Donovan ha
been vUiting the fair, and wa
guest of Mr. Nulnnd yesterday.
The marriage of Mi Anna Peterson
to Mr. I,. I I'aMiniii occurred at the
(race church rectory It evening at 0
o'clock. Rev. W. H. Short performing
the ceremony. Only a few immediate
friend were present. The young couple
will at once take up houxckccpiiig on
Twenty ninth tnet. Roth are well
known in Atrl,i and have hot of
friend. The griNim i secretary of the
City Lumlier and lUx CompMny.
O. A. Harold, proprietor of toe veil
known Cah Store at No. 13.17 Fnukliu
avenue, ha aold that liiHiin- to Miw,
l.ui k .Tohnon, who will take immedi
ate charge, and meet, and treat, old. and
new cuHtomcr with the me gool will
and niiftine conideration that ha
made the place o Hinilr.
New Cure for Caucer.
All aurface cancer are now known
to be curable, by Rurklen'a Arnica Salvo.
Jaa. Walter, of Dufficld, Va., write j
"I had a cancer on my lip for yearn, that
aeemed Incurable, till Bucklcn'a Arnica
Salve healed it, and now; it la perfectly
well. " Guaranteed cure for cuta and
burna. 23c at Chi. RogciV drug atore.
Come and see ns before It's too late
We are Offering'
Furniture Bargains
Never Before Heard of in
This City
Before moving Into our new atore building you can get a big discount
on every purchase. We axe offering this 'special inducement in order to
aave moving the atock. We also offer vou Reelect ion from the largett
stock of furniture In the city. A call rill convince you.
J C0Hurri rfut-FvPNisncRi, ,
Word wa received here yeterdy
from St. Martin' Spring that John
Nordtroin i doing finely and enjoying
life. He ha gained eight pound in a
many day and will return home soon
in prime condition to take up hi bui
ne affialr.
Notice of the approaching piiniary el
ectn will be potted by the chief tf po
lice today. The law provide tlii to
notice be mailed to each precinct Jmlpe
and clerk, but the charier decree that
the potlng lie done by the police chief.
Auditor Anderson decided to follow the
litter coume.
The building on Exchange atreet, near
Twelfth, which 1 to lie the home of
Coneomly Trilie, Improved Order of Red
Men, will probably be ready for occu
pancy altout November 1. The Red Men
are planning a big dedication event. It
i probable that the head officer of the
tirvat Council will pay an official vWt
at the time.
Three Orders Issued by Judge Trenchard
Yesterday Afternoon.
In probate court yesterday afternoon
County Judge Trenchard lueI three
order dealing with a many etate.
Hlilver .ledncsa wa appointed admin
istrator of the extate of Anlrew Erick-
on, deceased, and John Frye, O. F. Mor
ton and Max Young were pointed ap
praiser. The appraisement will be made
on Octolicr 2Hth.
F. F. A. Hildc brand, admiui-trator of
the e-tate of Peter Wolf, flle.1 hi final
account and Monday, Novemlier 20th'
wa the date set for the hearing of the
J. E. niggiiw, guanlmn and J. P. Sven-
son. administrator of the estate of Helen
Swanson. riewascd, appeared in court,
where the former filed hie final report
and aked that he lie discharged. Helen
Swanson wa the wife of J. V. Svenson
and on Decemlier 2(1, 1!00. disl intestate
h-avlng her husband and two minor
children. J. E. Higgin waa appointed
jrnardian of the latter and hi report to
the court ahowed that he had on hand
$-13.1.53 in cash and 13 aharc of Alaka
Pucker's asociHtjon of a par value
of $100 each. The cash and atock was
turned over to Svenson and Higgin wa
ordered discharged.
Veterday morning news w ic-eiv-
el here of the ehooting of 7.m I'aj.'ore
by George Pepaj;ianiiaki in a quarrel
over money that the latter claimed wa
due him over the sale of the Toke Point
roftaurant in Astoria. The wound,
while M-rious is not considered dang
erou. ; Pajpre came to Astoria in the latter
part of last March and purchased tlie
Toke Point restaurant. He- conducted
the bunine until the tatter part of
July when he disposed of the bu nines
and went to Seaside where he remained
for two weeke, afterwards going to Port
land. Previous to the purchase of the
Toke Point restaurant Pairarea had
been in buine in Ilwaco and other
point in thi section of the country.
A special dispaUh to the Atorian
from Portland give the following ac
count of the shooting:
Zack Pajrare. a Greek, and one of
the bet known of the minor oyster
house keeier of Portland, wa shot
!own by fieorge PapafHannaki. a coun
tryman, thi morning in a quarrel in
the former' restaurant at 192 Fourth
street. Papagiannikij fled after the
shooting, and haa not yet been raptured.
The shot wa fired when the men
were not more than ix feet apart, and
the bullet struck Pagare just below
tjw left ear, raiding backmurd and
Ixlging in the hack of the neck. The
wound is not regarded as serious.
According to the story told by Pa
garea the trouble a roue over the sale
of a reaurant in Astoria. Pagarea eon
ducted an oyster-house there for a time,
and aold hi half interest in the place
to an uncle of the man who did the
shooting this morning. Thi uncle, who
goes by the name of Nico George and
Xico Pompanani, agreed to pay $.150
for Pagare' interest, and did pay $290.
Papagiannakia came into Pag res'
iextaurant thi morning, the latter
says, and said bi uncle had taken hi
money and used it in buying the res
taurant, and he demanded it back. A
quarrel ensued, and Pagare twice put
the man out of hi restaurant. A third
Itime he came back and asked for a cup
or coffee, and aa soon a Pagare turn
ed to tell the waiter to give it to him,
Papaginnnakiit pulled a revolver and
fired. The police believe all the facta
have not been disclosed.
Greek Makea His Escape.
A soon a the shot waa fired Papa
giannakia fled from the restaurant.
Pagare ha been a renhlent of Port
kind 13 yearn. Papajriannaki i a Co
lumbia river fixherman. He came from
A-toria yesterday. He is a native of
Xicelo, an island of Turkey, and wa
bom and raised a fiherman.
Though Sheriff Word and hi depu
ties and the police force of Portland
have been making a determined effort
ever since the shooting to capture
George Papagiannaki. h4 U still ati
liberty. Since be diipc&rtvl undih
tlie wharve near the foot of Alder
street no truce of him ha been found.
The police patrol took the wounded
man to St. Vincenfa hospital. Dr. F.
Cauthorn attended him and found the
wound was not necessarily dangerous,
unless complication set in.
The sheriff is in ioension of pictures
of Papagiannaki and hi uncle, who, it
is alleged, prompted the shooting.
I he .Worm police were on the look
out for the Greek when the train ar
rived from the north laxt evening, but
he wa nota among the passenger.
pony which ChiquiU'a manager has
been able to find, and driven by a email
boy who look like a Goliath, perched
on the aeat.
But Cbiquita la a eccentric aa she la
tiny, and withal, abe is very entertain
ing. She baa two big dogs (Chiquita
thinks they are large) and they behave
very badly The little Mexican lady is
trying to train her peta, but they are
impudent, thoughtless, and unobliging.
What i worse, they aeera not to eare
a whit for tlie scolding wbicb little
Chiquita gives them, nor for tha awful
wallopings which she occasionally ad
minister, when ber patience ceases to
be a virtue.
She i playing a bill at the Star thea
tre this week, and in spite of the fact
that her height Lad been announced at
only 23 inches, most people were great
ly surprised at the diminutivenese of
tbe little Mexican lady.
The Illinois rrsjTwaf
Main Ulna unexcelled aenrtee from the
west to the east and south. Making
close connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, passengers are
riven their choics of routes to Chicago,
aa1 throvirh theae points t the far
Prospective travelers desiring Infor
mation aa to th lowest rates and best
routes are Invited to correspond wltk
the following representatives:
14 "Third gt, Portland, Ore.
J. C. LINT) SET, Trav. Passenfer Arent,
141 Third 8L, Portland, Ore.
PAUL R THOMPSON. Paas'gr. Arent.
J. C LXXDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent,
-. 4J Third St, Portland, Ore.
The celebrated Victor Safea, office and
school desks are now on the Astoria
market Chae. H. Orkwita, at 137 Tenth
street ia the sole agent Call upon him
at once.
. No mercury, no minerals, no danger In
Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Th
greatest fcmilyi tonio knawn. Brings
good health to all who use it 33 cents,
Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart
Natural gaa exists in large quantities
on the ranch of C. 8. Brown, on the
Lewi and Clark river, and it i not
i-nprobable that step may be taken in
the near future, toward the develop
ment of the field. Mr. Brown firt dis
covered the existence of tlie gas, on a
slough close to the river, nearly a year
ago, and since that time baa been con
ducting a scries of experiments on a
small scale. He is now positive that a
good quality of the product can be had
in paying quantities.
Mr. Brown first aaw gaa bubbling
from the water of a slough on hia
farm, and at once commenced a series
of experiment. He first drove a pipe
several feet into the ground, from
whence the gas emanated and connect
ed this pipe with a large reservoir.
where he concentrated the gas. He ha
taken no steps toward development on
a large scale, nor doe be utilize the
gaa that he now obtains from hia pres
ent plant He ia certain, however, that
gaa exists in paying quantities, and
may take steps in the near future to de
velop his find.
It fills the arteries with rich, red
blood. Makea new flesh and healthy
men and women. That's what HollUt-
ere Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35
cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank
Until November 15th, 1905.
Men's Suit $1.50
Panta ; 60
CoaU ..1.00
Coats 60
Overcoats 1-60
Steam cleaning done every day.
185 nth Street, Astoria, Oregon.
5j HgPI
n, isiaainasuAv
We have extended our sals to give
you an opportunity to get such books as
"When Knighthood Waa In Flower.''
"The Cray Clock."
"Master Christian."
The Call of the Wild."
and many others.
Last year $1,50 copyrights
Sale Price 75c
tSvenson's Book tStore,
Fourteenth and Commercial Street
Chiquita and Her Carriage Amuse the
People of Aatoria.
Chiquita is in town.
The smallest woman in the world
a woman who would make nothing more
than a good sized doll, for the ordinary
little Astoria mis ina here to entertain
the public, and incidentally show how
real tiny a human individual can be and
still live.
Chiquita amuses people by doing sev
eral stunt at the Star theatre, and her
dainty little carriage (which aome insist
is far too small for the little lady)
amuse those who see it rasa alonir the
street, drawn by the smallest Shetland
Shorthand and Typewriting
Equip Yourself to Double Your Salary
Location Opposite Star Theatre
See local ad in this issue. n
l ";'." 1
a Complete Line of
Anything in a first class stove eith
er Wood or Coal or Combined, you will
find at.
17. J. Scully