1 TUESDAY, OCTOBEJt 17, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OltmN. V aiiAnzioFiiaui 0 AisolcfciyFaro A Cream of Tartar Powdar, fraa from alum or phoa phatlo aold 'aoVAl SAKINOj fOWOCR 00., MW VOMK. I atesf Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complete Market Report! Corrected Each Day Giving the Wholesale Prices of Commodities, Farm Produce and Vege tables. 1'uttlaml, (K't. 1 0. Kirtntifii rontinm-a in tin- klin-p market, a a roult of tin williiiKiiti on the art of mmljfruw rr lo let Quotation now rmii from 1.73 tu 14 25 prr I0 Miinil fur mut ton nlx'rp in Portland, ami drover jmtI Uye market U continue firm until New Year at et. "There are tlmuan.U of fat oili er throtihiiut the middle went," a pro minent livevtixk dealer aW Unity, "and theae ulieep wilt In kept until liearin time net opting a a reult of the lii'li priT prmied for wool. Hy the clod of thn year fodder may lnvuine M-ari'D or pre-t for lilxli prin of wool dinpH-ar, and then will Late hep mutton attain. "In eastern Onyoii and Waliini;(n tronjf r Holla will I made to hold tlm! over until iliifr, although the erowdrd condition of the rangea will lemhr thii dillhult In many plui-e. . Mieep runyf are growing aiimllrr from year to year on account of net Here tak ing up pulilic litndu, while the heavy in ctvaM in (lock hint opring will reader them nt ill more crowded. Hay, however, i cheap, and unl- .: unuaually severe winter dhould intervene tuol of the f1-k will be kept over in some hape In the meantime Imtchera mut dejK-nd upon getting fat aliwp from the Miiall herd kept wnt of the mountain or in California." Farmer are not inclined to sell their potatoes at price now offered, a they think value will advance later on. Dealer In U city find difficulty in ob Uinlnir what notatoea are needd for n a local trade and for shipping to northern point. From 00 to 63 centi er aack U the Lighet offer made by exporter who have agent out in the potato- growing district adjacent to Portland Theae agent say they are only able to partially All orders although there are a good many potatoc now bring housed in the bin. The local market ift consid ered firm and i largely aupplied by farmera who deal direct with the uptown retailer. Grain, Produce, reed. meat-Walla Walla, 72c; Valley, 72cj blueatem, 7eoj ml, 08a OataWhlte, $24 6dj gray, 22. Barley-Brewing, $20 feed, 110.50 tolled, $21.50. Hay Timothy, I12.5013.00j cloTer, $8.500t cheat, $7.50g 8 j alfalfa, $10. Millatuffa-Mlddllnga, t2425 chop, $101 bran, 81020j ahorta, 2122. Flour Hard wheat, patent, $4.50$ straight, $3.503.00j V0 3 W5 J $3 j Vtbla Vhaat flfiQr.-fS.Wj nllej- CtTT $3.80 1)1C'$fl.507i-taTtI, rye, $3;(rW Piilibvry, 9.8575 ,. . Conwi-'BoU, f28( 'track d,! r pr ton; 'iv'.Vi. t . By 4)1 JO per cwt s Prodtrc. , , Butter Fancy ramerT,' 871c; eity "" creamery, 320 dairy, 16(J17c; atore, JChoe) Young America, 15c; Oregon U cfeamjjcV v " r i - Egga-Freah-'Orrgoh "ranch, 2fl.'&27fc; eaaiern egg, SzW) 'coif iTbfagVES ":' ' .'l,,'."';' v Poultry Roootera,' fl0c; hena, 10 lid;1 ! fryer, 10llej broiler, 10 11c; geee, live, 8(38lc;' drenaed, 0 10c; turkey, live, 14 15c ; dreed, 18 20cj duckl,Nt)ld,' llQllci aprlng 'ducka," a ar ''mm m , PORTLAND MARKETS I213cj flifrons, P" dMn. IXW153'$3.00i 1-4 barrels, 2.79j 15-Ib. kits, squab, $2.00(7.2.60. 2&i pickled pigs' tongues, Mkmli, Honey Dark, 10it3llej amber, 12 3o) fancy white, 12l13Je. Fruits and Vegetables. Orspes 60cH1.00. California grape $1 123. Cantelonpe Crate, 61 1.23. Plum Crate, 60 75c Peachee Oregon Frewitona 73cl-50. Apple Oreen, 75c(4 11.50. Grape frult-CraU, $2.503.00. Huckleberriea Per lb, 7c. Cranlierrie per bid, $0(30.50. Tropical fruit Lemon, fancy, $3.00; choice, $4.50 per boij orange, $4JS0r 5.00 banana, 5c per lb; pineapple, 3.50g4.00 per down. Potatoea New Oregon,fJ575c per 100 IUj onion, 85c Jer 100 lb; tomatoea, box, 'iOfa'Mk-i turnips aack, 730fH; cabbage, j r jMiund, 1ft I 14c; head lettuce, 23ft 30c r doxen; hot houne, 1 1 box; celery, dozen, 75ft, HOcj radinhce, per dozen, 15c; green onion, per dozen, 15c; rhubarb, lb, 2f2J Cucumlier Box, 50c; WU, $1.00 per aack i carrot a, 75c per ack; green pea, lft,2c green bean, 4&5c; wax, 4c; garlic, 10V; egg plant, l.V lb.; wax, 4c; corn, I2c doz.; tweet jxitat-a . 2iu; rel H-ier, Htind. Dried Fruit Apple, evaporated, 9c per lb.; tundried, aack or boxea, none; pricot ll(&12Ji peachea, 10ft 11c; car, IOrgu l-Zc; prune, Italian, 0 0 1 2c French, 3 1 2c; fig, Cal. black, 5 3 4c; do, white, none; Hmyrna, 20c; Fard. date, Gc; plum, pitted, 0c. Cereal food Rolled oala, cream, 00 lb. aacka, $0.73; lower grade, $5.00ft; $023; oatmeal, iteel cut, 50-lb. aack, $8 er bale; 10 lb. aack, $425 per bale; oat meal (ground t, 50-lb. aacka, $7.50 per bale; 10 lb. ack, $4.00 per bale; split pea, $4.00 per 100 lb. aack; 25 lb. boxe, $1.15; pearl barley, $4.23 per 100 b. 23-lb. boxe, $1.25 per box; paatry flour, 10 lb. ack, r-50 p r bale. Canned lalmon Columbia river, l ib. tall, $1.85; 2 lb. tall, $2.50; fancy Mb. flaU, $2.00; 1-2 lb. fancy flaU, $123; fancy l ib. oval, $2.75; Alaika Ulla, pink, DOc; red $1.43; nominal, 2, tall, $2.00. Jdaaon fruit Jara Half-gallon, per groa, $1.00; quart, $7.50; pint, $0.53; extra cap, per groa, $2.33. Economy fruit jar Half gallon, per gro, $13.35; quart, $10.00; pint, $8.83; extra cap, $1.85. Kverlaating fruit jara Half -gallon, $12.50; quart, $8-50; pint, $7.50; extra cap, gla, $2.50. Crocerlea, Proritlona, Etc Sugar, ac bai !olden C, 4.05; extra C, $4.73; powdered, $3.33; patent cube, $523; cane, D. O., $523; fruit aug ar, $5X0; beet ugar, $3.13; barrel, cwt., 10c; keg, cwt., 25c; boxea, cwt, 50c ad vance over tack haul (lc 1 4c per lb. If paid for in 15 day). Salt-Bale of 75 2a, bale, $1.00; bale of 30 3a, bale, $1.00; bale of 40 4. bale, $1.00 bale of 13-10, bale, $1.00; bag, 50, fine, ton, $11.00; bag, 50 lb., genu ine Liverpool, ton, $17.00; bag, 50 lb., 1-2 ground, 100a, ton, $7.00; R, 8. V. P 20 61b, cartons $225; R. S. V. P., 24 31b. carton, $1.75) Liverpool lump, ton, $18.50. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $3.35 1-2; Southern, Japan, 4 1-2 5c; broken, 3 3-4c; head, fancy, 8 S-4cj bead, choice, 5 1-Se. Date Golden, 00-lb. boxea, 0($0 12c; Mb. package, 8c; Frd, 15-Ib. boxea, $1.40 box. Nute Walnut, No. 1, aort ahell, 10c; No. 1, hard ahell. IS 3 -4c; Chile, 13c; almond, 20c;' filbcrta," 1417e; Bracila, 15c; pecana, 13 1-2 15c ; hickory, 8c; Virginia peanut, 77 l-2c; Jumbo Virginia peanut, Oc; Japaneae peanut, 8 l-20c; cbeitnuta, Italian, 14c; cocoa nuta, down, 00c. Flga-WhlU, lb., 8 l-28cj black, 0 7o. Bean Small whlta, 4 l-4c; large white, 3 l-2c; pink, 3c; bayou, 4 3-4c; Limaa, 7c; Mexican, red, Oo. Pickled good Pickled plga' feet, 12 barrel, $5.00; 1-4 Urrela, $2.75; 15-Ib. kiU, $125; pickled tripe, 1-2-barrela, TIDE TABLE, OCTOBER OCTOBER, 1903. Hlfh Water. A.M. P.M. Date. h.m. ft. hjQ ft SUNDAY , I:7j l:TS 1.4 A ft ii 2:I il Monday. t:1 TuMdar v l 41M 1.7 1.1 Wednenday 5:14 :t( 7:44 Thursday i...... ( 4: OS, 4:20 1:15 T.l f.t rTloay- Saturday ........ Ti 11 II SUNDAY 1 1 Monday I 9:M 7.2 0:44 T.3 7.4 7.8 .7.71 10:40 f.S f.a Tuesday 10 11:35 Wednesday 11 8.1 4 2 II Thursday- 12 1I;1K hTiaar .....is .fb3:l4 Saturday ........ 1 7.81 i:zu 1:46! 3:10 8UDAY 7.1 ?:S! :s 7.2 1.2 t l Monday J I I Tuesday v ...17 2:41 ? 6 .1 Wedneadat 11 t:l J 51 4:62 :02 Thuraday isf 74 Frldaw. SOI 7. Ruturdar - 31 4 stt??dat:.. :...w t.Bt t:IOf 4.7 Monday )S :S0 II Tueaday ,M 1M 0:69 74 Wednesday ...... JS 1.0 10:54 7.1 Thursday ...Zs it 1.2 1.2 11:48 1.1 Saturday 0:31 12:86 ... 4 SUNDAY 1 1:! 8.2 1:1 7 44 Mn4ay ........ OA .Tuesday ii 8:081 id 0.1 $0.00; 1-4-Urrela, $3.00; 15 lb. klU, $1X0; pickled lamb' tongue, 1 2-bar rela, $9.00; 1-4 barrel, $5X0; 15 lb. klU $2.75. Coffee Mocha, 24g28c; Java, fancy, 2032e; Java, good, 2024e; Java, ordl nary, 1720c; Coeta Rica, fancy, 18 20c; Coeta Rica, good, 1418c; At buckle, lOe per lb.; Lion, 10c per lb. Columbia coffee, 13 l-4c; Salvador, 11 15c ProvUlona llama, to alza, 13 8 4c; ham, picnic, 9 l-2c; bacon, regular, 12c; bacon, break fait, 13 1-2(310 l-2c; dry (alt aldea, He; back, dry aalt, He Lard Kettle-rendered: Tlercea, 11c; tuba, 11 I -4c; 50. II l-4c; 20c, 11 3 8c; 10, II 3 4c; 8a, 11 7 8c; Standard pure Tierce, 10; tub, 10 1 4c; 60. 10 1 4c 20a, 10 3 8c; 10a, 10 3 4c; 6a, 10 l-4c; 6a, 0c. Compound: Tierce, 7c; tub. 7 l-4c; 50a, 8 3 4ej 10. 7 l-4c; 6. 7 8 4& Sauaage Portland bam, 13 l-2c per lb. minced ham, 10c; aummer, choice dry, 17 l-2c; bologna, long, 6 l-2c; wiener wurt, 8c; liver, 6c; pork, 9c; blood, 6c; headcheese, 12 l-2c; bologna eUage, link, 4 1 2c. IUIiln Loose Muacateta, 3-crown 7 1 2c; 2 crown, 6 l-2c; bleached aeed ea Sultana, 7(3 12c; unbleached aeed' le Sultana, 6 3 4c; London Uyer, 3 crown, wl.ole boxea of 20 lb, $1.85; jrown, $1.75. Freah Meat! and Fiah. Freah meat Veal, small, 7 l-28c large, 35c; pork, 771c; heef, bull, 1 l-22c; cow, 3 l-24c; atcera, 4 l-25 l-2c; mutton, 0(0 l-2c; lamb 77 1 2c Oyaters Rboalwater bay, per gallon. $225; per aack, $3.75 net; Olympia, per aack, $5.25; Eaatern tranaplanted, $1.00 per 100 lb. Clam Hardshell, per box, $2.00; raxor clam, $2.00 per aack Fiah Crabe, per dozen, $1X0; Shoal water bay oyttera, per tack, $4-00; oy bra, gallon, $225; halibut, 6c; black cod, 7c; baaa, per lb., 15c; herring, 6c; 7c; baaa, per lb, 12 l-2c; herring," 6c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 8c; lobster, per lb, 12 l-2c; silver smelt 7c; shrimp, 10c; perch, 6c; sturgeon, 8c; ailverside. 0c; aea trout, 12 12c; black baaa, 25c; Yaquina chinook salmon, Oct Grain bags Calcutta and domestic, 7 12c Wosl-Valley, 2027 I-2c; Eastern Oregon, 1820c. Tallow-Prime, per lb., 33 3 4c; Vo, 2 and greaae, 2(g2 1 2c Mohair Choice, 3032c Feathers Geesa, white, 35 40c; geeae gray or mixed, 2530c; duck whiU, 15(20c; duck, mixed, 12(3 15c Beeswax Good, clean and pure, 20 22c per lb. Hope, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hop New crop, 10(gl2c; old erop, 10 12o. Hides-Dry hide, No. 1, 10 lb, and up, 1010 12c per lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 15 lbs., 14 15c Pr lb.; dry calf, No. 1, unde; 6 Ibs 17 18c; dry salted, bulla and stags, one third less than dry flint (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, hair-alipped, weather-beaten or grubby, 23o per lb. kaa) ; salted hides, steers, sound, 60 lbs. and over, 9(9 10c per lb.; 60 to 00 lb., 8 l-20o per lb.; under 50 lbs. and cows, 80e per lb.; salted stags and bulla, aound, 0c per lb.; salted kip, aound, 18 to 30 lb., 9c per lb.; salt ed real, aound, 10 to 14 ibs 9o per lb.; salted calf, aound, under 10 lb 10c per lb. (green, unaalted, la per lb. less; cull, lc per lb. less). Sheep skins i Sheaf' lings, No, 1 butcher' stock, 26 30e each; abort wool, No. 1 butchers' atock, 40 50c each; medium wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, 6080o; long wool, No. 1 butcher1 stock, $1.00 1.60 each.. Murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 12 14c per lb.; horse hides, salted, each, accord ing to aite, $1XO2.00; dry, each, ac cording to aiae, $1X0; colts' hides, 25 50o each; goat akina, common, 10 15c each; Angora, with wool on, 26c$lX0 each. OCa. Turpentlner-Oaaee, 8Jo per gallon OCTOBER, 1005. Low Water. A.M. P.M. Date. h.m. ft. h.m. ft SUNDAY 1:24 1.1 0:04 0:6 6.6 Monday 21 ;u 8-7 44 -0.1 s 3.8 3.4 8.1 17 2.1 14 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 10:08 2.2 10:64 11: 11 8.W Tnuraoay ........ Ftlday 0:0O .l a a 12:21 1:10 0.6 0.7 0-7 4.8 1:28 Saturday 71 2:20! 8:26 6:64 SUNDAY 81 8:61 Monday Tuesday 10 4:20i 4:52 6:21 6:08 04 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 FYlday II Saturday H 6.801 14 4:181 14 4:25 14 1.6 14 $J 24 24 4:65 7: Si 04 4.1 6:67 7:34 BUVOAY 151 7:471 8:131 Monday Hi 8:11 8:60 Tuesday 17 Wednesday IS i:o -0:12 0:24 8.2 10:02 Hiursdajr tl 0:5ri 4.11 lo?4 Friday 20 10:65 3.7 11:481 Saturday ,...,...U 12U3 SUNDAY .e,...t 0:Mf Ui l:4 Monday ..IS 2:08 1-2 2:48 8:62 Tuesday ii 8:16 4:11 8:P2 6:60 14 1-2 Wednesday 25 4:60 Thraday 21 a 6:40 Friday 37 4:26 Saturday 28 1:26 14 7:12 8:04 8:60 SUNDAY 2l .7:111 Monday 20 l:0 14 in 04' Tuesday Ill 8;6i 3.4J 0:491 la good barrels, 88o per gallon. WhiU Lead-Ton loU, 7c; 600 pound lota, 8c; few than 600 pound lota, 8Jc Gasoline Store gaaoUu, cases, 231c; iron barrels, 17c; 80 dVg. gasoline, eai 82c i Iron barrel or drama, 20c Coal Oil-Case, 20c; iron barrel 15c; wood barrels, 17c Benxlne 03 degree, caaea 22c; Iron barrela, 15c Lliueed Oil-Raw, barrel loU, 68e; eases, 64c Boiled, 04c; 1 Urrel lota. 60c; canes, 66c. BO YEAR8' EXPERIENCE DtBMNt) CorrFUOKTa Ac anmnM1lna I tkrtrti and famrrtrnlnn wf S.ir Moituiii or otriMKi tn wnnum Unlln la .f.il,:f niernML CnnnnanleM. I Inn. OIImI ' fur MimniM UhiU UU. Uittmmk Mea k C, rutf iMfc4. H h'xit eliarwa. la tfi FhUhi latUnu. Scientific Jlnicricati. A fcni4anml)r I1lartnjl4 wtlf. Ji tulmiMm it an? wMtiiia rnal. ri .ar muntlia, II. a Bum bj ail iMWHtnUara. MUfiNCo."". Hew Tort HraocSi OfSc. M F 8t.WliUiclowu.C. The Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker, lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than anv other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter L at ttni jo our Grtlt took teffinf 8 about it. Typewriter supplies, Ma chum rmtfd. Sunofnpheri fumltW. Th Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 b'tark St, I'ortland Ur. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your ticketa read over the Den ver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attrac tlona and points of Interest alon the line between Ordea and Den- tst that the trip Barer beoomea tlreaome. If jwx axe coin East, write for la formation and vet a pretty book that will tail yov.ajl .about it W. C. McBrida, General Agent . 184 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SAW FRANCISCO & ORTLAND S.S-C0. Fare Including berth and meala, 15 . Round-trip, 825. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, ern California. O. ,W. ItODERTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. " A.' o. d. KiatraLL, i , QaaWa Agent aa-'ranaleee, CaL ' " ING CURED v Por PartlciiuVAaare'sa' THIS UCITIC 'SCHOOL' TO I STAat- 1261 east Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon.. .-e "i ft M.I v -1 I'm Bit e for tarsi 4iMkrn,laaMUoM) ImutKU or lowatioM f . IlihlML III Mt UtrlB. , acan,ii . M4 ke aeta, . B.S.A. j fee mt ! i !! tniwr, SI . MlbotlluM Tl. CirctUr st a rasaaaV ehT 1 8v Tmoc Marki ewlmZji j m i W 1 rwwrti taliitn. TSAVELERsT GUIDE. Steamer Telegraph LEAVES CALLE2TDE2 DOCX, Aa tcria, for Portland, daily except Tri day at a P. M. Arrires la Portland at 8:30 P. It LEAVES ASTORIA F0S POST LAND on Sundays at f.30 P. M, Ar riTea la Portland at 9:00 P. K, Leaves Portland. Alder St Sock. daily except Friday at 7:30 A. M. Leavet Portland oa Sondari at 8 A, M. 0. W. S. Navlwtlon Co. Mala Office: Alder St Dock, Port land, Oregon. , . . , Astoria Office: CaHeader Dock. THE MILWAUKEE 1 . . . The Pioneer Limited'' St Panl ta CU cago. "Snort Line" Omaha te Chicago. "South-West Limited" Zaaaaa City to Chicago. Ko trains in the aerrice of am rat road ia the world that equals in equip meat that of the Chicago, Milwinkee A St Panl Ky. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars oa all their train and giro their pationt an excellence of aerrice not obtainable eke- where. Bertha on their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than la aimilar ears oa any other line, They protect their trains by the Block system. Connections nude with all traaa-eoa- tinental line la Union Depots. Her tales Danak, Srensk og Norsk Hier wird deotach geaprochea ' ' ' H. 8.' Eowe, General Agent, PorUaa Oregon. 184 Third Street, corner Alder. OREGON Short Line and Un pacific n houra from Portland to Chloa). No ehaaara of IP TIMEBTlftDCLEa Depart) From ArrlT PQRTLAKD Foniaod HaltUke. Denver, Ft 8pelal Worth, Oroaba, Kan- p at :Ua.ln. MClt.8tLooia, via Honk- Chicago and tbeEaat tnstoa Allan lie as pre .Rait Lake, DeoTer Xl P; Worth, Omaha, Kan- T :ll a as ta Hant- aaa utty, Hi lxmla, .. lotion jChlcefo and theKaat Bt Paul i Walla WalU. Lewie- - - FaatMail ton, Spokane, Mlooe- s;lp. m. lapolia. Mt Panl, Dnluth I) pat la6po- S)Uwnkee,thcao, kane 'and Cast Dally ei- Colombia River to am eept Han-Portland and Way Daily er day acam lndlogs . MplMoa A. C CRAIG, Cenl, Pass. Agt, Portlanl STEAMZS' If AHCOTTA Learea Aaioria on the' Tide DAILY EXCEPT SUJfDAY. FOR ILWACO, connectlaa taere Wltb trains for Long Beach. Ttoga ana North Beach points. Returning ar riTe at Astoria eame evenlns. throufh tickets ta and from aO pria elpal Euronean cities. . O. W. ROBERTS, Aent, AatorU, On. . Astoria 4? CpltlmbW Rfvef ' K U CoJ xmcrvrt 30 24 2 pLeav; p.m a. m n. m m T:10 8:10 rOOl PORTLAND :10 leave. Godiv- - srrtra - 9:03 10:05 10:26 11:35 11:35 11:55 - ClatakW Junct. Westport. , . arrive ' ASTORU WtI leave ASTORIA; arrire airiv WARREXTOX leave; leave WARRENTQX arrive arrive Ft Stevena .eave . leave Ft. Stevens arrive arrive WARRENTON leave leave WARRENTON leave 9:24 10:35 8:15 5:50 ll:40l 1:5510112:05! 12il0 12:30 1 8:46 6:25 8:460:261 8:58 0:4M 11:65! p. m 12rr44 0:187:11 12:21 0:257:20 12:30 arrive Sundsy only. Through tickets-and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portland east Goble, and O. R. 4 X. via. Portiaad. TRAVELERS GUIDE.- ASK AIIY TRAVELED . . , .. . . . i i -j t and he will . . telljeatba ' Eledrio Lighted. -T . - -. ' Is the Crack Trail of the all for COMFORT ail ELEGANCE. The ticket office at Portland Is 'a J5S Morrison St, Cor. jd. VBaYsaaasnBsssaaw A. D. CH ARLTON, Assistant General PesaeBger.'Ageat " PORTLAFD, ORECONr 1 1 "Best ' by Test" : ..it., i A trans continental trav eler says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" IfaThe Train for Com fort" every night in the year between . Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. He startlne on a trip no matter where write Ibr Interacting iBtorn Uoa a boat eomfcrtable trsraUDf. ILLSIStEt'cweral Afcat 132 Third 6t Portland. Oreoo; T. TIA8DALB. Csaarsl tmttt Axeot. Bt. Iul,Jllosu AfiK THZ AGENT FOB TICKETS VIA. T 1 Ta. wpakana, It Paul ' tSlaiteeaefiy Ouluth, Chieaae, tt, Miia, aitdait point east and newt. .. - 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY (V The HyertfldThe Fast MaUa PLENDID tCRVICI UP TO. DATE EQUIPMENT ' A COURTEOUS EMPLOYE , Daylight trip ereas the Cascade aasi i Reeky Meuntaina. For ticketa. rates foMere aaa fail an formation ceil oa or addreas H. DICKSON, aty Ticket AeaC Ml Third Street. Portland. Or. ' . a TERKE3, A. O. P. A. Corner First avenue and Tester war. Seattle, ' Wash. - . WE GIVE EXPEDITED ; : - ' SERVICE'ON FREIGHT ROUTE XPUS SHIPMENTS'1 "T i ' ' ' VIA GREAT NORTHERN Pull Information rrera WM. HARDER, GeoeVal AgeeA. ' i Partland,'OTa.-1 s Tha WertsTs' PaV Reerta. J - ' ' sbpt it, 1905. "Arnve (Union Depet.) i v r ) I inei r2TTl3Tt5 1 I la. m.fp. m.liun.l a. asi 11:201 :50f . 10:30 8:40 9:U t:4V 8:51 T:19 1:45 6:10 1:40 5:201:45 10:42 7:20 U2:20 10:23 . 7:20 8:15 10:23 7:06 2:00 10: U 7:06 10: U 6:62 10:02 6:62 8:05 16:05 - tita 4tU - ttis 6:22 4:38 6il5 4:30 t-.y, Clataesx Geartart SEASIDE leave -. '. - . t -i ." . ; it: ,'". aul' J. C. MAYO, C. P. as! P. Afiat. ,