SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 190). THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. a) A full Van Camp's Pure Food Products Just In. We rail jour speelat attention to ths following articles 1 Hominy, 2 cane 2So Huups, per ran 15c Kauer Kraut, per can 15c Wa shall U plca.-d to ebow you Ilia good ami we know you will I 1Iim with thrra. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. WI SELL CHASE SANBORN'S BOSTON COFFEES. LOCAL BREVITIES. Tba family mtaurant of Astoria U recognised aa tba Uaaa restaurant. Tlx boat meals and tba beat arnica la A torts, 120 Eleventh street. The Palace Catering company'! dining-room la agala open under tba aama management Everything flrat elaaa. CuUlne ami service unexcelled. Privets dining-room for ladles. , Wuorl A Akerman, taildermisla, mat treea makera, furniture uphoUlering, barncae repairing, carpet cleaning and laying. Ninth street. TO PORTLAND i 15. Tbs 0. R. A N. company will continue to sell tickets until October 15th from A.torla to Portland and retuni for $213, good returning until October 91, 1905. Join the shorthand clae Mure it ia too late. There will be after regrets if you mUe such a splendid pxrt unity. Wiadont'a sthuol, ophite Ftar tluatrr. Mrs. Tilda Andereon, maaaage, 1470 Oiand Avenue. Given either at boms or will call ON HER OWN ACCOUNT. Mr. A. D. Jvwrtt, who for me time pat liaa auiwafully nerved the A. Ihw bar Company In the rapacity of drr maker, haa withdrawn from ita employ ment and ha eurd dreniaking par lors of her own, uptaira at No. 451 Commercial strwt, at the eouthraot cor ner of that thoroughfare and Ninth atrect, where he will le plmi-d t nn-t and M-rve old friend and patron. CRAB APPLES SECURE Y01T.S NOW THE SEASON' IS ALMOST OVER! WE HAVE ON HAND A CITPLY OF Nice Ones JOHNSON BROS., GOOD GOODS 118-111 Twelfth Strret, Astoria, Come and see ns before It's too late We are Offering Furniture Bargains Never Before Heard of in This City Before moving Into our new store building you can get ft big discount on every purchase, Wa srs offering this special Inducement in order to save moving the stock. Ws also offer you selection from ths largest stock of furniturs la ths city. A call v. ill con vines you. aiAiHEiLBOKii ?s co. VVPruil lrVw" Line of VICTOR VICTORIOUS. The ceh-bratel Victor Hafea, office and kIhmiI dcka are now on the Astoria market. Cha. II. OrkwiU, at 137 Tenth otrert 1 the aol agent. Call upon him at once. A yunug man ran earn hi living ex pends in Portland while studying at the Holme Iluinca College. Kor par ticular, addrc the principal. Holme IiiJne College, 2.1-33 Y. M. C. A. Iluilding, Portland, Ore. .. PERSONAL MENTION W. O. Parne returned from a trip to Portland hut evruing. Mi. Ada Jordan left for Cathtainet yetrrday to attend the White-Jordan edding, which ixrur there today. Wanted by boy 13 year old, employ, tnrnt at any kind of work. Want good home. Apply to llay View Hotel. Mi. Tho. IValey, Mi Mary jValey and .loi M'ormirk are in Portland -nding a few day. (k-ar Johnon was over from IVcp lliver yexterday. Jaiue A'hton rame down from Prook field yesterday. Henry Strong, of Bay City, i in town. ('. K. DuUii wa up from Nalde yetetdy morning. John MiSwan returned to the North Shore cannery yeterday morning. Alitor fieorge Hauing of the Cath lamet Sun wa In town yesterday. W. I Kuj-ard wa down from Prook field yesterday. Mr. S. II Maddoek who ha l-en paying a round of eixit to friend at Sea tide, Flavrl and Atoria returned to Portland yesterday morning on the A. A C. WILL CO IT ALONE. A prominent democrat of thin city informed a reporter of the A-torisn. that hi "party would act independ ently in the approaching city campaign: wouhl go into the primaiie a a party, by itm-lf put out ita nominee under the new law and try to put them in at the poll. That it would cut out the citixen" movement entirely a an In- mini too heavy to ahoulder and too unwieldly to direct." Even the detn- crat are tired of dictation by the group of alleged politician that poee a the only haven of safety and source of vir tue within the compa of Atorla. They aie to be commended. Imperfect Digestion. Mean lea nutrition and in conse quence lea vitality. When the liver fail to accrete bile, the blood become loaded with bilioiia proiertie, the di gestion become Impaired and the bow el conHtipatd. Hcrbine will rectify thi; it gjvee tone to the etomaeh, liver and kidney, strengthens the appetite, clears and improve the complexion; in fues new life and vigor to the whole yxtcm. BO cent a lxittle. Sold by Frank Hart's drug atore. 1 veni4iuni ., COUNTY BUSINESS Court Disposes of a Number of Important Matters it Session. TO BUILD TILLAMOOK ROAD Clerk Is Instructed to Call for Bids for Publishing ths Delinquent Tax List Matter of Purchasing a Rock Crush' er Goes Over for ths Present At the adjourned meeting of the coun ty court held yenterday County Judge Trencliard, Commiioner William Olsen and Clerk Clinton were prexent and sev eral matter wa disposed of, but the i) next ion of purchaxing a atone cruxher will go over until the full court i pres ent. The second inxtallment of taxea due the ktate, amounting to $10.fSO0 was or- dcred paid in tlie regular way. Tim clerk wa inxtructed to write to John tierriUe at Seaside and inform him that Clatxop county wa willing to eM iid '" in improving the road or trail to Tillamook county, via Arch Cajte, rcpiexting him to take charge of the work at once and advixe when he i ready to act. He bt to 19 informed that TilliimiMik county now ha good men working on their end of the road and lhee men illicit be got to work on thi end. A warrant wa ordered drawn in favor of Taylor, Nolund A Fulton for $300, in payment for lepu nervier rendered in the timlx-r land caxe aainxt the county. Iu the matter of delinquent taxe in the rae of Alex. Iteaver, for the years Hhi.I-4, the court wa natixded that the land had Wn burned over and that it wa illegally aeed. It wa therefore ordered that a warrant lie drawn in favor of the aherifT covering the taxes and penalty and that the title to the pnierty lie ve-t-l in Heaver. Owing to the fact Miat the full court wa not prexent, and thoxe on hand were equally divided on the question of pur chaxing a rock cruxber, the matter was laid over for a future meeting. Hid will tie invited for the improve ment of one-half mile of road on No. 03, from Olney to Young' Itiver Fail, be ginning at Olney bridge. The clerk wa inxtnn-ted to write to the Itailway Equipment Company to the effect that the county would not pur chaxe an engine at the prexent time, but would be glad to correxpond with the company after the (ltt of the year. Hid will be invited for the publica tion of the delinquent tax lit and they will be opened on October 31xt, Court adjourned to meet on Friday, October 20, when bid for doing road work will lie considered. TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN. a) A dance wa given by the Axecmbly club in Logan hall lat evening. A meeting of Atoria Aerie No. 17. F. O. R, will be held in Ator hall at 2 p. m. today. Water PaililT Settein will leave on the xt earner F.I more for Tillamook today, w here he w ill collecU a number of fih licenxes. Lieutenant Mitchell, t". S. A., form- eilv atationed at Fort Stevens has been sppointrd to command of the troops at Fort Columbia. He will axxtime charge today. Carl Penton of the Portland Trinity church, will officiate at the organ dur ing the recital to 1 given at the Grace F.pieopal church next Wednesday even ing. Marriage licences were Usued at the county clerk'a oOlce ycxterday to George Saline and Mix Ira Kertola, Mattt Oja and Mi Kmma Karpi, Autin Oxburn and Mixs Marie Helene Pahlcx, all of C1atop county. The new look cae for the public library are in the city hall, awaiting disposition. A soon, as Mr, t'pxliur, the librarian, returns to the city, they will be intalled and the books placed n the shelves. The topic for dirnion in the Grace Kpixcopal rhun-h this morning will be Diocenan Mixaion, or the work of the mrft!N fit Oregon. The tltmf Sunday in October is set aside for the consider ation of this subject, in the chusches throughout the diocce. The death of John Graham, of Ne- halem, occurred at St. Mary' hoxpital at 8 o'clock last niglit. Propxy was the cauxe of death. Ha was 31 years of age, and a nephew of David Heath of John Day. He wa brought to the hoxpital two weeks ago. Thoma Reed i now enrolled a a tu dent in the medical department of Co lumbia univerxity, New York, and will take up ftprcial atudie during the next four year. He is a member of the uni verxity football team, and will prob ably be included in the All American team this year. C. W. Carnahan state that he will on have the canal between Cullaby lake and Kkipaton completed. It will afford facilitie for bringing a large amount of timber in market, and drain a lar a area of valuable land. Street car No. 3 collided with one of tin wagon of the Prael Kigner Trans fer Company, at tile corner of Tenth and Commercial xtreet, but axide from M veral maxhrd window in the car, and xlight injuries to the wagon, there were no erious reault of the accident. Tlie marriage of Henry Jordan, ft well- known Axtorian, to Mix. Elizabeth White, of Arlington, Wab4 will take place at Cathlamet, today. The groom ix a mai hiiiixt employed at the Axtoria Iron Work, and the bride i a sixtcr of Mr. Ilia. Jordan. Mr. Heixinger, vixiting ofllccr of the Salvation Army, arrived here on the Telegraph ycxterday afternoon and will remain ill Axtoria for a week. Mr. Heixinger ha a oeautiful voice and she will be heard at the regular meeting of the army while she remains in the city. . A petition prepared by City Auditor Anderxon, and generally xigned by the city hall officials, wa forwarded to Poxt master Hahn yesterday, requesting the establishing of a mail box at the corner of Sixteenth and Duane street. At prexent the nearest poUl box la lo cated at Sixteenth and Franklin streets, two blocks south of the seat of city government Work on the new addition to St. Mary'a hospital is progressing rapidly. It I doubtful, however, if the work can be completed by contract time. The building is due entirely completed by the first of the year, and it will prob ably be at let a month later before this will be done. The sale of the southwest corner at Tenth and Exchange streets, by the Ba ker Estate, to the Troy Laundry Co., waa reported ycxterday afternoon, al though not confirmed. The tract is a hundred feet square, and lies south of the preeiijt hijindry building. It i presumed that the ground will be used for an addition to the plant. The con xidcration is alleged to have been $4,000. The belief that the Harriman Interest have had an option on the Axtoria A Columbia River Railroad, and the sup position that the line would be taken over in the next few weeks or prior to a date on which the option would have expired, is completely upet by the published statement of President Hammond to the effect that no one ha an option on the road. Rev. F. E. AUcyne. the new assistant rector of Grace Episcopal church, ar rived on the noon train yesterday, and will at once assume the duties of his position. He will conduct service in the Holy Innocent chapel this afternoon and deliver his first sermon in Grace church thi evening. It Is prob able that Rev. Mr. Alleyne will have charge of the four tni-sionx operated in connection with Grace church. These include the Holy Innocents chapel in t'pjierfown, the Cavalry mission at Sea side, St. Thomas mission at Skipanon and St. John' Mission at Hammond. Mr. Alley n cornea to Astoria from Mt. Vernon, 111., although his home is in Duluth, Minn. STREET ORDINANCE TO COME UP. An ordinance establishing the grade on Alameda avenue will be introduced at the meeting of the city council Mon day evening. ArMier ordinance de claring the intention to improve Ala meda by a 30-foot plank roadway will probably be introduced. r The improvement of Harrison avenue from Thirtieth to Thirty-third streets. will come before the council at the next meeting. This work will include the straightening of the jog between the Shivery and Adair additions, the ground for which was donated by Peter Olson and wife. The board of equalisation met yes terday afternon, to ermideT th .. menta of Duane street from the west line of Tenth, Twenty-sixth from the north line of Eeleventh, Commercial from tlie east line of Twentieth and Fourteenth from the south line - of Crand avenue. No objection have been Bled to any of thee improvement, and resolution aking for estimate on the work will probably be passed at tba next meeting. ' : Church : : Notices: Norwegian-Danish M. E. church, Up- pertown, Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Rev. E. L. Nantherup will preach at 11 a. m. ami 8:00 p. m. Young people' prayer meeting at 7:00 p. m. The usual service will be held at Grace church on Sunday, October 15, at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. ro. Sunday school 12:30 p. m. Services at Holy Rosary Innocents chape at 1:30 p. m. Presbyterian church, Ry; Vt. R,' Lay. win, D. C. L., pastor. Services 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject, "Saul Rest"; evening subject, "Doubt ers"; subject Wednesday erening, "Waterloo, Pari and London." Mis Mija Frederickaon will play a violin of fertory Suhdayv ' The regular preaching service at tba First Congregational church by the pas tor, Luther D. Mahone, at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Service at the First Lutheran church today as follows: Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning service at 10:45 in Swed ish. Evening service at 7:30 in Eng lish. At the evening sen ice the pastor will speak on the subject: "All are not true Israelites, which are of Israel." Everybody cordially inrited to attend these services. The Astorian 75 cents per month. BOOK ' tSvenson's Book .Store, Fourteenth and Commercial Street r 20PP0RTUITIES 2 Witdom'a OUKS TO TEACH ScheoL I roTOS 10 LEAKN TAKE A COURSE IN Shorthand and Typewriting WE CAN HELP YOU Equip Yourself to Double Your Salary LEARNED IN SIX WEEKS. SPEED 100 WORDS A MINUTE. PRI VATE LESSONS. ONE HOUR DAT OR NIGHT. NO HOME STUDY. GOOD POSITIONS SECURED DIPLOMAS ISSUED. Locution Opposite Star Theatre Sea local ad la this issue. i 2 k f t u ENJOYABLE HOUR. """"" Carpenters Union, No. 971, of that eit had a delightful time !at evening, after the business session of the lodge ha4 closed. A general reunion waa held during which Tocal and instrumental music, and varied recitation were rend ered, followed by an Impromptu bach the whole scheme of entertainment be- mg heartily enjoyed by all Pleasant and Most Effective. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator; lib erty, Texas writes December 25, 10O2i with pleasure and unsolicited ht too. I bear testimony to the curative power of Rallards Horehound Syrnp. I have used it in my family and can cheerfully affirm it is the moe effective and wkaa. r antest remedy for coughs and colds I have ever ned." 23c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Frank Hart'a drug store. ; WHY? Get ft Hand Ma down, WHEN Yen can get yosr suits nuda- at prices and quality of goods which will compete with any hand-me-down clo thing itore ia the state. WHAT? Tronsers from f Bp Suits iooo f) Overcoats from 10.00 vp Work, quality and style guaran teed. R0EL0FSZ IS THE MAN. Roelofsz THE TAILOR. 1S5 nth Street, Astoria, Oregon. NEWS Wa have extended our sale to give - ..... . im you an opportunity to get such books aa "When Knighthood Waa in Flower." "Tho Gray Clock." "Master Christian." Tha Call of tho Wild." and many other. Last year f IJO copyrights Sale Price 75c Wisdom's SchooL a Ccsiplete Line cf Steves Anything in a first class stova eith er Wood or Coal or Combined, you wi3 find st. J. Scully 470-472 COMMERCIAL STREET a Heating