The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 12, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1873.
Published Daily by
Bj mail, per year $7.00
By mail, per month .60
By carrier, per month ."5
By mail, per year, in advance.. $1.00
Entered m sewnd-clssi matter June
la, at the poUfflce at Astoria. Ore
ton, under the act of Conrees of March a,
nrOnWa for the deUwin of Tai Moas
nTTwmia m nlther raaideooe or place of
business nay be made by poatal card or
through tele none. Any trntfcularitf in de
li rery should be mibediatei7 reported to toe
office or puoucauoo.
Portland, OiL 11. Western
Oregon: Thursday partly cloudy
with probable showers in north
nortion. Warmer in north por-
tion, except near coast.
4 Western Washington: Show-
era, wanner in the interior.
Eastern Oregon: Fair. Eat-
era Washington: Cloudy and oe-
cassionally threatening. 4
convict iona and in both instances the
parti forfeited bail while the cane
were pending on appeal to the supreme
The fool killer neglected to visit Bale
are coarsely dirty instead of being re-
voltingly suggestive." Mr. Shaw ia un
doubtedly clever with his pen, but his
cleverness appeals niot strongly to
highly seasoned 'palate. The taste
which appreciate it ia analogous to that
of the gourment who find meat most
appetizing when it is tainted, having
for it motif the bizarre disorders and
corruptions of modern society.
. o
All the uproar about the great in
surance comanie has not had the re
motest effect in discrediting the real
value of insurance a an element of pro
tection and provision of, and for, the
human family. Men are paying up
their annual dues on policies; thousands
of others are taking out new policies,
and still thousands of others are waiting
the conclusion of the present inquiry,
to take out insurance, the wretetiea
nes of the system of conducting the
business is deprecated from one end ot
the land to the other, but just as soon
a the muddle i straightened out, there
will be an access of business that can
hardly be taken cane of.
An eastern state ha adopted the di-
ra.t nrimurr vtem. whiih nrnvide for
1 - - 1 .......a ...... .in..... Ik. iininiav uwittttid
holding party primaries on much the,
1 u 11:... AM ).,.:, Tim anu as ne uae iwikuucu iiic wruutj
same nlan as homini; an election, liie.
- ..t .1... ...........
In this age of keen competition a
Business Education ia an indispensable
adjunct to tht ambitious young man or
young woman who wlshea to succeed
er City lately and a a result Albert J ! lift. We have the reputation
of being trie uavijiu dumhuo wk-
Our teachers art all practical men and
specialists in their particular line. If
you are thinking of attending businea
college you cannot afford to ignore tht
BusitiCBS College
Rucker, a 10 year old boy, waa shot
and wounded by a hunting companion
who mistook him for a deer while he
was moving through the woods.
If the bright young men who send out
telegraphic stories on some subject
would give a little thought to some of
the klatement they make, ridiculous er
ror would occur less frequently. A
dispatch from Seattle say that 10.000
car are needed in the Sound cities to
handle the business of that section. U
ear were loaded and sent out at the
rate of 200 per day it would take two
month to get this number out and all
this time load from the east would be
arriving and available for loading back.
Figures will not lie but some wonderful
juggling feats may be accomplished with
A Eugene man loaned a rubber coat
The campaign against the cigarette
has been raging for a score of years; the
best hearted and best minded writers
of the times have sent forth warnings
against the evil; science, and religion,
the schools, the employing classes, the
ery government itself, have all done
part in the work of expostulation
against the nasty little tubular devil.
But the evil is growing. No one pre
tends to doubt that. Pales are increas
ing, more kinds of people are indulging
in the habit It cannot be dislodged
and this means that It must be tolerat
ed. That it is A prolific source of dis
ease, discomfort, loss by fire and a liun.
dred other annoyances, great and small,
cannot seem to inspire a radical and sue
cessful method of extirpating it. The
once powerful influence of women in di
rectina the social forms of life and
whose edicts were respected and obeyed
is a bagatelle now; they are among the
worst offenders in this very matter, and
society is up against one thing it can
not even phase, let alone control.
There has been a good deal of bee
hawing among the literary epicurian
of the cult which draws its inspiration
from the practices of Sodom, the Roman
Saturnalia, the Bacchanalian orgies of
ancient Hellas, the sensual mysteries ot
Isis and the Cyprian rites to Aphrodite
over the alleged proscription of the
works oi George Bernard Shaw, the
Anglo-Irish playwright, by the author!
ties of the New York public library.
There has been a chorus- of indignant
remonstrances from the class of authors
anr critics that has undertaken to set
tip Oscar Wilde. Paul d Musset, Edgar
Saltus and others writers of their school
as the true gods of literature, against
the reported prudish stupidity displayed
in New York. Mr. Shaw, who modestly
declares himself to be a greater genius
than Shakespeare, has written a man!
festo to the world announcing his di
approval of the manners and literary
irate of the American people and lis
contempt for the marriage institution
and otherwise showing his moral and
mental superiority to all who fail to
admire Shaw as a literary master an
Shaw's works as literary masterpieces,
Alas, the kick all along the line has
been directed in this air. The Shaw ex
halations have-not been even fumigated,
But the united protest against an im
aginary grievance raised by the devo
tees of the literary art which apotheo
sizes the form of erotic degeneracy
that aeeka piquancy in overstepping the
bounds of sex and consanguinity has
given a deal of free advertising to the
products of the Shaw literary factory
Ferhaps that waa the object aimed at
The nasty-minded will not buy Shaw!
jrorks under the impression that they
matter i discussed generally as if
were something new. The system was (
in vogue in Indiana nearly 50 years ago.
and prevailed until the plan became so
honeycombed with fraud that it had to
I abandoned. It built up a das of so
called independents, who for a money
consideration were strong enough, to
nominate the highest bidder in many of
the counties. It became a source of poli
tical pollution that did not stop at the
regular election.
Perhaps if Ed. Wright, marine editor
of the Oregonian. had been made a mem
ber of the state pilot commission, we
would have heard less about the water
on the Columbia river bar. The disap
pointed candidate i morbidly fond of
finding fault with tne man. or men.
who have been chosen over him, ami
uses almost any pretext, however inef
feetive. or contemptibly meagre, to an
noy, if he cannot dislodge or dishonor.
It is a mooted question, in this city,
whether the police commissioners ap
pointed to fill vacancies on the board,
caused by the resignation, removal or
death of their predecessors hold their.
places throughout the unexpired terms
of such predecessor or only until the
next general city election! It may be
the question will be tested before, or
at the coming try-out at the polls
An inventor is not without honor save
in his own country. In England, Alev
ander flraham Bell is regarded as the in
ventor of the telephone. The Scientific
American says the telephone was in
vented by Roi, of Frielericklorf, fier
many,, while the frankfurter News
claims the honor for Charles Boueseul.
French mathematician. Who invent
ed the Frankfurter auage has not yet
been the subject of investigation.
Life insurance managers seem capable
of giving even the niot subtle politician
point on grafting. John A. MCall ays
three out of every four bills introduced
in State Legislatures are blackmailing
propositions. Why do the officers of in
surance companies permit themselves to
be blackmailed! Is it lecaiie they don't
wish to have their own methods of
grafting interfered with! Ex.
the person to whom the coat was
loaned he now advertises for the return
of the garment. His judgment, in ad
vertising, is good. His faith in human
nature i childlike.
It is just posidble that Missouri may
prevent the N'ew York Life Insurance
ompany from doing business in that
tatc. Missouri lias made several at
tempts at righteous indignation but the
people have gone right along using bak
ing powder biscuit.
Superintendent Dougherty of Peoria
may have been an advocate of the verti-
ul style of penmanship, but he evi
dently did not practice it
In choosing candidates for places in
the hall of fame the name of Mary Mac-
Lean, Mary Ellen Lease and Carrie
Chapman Catt were apparently over
looked. It is hoed that the oversight
will be corrected at an early date.
The discovery by detectives in New
York of an institution where children
are taught to steal lead to the belief
that the faculty is made up 01 reformed
life insurance men.
Cabinet maker are very busy filling
the prospective vacancies in the presi
dent's official household, but President
Roosevelt will at least have the right
to confirm the appointments.
Senator Elkina probably took another
hib-h in his trousers and a firmer grip
on his battle-ax when he heard that
President Roosevelt was "dead in earn
est" on the rate question.
If Ciomez is not an awful prevaricator,
Uncle Sam is due for a bunch of trouble
in Cuba. But there are intimations that
Gomez is playing the role of disgruntled
0- '
The trading stamp has obtained
foothold in California, llie supreme
court of that state has just handed
down a decision ruling that the law
passed by the last legislature, fixing
a prohibitive license on trading stamps,
is unconstitutional. But the decision is
a nuisance of the worst type.
All gambling games in Olympia,
Washington have been ordered closed
by the local authorities. This step has
been brought agout through the efforts
of an anti-Saloon league which has been
formed in that city. The statutes of
Washington makes gambling a felony,
but since tht law took effect, more than
two years ago, there has been but two
Stearns Building, Portland, Oregon.
Send for illustrated catajogip, free,
-0 SPICES, o
CUF Ft ta I tA4
Ataturtfcrfy, flnttfmvor,
Brottlsn Tales.
In Mis Constauce Gordon Cum
mlng's "Memories" la a story of the
Ironic courtesy of the dowager duchess
of Atholl: "Finding It Impossible to
prevent visitors to ber lovely grounds
at Dunkcld from scribbling their
names on ber favorite summer bouse
and elsewhere, she bad an attractive
white board put up, with a notice that
the duchess would be much obliged If
visitors would kindly write their names
on this board. , This request was gener
ally compiled with under the Impres
sion that It was complimentary. The
board was washed clean by the next
One of Miss Cum mlng's nieces of an
uncompromising Tory family became
engaged to the son of a Whig family.
The engagement aroused opposition In
dayi of strong party feeling. "Never
theless love carried the day, but ber
mother's parting counsel on the wed
ding day waa delightfully characteris
tic: "Well, danghty, you'll sometime
bear something good about the Tories,
and I'll tell yon what to do then. Just
go to your own room and lock the door
and bare a bit dance by yourself r "
Firth Fm ani CmUlon
Has Wn eaoeaaUsliy awa, 7
it a. slat aaa ian 1 lasalse) N
tareaak IM earee as u mii ihh
artel aelrttfaa leett IM vastta Masai
Dr. CkarU Fk Pmh T tM
. mMfitm keawa a bmw i
k.i iAif mis aat k la lk aack aaS
araeace rm, bttfe fteafc a Ola
rau sa4 kaaaa.
For Develop) nf tte But
or kreasta, saraakea frees aaiaf eai k Wtkl
hlf Bet laatataat e aSyaWaaa. Twal
bales ara eflae safftctaat la aak tke tawtl
Una, larfe aee SaaaUlak
Ranlsrerk. fl 00 a baw. Wt S alt wta
. . ill. m . .
Ilia SOefe m mm iivi.i, vrr.
ad atad at oe dollar, wa will aa4 twa (IJ
boxes, la slaia wrapyet.
CDCC A stasia V a4 eat teak, "Art efl
rnCt Muun'MlrlUumM, WIS atl
Mat fret T 17 aaaaiaf W caatt ts fa fc
coti of atilltf. Aserets. sj
liver That la Tarowa A war.
"Do tou see that man with the bat
going down the basement steps?" In
quired the chummy cabman who stands
In front of a smart Fifth avenue res
taurant Ilia companion replied that
be did and asked what there waa about
the man that waa unusual.
"Weft, that fellow drives the refu
cart that collects the stuff thrown out
downstairs. Ills graft is plckln' out
the silver that's thrown away, biingin'
it back an gettln' paid for It"
Instead of ricking all the knives,
forks and spoons up from the plates
or saucers It ts not unusual for care
less waiters to throw not only the rera
nanta of food, but the silverware, too,
Into tie barrel that stands at the clean
ins; table. It Is said that the loss to
one fashionable restaurant In this way
frequently bas amounted to S00 In eat
month.-New York Press.
Tke Craaee of Ibreaa.
The well known story of the cranes
of Ibycus Is paralleled by one which Is
told of a hanging which took place at
New London, Conn., many years ago.
The murderer wbo was banged .was
known to bare bad an accomplice In
bis crime, but no bint could be bad of
the Identity of the other guilty party.
Just before the execution took place
(for It wu a public one) a stranger
came no hurriedly to the gallows and
said to the culprit who was about (0 be
banged: "Ooodby, Dennis. Don't blame
tne." By these words suspicion was
directed toward their utterer, and soon
after bo was arrested and in due time
was convicted and executed for com
plicity in the same crime as that for.
which poor Dennis bad already suffered
This is "tke
kind of a
Sioi for
is pacing
It s Naurlnala ton (km 'tht Mm4$
IDmoS t aria 4 Out tplMUf 4t
UttnM Mm avrtaa aw iruriMpiMw. t
fMoi amoa wb. tu4 tM aw ( kta Imtf
oa rtn rtctlTMl aaek tutit tudpliat u an.
vruiiffi, tnd at pmut hi lb. woddlnt-brtaftfaat
nr V'iKiif rriMjrc wo avtf at mm wua
Vil ui whf Uv tmt aarrtal, atat ft-
"Tut It mm loM. V.Tllua mi
kri. rmlmiy. "It h bcuM
r avtMt Sir aii. .-
I tht mt ihm
1 wai aai at
know of
abetter one
We mat little stories, anecdotes, bits of
erne any cupping from a newtpept
Buguine or book that has made you
Think, Lauh or Cry
I40 prizes will be n fot the best ifW
turn. Ten pike of silver dollars si high
si the first ten eucctttf ul competitor are
onir Condition for enferuit tbu com
petition Is that you send with your Clipping
toe for a ti month.' trul lutwcnpuoo
to the National Magazine. Address,
Are You
In Advertising?
The third quarterly convention of the Taclflo Coast Advertising lien's
association will convene at Seattle, October 23 and 24.
The association ia mads up of advertisers, advertising writers and
agents and advertising solicitors and every one who Is interested ia ad
vertising. Taper on advertising salmon, shingles, retail stores, export trade, ett.,
will be read and discussed.
Whether or not you are at the present time a member of the association,
the meetings are open to the public and will be immensely helpful to any
one who uses ore expects to use advertising space.
This is the place where new ideas are sprung make it a point to be
For further information write to
Ybur Prescription:
Rock Island
If you are going East, I would appreciate
your consulting me. I will gladly help you
plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island
service. Just drop me a line consultation
I will show you a Rock Island folder and our
publication entitled "Across the Continent In a
Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable
importance that you select the right route
there are many different ways to go. I'll tell
you of the superior points about the Rock
Island way. .
a. h. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Rock Island System,
iso Third Sueet, Portland, Ore.
I t.
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President.
O. I. PETERSON, Vire-rreluent.
J. W. GARNER, Assistant CCaahler.
Astoria Savings .Bank
Capita! Pstd In lioo.ood. Surplus and Undivided Profits 138,000. '
Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Tims Deposit
16S Tenth Street,
First National Bank of "Astoria, Ore
ft I
Capital and Surplus $100,000