TIIE MORNING ASTORIAX. ASTORIA. Olu-N. TUESDAY, OCTOBIS to, 1903, k 1 it .11 i- C For your kotcakes in tke morning or WOODLAWN BRAND OF Maple Syrup a Gallon IMS i-a Gallon 75 Quart 4S FANCY WAXEN Cooking' Apples . 65c per Box ASTORIA GROCERY 123 Commercial St Phena Main 6S1 JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF Grab Apples a Quinces Nothing can beat them for nuking fine preserves. FIRST OF THIS SEASON. Cranberries TRY THEM. A W fi MULE 1 THE GROCER. Tenth and Commercial Streata Branch at Unlontown. Picture Special TTe bought our framed pictures early this year and were holding them for onr Xmu trade Pictures that usually cell at 35c to 60c each. Since then we hare een and purchased a line a little better aited for holidays and want to close oat the first purchase to make room for the second, hence tiie price. 25c Each J. N. Griffin See The Show Window. TO KILL THE DA IUFF GERM. la the Out? Foaall. ay 1 Havlac -'are. A a Effect!. If you see a woman or a man with lux uriaat glossy hair, you may be sure nei ther has dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every case where women and men have tbln brittle hair, they owe It to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep arations that "claim" to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you that dandruff Is the result of a germ iurrowtng- Into the scalp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and Its conse quent falling- and baldness, can only be tad by killing' the germ; and there Is no other preparation that will destroy that rerra but Newbro'a Herplclde. "Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect." Soli by leading dnigglsta Send 10c. In tamps for sample to The Herplclde Co Detroit Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drag Store, 549 Com. St, T. F. laurin, Prop. "Special Agent." 0OO(a)O 0000OSO000 OO0OOS0O S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Street O ooosososooooi HARRIMAN LINE NOW Astoria & Columbia River Road to Change Owner THIS OH IS A LARGE GAINER Young's Bay May Become Big Com mercial Terminal Common Poiat Rates for Tula Port the Next and Best Thing. Yesterday Oregonlan contained the following, which has an authoritative MHind and ring of probability altogeth er pleasing to people in this "neck of the woods:" It has been urmied here ever since Mr. Hammond left here, about September 1st ostensibly for Missoula, Montana, but who was heard of a few daya later ia San Francisco, whence the Harriman party was on eve of departure for Japan; collusive conditions and peo ple that were very significant and this was, perhaps, the matter of importance that changed Mr. Ilamniond's route from the nteat to the south: "Within another month E. H. Harri man will probably own the Astoria A Colnumbia River railroad, providing he cares to take over the property at a stipulated price of $40,000 jht mile named in an option that he holds. It t also asserted by a Portland railroad official that every bond of the road is held by General Manager Thomas Hub bard, H. K. Huntington and the C. P. Huntington estate, hence all the securi ties of the company could probably le at any time acquired by Mr. Il.irrinmn "Trackage right over the Northern Haeitie from Ooble to the N'orthern Pa cific Terminal Company yards in Port land are had under a lease held by the Columbia river road for 00 vears at 'a rental of approximately JfiliJ.V nnir.ia! ly, for the fraction lc than 40 miles of road. ,' "The option price of $40,000 a mile coasidered high by, railroad men, a based upon the value of the trackage, but that Mr. Harriman considered the value not exorbitant in view of it strategic' value to him i exidenced by his acquisition of the right to purchase within a given time. There is no dotibt that either the Harriman or Hill inter ests might well week control of the only line at present extending from Portland to the seacoast along the Columbia riv er, for it m recognized that the deep-1 ening of the bar at the mouth of the tream will precede the deepening of the channel, for it is impracticable to deep, en and keep open a channel until ttaa obstruction at the bar is removed, hence that work must follow. Meantime it is far cheaper to haul traflie to the sea on a water level route such as is afforded by the A-toiia A Columbia River rail road, than to haul to Puget Sound, a much greater mileage and over heavier grades. It i related that when the North ern Pacific road was first built to the oast it was the plan of its promoter to build the line down the Columbia river to A-toria and that Young's bay had been selected as the sit of the first locks for a railroad terminus on the north Pacific eoat. Kngineers who made the surveys reported that it was impracticable to build a railroad down the river below its junction witli the Willamette and that for considerable -tortion of the way solid roadU-d could never lie had. Whether that Is correct or not, it is beyond di-pute that many years elapsed before other engineers than tho-e who set the first grade stakes into be northwest, found a feasible route and their preliminary labors were perpetuated by the completion of a rail road. "Possession of this line to the coast, together with the new line projected to Coo liny from Drain would be another safeguard for the Harriman lines against reported probable aggression of the San ta Fe or other companies that have contemplated the possibilities of a coast line to the Columbia river from the south, and would make more tenable the position of the Harriman system in Oregon. It would insure that the rival Hill system, whatever other properties We Sell O o o o I. L Dili Shoes The best la tht market" 0" Try them, O o 0p. Rosa, Hlgglna k Co. n oeoaosooooosoxc it may buy or build, cannot obtain the ine along the south bank of the Colum from tiohle to Astoria and the coast m the trego" de. IN GRAND CONCLAVE. Pythian Day at the Exposition Drawl Heavily on Astoria. Tomorrow is P-,tuiau day at the la-wi tint I lark fair and a veritable host of Knights from all over Oreg'.-.; d Wash ington will bo inatteiulnnce and among them a tiimg delegation from thi city-by-the-sea. The Oiegon t!rarol Lodge will le there and in session, and the grand olliccrs of the Washington jurwliction will he on hand, also. There will he reception. nd team drills, both ritualistic and mili tary and a general, slround good time is in prosptvt for all members of this great and flourishing order. The Astoria Pythian, who have been detailed for the competitive efforts In team drills on Ritual work, are: Sir Knights Geo. Noland, Fred S. Johnson, K. C. Landingham, Robert Wallace, C V. Spriggs. H. Wise, 1 D. Mahone. A. M. Smith, Thomas Ik Longhery and Au gust Seifert. Those from here, who will make strong and, it is hoed successful, Lids for the honors and prize standing for award in the military maneuvers, to lie given under the auspices of the Oregon Bri gade, Uniform Rank, will numlwr pre cisely 21, of the local company, t'nlform Rank, commanded by Captain William A. Sherman, will not go there, except In their individual rapacity, since the rules governing the contest make it iuiera tive that all competing companies must have that complement, or be barred from the contest. I'p to lat night, 17 mem bers of the company had advised Cap tain Sherman of the! nihility and wil lingness to go, but as to the other four, there were many doubts as to whrtlier their business and home matters would permit of their leaving the city. It is hoped all doubts will lie dispelled by tonight and that Astoria will have a mil iioia present in I lie military work, and that they will win "hand" down." SHORTAGE OF CARS Eastern and Western Railroads Lack Equipment LUMBERMEN SUFFER IN WEST Railroads Place Heavy Orders for Cars With Quick Delivery Clause in Con tractthe Washington Lumber and Shingle Mills May Be Shut Down. Chicago. Oct. 9. With commerce hum ming at a record rate, cars for traflie are so scarce that a costly shortage in thenr is feared by the railroads. In an effort to forestall such trouble nearly every railway is placing heay orders for equipment with (juick delivery clauses. The commodity which feels the car shortage most at present in Chicago is Ltain. Yesterday it was stated that the railroads centering here and ex tending east could use. between twetlioii sand nnd thnie thousand grain cars in exces of the present sujiply. One road alone admitted to being short nearly one thousand cars. It is said that between eight million and nine million bushel or gTatn In this city cannot be moved, and that the elevator capacity will mm 1 ovei taxed. Seattle, Oct. 9. There it much com plaint from the lumber and shingle men of this section on account of their In ability to secure cars, and if the rail roads ore unable to furnish cars within a few days many mills will ! forced to close down for a time. Kvery avail able car is in use at present in moving the wheat crop, grain being given the preference over lumber. GEN. RANDALL RETIRED. . awaasaaas - 4' St. Ixuiis, Misouri, October. 8. Major General (J. M, Randall, having reached the age limit, was retired to day. ' He will be succeeded as command er of- the .northern division by General J. F. Weston. Wktn(-asaa) srnaj tmriuf Muaets tad tre safe; you needn't get cheated in them. Schilling's Best arc. not only pure and true, but generous. HAVE O00D SEASON Government Hatcheries Success1 ful This Year. CLACKAMUS HATCHERY FAILS Thirty Million Eggs Will Be Taken From the White Salmon Should the Weather Cond Nona Remain Favorable Law Violations at Oregon City. The present season wilt be a banner one for the government hatcheries of Oregon. In p.... of the output of bare ly eight million egg of last year, it Is slmost certain that fully thirty million will lie produced this year, should con ditions remain reasonably favorable. While misfortune has overtaken the work at the Clackamas hatchery, where the rack were carried away by the storm, yet the success attained at the hatcheries on the Little aud Hig White Salmon, will more than make up for this deficiency. Last week thirteen million of egg were taken from the Big White Salmon hatchery, and eleven millions more from the IJttle White Salmon. Should con ditions remain favorable for a few weeks more, that the fish already there can sjmwn, it is eoiilldently ex pected that this a mi u nt will ls in creased to a total of thirtv million. IVputy Fish Warden Weltster return ed from the Chickanm hatchery, near (ircgoii City, where he was called in con nection with the alleged violation f t li' tute laws for the eatcliing of fish, . dam has been con-trilttnl In-low I'ic hatchery, an. I theie hae been frequent attempts to shoot and sjH-ar the sal mon, NATUUE TELLS YOU Aa Many an Astorian Reader Knows Too Well When the kidney are sick. Nature tells you all about it. The urine is nature calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action; Any urinary trouble tells of kidney ills. Doan's Kidney 1111a cute all kidney ills. E. F. Minor, stone msson, of 4.V2 F.at Tayolr street, Portland, Ore., says: "I never hesitate to recommend Doan's Kid ney Pills. This remedy did so much f.r me that I wi-li every other sufferer from kidney troubles might know of it. 1 was subject to attacks of kidney com plaint for eight or nine year. There was continual irregularity of the kidney secretions which showed a sediment like brick dust and passages were accom panied with the senation of scalding. My back ached continually and was al ways worse if my work brought any strain on the back. I tried different remedies recommended for this trouble but found little or no benefit. At length I saw.I)oan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a box. They stopped the bnclc. ache and healed the kidneys so that the secretion were rendered normal. 1 have induced several other people- to try Doan's Kidney Pills and know of many instances in which they have done the same satisfactory work." Plenty more proof like this from Astoria people. Call at Chas. Rogers' Inig stote and akk what his customers rejort. For sale by all dealers. Price CO ets. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole sgents for the United States. Remember the Name Doan's and take no other. NOW la the time to get a Fall Hat at a reasonable price. THE SEASON'! LATEST SHADES, SHAPES and TRIM MINGS can always be found at AS TORIA'S LEADING MILLINERY PAR LORS. THE FAIR MRS. A. JAL0FF, Prop. Exclusive mllinery at Reasonable Price Star Theatre Bldg. Astoria, Ore You Can Save. Money If you buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Rubber Goods, Confectionary, Tobacco, Cigars, etc at E. M. LALLY'S Look for big changes that arc to take place shortly iu our big, new establishment. Larger Store, Larger Stock, Hest Goods at Lowest Trices. WATCH US GROW E. M. LALLY, Hammond ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. and Huyt. L liltSHOl. Secretary. Designers and Manufacturer, of THE LATEST IMPIWYKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers. Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. correspondence; solicited. Sherman Transfer Co. HENHY HI 1 HUMAN, Manager Macks, Carriages Uaggagc Checked and Traimfcrreil Trucks and Fur! nitute Wagons Pianos Moved, Hoxcd and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street 'blood purifying tablets, makes rich red hood, health and 8trenitn. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. a roaiTiTii emu ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DI5EA5ES WEAK LUNQ3 CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA SA-MU-LAH tablets ire compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, tnd are the perfected result of over 20 years of medical research. SA-fiU-LAH acts promptly oa the Lungs, Liver and Ktdnys. These organs are directly responsible for the condition of the Mood. SA-MU-LAM is a blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an Injurious nature. They are invaluable in cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess of febrine or urfc add. Brery disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impur Blood. SA-MU-LAM has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. pnrP A Sapss aacfeaf ef S A-MU4. AN taafcrts ani as saaS fras ts say FK Cilia satsaa Wrttlaf sa4 aaciMla fc teeeercasl el aatUfa. ON SALE AT PRINCIPAL DRUOQJSTS. PRICE PER BOX CONTAINING 25 TABLETS. 50 CENTS. If your dealer cannot supply yosi, ttni prk and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., 140 NASSAU ST., ' NEW YORK. The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Out of Date Plumbing is Unhealthy of rt namely itav44- Baths snd One-piece Lavatories. Our illuttrated booklet "Modern Home Plumbing" tent free upon application. J. A. Montgomery, Astoria A. U FOX, Vle Trea. ASTORIA BAVINUN DANK.TrrU Foot of Fourth Htreet Phone Main 121 for ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREOELAR flENSES LIVER TROUBLES. If your plumbing Is out date, the members of vour .X I E IjII household are conitantly rulcing their health. Defective plumbing generates germ-bearing sewer gates- which pollute the atmosphere and cannot help but be breathed by the occupantt. Let us examine the condition of your plumbing, correct defective piping snd install the best unitary fixtures msde. 1 far a si laTiC