THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER to, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1S7 Published Daily by TSI J. & DEXLDCGSR COKPAlfT. SUBSCSIPTIOIf RATES. By mail, per year 17 W By mail, per month .W By carrier, per month .75 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance.. $1.00 Entered m seeood-clasa mattor June tS. at the poalofflce at AMorts, Ore too, under U act of Congress of March , W-OnVrs for the fauwnn of T Ho wr UMtsroaiaa to either reskfcoea or place of iMlMTMr b nade by pomUl card or throurh tete hona. Any irregularity in V uw7 should b lauaedWely "ported to the offloeof publication. TELEPHONE MAUI 661. ASTORIA BENEFITED. The railroad news of the past 48 hour is pregnant with good for Astoria: Mr. Harriman is about to avail himself of the option he has long held on the As toria A. Columbia River railroad, and which expires next month, at a price ap proximating $40,000 per mile, or $4,000, 000 for the line. This is a shrewd hedge gainst the encroachments of Hill and the Santa Fe people, and if it shall re suit as anticipated, the surveys and esti mates long ago made for dockage fa cilities at Young's Bay may prove some thing more than the "stuff that dreams are made of." One possible and early faror that should fall to Astoria is the putting of this port on a basis with Se attle and Taeouia as to "common point' rates on wheat and lumber, a concession that means much and will mean more very shortly. The differential now standing against Astoria as between Portland and the Sound ports named is a burden, that once lifted, will be lifted for all time, and if this should prove the onliy immediate benefit accruing from the Harriman purchase of the "A. & C, this city can afford to rejoice in the premises. 0 f NAVAL FAILURE It is unpleasant news which comes from Washington to the effect that the latest battleship aunched, to wit, the Mississippi, is not up to date, but be long to a class that has become obso let. The ship was built at Cramps' yard, but the blame for her alleged de ficiency in modern requirements is laid at the door of congress, which, it is said, refused to listen to the protests of the nary department. The Mississippi's sis ter ship, the Idaho, which is still on the ways, is also condemned by the experts, both, it is declared, being deficient in speed and not equal to the Connecticut and the Maine, which represent the ad vanced type of battleship. The demand of the naval powers to day is for ships of larger tonnage and greater speed, and in these respects the Mississippi and the Idaho are said to fall behind the other two named. Speed and maneuvering ability are considered in dispensible requisites of a modern bat tleship in these days of long-range guns, those qualities pivinjj their commanders practically the choice of position in a combat. Seventeen knots is said to be tiit best speed the Mi-iijipi and the Idaho can develop. All this, if true, would seem to point to the advisability of the national legis lative body listening to advice from ex perts, who know what it needed fJil.A 4 particular departments. os and w, respected, in the greatly larger sense, and so are the people responsible for it, and those that have its enforce ment in hand. o A recent typhoon in China annihilate 12.000 natives. What need have we to be exercid about Chinese, immigra tion t Leave it to the typhoon. o Next summer Astoria should lie able "to point with pride" to her new, mod ern and beautiful hotel. If she is not, it will be her fault, and hers alone. o For city that uses as much wood for its highways a does Astoria, her street and sidewalk are in splendid condition, with a few exceptions and the difference between the repaired and un repaired will not be long in announcing itself to the owner of the latter and suggesting what ought to he done, o It is to be hoped the light-house de partment of the government will use ex pedition, with abundant success, in filiat ing the two vessels recently lot, one by storm, the other by- collision, the bar light-ship and the tender Manzanita, neither of which can be spared from this port with any comfort or safety. 0 There is an ominous silence prevalent in regard to that new Xchalem rail road. Can it be possible the bottom has fallen out so quickly! Such ventures usually exhaust newspaper space and comment before they lapse to memories. 0 So Uncle Sam, through his capable engineer in charge of the jetty work at the mouth of the Columbia, is going to give the world of marine people a QUARTERLY report on the depth of water available on the Columbia river bar! What about the water in the in terim! Surely it will not be "so long between ships" as all that! o er Naheotta this morning. Tiie Colum bia river light ship went ashore dur ing the captain's absence, but he states that Peaeork spit, where she is lodged, is one of the treacherous point of the river. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Marie Kahle to Mr. Austin tWburn, to occur next Monday in St. Mary's church. All Jewish store in tie city were closed yesterday in olwervance of the sacred Jewish holiday, Yon Kippur, if 111 Tells What Vinol It South. Doing in the "To whom it may concern: For the benefit of the people of Astoria permit me to say a few wordse in the columns of the Astorian endorsing the peerless merit of that modern cod liver oil preparation, Yinol. "For year I have suffered from indi gestion, stomach trouble, and general nervous dcbilitr. I had spent lot of moiier with different doctor ami tried all kinds of medicines, but with out anv benefit whatever. The marvel of it is that there are no more boys drowned at this port than there are. It is simply awe-inspiring to note the reckles audacity of tlie young sters along the water-front. But that is part and parcel of the make-up of an Jer tvr MAYOR DARNELL. "Some of the city officials and promi nent citizens here called my attention to what Yinol had accomplished for them, and induced me to give it a trial. I confers that it certainly worked won It was delicious to take American "kid" anyway, so it is need- n,, d,J not "I11 m.v """ i' w less to hold one's brea'th 'about it . fashioned cod liver oil and emulsion; it waste it, neither; it is bound to ro on U'ave n" hTiy riH"ti. cured my as long as the genus survive. -tomach trouble and strengthened and invigorated mr entire system. I wish every sick person in Astoria would try this great cod liver oil preparation, Yin ol. J. S. Darnell, mayor of Frankfort Kentucky." Our local druggist, Charles Rogers, says, "ine auove letter- peneciiy .. PERSONAL MENTION 1 OF SORES Sam Adair went to Portland last night. Leander Lebeck came over from Chi- IRemiine. and we endorse all Mayor Dar nook, yesterday. nell says. We guarantee Yinol to in Mrs. J. D. Craig, of Chinook, was in crease the apetite, cure stomach the city yesterday. troubles, renew the vitality of the aged. J. A. Howerton, the Ilwaco furniture build up the run down, tired and de dealer, was in the city last night. hilitated, make the weak strong, cure George L. Colwell returned from a chronic cough, colds and build up the business trip to Ilwaco last nieht. loonvalem-ent, or we will return to the 1 ... .... Dr. J. P. Gorav. an eve ami ,r purshaser every dollar paid for It, ialist of Portland was in the city yes- K''"rl Rogers, druggist, terdav. Captain and Mrs. W. A. Sherman are occupying the Dunbar cottage on Har rison avenue. Henry McGowan came over from the cannery, on the Miler yesterday and re turned in the evening. representative w. 11. Williams, 01 Chinook, accompanied by Mrs. Williams, was in the city yesterday. Eli Beeler came over from Chinook on the JMiler yesterday, and left up the river m the evening for Portland. Chris Glen and Xels Futtrup returned on the Miler to Chinook yesterday. The pent several days inspecting their prune ranch near Vancouver, Wash. Dudley R. Iilount was a pasenper on the Telegraph yesterday afternoon. He will take in the exposition and visit friends in Oregon City. Ninkula, an Ilwaco fisherman, came over on the Naheotta last evening. Wingate returned to Astoria from a pleasant visit to Portland and the fair, on the steamer Telegraph, yesterday. rish Warden Van Dusen is expected to arive in the city today from Salem, where he attended the meetinir of the sn commission. Ears Looked as if They Would Drop Off-Body Entirely Covered with Humor Three Doctors Could Not Cure-Child Grew Worse. CURED BY CUTICURA IN TWO WEEKS DIFFERENT IN OREGON. The judicial ermine seems to com mand little respect in Colorado, or at least in one part of it, particularly when it is arrayed against gambling, for gam bling, in certain portions of the coun try, is Leld to be an inalienable right of the inhabitant ,a an essential part of life, liberty, etc. So, when the county judge of Adams attempted to enforce the anti-gambling ordinances, he was mobbed ami 'dragged -in the dnsfwitif he promised to rescind the order. Such spectacle is something unusual in an American community, and is not likely to be repeated, even in Colorado. Ex." The edict thst displaced gambling in Astoria was taken with much protest nd some bad humor, but the law was, TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN. e. t''V great liem'"' . "-V.-.- a competitive examination for the positions of clerk and carrier in the As toria post office will be held October 27. iniormation can be secured from C. T. Crosby, local secretary. Today is the last day in which you can pay your water rent and avoid the 25 cent penalty. Payments should be made at the city hall. Charles Erickson, who has been con fined to St. Mary's hopial for several weeks with an attack of typhoid fever, is quite low. His ailment has developed into a cae of mengimtis. . . .. Water connections with the new ad dition to St. Mary'i hospital were made yesterday. Captain C. D. Stuart, of the Cape Dis appointment lifesaving station, returned from a trip to Portland last evening, and will leave for Canby on the steam- Mr. George J. Steese, of 701 Cobnrn St., Akron , Ohio, tells in the following letter of another of those remarkable cores of torturing, disfiguring skin humors daily nude by Cuticura Soap, ssisicu uj vaucura umimeni, after physicians, and all else had failed : "I feel it my duty to Barents of other poor suffering babies to tell yon wnat cuueurs bas done for my little daughter. She broke out ail over her body with a humor, and we used everything recommended, bnt without results. I called in three doc- tori, they all claimed they could help her, bnt she continued to grow worse. Her body was a mass of sores, and her little face was eaten awav. her ears looked as if they would drop off. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before I had used half of the cake of aon and box of ointment the sores had all healed, and my little one's face and body was as clear as a new-born babe's. I would not be withont it arain if it cost five dollars, Instead of seventy-five cents, which is all it cost ns to enre onr baby, after spending many dollars on doctors and medicines without any benefit whatever." SLEEP FOR BABIES Rest-for-Mothers. Instant relief and refreshing W for skin-tortured babies, and rest far tired, fretted mothers, in warm bath a with Cuticura Soap and gentle anoint- ings wun cuticura Ointment, the great skin enre, and pnrest of emollients. CmOm Soap, OMinf, ftni trt M tki DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Far the) Pari anal Camaitxlan sssfetaanMfaara. . . . J VkmtM efts B ssMSsaai tartaa tk Kns sfl Ik ahJa Si astral aauna IM 1 1 mm REMOVING WRINKLES e!LrSaleC ifSlsslsnefsssisfcasne lP9V . . I lAisitikiShMSsiilMksMlW sols rr BVaJtTaanrr troajsj ajtm Bemtee lass 4 mmi haasa, ialaw 4hm Mlarv we vUeaaa ta taslaUwraya I free ttfctctesara (Mtsfswlaa All 111. Q DR. CHARLES CO. WQT kind of a Sioi for wKic3k"iKc NATIOtlAL MAGAZINE to pacing $10,000 too ntmcvtr Is a N ill 1 im i I ill I s pria tf 0Mr (fftwMt h mails m mtmt at Sot irmii m. KMfaMl Mill HUM. M Mm wHIii hil.H kw Tounf r. teu t !nk M tm alia wcvlnig Miin. , n.UM T m Mmt BarrM. km IV n know cyf rone VT want little itories. anecdotes, bits of an cllppiri from a nemuapaj. Buguina or book that has mam you Think, Laugh or Cry U prizrs will t (Wen for h bnl arbc. bunt. Ten piles of silver dolUn at hia 1 the first ten succettlul com(tituit art ine nm awarav The on It condition for entrrine (hit mm. petition is that yuu lend with )ourciiiing joc. for a lis months' trial subscniitioa to tha Natloaal MagaxUie. Addreu, JOE CHAPPLE, Editor U4 OOtCHCSTTR AVENUR, -- B low. Most, Are You Interested In Advertising? The third quarterly convention of the Taciflo Coat Advertising Men's association will convene at Seattle, October 23 and 24. The aswociatlon Is mads up of advertiser, advertising ' writers and sgents and advertising solicitors and evsrjr one who is interested in ad vertising. Papers on advertising salmon, sbingles, retail stores, export trade, ., will bs read and discussed. You Are Invited Whether or not you are at the present tints a member of the association, the meetings are open to the public and will be Immensely helpful to any one who uses ore expects to use sdvertising space. This is the place where nsw ideas are sprung male It a point to U there. For further information write to C. V. WHITE, WASHiNOTOS VICE PRESIDENT P. C. A. M, A. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, X suffered for a long time with a W ease of Catarrh, and took great deal oi vedlcine without anv benefit I had a continual headache, mj cheeki had grown purple, my aoseU'alwayi stopped up, my breath had a sickening end disgusting odor, and I congbed incessant) 1 neara 01 your o. o. o. ana wrote von I commenced to as it, and after taking several bottles I wss cured, and have ever since bad the slightest symptom of ue disease. ' miss Mnr I STonic Cor. 7th Felix Sts., St Joseph, Ito. Wheeling, W. Va.. HavM. loot, I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which 1 need S. B. 8. witn very gratifying results. I tried local applications for some time, ana getting no permanent relief icametc the conclusion thst the seat of the troubli was in the blood. Knowing S. & 8. to be a good blood medicine I began its use, and after using it for some little while It did awav entirely with the offensive tnn- ens in the nostrils, and I did not have ts hawk and spit, especially In the morning, 10 aisioage ine cauumai mailer, 1637 South St FftXS U. Fkxmt. saasMsssa The filthy secretions and foul mucus that are continually dropping back into the throat, find their way into the stomach tad art absorbed Into the blood. Catarrh then becomes con stitutional.andthr 'fflrwaytoWrli of it is through the blood. Write ns if yon have Catarrh, and our physici ans will advise yoc withont charge. .V0 Jr m, n4 nrii if. )4 timnv l jf V. mS wiUiont charge. SVwort. Falter Draft Own Cor. BoM. SukPraM. I ' ... a-sM-M,cB'T',ir- ' flu lf! Speolflo Coptny, Atltatt, Ga Your Prescription: Kock Island If you are going Eait, X would apprecitte your consulting me. X will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free I X will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled ''Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable importance that you select the right route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. a. m. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Sueet, Portland, Ore. APainless Cure of Curable Pain Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women's pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous conditions of the female organs, which should be promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. J Mljb take w L IT COMES TO WOMAN'S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and weakening pains. It not only compels the pains to stop, but It follovj up and drive cut w vuq ui uia pauu, vwen prevents worn irom coming DSCA It makes you veil Try It Sold everywhere In $1.00 botUea. as: VVKITX US A UTTXI freely snd frankly, In Strictest confid ence, telling us sll your symptoms snd troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope), bow to curs them. Address: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Tt Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanoogs, Term. "WITHOUT A FADf," writes Mary Shetton, of Poplar Bluff, Me.. " eJ do my housework, although, before taking CARDUI, two doctors had done me no good. I fan; truthfully say I was cured by Cardul I wsnt every suffering lady to know of E this wcndarful medUine. " , Weinhard Beer.