THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. re s, n'fSjnttl'qi FRIDAY, OCTOBEB 6, 1905. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1I73. Published Daily by TEX J. S, KLLIRGHt COJIPAHT. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By mail, per year ...... .17.00 By mail, per month..... .60 By carrier, per month.......... .73 WEEKLY ASTOKIAK. By mail, per year, is advaace. .tlJOO Entered aa seeond-etaiai matter June SI 1W6, at the poamme at Acteria. ur on. under Uie act of CocjTeea of March S, . MarOMetstoe tba ietirmagolTBi Hoair tMisroaua to cither raatdaooe or piar ct bivtoMa juy ba made by postal card or through telephone. Ay trreiruJanty la oa Uvcry abould be tauaadiatety reported to the office of publication , TELEPHONE SCATJf 661. Aa the date fixed for the great re publican meeting in " Portland draw nearer the real significance of the oc casion impresses itself with more and more force upon the niinda of all local partisans, and there U a growing intent "to be there" on the 12th. Clatsop coun ty and Astoria will undoubtedly hate a strong and representative group of citi zeas on the floor of the conference, and this U as it should be. In fact there is an imperative demand for the pres ence of her best and most capable think en and speakers. It is not a matter of delegation at all, any man can go and usa part in me granu musier 01 the party, and make himself felt in the reorganize tin of the host, for its good, and the good of the state; all that is needed is a little leisure, a little coin, and an honest purpose to square all things that are off their bearings and bring men and .things back to the level of harmony and vitality. This done, the dominant brain, sinews and numbers of the republican party in Oregon will do the rest, to the infinite common hiaJ If it it tint. aiu1 rannnt. bit done. then it will be just as well for the As toria men to be there in order to thor oughly realize why. 0 It is announced in the dispatcher from the Far East that the Taft party, which includes the daughter, of the president, Miss Alice Roosevelt, will leave for the United States on the steamship Siberia on Friday, the 13th day of October. This reads simply enough and l, to the casual observer, but one more item among the thousand that has come to us from that now famous itinerary, but, when it is remembered that the domin ant figure in the group is a woman whose wishes are likely to be observed on pretty nearly all occasions, and that she signifies her willingness to start on a long and perilous journey, on a Friday, and the 13th of the month at that, one ' is compelled to stop a moment and won der what manner of woman she is; and in wondering reaches the swift and con clusive decision that she is a "chip off the old block," in other words, the dau ghter of her ather, who would no more allow such a fact to deter him from any enterprise than he would the purrning of the White Houe cat. But she is an exception, in tins relation, all the same,' and will be heartily congratulated on her: courage by her chum, when she shall have arrived in Washington. 0 ' The laborers imported into the canal cone from Martinique appear to have been incited to take the stand they did after making their contracts to work on tit) big ditch by some interest opposed to the completion of the waterway. Per haps it would be difficult to prove who! is responsible for this underhand Work, but observant people who have noted the unwearying efforts of the trans continental railroads to prevent compe tition, wil) not be slow to suspect that they a rf it the hot (on ofithe trouble. Possibly congress may feel some curio sity about the matter and take step to ferret out and punib those respon sible for obstructing the completion of an undertaking in which the people of ,the United State are vitally interested. ' 0 ; Another German general has expressed the opinion that British generalship is absolutely independable, lie says that any continental power within three days after landing 300,Uuu troops upon Uie shorn of England could nisrva upon London and. taM posse-wioa of that capital. The German general's criticism doe not possess the merit of novelty, nor has it any especially alarming fea tures for the British, who always keep in mind the fact that a condition pre cedent to 300,000 continental troops marching on London is the necessity of landing them on the soil of the United Kingdom. , o- It is said in defense of an army ofll eer who is continually in hot water be cause of his failure to meet the tiews of creditors who insist on prompt pay ment that he really desires to pay. That U doubtless true. Most debtors would sooner pay than cheat their tradesmen, or those from whom they borrow, but that excellent frame of mind does not help matters. It .would be far more to the purpose if they made sure before running into debt that they could meet their obligations. That would be the honest way. James J. Bill of the Great Northern has radically changed bis views respect ing the future of our trade with Japan. Xot long ago he Was pointing out the illimitability of the Oriental ; market now he dwells with especial emphasis upon the remarkable adaptability- of the Japanese, and tells us that we shall have to get up very early in the morning if we expect to compete with them in any line of industry. 0 mere ts some prospect of the cry from Macedonia being heard in Europe. as it is to be converted into a financial matter. As Ion aa the demand was merely for rectification of Christian grievances the Macedonians lifted up thetr voices in vain but now that Eu rope feels her financial corns being trod den upon something is likely to happen. o Evidently 'the kaiser is not in com plete harmony with those of his subjects who appear to think that a man born on German soil who emigrates to another country still owes allegiance to the mother country. He recently declined receiving a"hi4n' tfhd represented himself as a "German-American." Apparently he was quite ready to receive him as' a German or as an American, but did not recognize the mixture. , o The gangsters in Philadelphia are call ing Weaver a traitor. The mayor of the city of Brotherly Love liad the misfor tune to be the nominee' of as disput able a set of grafter as ever flourished outside of San Francisco, but he refused to be their tool when he achieved offi and now they reproach him with re creancy. The louder they protest against hi 111 the mure firmly Will the decent ele ments of Philadelphia cleave to him, so the grafters may as well abandon their unless attacks. SKOBELEFFS REVENGE. fee War thm ftaaataai 6arl Be 91 tfc taas-'a lasalt. ; During tlx Rusno-Turkiah war the (ay after the passage of the Danube had been made food the emperor of Russia crosKed the river to cougrato- f late and thank his gallant soldier. la front of a long, massive lint formed on the elope below Sletora, awaiting the coming of the great white ctar, stood Dragomlroff. Yolchine and Skobeleff, the three generals who had been the leaden of the successful attempt " Pragoiqtroff, the divisional com dander; the; emperor, embraced and gave htm the cross of St George.. lit shook hands warmty4wfth Tolcbtna, the brigade comma ader, and gave Aim. too, a 8t George to add to the decorations which this cheery Bttle warrior bad bee gathering from Boyhood la (be Caucasus and central Aala. Then the emperor strode to where gkobeleff la life is yours if you meet us halfway ia your work. Our graduates are all employed. We will place you ia a po sition upon graduation. We have the refutation of being the leading Bust aest College on the Paciflo Coast, and the most thoroughly equipped west of Chicago. Open all the year. ' BeHttke-Walker Buolticoo College Stearns Building, Portland, Oregon, Send for Illustrated catalogue.' Free. ? THI ILLINOIS CENTRAL fain tains unexcelled service from ths west to the east and south. Halting stood, and men watched the little acene J does , connect lone with trains of all with Interest, lor tt wait ootorloBs tU. tra&aeontlnental lines, passengers are Skobeleff was ta dlafavor with Us SOf-lciven thatr'chole at routes to Chicago. erelgn, and yef tfbtn ttjclmrf werejuulavOle, Memphis and New Orleans, rlnjrtnf with (he tort br bis conduct I. m niMrs'tK.M twd. h. e. or toe previous monuag. laeat. w a a aa a . . l wouia Alexander maintain us Din- Proerct!ra travelers dsalrina Infor. brage or would he make It manifest M t0 ,ht lomut r,t ftn4 that it had been displaced by Bkobs- routee are Invited to correspond with irua urrwsui. iw at least a puuuie l.v. .iw,i . fPL2JJ W.rt K H. TKlWiu Coromerc'ul teat 1'iuuu,- aviuicri uiru vuuiruuicu rmcu other. You could trace in his counte nance the struggle between disapprov al and appreciation. It was soon over, and the wrong way for Skobdeft. . The emperor frowwd, turned abort on his heel and strode ab ruptly away without a word or 4 ges ture or grating of recognition. A man of strong prejudice, lis was not 'yet able to exercise from his cored the) cal U Third 8t, Portland. Ore, J. C UKDSET, Trav. Passenger Ac"t 142 Third 8U Portland, Ore. PAUL B. THOMPSON. Paas'gr. Agent. t C LtfJDSET. Trav.' Pssaer-r Agsat 4 tJ Tblrf BCTottland. Ore. J- NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE. "Xotkw is herebv iven that the un tunnies that bad blackened to him the mi n,.,.iiB f rharl..a n. Mon VI MUUtirU, ,.1,1. ..t M IO T ...l .r. Tha fflwir frt- hi. ..1hii aim r scarlet then srew deadlv nala and pursuant 10 anu oy virtue 01 an or.ur seemed to conquer in impulss as bs set I"'. tll County Court of the S,Ute of bis teeth bard and maintained his die-1 Oreson. for Linn County, duly made clpllaed Immobility. It was a flagrant Insult In the very face of the army and a gross Injustice, but Ekobeleff endured It In a proud silence. The time soon cam to that gallant and brilliant soldier when be could af ford to be magnanimous. As ths cam paign progressed he distinguished bim- ind entered in the matter of the estate f said minors en the 24th day of July, 1903, will, on Saturday, the SSth day of tX-toher, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock is the' afternoon, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Afloria, in Clatsop County, Oreyna, sell at public self again and again, so that bis name Uctin, to the highest bidder, for cab Became a sjuoainj ia ue armr ror splendid daring as well as for oppor tune skill . . - . , i , On Sent 3 Skobeleff after exploit on exploit devised and led the storm of the Turkish position In Loftcba and drove his adversaries out of that strong place. On the following night at bis own dinner table In the Gornl 8tuden headquarters the emperor stood np and bade his guests to honor with him the in hand, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said minors iq the follow ing described real property to-witi The undivided one half of lots 3 and 4 in block 110 in the Town of Astoria as Isid out and recorded by John M. Shive ley, in Clatsop County, Oregon.' Also, the undivided one half of lots 7 sod 8 in block 21 in McClurs's Astoria toast of "Skobeleff, the Hero of Loft-1 I'' "t and recorded by. Jonn - Mc char It Is not given to many men to ICIure, in Clatsop County, Oregon. earn a revenge so full and so grand as And notice U hereby further given I t. Itl.l 1 1 a ..i.l MiArflidtl tmlSiil.nt 4a mnA . ... A . L .f I A War to aViSHe lkrk. I"' vlrlue tne sam aoove meniionru The Inability of the ahark to seize Its rder of the above named court, will victim without turning Itself first upon I from and after Uie said 2tb day of Its back must be a serious Ineonven- t0Wr, 1W.V, sell st private sale, to the ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHS FOX. Fret, and flayt. L BJSUOP. Secretary A.'LroX.VWPres. ibTOUlA BAVIJitia BAKE, Trees Designers and Manafactnren of . THS LATE8T IMPROVED ' Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cihncry Outfits Furnlihed. coRxespoNocNce; soucrrta Foot of Fourth Ptreet Sherman 1 f m! i r f I iransi 1 Co. HESRY 811EBMAN, Manager a a, it Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Truck j and For. niture Wagons Wanoi Moved, Boxed and Shipped, i 433 Cesmerdal Street Phone Miin 121 Your rrescnpu Sock Island on: . i ,'f,-i:. .1 It yon are going East, Z would appreciate your consulting me. X will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Juat drop me a line consultation free! I will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled 'Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable Importance that you select the r(gf route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. , A. )L Mcdonald, Qeoeral A(tnt, Rock island Srswm, ' 140 Thbd Stmt, Portland, Ore. CUTIQPE3A Soap.Ointment and Pills the World's Greatest Skin Cures. PRICE M SET $1 Complete Treatment for Every Humour, from Pimples to Scrofula. The agonizing itching and turning of the skin, aa in eczema ; the frightful scaling, as is psoriasis; the loss of hair snd crusting of the scalp, as in acalled head ; the facial disfigurement, as in pimples and ringworm; the awful suffering of infants and the ansiety of worn-out parents, as ia milk crast, tetter, and salt rheum, all demand a remedy of almost super human virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cutkura Soap, Oint ment, and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made reirardinz them that is not Justi fied by the strongest evidence. The punty snd sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent core, the ab solute safety snd great economy, have made them the standard akin enres and humour remedies of the civilized world. The rrandest testimonial that can be offered the Cuticura remedies is their world-wide sale, due to the per sonal recommendations of those who. have used them. From a small begin- ainsr ia the simplest form, arainst prejudice aod opposition, against rannied hosts, countless rivals, and trade indifference, Cuticura remedies nave become the neatest curatives of their time, snd, in fact, of all time, for nowhere in the history of medicine Is to be found another approaching them in Donularitv and sal. In mr clime and with every people they have met with the same reception. The confines of the earth are the only limita to their growth. They have conqoerca mc woria. lence to It, and a swimmer with suffi cient presence of mind to await bis coming snd then when be turns to dive suddenly under him can baffle ths rush of a shark Just as a man can avold"the charge of an enraged ban by coolness and activity, lfan'4 aversion to the shark here stands greatly la his way, few swimmers when attacked possess ing sufficient coolness and presence of mind to carry the maneuver Into suc cessful effect, although many possess nerve enough to await without flinch ing the onset of the most formidable of terrestrial animals. Did we know mors of the domestic habits of the shark. learn to appreciate the virtues that he doubtless possesses, there can be little doubt that the nnreasoolng aversion bigbeat bidder, fur cah In hand, all the right, title, interest and estati of the aid minors in the following described real property, to-wit: . The undiridt-d one halt of lot 1 in block 80; the undivided one half of lots 3 and 4 in block 103; the undivided one half of lot 2 in blork 107; the undivided one half of lot 7 in bUk 100; the un divided one half of lot 4 in block 134 and the undivided one half of hit 8 in block 135; air in MrClure's Astoria a laid out and recordrd by John M1ure snd extended by Cyrus Olney, in Clatso County Oregon. AH of said sales to be made subjec that Is felt toward him would be large-1 to confirmation by said court ly mitigated and that we should cotne to make due allowances for the pres sure of banger that at times operates to our own disadvantage. London Standard. The Mas Wllk Urn T la Hlaa. The long Isolation of Japan from the rest of the world, so conducive to In trospection, has been highly favorable to the development of tealsra. Japa nese homes and habits, costume and cuisine, porcelain, lacquer, painting. the very literature-all have been sub pert to Its Influence. No student of Japanese culture could ever Ignore Its presence. It has permeated the ele gance of noble boudoirs and entered the abode of the humble. The peas ants neve learned to arrange flowers, the meanest laborer to offer his saluta tion to the rocks and waters. In com mon parlance the Japanese speak of the man "with no tea" In him when a man Is Insusceptible to the serio comic Interests of the personal drama. Again they stigmatize the untamed I aesthete who, regardless of the mun dane tragedy, runs riot In the spring tide of emancipated emotions as one "with too much tea" In him. Interna tional Quarterly. HEWITT t SOX, P. 1I0GUE, Guardian, Attorneys for HtiardUn. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Fa til Farm nal Camaltxtan I ass fcsaa samairfalJy tass IsaSietJ lias aw ia, afasars a4 wessaa f ttaWas) fa nrfcws&Sl k foatatfty aVsarW4 ItaraaaSj U SavfS f the Saia si4 MS was I Aarii ash fciia bass tte wasrtag rtsasaa. twasrtag KIMOVINri WRINKLES (la m 4 OimW) Cmu4 Pi. tW 4 S. I I. SSSMP, 5e. im UndM, tl I kSi.t Pwks Km at la f. t m,UI Ce. I Sm An. r r r 1m. friiactiajni I Tvrta tkm BHSas Tesar. On the dar of a Chinese marrlasre na- I invited friends and Deighbors or even perfect strangers sre allowed to cone tn and see the bride, and they .may make any remark about her or to ber they please. Sometimes things horribly rude and disgusting sre said. To try ber temper a man will say, "Fetch your husband a cup of tea." If she does so all wUl say Jeeriugly, "What an obedient wife yon sre.7 If she sulks and does not do. as sbs. is told tbey remark: That Is a pretty, vlxeo with which to begin married life. We cajjuot oongratnlat yotf on' that tar tar," and other words to a similar ef fect. Then the poor thing Is mad to stand upon an Inverted cup t tw kow small art fcer feet-Boudoir. . a.'faki I K a. a swaa raaaj saaniiaTf IM affl e4w a ttaaV4fcflkS eWBeaeJejfl is eel sadwkiUiadkaaal we ifs, iisii ay mmk aa uls ssaaai.l seeaaaea, KDerstsflsigtaetast ar Vaasla, atkrmksa feaas esafi h has rka lklta toaraaural a ysralaiias. Twa Uassa e r-a-i-tlt t ssaks ike fcwti se'tn rr mu aATiajrT ttoaxa urn lantat Sttss; fi M Wl. V) e stl w4 llaas ssaaaiaye Sf ism SXUAI, TX t m a4 aa Mlar, we UI Sss4 we U, aasas. la Siala wtSisse. J mm frat t me Wr ssa IS aaMi say H IHRIWHW ' " ' DIL CHAtlzS CO. JfSV. rJ I MSI A wonderful tonic Drives out sll Im purities, gives you strength, health and happiness. That's what ITolIister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 89 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Ilart. You Can Save Money If you buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Kubber Goodi, Confectionary, Tobacco, Cigars, etc at E. M. LALLY'S Look for big changes that are to take place shortly in our bigrnew establishment. Larger Store, Larger Stock, Best Goods at Lowest Prices. WATCH US GROW E. M. LALLY, Hammond First National Bank of Astoria, Ore ESTAULISUEI) 1880. Capital and Surplus $100000 The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's ! Best Newspaper:. "its i AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best In .The Northwest. , North Padfic Brewing Go.