The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 03, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1003.
The Patriotic Wives md
Mothers of Japan
The llttl women of Jnpnn lore lhlr
country no pnaaloiinM tlmt for it Ui7
von Id sacrifice every Mng ami every
object they bold dnr-hulimls, broth
er mid ioiu-iitKl their own live first
of all mid count It Joy. There are
several Instance on record In which
la the iTciM'iit war Jnpamwe tvomi'u
littve dlirull ttuii)MlvM a nun ami
Joined tho army, their ex only being
discovered when they were killed or
wounded. One of the heroine sorral
iier conutrj a iy, In this cnjmclt)
Mug most nuceeoitful and fenrleita.
At Inst the waa raptured by the Itua
alnns and banged, fthe met her fate
wearing a glorified emtio, aa though
ehe knew beaven Itself waa waiting
to receive those who died for their
country. After her death It waa dl
covered that Uie body being prepared
for the grave waa tho body of a wo
man. Thl wa told to Uie ituMian
Honesty is the
best policy.
Golden Gate
No prizes no coupons.
Nothing but satisfaction.
aa Francisco
ear utHi
proves the proverb II
Sold I
Tlav been Buffering from Impure Blood
for many years, having Boila and othei
Eruption Having heard of 8. S. S. I de
cided to try it, ana am glad to aay that It
baa done me a great deal of good. I Intend
to continue to use it, aa I believe it to be
the beat Blood Medicine on the market
Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. Dana.
For over fifteen year I hare suffered
nor or lee from Impure Blood. About
rear ago I had a boil appear on my leg
below th knee, which waa followed by
three mora on my neck. I aaw 8. 8. 3.
i advertised and decided to try it Aftet
v taking three bottle all Boll disappeared
- and Ibev sot been troubled any sine.
O10. 0. Piano.
114 W. Jefferson St, Louisville, Zy,
Newark, Ohio, May t, 1903.
Pram childhood I lhad been bothered
with bad blood, akin eruptions aad boils,
I had boila ranging from fire to twenty io
numDcr eeca season, me Durainr ao
compsnying th rnptlon waa terrible.
8.8.8, eeemed to be just th medicine
Beaded la my case. It drove out all impu
rities and bad blood, giving me perms
aent relief from the akia era pt ion and
bolls. This ha been tea year ago, and 1
hava arm bad a return of the disease,
Mas, J. D. ATBiaroir.
Writ for oat
book on blood and
akin diseases.
Medical advice
or any special In
formation abent
your cas will cost
Til Swift Speclflo Cespaiiy, Atlanta, fit
sMMkajr t iiwj ai1mtra
non, be exciaimeQi
"Great boavena! Uow can we ax-
pect to conquer a people like tblaf
Marehleneaa Oyama.
Japan la today more really democrat
ic aoclally tltao the republic of Ameri
ca. iJidlee of the blithest nobility bate
none of the top loftlcal anohbery tliat
characterises many of the women of the'
"uow rich" here. Mine. Oyama, wife
of the Japanese field msrshal, la aa
aingie bearted in bor patriotism aa the
bumbleat woman laborer In the rice
field and thluki herself no greater
than thl sister In the work fur the
aoldler at the front
Btomats Tamakawa, now the wife of
General Oyama, wa a child during the
war which finally drove the ahoguna
from the throne of Japan. The older
(later of Bteinats actually wore arm
or, prepared to defend their borne.
which waa tweleged during the war.
Later brave little Stemati waa aent
to America to be educated, fine waa
In our country eleven year and waa
graduated at Vaaaar. Marcblonee Oya
ma la at the bead of an organlaatlon
formed to collect and forward useful
gtfta to the beloved aoldler la the
Mm, lake Okumura.
The mother of Japan women pa
triot may be aald to be th venerable
loko Okumura, known and loved
through tli length and breadth of ber
native bind. She appear to bave been
on of th first Japanee women to feel
a call to modern philanthropic work.
Before the war between China and Ja
pan Mm. Okumura went to Korea to
do mlaalonary work among th Igno
rant people of that ont of data land.
At th outbreak of tb Cflino-Japa-ne
war Mm. Okumura returned
from Korea and went where aba could
err br country directly. She, al
ready a gray kwtred woman, waa In
China during the Boier uprising and
wa actually with tb Japane ad'
vane agalnat th rebel, wben a ol
dler waa killed tbla ploua and loving
woman attended bla funeral and pray
ed for bla departed soul, according to
th cuatoin of ber people. Jo see ber
kneallng in prayer beside the bier of
on of their comrade brought tear to
tb eye even of rugged Japane eol
dler. After the Boxer rebellion wa
put down Mother Okumura. aa ah wa
now called, went bom and organtied
tb Japan Ladle' Protect) t asso
ciation, a national aocleiy to Uke car
of th famllle of aoldler.
Willi aa t Uelf) Bim Oat.
After tb doctor bad examined tb
patient and tb man' wlf wanted to
know the nature of tb Ulneaa tn con-
adentlooa phyeldan aald:
"Tour buaband'a condition la aucb
that It will take some tlm to dlfferen-
tlat tb aymptoma to arrtr at an ac
curate conception of th malady from
which be la suffering. Tb treatment
must be symptomatic I muat flrat
mak a dlagnoata."
"I bop you can mak It of calico,'
remarked the woman, "for I haven't a
piece of flannel In tb bous.H-Nw
York Pre.
A star Hamate
Instructor Dat tar over there la ma
oris pupil, but be'll never mak a suc-
ceaaful prlte fighter.
Visitor What seems to b his draw
InstructorWhy, do poor slob la
tomju tled.-New York World.
A MUappll4 Petltlea.
Not long since the claolr In one of the
fashionable churches of tb aouth ren
dered a long and difficult anthem, one
with many frill and furbelows. Tb
good minister aat patiently through it,
but when the anthem wa finished b
arose and, to tb amusement of both
congregation and cboir, began bla pray
er In deeply earnest tones, saying, "Oh,
Iord, w thank the that w ar still
allTr Llpptncott's Msgailn.
Uckliif Tor Hardy Mas.
ratlenc Well, what sort of a hus
band do yon suppose I want a gentla
msnf rs trice Oh, no; you ar too much of
an automobile fiend to marry a gentle
men. What you want la a niaoaanlcr
Tonkara Statesman.
you'd" find relief," replied" ft pTons
"Not . I wouldn't enjoy It I
got tnaomala.n Philadelphia Presa.
tM H.r.
Bbe As a general thing a woman bss
more honor than a man.
lie Oh, I don't know.' If they ar
occupying a box at th opera tb
chance ar tb man baa mora on
bim Detroit Tribune, -
T.ry Caealeae.
Mrs. Tufty Didn't Mrs. Green leave
ber card? The New Maid Tes'm, ah
lef It, an' I had to chas her two
blocks to glv It back to her.-rhlla-
lelphia Inquirer.
Thinking is the talking of tb soul
aith lteI&Ptato.
Clara I can't sv why peopl think
summer is auller than winter.
Harold No, considering so many
uungs com off in summers-New Or
leans Times-Democrat
ntr lh Ma.
DyerSo ber father gava bis con
sent 7
Ilrer Tee.
" Dyer Has be a grudge against yon?
-xarryrown (N. News.
JVo Im4lat Daaarev.
"Bo your daugliter Is going on th
atageT Don't you bate awfully to bar
ber become an artreaar
"Oh, aba Uu't going to b an actresa.
Tb company ah goes out with play
only one night stands." Chicago Boc-
ord Herald.
Mamma Now, aa this Is your fifth
birthday, Robert would you like to
have a pretty cake with five candle la
it 7
Robert Well, I guess I'd rather bar
fire cake and on candle! Cleveland
Rev Mla Ea7.
"Do you xpect Charley to catch any
ling on bla fishing trip? said young
Mrs. Torkins' mother.
"No," was the reply. He's been rae
dnated and took ten grains of quinine
before be started." Washington Star.
Th Caaae ! It.
Angry Wife It seems to me we've
peen married a century. I can't even
remember wben or where we flrat met
Husband (emphatically) I can. It
was at a dinner party where there
wer thirteen at table.
Ber ThoafhU ( Rlasra.
He-When I look at a girl's eyes 1
can always sea what she's hoping for,
She-Oh, bars I got rings about mf
eyes this evening? Yonkers Bute
A Slaa.
"Blankley doesn't approve of his
wife's literary ambitions, does be?"
"What makes yon think so?"
"tie calla ber 'the autborln.'" De
troit Pre Pre a.
Th Oalr Oa Ska Utm,
He aat bastda th. lummir tirl,
Aa In thf sub ehe baskad.
"Am I th only maa rou lover
Quite ardently be
For Fifteen Years Face and Body
Mass of Itching Sores Could
Not Express Suffering Doctors
Failed Had Lost Hope
AT COST 0F.S1.25
" My head was one mass of scabs,
my forehead waa covered down almost
to my eyebrowe, and I had to wear
my hat all the time. My body was
covered with spots in size from a pin
bead to aa large aa a silver dollar. A
white, crusty scab would form and
itch, and worda cannot express the
torture and humiliation I suffered for
fifteen yeara. I tried many doctors,
and all kinds of treatments, but could
get no help, and I thought there waa
no hope for me. A friend told me to
getCuticura. I did, and in three daya
my head waa aa clear as ever. I ap
plied theOintment night and morning,
also taking a hot bath three timea a
week, and using the Ointment freely
after the bath. After aaing ona cake
of Soap and two boxes of Ointment X
waa completely cored, without mark
or blemish. I waa ao pleased I felt
like running down the street to tell
every one I met what Cuticura bad
done for me. If any one la la doubt
about this, they may writ to me.
(signed) II. B. Franklin, 717 Wash
tsgton St., Allegheny, Pa,"
-For Every Humour $i
Complete external and internal
treatment for every humour, consist
ing of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and
Pills, may now be had for one dollar.
A single act is often sufficient to cur
th moat torturing, disfiguring, Itch
ing, burning, and scaly humours,
eczemas, rashes, and irritations, from
infancy to age, when all else fails.
CVItnn Otufi u4 Wk V M tfcmtfem
S vorls. Pomr lru a ( hn Corp., hmto. Suto fnaft
SW-aad ta SU. M BJiw4 riaeMiaa
Oall S.
" Tep mourning' for a widow means
ft heavy crape Tell and all that doesn't
"And what doe 'second mourning
"Well, that usually means she's look
ing for a aecond." Catholic Standard
and Times.
Bacon Did yon ever get anything on
the Installment plan?
Egbert-Yes; I got my household that
way. First I got my wife, then ber fa
ther and mother, and now I'm getting
ber brothers and sisters. Tonkers
Aa R.area.Btoa.
Pstient-Look bere, doctor; yon aald
If I took a bottle of your tonic I would
bar a remarkable appetite. Wby, 1
only eat one soda cracker each week.
Doctor-Well, don't you call that a
remarkable appetlte?-Cb1cago New.
Every woman may be attract
ive. Bright eyes, pink cheeks
and red lips are her nature
given right. A sallow skin, lack
of animation, low spirits and
weak nerves may be avoided by
the use of Beecham's Pills, a
remedy that well deserves the
confidence of every woman
Again and again they have
proved to be invaluable at those
recurring times when so many
women feel debilitated and suf
fer from nervousness, headache
and depression. It is wonderful
the way these pills assist Nature
and relieve the suffering.
Every woman who values
health and good looks should
become a user of
0id Everywhere. In boxes 10c and tSa
Not Beyond the Reach of Medicine
Charles Rogers Druggist.
48 .
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and v
Best Styles of the Art. ...
We take your Old Magazines that you .
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
library, .
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book .
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
; If
Library : .
The J.
ti a -as - - m 1 -.
: . Makers
Astorian Building
Tor Particulars Address
MERERS 1261 east Yamhill Street,
. irrr
Portland, Oregon..
Smith Premier
is the simplest and strong
est of all writing machines.
It does better work, does
it quicker, lasts longer,
and costs less in the long
run than any other type
writing machine. It is
The World's Best
Lt t tend jo our Gttlt took tt&nf
0 about it. Typewriter soppOe. Ma
chinal Rated. Sccaognphcn furakbed.
Tha Smith Premier
Typewriter Company
Z47 Stark St., Portland Or.
test to the east and south. Making'
lose connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, passengers are'
given their choice of routes to Chicago, '
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleana, 1
and through thie polnta to the far
Prospective travelers desiring Infor
mation as to th lowest rates and best
routes are invited to correspond with
the following representatives:
B. IL TRUMBULL Commercial Agent,
142 Third St, Portland, Ore.
A strength tonic that brings rich, red
blood. Makes you strong, healthy and
active. That's what Ilollirter's Rocky
Mountain Tea will do. 33 cent, Tea or
Tablets. For sale by Frank Hart. I
' k k k
S. Dellinger Co.,
' ' " T" ' "
of All Kinds of Books
. c Corner Commerciai, akdIOth'Street
Itinc!, of .!,
toi few
io paging
f too Dimcoi? '
fa 1 PamytMMli toaa atart tk Ftttaai
1 i a rm M QmI
i mx t a mtttt sartiai m a.
LT. m wrwmi(Ki Nt
MnMim. Km m n aw .kim bntt
-len m r m tmr aairM. aatf r
fnm. mlttly -u m mm mm M M
" mttywn, mm.-
Imow of
ahtbie one,
We win t little Stories, anecdote. Ut f
verse any clipping from a newspaper,
Think Lauh or Cry .
840 prUes win be grren for the best teW
tiona. Ten piles of tiirer dollars ssbigb
as the first ten successful competitors ar
the hrst awards.
The only condition for entering this com
petition is that you send with your clipping
yx. tor a six months' trial subscription
to the NattfaHaaJ Magailave. Address,
The Astorian, 75c per month.