MONDAY, OCTOBER , 1905. 4 Small Ads. I cent a word each Insertion. 30 cents a line per week of 7 days. 75 ; cents a monthTry them. ; Small Ads. on this page arc read by those who. know their value. Try them They will be of value to you. dlii niu I Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. f 1 BM1.M.MJ.1""" - ti it ' - - P f So UULa I HELP WANTED. ROCKMEN WASTED AT BL'XKER hill quarry. Take boat to Stella, Washington. WANTED COMTETEXT GIRL FOR general housework. Good wagea, Must give reference. Apply to Mrs. Samuel Elmore, corner 8th and Franklin avenue. WANTED A FIRST CLASS GIRL, none other need apply. Call at 581 Franklin avenue, Mr. C. S. Brown. LEARN 1LEGRAPHT AND R. R. Accounting. 150 to $500 ft month sal ary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest in America and endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0, Buffalo, N. Y, Atlanta, Ga, La Crosse, Wis, Tex arkana, Tex, San Francisco, CaL WANTED A TENANT ON SMALL dairy farm, three miles from Astoria- Address B, J. Kirkwood, O. R. & N. office, Astoria. Reasonable terms' to proper party. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. YOUNG LADY WISHES SITUATION a companion and assistant to elderly couple or small family, in exchange for pleasant home and moderate wages. Ad dress May lisher, 330 17th street. FOR SALE CHEAP HORSE, BUG gy and harness. Inquire Astorian of- fee. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 100 EGGS capacity; also three 100 capacity brooders; first-class condition. Ad treaa A. Astorian Office. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COLr- umn newspaper outfit; complete x cept prtas; cheap. Inquire at this of flee. FOR SENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms. For particulars inquire at As torian office. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED rooms. Enquire of Fred Sherman, 20 Astor street. HOUSES WANTED. WANTED TO RUST Small House furnished or unfurnished. Close in. Address "G." care of Morning Astorian. NOTICE OF BIDS. - . PROPOSALS FOR POTATOES AND ONIONS, Vancouver barracks, Wash ington, Oct. 2., 11105. Sealed proposal for furnishing and delivering potatoes and onions for mx months beginning Nov. 1, 1905 will be received here and at offices of cotmi)inarics at Forts Co lumbia, Lawton, Stevens, Walla Walla, Ward, Wordcn, until 10 a. m, Oct. 12, l!K)3 and then opened. Information fur nished on aplicatiun. Envelopes con taining proposal should lie indorsed "Proposals for potatoes nd onions," and addressed to commissnry of post to be suplied or to Major George 1$. Davis, chier coin'y. PROl-OSALS FOR BEEF AND MUT TON. Office of chiem coinmiary, Vancouver barracks, Wash., Oct. 2, 1!W5. Scaled propoal for furnishing and de livering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning Jan. 1, 1'JOfl, will bee received here and at offices of commis saries at Fort Stevens, Ore., Boie bar racks, Idaho, Forts CaJj', Columbia, Flagler, Lawton, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden, Wright and Vancouver bar racks, Wash., until 10 a. m Nov. , 1905, and then opened. . Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed, "I'roposals for fresh' beef and mutton" , to be opened Nov. 1, 1905, and ad dressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Maj. George B. Davis, chief com'y. p THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. t est to the east ai.d south. Making lose connections vl h trains of al transcontinental lines, passengers art given their choice of routes to Chicago. Louisville. Memphis and New Orleans, and through thirse points to the fat east Prospective travelers desiring Infor mation as to the lowest rat's and beat Toutes are Invited to correspond with the following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent 112 Third Bt, Portland, Ore. Free With Small Ads ( '"mm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUHQEON Acting Assistant Burgeon U.S. Marine Hospital Service, Office hours: 10 to II a.m. 1 to 4: IS p.m 477 Commercial street tnd Floor. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial St Astoria Oreaoa Dr. vaughan, Dkxtist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTI81 578 Commercial St., Shanaban Building DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, Hansell Building Telephone Bed 2001 Astoria, Oregon 08TE0PATHI8TS. Dr.BhodaC.HIcaS. Dr. J. E" Bnyder OSTEOPATHS. Office ManseU Bid. Phone Black 2016 S7S Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. THE MORNING ASTORIAS Is on Sale in Astoria at J. H. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. STAR CORNER CIGAR STORK, OTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE, and , THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, . Tenth and Commercial Sta. . By Special Arrangement with Wadhanis & Kerr Bros. THE ASTORIAN has secured a large quantity of their FAMOUS FRUIT JARS One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 25-cent or higher want ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Astorian. What Mr Fred Drawer has to say about the ECONOMY JAR i Kerr Glass Manufacturing" Company. Portland, Oregon. Centlemeo: Keforrliig to the ECONOMY FRt'lT J A It, w are plnurd to say that we have been arlllng them r ttirre year. The first year we oidered tliive groaa, the second year tea fross, and this year our oritur ralU (or tweiity.flvs giou. We believe that within a rev years they will be the only jar In uie; tint, because the quality of the Jar Atr excels all others; second, the Jar Is sanitary, having a wide mouth, thereftreally cleaned. The cover Is as Military as the flans Itself, while the covert on many other Jars are made of sine, which produces jxiUou wheu lu contact with fruit and vegetables. The absolute certainty of every FYJXOMY JAft scaling makes It the Ideal Jar tor canning purixmes. W beiiKMk a givat future for the tCO.NUMV JaK. ae are very truly yours, F. 1HKskh A C. By F. iin.iHM.-r, frcs. ASTORIAN SMALL ADS , Are "Kcononiy" in Rcntitig Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is one cent a word each insertion. Advertisements must be delivered in our office and paid for in advance. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FURNITURE. ROBINSON a H1LDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 588 Commercial St FURNITURE, Carpets, Bedding, Stoves, Matting, Window Shades, LINOLEUM, Etc BILLIARD HALLS. Occident Hotel Bar & Billiard Hall. Tables New and Everything First Class. Fineit brands of Liquors and Cigars MEAT MARKETS. FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail- Ships, Logging Campa and Mills Sup plisd on 8hort Nettce. Live 8tock Bought and 8old. WASHINGTON MARKET CHRISTEN8EN A CO. Central Meat Market & V. Morton A Ja. Fmhrnua, Prop's. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS PROMPT DELIVERY. 542 Commeroial 84. Pheno Main 321 BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCHARD Real Estate, Insure nee, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offiee 138 Ninth Street, Next to Justise OfKeo. ASTORIA, OREGON. You May Want A furnished house, rooms or store. Msks your wanta knows to the readers of thla paper. If you want a tenant for a house, some reader may be the desired party. Obtained by Advertising In the Want Columns of the Morning Astorian. X DAILY 7,000 READERS ECONOMY LAUNORIES. The Troy Laundry The only white tabor laundry In the city. Does the bsst work at reasonable prices and Is In every way wcrthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE Sta, Phone 1M1. MILK DEALERS. Milk must be fresh and pure That old and young may eajoy St 2 Few know that it even may prove a core For weakness which la so eaaoylng. We Handle only Pure Milk fresh from Healthy Cows. Morning or night delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFERS CO, eth and Duane streets. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill weed, box weed, any kind of wood at lowest prloea. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blask, am on Twelfth, opposite opera heuee. RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 43.1 Bond St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always fund the best 15-ceut meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 Commelrial St- HAMMOND DIRECTORY SALOONS HAMMOND. The Hammond. People do not take time to knock When at the end of the walk. The man on the bank of the river; Fine liquors and cigars will deliver To yon by the light of sun or nroon, If yon call at the Hammond Saloon. W. STORM, Prop. For Kldnev . M Ml ' J -1 oi uiaaaer troubles. Cures In A OUaiim V f$l J UKIJttRY V DISCHARGES 171 Bsc Cspsute r r bears tbeasmcar MMV or tmmwrjmm SEASIDE DIRECTORY. HOTELS. THE OSIER CAFE AND Short Order House Oysters, Clam sand Crabs la any Styla. Horn cooking, nothing but the bsst ol everything. Short order or regular meals at reasonable prices MRS. C. C. OSIER, Trop. Seaside, Oregon. COLONIAL HOTEL Located in the most beautiful spot, over looking the ocean. Ninety elegant!? furnished rooms. Bath House In Connection. - Comforts of home. Beit meals. Rates, $2 and up. McGUIRE'S HOTEL Large and Airy Rooms. Good beds. Krerything first-class. Rates Reasonable Main Street, Seaside, Or. RESTAURANTS. THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER PARLOR. lis getting to be the leading resort at Seaside. Short orders a Specialty. MRS. II. A. STILES, Proprietor. ' LIVERY AND EXPRESS. Uvery Stable Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Saddle Horns, Fiist-CIaas Rigs, Baggage and Express, Wood for sale and general de livery, N. D. Bi IN It CO, Seaside, Ore. WINES AND LIQUORS. THE GEM An tip to-dute resort for fientlemen. Choice Wines, Liquors ami Cigars. Give us a rail and we'll d the rest. O. E. HUNTER, Prop, Seas de, Ore. THE BRIDGE Barry Kretzer and Harry Bulger Are now running The Bridge Saloon, where they will be pleased to meet their fvissMls. EAGLE SALOON Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Finest place in Scaidde to pas a pleas ant hour. FRAN'K SCOTT, Prop. IN PORTLAND e THE MORNING ASTORIAN ' ia for tale at the newt stands of THE OREGON NEWS COMPANY, situated at HOTEL PORTLAND. 147 Sixth Street, nj Sixth Street ' ' " ' ' ' : mm w AT SEASIDE THE H0RNINQ ASTORIAN Is on Sale at - LEWIS k CO.'S DRUO STORE MORRISON k CREENBAUM'S CIGAR STORE. MEDICAL. THE Dr. C. GEE W0 Chinese . Medicine Co. Formerly located 2.13 Aider 8trevt: for the past five ycara,UAV Vtrivtrtt intn ) "ijlsw brick building iA-atl , the aotith-eaat cor ner of First and Morrison Btreela. En trance No. ICJ 1 rout tit Successful Home Treatment !r.C.lKR WO Is known throughout Hi Culled Sutra, and la railed lbs Unwl I'liliiw Imriur nn amtiint of bis womtvrful rurvs wiihuul Hi aid of a knlfr, wlilmut u.lns Hilwin or di iig or any kind, lis IrmU any and all dlaraam with imwnrrul oriental tl licrba, harks, and vrsetalilo that ar un known to ntrdlral rli'iir In thla country, and through lh um uf thuas liarmlrM rruiv dlr tieguarantm to curs CaUrrh. Aithma, Lunj Trouble. Rhtumitlim, Nsrvouiness, Stomach, Uvtr, Kidney, rtmsU Wtskiwsi and all Chronic DImsics. ( all or write, suclimlng 4 S-ornl stamps for mailing bonk and elrriilar, Addrraa, Tht C- 0 Woe Chintst Medicine Co No. 161 .l rinl SL, tC Cor Morrlion. Mention this Portland Ortfoa. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Finest Hotel In the Northwest LICK San Francisco's leading con venienre and family hotel centrally located. Con venicnt to all car lines, and place of amusement and in tereit. Cafe and Grill at tached. Rates $ 1.00 per day. and ap. Street can direct to hotel from and to all depot. HOUSE Sk Francisco, Cal. Chi n aw a re Cup and Sauoessy seta of . ... .IMS-LOO Salad sets 2.40 2.75 Tea tU, 13 V'w 3.00 6.3 Sugar and creaa. sets. 2 piece to73o Yokohama Bazar Jfi;Commerclal Street, Assort OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. THE "HOW- OF IT WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY, WHETHER THEY NOW READ THE PAPER OH NOT. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE MORNING ASTORIAN THE BEIT NEW4PAPER PUBLISHED IN ANY CITY OP ITt SIZE. WILL YOU HELP Ul? ' TELEPHONE MAIN 661 and I WILL CJLI AND TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT OR SEE & C. CLINTON, Circulation Manager. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. P. 8 If you live out of town write or our elan. Sunday Excursion te Worth Beach. The Dwaeo Railway and Navigation Company are selling round trip tickets every Sunday from Astoria to all eotta, at a rate of one dollar for the points on Long Beach, Including Kah round trip. m