The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 02, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Sunday Record of Sailors and
The Craft They Belong to.
Quiet Day on Astoria's Pier All Tow
ing Steamert Busy Kilbnra to K
nme Buaineat Elmore! Quick Trip
' Lower Coast Wreck Odd Item.
San Francioco, Oct, 1. The tam
schooner SanU Barbara, wlikh sailed
from here yesterday for Seattle, is re
ported ashore at Bowels Landing, about
75 miles up the coast. Late dispatches
confirms report of the wreck and tug Sea
Foam is bringing the passengers -and
crew of the Santa Barbara to this city.
The steamer Aberdeen crossed in at
10:30 yesterday morning and tied up
at the Callender pier, where she un
loaded a lot of California wines and
spirits, and thirty passengers for Port
land, the latter going forward by the
steamer Telegraph. She proceeded on to
Gray's harbor late in the afternoon, af
ter the unsuccessful effort to pull the
big sea raft of logs off the channel spit
in Young's Bay, she being one of the
seven steamer engaged in that futile
The Oklahama left up for Tort land
yesterday afternoon with the Tam 0'
Snanter in tow.
The steamer Harvest Queen went up
the river late yesterday afternoon. She
will pick up a schooner at Rainier and
return down today.
The steamship' Arabia went to sea
yesterday after being bar-bound in the
lower bay for three days.
The British "wind-jammers" DurbriJge
and Carradale are at anchor in the
lower river awaiting tow lines for Tort
land. The Telegraph got down on time with
a good crowd yesterday and went back
immediately. - .
Charles . Mitchell, thepopular re
ceiving clerk "of the Callender Naviga
tion company, h in Portland enjoying a
well deserved vacation. He will be on
the dock again Thursday hustling things,
as usual
While the Aberdeen was unloading
here yesterday, two of her crew were
at the dock-end of the- slings taking
away the stuff as it was landed. They
had been mauling . tome rough and
heavy merchandise, ami, later came to
some, barrelled whisky. Clearing the
first two barrels from the gear, toese
two started the barrels acosa the dock.
The man in the lead called back to his
mate, "Lord, but these roll easy, don't
they, Jimmy!" Jimmy grunted back, in
answer, "Well, you'd roll eay, too, if
you had all that stuff in yer."
The steamer W, H. Krnger is due to
day from San Francisco.
The steamer Columbia should be down
en route to San Francisco, tomorrow.
The steamer Northland is billed for
arrival here, from San Francisco, some
time tomorrow.
The steamship Aragonia, from Hong
Kong is due in at any time.
The steamer Aurelia will be in port
on Wednesday, from San Francisco.
Yesterday was muggy, quiet and dis
mal along the docks, an J not a Tom
Codder from the A. A C. pier to the
Fisherman's dock. !
The steamer, Sue H. Elmore arrived
in yesterday at 4:30 o'clock p. m., from
Tillamook City, on the fore front of the
southeast gale." She made it from bar
to bar in" 5 hours, her record trip on this
run. Captain Schroeder says the wind
behind him was so fierce at Intervals he
bad to shut down his engines to keep
them from running away with them
selves. Announcement is made that the
steamer F. A. Kilburn will resume her
old schedule, leaving Saa Francisco on
the 11th of the present month. Repairs
are being rushed upon her and site will
be in better condition than ever for her
business. Until she begins to operate,
the steamer Northland and South Bay
are under charter to attend to her busi
ness. The San Francisco and Portland
Steanvdiip company, ha accumulated
so heavy a freight trarUo that it has
chartered the Redondo and Aurelia for
service. The charters commence on
October 6th.
The ancient bark Tam (VShanter
clings to her "windmill" for pumping
service; the old device looks odd in
these days but it is very useful, just
the same.
The schooner Oakland is beating up
and down off Tillamook bay, waiting
for the tug Roscoe to come from Sim
law to tow her in. Yesterday's gale
may have sent her toward the mid Pa
cific, some. ,
Queer Uses for Equitable Policy
Holder's Money.
Equitable Haa Ran a Bar and Restau
rant, Known as the "Cafe Savarin" for
Year Morton Says He Does Not
Like It, But Must Accept Conditions.
Foard & Sfelies to
Another large shipment of new Autumn styles in
Juct arrived. If you are contemplat
ing making a purchase come and see
the new things we are showing.
If You Do Not In
tend to Purchase
We've such a comprehensive
collection thafit's a pleasure
tp show them. -
Ladies' costs ....
Ladies' Suits ....
Children's coats ,
f 10.00 to 135-00
... $15.00 to 1 40.00
-.. .fsxo to f 10.00
Agents for Dr. Warner's Rust Proof corsets.
President Paul Morton of the Equit
able Life Assurance society announced
yesterday that he intends to divorce the
Equitable from the Cafe Savarin as soon
as possible. The society has run the
restaurant and bar for a good many
years; in fact, ever since the Cafe Sa
varin company was incorporated, and
the relation between the two has at
times been the basis for widespread
criticism among 'persons who objected
to a life insurance company being en
paged In selling intoxicating drinks. Here
is' President Morton's statement:
There is nothing new or sensational
about the Cafe Savarin. There has been
no change in its relation to the Equit
able society, which now owns and ope
rates it. I do not like the idea of the
society benig in the restaurant business,
but it is a condition that I found, and
we will have to continue in the busi
ness until I can make other arrange
ments. It will be my effort to get the
society out of the business, although,
in lieu of rent, the Cafe Savarin is now
netting the society profits which ap
proximate what the rent ought to be.
No officer, director or employe of the
society is interested in any way in the
profits of the cafe.
Mr. Morton's statement was made in
response tonewspaper criticism about the
Kquitable's relation to the cafe.
The statement that none of the socie
ty's officers or director receives ' any
profit from the cafe was received by
many with surprie, as it was general
ly supposed that several of the direc
tors, comprising the old regime were
stockholders in the company. The Cafe
Savarin company is apparently then on
ly a nominal affair. Its directors were
at the beginning of the year Henry C.
Dcming, Thomas D. Jordan, tieorge V.
Turner and Daniel M. Junk.
Mr. Deming is a director of the Equit
able and president of the Mercantile
Trust company. Mr. Jordan was compt
roller of the society until President Mor
ton dimiHed him becaute he refused to
answer questions in regard to the no
torious M.),000 blind loan, of wliich he
was one of the trustees.
Turner is the- Mercantile Trust com
pany clerk who served as the figurehead
in the Turner loan transaction, in which
the Western National bank, through the
efforts of Henry B. Hyde, Louis Fits-
gerald and others, got more than $K),.
000 from the trust company on security
which the federal banking authorities
had refused to allow as an asset. Junk
has a dck in the cashier's department
of the Equitable, but his time for the
last three or four years has been de
voted larkely to the management of the
Seven Steamers Fail to Move the
Monster Yesterday.
Mass of Lop Refuses to Budge Under
Strain of 8500 Horse-Power Ltggett,
Aberdeen, Harvest Queen, Oklahama,
Mtlville, Cruiser sad Eclipse Fail,
A Portland dispatch was posted at
the Western I'nion oTUce in this city
yesterday afternoon, in the following
terms: 1
"Portland, Ore, 1s t. 1.
"Display man, Astoria, Ore.
"Storm, southeasterly, warn-
ing 1:30 p. 111. Storm off f)
mouth of Columbia river, moving
rapidly inland. Increasing south-
east wind becoming higher and
will probably shift to the south-
west. Repeat to Point Adams."
New Cure for Cancer.
All surface cancers are now known
W W euntUa, by Buddea'a. Arnica. Salve.
Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va., writes
"I had a cancer on my lip for yean, that
seemed incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica
Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly
well. " Guaranteed cure for cuts and
burns. 23c at Clias. Rogers? drug store.
It waa during the preliminary ad
vance of this storm that the compre
hensive and strenuous effort was made
to move the big Stella sea-raft from its
bed on the spit in Young's bay, to the
adjacent channel of the harbor, yester
day afternoon.
At 1 :S0 o'clock p. m. a fleet of seven
steamers collected about the stranded,
hsin hound leviathan in the lower bay,
for the express, purpose of hauling it in
to deep water and giving the steamer
Francis 11. Leggett a chance to start
Sao Francisco-ward with it.
The Leggett had 700 feet of five-inch
steel wire hawer attached to the raft
with a deep-sea bend, so if the effort
wa succe-ful, tlis and her convoy
could get away without further trouble.
The steamer Aberdeen, en mute to
fJray'a harbor from San FrancUco, (after
touching hre with freight and passeng
ers) ranged alongide the Leggrtt and
A Watch, Guaranteed a Good
Timekeeper will be Given
With Each Boys' Suit Bought
From Us Between Now
and Oct 1st.
These Suits comprise all that is New
and Stylish in Boys' Wear
Cheviots, Casslmeres, Plain ind finer Worsteds
$2.50 to $10.00 Suit
nd . WATCH FREE wi
every Suit from now till October 1st.
A Stokes Soit
A Good Soit
Jtig Che
Fall Shirt
Waists Fancy Mixtures at . .$1.00 and 91.15
AU Wool Flannel . ...S1.00 and I1.15
Alpaca in all colon 91.75
Caps in
New "
Just the thing for rainy weather
48c, 73c, and 89c.
The largest variety of
Ladles' ,
in the city.
Swell coats front ....lj.00 to I20.00
Hart you teen our sew luita, noth
ing like them.
Wt can Fit You Perfectly.
made fat, while the llarvet Queen
gathered on the raft ju-t forward of
the walt on the port side, with the
Oklahama iu a similar portion on the
starboard side, both primed for a heavy
stern-haul; the Callender tug Melville
had a line on the stern of the monster,
and the Krlipe and CruUcr of the same
company were "muted" against tU stern
for a long steady shove.
At a given signal these seven steam
ers went at it. and soon the ungainly
ntas was subjected to a direct and
uniform strain of tt-HW hore pouer with
a U..1 fet of tide arlooil beneath it and
lor about 20 minutes there was an eager
expectancy of siit-cos among lite crews
of triving steamers, but this soon aed
and gave place to a doubt as well d-lld
as tiie Iiiim had Im-ii, and by 3 o'yj
(Continued on page 5.)
Cot 09 Choi?.
lie may well think, ha haa got off
cheap, who, after having contracted
constipation or Indigestion, la aUll all
to perfectly restore his health. Noth
ing will do this but Dr. King's New Lift
Mils. A quick, pleasant, and certain
curt for headache, constipation Ho.
23c at Chaa. Rogers' drug store j guar
Frank II. Kherson, now of l.o An
yeles, but nearly a stiire of years p
a well known and Npulnr baker in tliU
i-iiy, has sriived here for a few days
i-it at the jftiet of Hon. J. (J. A.
Iliiwlhy. Mr. Klheron was kept buy
greet injr. old friends yetedray.
Two Names Added to tbt Roster That
Never Closes.
Mrs. Stewart, the wife of Captain
Charles Stewart, of the life-Raving crew
at Ca I)iapojntmTnt, died from the
ravages of cancer, late on Saturday ev
ening lat. Mrs. Stewart was 37 years
of age and a great sufferer. The sym
pathy of a hoxt of friends on both sides
of the harbor is with the bereaved hus.
Willie K the four-year-old son of
Mr. and Mr. Andrew Kantala, of
Wood's (.sliding, expired at an early
hour yeMcnlny morning, from Incurable
otomai'h troubles.
You are all invited to call and tee the
most attractive lines of millinery ever
hown on the Pacific coast. Opening
days Tuesday, Wednesday, 20-27.
from Taris and metropolitan American
All manner of ahapet for street and
dress hats, trimmings, etc., will bo told,
so do not mist this opportunity of get
ting a stylish hat at reasonable prices,
MRS. A. JAL0FF, Prop.
Exclusive millinery at Reasonable Pricei
Star Theatrt Bldg. Astoria, Ore.
Accordion. Sunburst
and Knife Pleating:
To Order
No Hot Ironi. No Burning of Goods,
MissO. Gould
Eighth Floor, Marquam Building.
Prompt and Carefnl Attention Civti
to all Out-of-Town Order.
399 ttond St., cor. Ninth
Hats Trimmed,
Hats Gleaned,
Feathers Curled
Free of Charge.
Mas. R. Inglcton has
opened a nice line of La
dies' and Children's Fall
and Winter Hats.
Mrs. R. Ingleton
Opposite Budget Office.