MONDAY, OCTOBER s, 190s. THE 3IORXIKG ASTOIt IAX. ASTORIA, OHEGOX. 1 DECEPTIVE LABELS Unscrupulous English Dealer Playing a Game. TRADESMEN ARE AROUSED Alaska Salmon Thruit Upon th Brit lab Public at Prlc Aiked for Gcnuint Cooit Legitlmat Bowl It JUIiw RmI Value Threaten! V If Th attention of the UritUb Colnm liU rannrr of Mlimm U rsllnd by the Canadian ronimrrrUI ant at M a ncli ea ter, KiigUind, t the fat tliat wiikler-' k J'iitln In latliiijr rannrd salmon . iritU'rtl ty wiwnipuloim Kiilih li'ttlr. The eirnt tat hi ri-jNirt to th Canadian lriartmpnt of traJ ml rommrn-f 1 "It wa alaUd to iu that a wry lrja irM-nUu, tnun than W) percent, of HrltUh Columbia canned Milium reecliea tliU country without IhIn-U, ami label art allWed here. A Urga dMik-r will buy ID.ntMt caa of a mo reliable canning, ami ROW caw t)f Inferior quality and of Alaka flh. II will get authority to have printed for him in thl country the noeary InlirU for the tent quality. Imtnl of attlnlinr the lall to tlu bitter grade, he will have thwii t ua the lower j,raile. ami on the flu quality he put fmiry brand of hi own. The wonU "packed by' are carefully eliminated from the fraudulent luUI, ami all el tcumin except the quality of the con tent. '"Hie price of Alka salnum 1 In the itrijthliorhMtal of 1H IiillinK, or $4. 37, r cc, while the Uiitl-h Columbia In tall tin teallc 23 shlllinjr, or (0.07 er in, and thl different exilte the the cupidity oftl.e fakir to practice hi iM'fariou trade by ubtilutliiK laliela of n well known ItritUh Columbia canning factory, In thla way Ahuka aalmon i tliruM upon the dealer, and the cer pili-e aked than fn Kcnuine HrltUli Co lumbia, though h-arlnff a larjr margin to the aulxtllor, help It tale but when the coii.umrr, triea It a few tlrna, and tlmU it hard and not m h aa he ued to jfrt, be dicontinuca the ne of canned salmon. In IhW way tlie cotiMimptlon I materially lessened, and It la la the hty of llritUh Columbia cannera to adopt radical mean to prevent thi. "Why should not all Una I branded with the Initial of the cannert A large I'nited Ft ate eanner of fruit e.lpt thla plan in addition to label. The lionent dealer filit thi condition f trade otnolonal!vn the pres and trade Journal devoted to product warn the public and espoe the fraud, but unfortunately the jrreat mass of con aumera never hear of, or aee printed 4he expo. "I herewith give except from a lead lug article of recent date U-arlng on the subject 1 "'If canned aalmon la to continue to occupy auch a favorable position IkUi among the trade and the public aa it ha ! Jotie in the pat, jrrocer and commuter like mut have implicit faith and confl uence that they are getting the tt alue for their money. Should there be any upicion or trickery played uMn them and It may I a revelation to many to hear that there i then it i MHible that will lxme that all-cncntlal i-onllilcnce, a fact which might ecrioii ly threaten the imlutry. It might lie argued that both the trade and the pub- lie are critical enough to recognfEe when any attempt I being made to deceive them with inferior quality, no matter under what gulc of attractive label, or well-known brand it may I offered Hum, but it I within our knowledge that Keveral familiar "lahela are nut pivlng the aatlafaction they formerly did, and thU ha canned no little an noyance and dlgut in many quarter. There I now too much "working on the old brand" and the packing of an Inferior kind of flch, and thi, If we are not mistaken, will eventually have tendency to divert the courae of public favor for aalmon w - . t: " Jt l beyond dispute that a great IcaI of maneuvering is done In the la Imr or rather, re-labeling, of the jjood, with the result that the Britlah jmbllc are mlled. Xot only are the cua tomera deceived, however, but certain ectiona of the trade are consequently placed at a dladvantage. One well known Importer polnta out that certain brand of aalmon are coming to thi wuntry a if they were of the ritia Columbia, typewhenahey are nothing of the kind, and he add the addendum V H'at "If retailer prefer a cheaper art! V ele, let them buy the Alaska brand of original laWl, adhere I surely no rea ' on why they should pay for similar good under re-labeling condition, everal shilling a cae extra for the ole privilege of handling old known Ubcle." "It I aurety aa InJiMlc to the whole luitiixtry that auch scandal hould continue." It 1 hardly neceary to ty that a popular article like aalmon 'hould be under the strident aurvil huice, and It aeema to u that If all (id Krtation were coiiqielled to bear tbe mark of origin, it would go a long Way to aume the trade and the public that the lndutry wa conducted in a perfectly legitimate and bona fide man ner.' " ' R0 BOYCOTT AT SHANGHAI , 11 x American Cooda No Longer Stamped Witb Mirks of Chines Disapproval Washington, Oct. I. (tyiul (iencral Rmlger at Shanghai rabTI-d the state department today a follow! ' "There I no bmger any evidence of Itoycott condition in or about Shanghai, aim .vniTHiui trail i active, partwul arly with the northern part of China, and tlieie ha been no stamping of good (boycott mark), a waa reported. On the whole, the condition of affair seem to be aaticfactorv." INVENTS NEWFENDER Inventer Offers to Lie Down Front of Moving Cars. in BIG REVERSABLE ROLLER Loa Angeles Han Haa Creat Faitb In Hia Invention Which He call The "Un remitting Rotary Car Fender" and Makes Ofler to Obtain Recognition. bi Angch, Oct. 1. So great I the faith of J. V. Statkweather of Santa Monica in a street car fender invented by him that he offer to be run over (if thi can l done) by a car equipper with hi invention. Starkweather call hi device the "I'liremiltlng llotary Car Fender" and how a miniature car with hi inven tion attached. It conit of a roller rVanmittlng; reverse motion attached to the forward truck of the car and (qierated by mean of a compooite gear from the axle. It will thus be seen that the fender follow the rail even when the car i rounding sharp curve. Imagine a Urge rolling pin placed diagonally on the track in front of a car and rolling the wrong way when the car 1 in motion and you have it. Strakweathr at-rt that hi inven tion combining a' rotary reverae mo tion make it aborfltely itnpomdble for an object to be cruhed under the car. ile I willing to lie down in fron of any car equipped with hi Invention and allow himaelf to 1 run over if IMHutible, providing the experiment if ucceful (ucce in thi cae. confut ing In not making mincemeat of the inventor) rculU in the adoption of hi lev ice. AMERICAN GOODS IN RUSSIA Plan to Organic Depots Not Endorsed by Ceneral Sentiment. f. h..4 t ft . . """""i f i. i. a meeting ot Kuian and American tradcomcn I Wing he I here to dieu a project for the organi zation of central depota to dipluy Amer ican gNMl in Ituia. Ku!n generally do not endore the acheine, a they ay that American are not able to . aatixfy Ku.inn require uieut. opeciai jtouna inp Excumoa Sat of lj.00 for th fair via A.' ft C R. R. Ticket! Sold Dally Until October 13th. Up to and Including October 15th, the A. s G. R. It will sell round trip ex cur.ion tickets daily from Astoria to Portland and return rate of 3 for the round trip on account of the Lewis and Clark exposition. Tickets purchased on or before October 2 will be good for re turn passage 30 days from data of tale, and ticket purchased after that data will b good for return passage, up to and Including October SI. ' - ' . KaUrhts f Homer. April report ehoir Uiat good prog tea haa been made In a nnmbor of Jurisdictions ainco tjia Brat of the year. At tbe recent aeaslon of tbe grand lodge of Louisiana a resolution favor tog tbe admlaalon of women to th order waa adopted. . WoBa of Ike WerU. "Marcb abowed the greatest growth of tbe Woodmen of tbe World In tbe his tory of tbo order In the atate of New Tork. - At Santa Crux, CU recently 200 can didate wera lnltlatod Lato the aja terlea of tba ardor. A HUMAN SALAMANDER. , tie Itwr iat la Vtatk aval It waa a warm corner. Day aftt lay the fretwh aoidler bad poabed their battertea nearer and nearer to ward h4 bealeged town, and now on tould look out from behind the breast work and plainly the face of th Austrian artillery tueu a they atuck to their guns with grim determination and est their abota flying lPto the French forta. Hi one of the little mud constructed forta a ainali party of French aoldiera, tinder the command of a corporal, were busily engaged la returning the fire of the enemy. The corporal tall gaunt young fel low of twenty, waa directing the work of bin men. Often be leaped to th rampart to note what effect the fire of hla guna waa producing. Truly," aatd one of the aoldiera ai the corporal jumped back among them, "thou art a veritable aalamander. for thou canat atand fire." "Who la a aalamandert Inquired a gruff voice from the rear of the amok filled battery. Tbe aoldiera turned and aaw atandlng there a email, pale faced man la a gen erara uniform. - ' - One of the men pointed toward th AorporaL "It la be, general he replied. "A aalamanderl We will aeer. reit erated the nicer aa he ran hla eye ore tbe corporal, "Can you writer be In quired. Tea, my geueraL "Follow me, then.' Out Into the hot awept open the two paaaed, walk lug aide by aide. "Too aeem," remarked the general pleaaantly, "to be at least a foot taller than I. Kindly walk on thla Ida." And be Indicated tbe aide nearest to the enemy. "It will be a great protection to me." Without a word the corporal took the place. Just at that moment a ahell bunt di rectly over their heada, but did them bo barm. Tbe officer cast a quick glance at hla companion. He waa not In the least flurried, lie did not even quicken hla pace. ' Presently they reached and entered a battery which waa tbe nearest of all to the Auatrian line. It waa filled with dead and wounded aoldiera. Only one gun remained atandlng. Calmly aeatlng himself on a broken gun cartridge, the general gave the cor poral paper and quill and Ink and com manded him to write aa be began to dictate a letter. Tbe corporal' band did not ahaka. De wrote almost aa rapidly aa the gen eral apoke. Suddenly, Just aa tbe letter waa fin lahed, there was a deafening report, and a huge cannon ball paaaed ctoee above them and burled Itself with a dull thud la tbe earth beyond. Tbe wind caused by Ita paaaage overturned the two, and duat and dirt completely covered them. Tbe general picked himself up In an Instant. Calmly leaping upon the ram part, the corporal waved the finished letter defiantly toward the Auatrian lines. "Thanka, my frlendar be ahouted. Too bare eared me the trouble of blotting ur A look of genuine admiration crept Into the eyes of the general "What la your nameT ha aaked harshly. "Corporal Junot of the Ninth foot, general." "Bay rather "Captain Junot,' for cannot afford to let auch fellowa aa 70a remain corpora la." And General Bota parte for It waa be clapped the young map on the shoulder. Eight year later Marshal Junot wad decorated with the grand cross of the Legion of Honor by the Emperor Na poleon. Frank E. Cbannon In Bt Nkh Th Brl4'a Pie, loe -weaoing caae- or today waa formerly called tbe "brtdo'a pie" and In some regions was regarded aa so essential sn adjunct to the marriage celebration that there was no prospect of happiness without It It was always cxrcuinr in . shape, covered with strong crust and gamlsned with sweet meats. It waa the proper thing for the bridegroom to wait on the bride in serving tbo cake; hence the term "bridegroom." The Maa Wltk m Dwbbr. Don't make fun of the man with a bobby. It may be that that verjsoV4y will be tbe meana of tbe world grttluT aomethlng of great good. All peoph) that bare contributed to the aum of human knowledge bad a hobby. The man who ranka as an Inventor bad a bobby once; the minister who geta up In hla pulpit has hla hobby; the maa who sella you gooda baa the same. In fact, those that do anything at all hare a bobby. You may call It by some oth er name, but the hobby la still there.- Terrell Transcript X Retwrab Tske my advice don't lend Bor roughs any more money." "I never did." "Why, you used to, Fm sure, for r "No. I used to think I waa lending It to him,-but I aoon discovered It was purely a glft"-Catholic Standard and Times. Eaallr ri4mlM4, "And," said the Sunday school teach er, "when Delilah cut Samson's hair be became mild aa a lamb. Can yem un derstand thatr. Well, ma'am," replied Tommy. "It does make yer feel tbamed when a woman cuta jer halr."-rhiladeiphla Ledger. ' ' A BLB : TMIMEI F I filial 0T7H7T,O SPECIFY thts'crsat) TT.e Riost Pcpcler2i wiitlg-ttnomi Diced Pcrliler GUARANTEED PURELY VEGETABLE This is the season that tests the quality of vour blood, and if it is not good, then evidences of it will begin to' show as the'weather grows warmer. Carbuncles and boils, pimples and blotches, and numerous itching and burning skin eruptions will make their appearance, and are sure in dications of bad blood. If spring-time finds you with im pure, sickly blood, then you are in poor condition to with stand the strain upon the system which always comes at this time of the year. A failure to look after your physical wel fare now, by purifying the blood and toning up the gen eral system, may result in a complete breaking down of health later on, and you will find yourself weak and run down, with no appetite, and a prey to indigestion and ner vousness. It is poor -blood that makes weak bodies, for it is this vital fluid that must supply vigor and strength to our systems, and ' upon its purity rests our chances for health. Any impurity, humor or poison m the blood acts inju riously upon the system and affects the general health. It is to the morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood that chronic sores and ulcers are due. The pustular and scaly skin eruptions so common during spring and summer, show the blood to be in a riotous, feverish condition, as a result of too much acid or the presence of some irritating humor or acrid poison in the blood. A large per cent, of human ailments have their origin in a polluted, diseased blood, and can only be reached by a remedy that goes into the circulation and uproots and expels the poison and restores the blood to a healthy, natural condition. If you nave any symptoms of bad blood, and are thinking of a blood puri fier, then think of S. S. S., Springfield, Ohio. May 16, 1903. On two occasions I have aad your 8. 8. 8. In the spring with fine reanlta. I ean heartily reoommend It aa a tonlo and K1aaI nnAft ' T w. . trAnhliirl with bead&ohee, indigestion and liver trouble, a remedy With a long wnion mu disappeared unaer iu uw wi b tablisiied Temitation few botUea of your great blood remedy, esiaoiisuca repmauon b. 8. s. My appetite, which was poor, , and that has proven It- waa greatly helped. I can eat anything if t fl cCf. in rlic. I want now without fear of Indication. e" tO be a Specific in OlS- and my blood haa been thoroughly cleansed of impnritlea and made rich and atrong again. Aa a tonlo and blood pur ifier it la all yon claim for It MRS. OEOROE WIEQEL, 771 E. Mala St. Wheeling, W. Vs.. May 28, 1808. 1 have need your 8. 8. 8. thla apring, and fonnd It to be a blood purifier of the best order. My system waa run down and my Joints ached and pained me con siderably, and I began to fear that I was going to be laid up with Rheumatism. I had used 8. 8. 8. before, and knew what it waa; ao I purchased a bottle of it, and have taken aeveral bottlea, with the result that the aohes and pains I had are gone; my blood haa been cleansed and reno vated, my general health built up, so that I ean cheerfully testify to ita Tirtuea as a blood purifier and tonlo. ' JOHN O. 8TXXX. , 1833 Market Street eases of the blood, and a superior tonic and sys tem builder. S.S.S.' con tains no mercury, pot ash, arsenic or other mineral, but is composed exclusively of vegetable ingredients, selected for their medicinal properties and gathered from nature's store-houses the fields and forests. The thou sands who have used S. S. S. and know from experience what it will do in blood troubles, do not need to be reminded of a blood purifier now, for they know no better can be found than S. S. S. If you are thinking, of a blood nurifier, think of S. S. &, which has been 6old for nearly fifty years, while the demand is greater now than ever in its history. No remedy without merit could exist so long anil retain the confidence of the people. Write us if in- need of medical advice, which is given without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA 3 JUST A MOMENT!! We Want t6 Talk to You I . -2 ABOUT BOOK BINDING ! We do it in AI! the Latest and Best Styles of the Ait . . . I JS & ' 2 . We take yottf Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. - ' v-"- - We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind . them and return to you good as any new book N Let us figure with you on fixing up. your Library The J. S. Dellingeno; Makers of All Kinds of Boo& S i 1 Astorian Building Corner Commercial and IOth'Strebt