J10K 'V UtUtHIt PULL AttOOIATIO PHM BIONT in T'f' COVIRg THK M0HNIN9 PIILO ON THI LOWIfc COLUMBIA VOLUME LX NO. 110 ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY1 SEPTEMBER 30 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 ... J 1 j STARTLING FACTS UNSPEAKABLY ROTTEN Legislatures influenced ) By Big Insurance Concerns. DIRECTORSMEREFIGUREHEADS Equitable, Mw York Life and Mutual Ufa Form Pool to Control Lutltlon It Teatimonjr Cia by Prominent Of-Bdal-"lt Wai Ail Hyda." New Vork. Srpt. 20. When tb lg1 Utive wmwittee cm Iwuram-a Inveetl Ration adjourned UUy until next Wed luwiUy it concluded a w-k In which jjreeUr prorra had been nmle than In any week ainee the inetl(at)ou begun. The ltlinHiy of tle wltnce that had Uen celled during the week h be" rrpkte with eentin, and Uiat of tiny wa no rxcrjitlon to the rule. ''A Jim . afternoon aoidon Alfred '. ' iuli. ..,i,aiw, Ult able LtP Aureiwe iety &l that the FuiUl.le Life the Mutual Life and the New York Ufo coinpMiir iuj furnied a 1I to lnk after kgUtalion In the varkuw atate legUUturei, An drew Heinllton of Maine tetiflrd that ' lie loked after the IcgiRtative matter of all the rninpanie in the atate wet of Ohio. The wllne tuld of an atrreenient w hereby a eclal rounel w a employed liy one company In it territory and the exprnte wa ahared by ell. He waa anked if the campaign contribution ratne unedr hi olmervation, and he re plied that they did not. He ald he had never heard of any money being paid to influence lejrintation. Edward L. IVv lin, the real entata manager of the New Yoik Life for the United State and v.a4iHa va calleil to testify a to the rot of th. building in 1'ark He had only tranM-rtyta of the report offthU ilepNiiinent which hud tin-n made to the home olllee, but it waa brought put that the I'aria building U carried on the inok of th company at a vahmtion of 1.102.IHM, whhh accniinta, with the ori ginal co and improvement on the biiilditiK in actual money to the amount of $ J..W,1,104 wa paid, over one million being i lnwged off valuation on the book of the company. IVvlln aaid the netf in come on the bidding to tiie New York Life, v.a one and one half per rent on tlie a tual amount lnveted In the build Ingor between three and three and one half cr' rem on amount at which the Iniihlingia rricd on the, book of li. company. Not the Ica-important development of the day w theSpearane on the atand Jacob H. 8chiff, head of U'e banking firm of Kuhn, Ixeb ft company. tH'hiff vlgorouly defended hi attitude while a director of the Equitable and claimed that hi firm had acted in a con eclentioua manner In all dealing with the aoclety. At the eonclubn of hi INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT TO BE; v ESTABLISHED AT SHANGHAI San Francisco, Sept. 2D. A perman ent InduMxial commercial exhibit will soon be etabtihed at Shanghai, China, by Barcua Cref, of that place, who I here perfecting arrangement. It U aaiil by promoter tliat the ex hibit will enhance th merchant com merce by properly introducing and 4- testimony, Bchtff mad aa lmpaaeloaed aitaek en U etato auperinUndent af j Insurance and (ha automata ha made; concerning tk Kuan, lb A company darto to UraaOntM of. th Equit able. During Lit tUmoay SchlrT mad a chart that th nalnute of tb Ansae oommltto regarding a eertaia Boatlag wa falaa. La tar ha qualified tab how irrr, by saying that If tba transaction under consideration ia tba I'nloa Facile preferred, we actually mada, ba did not bear it, although b waa preeent at tba meeting. Agaia during tba ta-tinwo regarding tba power of tba flnaaoe com mitte of the lujulUbl aodetjr, Scaiff waxed warm la txpUaatioa, and aaid the entire committaa waa at the mere of one man. " , , "It waa all Uji'," aaid Scblff, "all Hyde aad Alexander. Mr. Hyde wrote the meMagr regarding the offere mada by the Arm for participation In tba ayn dkte Hyde algned alt the reeeipte and Hyde wroU all the WteiV He aaid bla MMititm of director in the Equitable waa that of a negligible quantity, that the director were mere figurehead. MAKES POOS SHOWIIfC. Spokane, Rept. 29. Iloomer Week, a rqiokane (Irenian, outpoluted and out fought Frank (iotili in a 12 round bout rt th 8pokam Amateur Athletic club tonight, but Ootch outwreetletl Week and thereby naved hiimelf from diat- er. Week floorel (Jotch in the lUUi round, but (ioU-h eUyed 12 round and the bout, by previuu agreement waa called a draw. Is Watching Results of Insurance Investigation, SupeMaing Officer of Private Innr anc Bai Applied to German Ktpre aentatlv Ala Directly to Thia Cot trnment for Information. Herlin, K-pt. 20. Th German gor eminent U watching with keen intereat the invetigation now being conducted by a committee of the New York leg litlatur Into the afTair and conduct f tlia American inauranc coinpanlc and 1 taking atep to keep iwlf fully in formed regarding the reulu of the in Vfwtigatloru Aei-ording to the Cologne OasetU', a uieivling ollWr for private inuranee ba applied to the Cermun repreentative In tlie I'liited State a well a directly to the American gov. eminent for information on tlie aub PERISHES IN FLAMES New York, Sept. 20.-One man waa burned tou death and two fatally burned tonight n a re ult of a 3re In i lodging houM on Wet atreel tonight It fa thought that there ar other, whowe bodie have not been found. viertlidng Annican good among th Chine nienhanU. .Tlie plan U ndored y the department of commerce and la bor and 'Secretary of War Taftrsp prove of the method of rromotin- trad ing with th Orient The pnjHed ex hibit will be in operation bv the eWe of the Chinese ney wear in Febnmry. GERMANY INTERESTED miu- :-r COMPANY IS CENSURED Coroner's Jury Places the Blame tor Short Line Wreck. . Mil TRAIN CREW VIOUTE ORDERS After Three Days Continuous Seaaloa Jury Place BUm for Oregoa Short Line Colliaioa on Crew of Second Section of Train if o. i. Weber, Sept 29. Th coroner jury wlilch baa been investigating tb bead- on collision on tlie Oregon Short Lin railroad near thU city on the morning f th 23rd timet, in which Mail Clerk J. W. Harrinon and Fireman Edward ltevilstcadt wer killed, reached a ver dict 'hi afternoon after a three daya eontlnie eion. The jury found the emncer, conduclor and brake man of the MNnd aection of the panaenger tram iv. I, reponibl for th accident by tlieir violation of train order for that data and diaobeylng certain per ating ruWa of th company. Th Oregoa Short Lin waa found negligent in the enforcement of It op erating rule, and censured therefor. RICHARDS MAKES SEPOST 7,57.o4 Acre of Pubbe and Indian Lands Disposed of This Year. Waahlngton, Sept 29. Commissioner Richard, of the general band office to day forwarded to the secretary of the Interior hi annual report covering the flwal year ending June 30 but It shows that during the year 16,979,500 acre of public bind and 7740 acre of Indian land were disposed of, a total exceeding that for 1904 by 050,000 acre, Of the public land disposed of 12,805, 571 acres were entered under th home- tead law, 0U,677 under the timber land and atone law, 711,124 undw the desert land law, and 5H50, acre of ewamp land were patented. , . Th total receipt for the year, im-lud ing those for the lc of Indian land are $7,017,811. , RUSSIAN FOUND HANGING TO LIMB Becomes Homesick and Ends Life in a Shocking Manner. Aberdeen, Sept. 29. A ghastly rind, made thia morning by two Finns, in tlie discovery of the dead body of a man way ing from the limb of a trW near th Mk'higan mill. Th body waa cut down, and waa Identified a that of Charley Hibala, a Russian Finn, who had been missing for a week. He waa last aeea with an old man named Peter son, but there is no auspkion of foul play, as there is every indication of aui- clde. Th man evidently tied a alio noose in th rope, climbed th tree and fastening the end of th rope to a limb, placed the no about his neck and jumped. His hat wa ja'rred off by bi fall and his toes' touched the ground. He bad probably been hanging for a week whea found. He waa about 27 years old aad had been suffering from homesickness. Wa unmarried and re sided with a brother. J WOMAN COMMITS SUICIDE. St, IhiIs, Sept 29. Th dead body of Xlill Nellie West Long waa found in a room at th Burlington Tlatit today, she having committed suicide with morphine. M . , ' , LUMBEX PXICU ADVAKCID Padfe Caaat Aaaodatiaa Boost Priea f lubr aad Lata. -8eattle, Sept. . At tb regular BKmthly Bieetiaf of U Vuilm Coaat Lumber Maaufactarer aaaodatioa, which waa held today it waa Toted to adrano tba apmo lumbar lit fl per tfcouaaad, aad latba tie per taooaaad. TU action is aubjact to ratiacatioa by tb 8oothwUr Waabiagtoa Manu facturer aaaociaUoo, - J. O. Wood worth, traffic aaanager of th Kortaera Facile, adviaavJU aaao ciatioa that tbera would ba no iacreaa la freight rate to Mloeapotia. Thar have been many atorie that tb ralee would be increaaed aad th communica tion from Wood worth waa ia reply to a formal interogatkm on tb aubject. CASE ALMOST HOPELESS CJiuago, Sept 29. It baa been decided by the phykk-iana hi attendance upon President Harper of the University of Chicago, that nothing can aav bia life but a surgical operation of an heroic characUr. It ia admitted that there i practically no chance of aaving hi Ufa unleaa th cancer, which b killing him, can be checked by the removal of the large intestine. The aurgeona will make an examination in a few daya to decide upon the advisability of an operation. It i admitted that the chance are great ly againt th permanent relief of the patient even if the operation ia per formed. . IS DAMAGED .1.. Strikes Government Breakwater at San Pedro Harbor. Loat Har Bearings Owing to Heavy Sand Storm aad Has Great Hoi Tens la Her Side Conpletsry Water Logged Lumber Laden, San Pedro, Sept. 29. The four-masted schooner Muriel, 4S3 tons, Captain Wy- ckender, master, bound from Graya har bor to San Pedro, laden with 700,000 feet of lumber, crashed into the govern ment breakwater at the entrance of Saw Tedro hsrU last night, and wa greatly damaged. The Muriel now liea off the Southern pacific wharf." She ia completely waterlogged, her deck, be ing Hush with the water tin. The Muriel lost her bearing in the heavy weather, a sandstorm obscuring everything. She crashed Into break water "oow on" ana a Dig bole waa torn in her port aide. The tug Warrior was sent to the Mur iel's assistance, and after much diffi culty she wa towed nto the harbor. CARNEGIE FAVORS ALLIANCE. Psris, Sept 29. The Echo IV Tari printa an article signed by Andrew Car negie in which the writer argue in fa vor of an alliance between the United Statea, France and Great Britain for the safeguarding of the peace of the world. Ilhe author denominates the counkie named aa "th three republics, two un crowned and one crowned." COMMISSIONERS MEET HILL Seattle, Sept 29.-Chairman H, A. Fairchild and John S. McMillan, of the Washington railway commission, will meet James. J. Hill and party .In this city tomorrow to tak up the question oi (he power of the commission to fix joint rate." I a the two cases now pend ing before the commission, the railway companies, including the Great North ern, have disputed th power x of the. board to make such rates. ' TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Sept. 29. Saturday i Show er with increasing cloudiness. SCH MURIEL SI1I1IS STATEMENT IS ISSUED King-Empcror Makes Ef. fort to Pacify His Subjects. MAY FORM A NEW CABINET Some Way Out ef Difficulty Must Be Speedily Found If Revolution Is t Be Avoided ExpuUion of th Socialist Students Demanded. Buda Pest, Sept 29. Toe situation is becoming clearer, evidence is accumulat ing that both the coalition leaders and the king and ervperor are earnestly en deavoring to find a way out bf the diffi culty. Statement have' been. , issued, emanating, it is understood, directly from the entrpuagc of. the, king-ajxiparor, denying any intention oa tb pt-W larowa-of wnuii' km .U-iwm tional ausceptibilities. Th leaders am the king-emperor realize that some way out of the pres ent situatoin must be reached at an early date aa otherwise the economic condition of Hungary will become so bad that eerioue disturbance cannot be avoided, if in Wed a real revolution does not break out. The fact that Count Albin Czakr. president of th upper house of tho .Uutfjupaa diet has; bejn summoned to aa audience of the king-emperor next Saturday, U not considered here a im plying that the count will necessarily be invited to form a cabinet On the contrary, there is a disposition in manj, quarter to believe that Baron Fejer vary may be reappointed to the pre miership. The. UtaVr is npw under stood to support the contention that Hungary has the right to establish in dependent customs in her territory. This haa created a favorable impression. Count Apponyi, who ia inclined to the view that a solution of tb Hungarian eriiu will b found. auggesU that the formal liberal premier Koloman de Sxell will be nominated by the king-emperor to negotiate with the coalitityu Buda Pet, Sept 29. A tin box filled with powder of some kind waa found thia morning under the staircase in a hotd in wl'h. th" coalition leaders were meeting. The 'box," whkh ia al leged to be an infernal machine, was taken to police headquarter for ex amination, .rs.-i.::-" BASEBALL SCORES. Seattle, Sept 29. Seattle, 4; Tort- land, 0. San Francisco, Sept 29. Los Angeles, 3; San Francisco, 0. Spokane, Sept 229. Oakland, S; Ta- coma, 3. . WASHINGTON SHINGLE AAANUFACTURERS ORGANIZE SeatflM, Sept 29. A Shingle Mills bureau, an association to control the output of Washington red cedar shingles wa organised ia the office of D. W. Rass this afternoon. About 80 per cent of the total output of the state was represented and after naming the vari LIQUOR MEN COMPLAIN Sm Eailreaaa a Asosaat f ABeftd K LiacriaaiiutiM ii lata. , ' 4 Waahingtoa, Sept 29. Tba istertUU eocaaMre eoauaUsioa today act for hearing oa October 20, to eaa of tb NatkaaU Wholeaal Uwpt Dealers aa- aodatioai agaiaai tba Aichiaoa, Topeka 4 SaaU F railroad, tad 30 other roada, ineiudiiig practaeally aQ. tba priadpal baea if tb UaHed Stata. Ta eom plaiat iavotvea.tba alleged discrimiaat- in; freigta) tkuptm am aloobol, bigb wine, aad apfrtt aad taa rata oa whisky from tb east aad middl watt potato to th Padno eoaet, MILLIONAIRJL COMMITS SUICIDE Shoots Himself Tkroagh tb Hand, th Cans Is TJakaawa. New York, Sept 29. Wiliam B. Travere, millionaire, and maa of lei ura, th eon of th celebrated Wall street operator, Wiliam A, Trarer, committed suicide today by shooting himself through the bead, at bia apart ment ia Madison avenue, lb auicMe is inexplicable as Trarers was in th prime of life, enjoyed fab health, and waa possessed of a large fortune. Mr. Travers married Mis Lilly Harriman, a sister of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr, Th couple separated three year ago, Mr. Travers going to Pari to live. Trav ere was an unele of Mrs. Clarence Mack sy. He had two sisters, Mrs. Jame Wadsworth, of Geneseo, N. Y., and Mr. Walter Gay, who ia now living in Paris. IS DEN Governor Pardee Misquoted as to Graft - Charges. Says That California Commissioners Ar Satisfied With Method ef Mak ing Awsrds at Portland Exposition Exhibits Not to B Withdrawn. Sacramento, Sept. 29. Governor. Pardee today denied the newspaper pub lication crediting bim with having mad a statement that grafting ia going on at the Portland exposition in the mat ter of awards and that the California commission had withdrawn ita exhibits from competition. Governor Pardee aaid: "It was reported to me that a Mr. Furlong' had aaid that substantially, and 1 replied in effect that if such was the fact that the California exhibits would have to be withdrawn. I am still of that opinion. Commissioners Fletcher and Wiggins informed me that they have not been withdrawn, which ahows me that they are satisfied with the con ditions which I know they would not be if the awards were matters of graft" RETURN FROM VANCOUVER Bellingham, Sept 29. A special train bearing President Hill of the Great Northern and President Elliott of the Northern Pacific, arrived her thia af ternoon on their return from Vancouver, B. C, where they went last night. They left here later for Seattle. ous working committees a resolution was adopted ordering the closing down of all mill during the month of December and January next The following officer wer elected: President, D. W. JUs; vice president . M. Dolcom; secretary, Earl Pooler; trtaturer, A. W. Ma.kle. STATEMENT iiwrtfg1!''