THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTIHBZB it, 1903. j - i t aeeeeeeaaaeaaaaMaa.."""""''"''' THE MORNING ASTORIAN ZsUBUan4 1I7J. Published Dr J THE J. S. DELLDIGEX tOXPAHT. SUBSCRIPTION SITES. By xuS, per year ............ .ILM B7 mail, per month .60 B carrier, per month... .73 WEEXXY ASTOKIAir. By mail, per year, in advance. .$1.00 Entered m end-laes matter Job S5, 1S05, at the poetofltoe at Aatorle. Ore gon, under the act X Con rees of March t, 1879. ajJ-Orrtara for tha deUwnn of Til Moajr iMiaroauM to either iwktaw or plate of buigM r aaade by postal card or throuxft leJe.'howe. Aaf urrarulartty o livery should ba 'aareedJatoty reported to the office of puhttoatioa. TELEPHONE MAIN 6C1. THE LATEST CLOUD. Because the government has decided to send the American minister to Costa Rica in a aarhip to Nicaragua for the purpose of seeing that justice is done American citirens resident in that coun try there need be no fear that hostili ties are to be commenced at once. While the unofficial report received in Wash ington shows that Nicaragua has over stepped the bounds of its obligations to ward the citizens of a friendly nation, there may be another side to the story. It appears that Americans engaged in the tobacco trade were accused by the authorities of having disobeyed the law, and an attempt was made to raid their property under the statement that their tobacco was to be confiscated. The raid was stopped, but the leader of the party was admitted to the house and went away unable to prove his charge. Other means of annoying the Americans were roumt, mnl fa time they were luiprtsoned, charged with "resistance of authority and violent abuse of the executive." They were arrested on the street while peaceably going to their place of busi ness. The report shows that they sim ply acted on what they had every rea son to believe was within their rights, the cause of the trouble being antagon ism of the tobacco monopoly because they refused to sell when the company desired. , . 15' .. Whet ihe outcome of the incident will be can only be determined when the facts are well known. But it is clear that if the Americans are in the right they will receive the full protection of the American government. - - bread, and at supper bread, butter and tea. I clothe myself on 17 year and always nava two complete outfits." . Seaman does not usa tht street ear and walks to his suburban lodgings, also for short distances through the country 1 1 but he does patronite the railroads for long journeys. His sole business is buying the titles of prop- ery sold for taxes and disposing of them at higher price. THEIS SINGING COMFORT. -A little girl I knew," aid Saan B. Anthony, "went with her teavher one .af ternoon, to vfcit the wmnty prison. She becanie interested in a conriJrt who was knitting stocking, and stopped to talk to the an.i i ?J w ' ?'Do yon find it dnirhereair! she said. - ,?'" " 'Indeed I Jo, fn' the convict an swered. ? f '' ) "'StiuV aid;thl thUdthe singing of the birds helps to relieve the monotony doesn't it f ' "Singing of the birds?' said the con vict in a puzzled voice. " 'Yea.' said the little girl. ; -. . What birds? asked the man.' The well meaning but ignorant child, with'a helpful smile, replied: " The little jail birds. They must lie a great comfort to you'." ! The SEASIDE HOUSE 1 HE HAD A GOOD SEASON. Xodd Come out with me and take ride in my auto. Todd How long have you had itt "Just got it "Had any experience with them!" -No." "Going to run it yourself!" "I am." "Can you mend a punctured tire!" "Xo, sir." "Wouldn't know the first thing to do!" "Xot the first thing." "Have you studied, read or been giv en any advice!" "Xo, sir; I tell you I don't know the first thing." "How far do you want to go!" "Just as far as the thing will go." "All right. I'll go with you." "What! Why I didn't dream you'd ae cept my invitation." "Why not!" "Why, I didn't suppose you'd care to go out in an auto with a man who doeont know anything about It." 1 "Xonsense! You're just the man." "How's that!" "Simply because, old chap, if we break down we'll drop the old machine and get home by trolley, train or carriage. But if you thought you knew the flrt thing about it you'd spend the rest of the dav trying to fix it up, while I'd have to say with you and Buffer as matter of eou- ty." !-... MM'... ; THE FOOD POISONERS. When food la so Dad tbat it kills a dog it must be bad enough not to sell to human beings. Yet it is precisely the adulterants put upon our tables and served to us in hotels and restaurants which are killing the dogs. A chemist in Atlantic City has been conducting a series of experiments by feeding thee preservatives, substitutes and coloring matters to dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits, and the results are fatal. Post mortem examinations show the results of actual poison. These materials are eaten by men, women and children. They are served in breadstuff ; they are used in canned goods; they are employed by the Chicago packers in embalming beef and tan-ages; they enter into the composi tion of spice and condiments; they give color and sharpness to watered wines and liquors; they give an effect or ripening to beer that should mature in the vats; and, so far as we are aware, not one manufacturer who thus sophis ticates his output has ever been sent to jail. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Deaf mutes are always ready to take a hand in arguments. Rejected suitors are the victims of misapplied defotion.- ' ' It's a wise man who patches up the quarrel instead of his face. Beware of the financial pointer; it usually points the wrong way. As a weather forecaster there is noth ing superior to a healthy corn. Charity is a garment that serves to cover up much moral scrawninesa. There's something radically wrong with the man who enjoys visiting a den. tist. Isn't it a pity that the average re former neglects to begin his work at home. You will need to prepare your system for the coming weather, get your or gans to work like clock work. Mollis ter's Rockey Mountain Tea taken this month will do the business. 35 cents. ea or Tablets, sold and recommended liv Frank Hart. SEVEN CENTS A DAY. Seven cents a day is all that A. J. Seaman, a professional tax title buyer, with residences in Denver and Omaha, spend for food and drink, according to his own statement. He is thought to 1 worth at least $100,000 and is known to have presented certified check for 30,000 on one occasion. Despite his fortune he lives In the mo-t frugal man ner, renting a small room far out in the suburbs, for whih he pays almost noth ing. "I have reduced the cost of living to a science," says Seaman. "Seven cents a day is. my limit, and what this amount ' buys keeps tne in excellent health. This allows 2 cents each for breakfast and supper and 3 centa for a hearty meal in the middle of the day. lor breakfast I have coffee and crack ers; for dinner a bowl of soup with IMPORTANT CONFERENCE HELD. Oyster Bay, Sept. 21. A conference of much iintortam was held tonight at Sagamore Hill, the participants be ing I're-iilent Roosevelt, Secretary Root, Senator Henry Cabot Ixlge and Joseph II. Choate. While it is known that a particular subject of great concern to tne country was under consideration. The nature of it has not been diuclosed officially tonight. If you want your little ones ttrong, healthy and robust, give them Hollister's Rockey Mountain Tea. A tonic for the whole family. The children's friend. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets, sold and recco mended by Frank Hart A young woman can earn her Jit ing expenses in Portland while study- L nig at tin Holmes Business College. For particulars, address the Principal, Holmes Business College, 23-33 Y. M. C. A. Building, Portland, Ore. & The Aatorian, 75 centa a month. o o Clatsop Beach, Oregon. la now open for guests. This flaa old Resort, situated on the banks of the Ne canJcum river, only a few rod from th ocean, offer to its patrons the . Only Ideai Sot Oil .1 'i I 7i . i if? The Coast ...J s for fresh and salt water bathing fitfc ing, boating and hunting, free two to all trains. Address all common! catkins to ' . ' t o o o o ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX. rres. sud Royt. v F L BISHOP. Secretary A.LFOX.VlooPret, AHTOK1A SAVIA'GS BANK.Traaa Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST JMHtOYFJ) Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORXESPONOENCe SOUQTEfc - ; , r TooiJif Fourth Street.... w einnaira It.UEJser. "' : The Seaside House l 0 Seaside, Oregon. a. sua ft.- Dangers of Defective Plumbing. Defecdvt plumbing permits the entrance Into the boose I of sewer gts bearisf germs of JJL contagious diseases to which tht human sjs III tern readily succumbs. Sewer gas b not necessarily generated In the ewer, but b frequently created b the plumb bg system within the home and enters the psrtments through defective fixtures. If b doubt, consult os regarding theptpbg and replacing defectift fixture! with ttdkfstd Porcelain Enameled Ware acknowledged as the best sanitary cqulpme&u J. A. Montgomery, Astoria '1 1 The MORNING A& rORlAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Sjt-ITIJ-ILiiiUaHE 'BLOOD PURIFYING TABLETS. MAKES BICH BED BLOOD, HEALTH ANDtTIENITH. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A POSITIVB CUBS FOR Your Prescription: Rock Island If you are goiog East, X would appreciate your consulting me. X will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free 1 X will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable importance that you select the right route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. a. h. Mcdonald, Oeneral Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore. ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DI3EA5ES WEAK LUN05 CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREOELAR flENSES LIVER TROUBLES. s) 5A-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over 30 years of medical research. SA.nU-LAH acts promptly oh the Lungs, Uver and Kidneys. These organs sre directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH ba blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are invaluable in esses of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excels of febrine or uric add. Every disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood. SAMULAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. nnpp A JsTls eckaf SA.MU-LArl tablets MM tr say r I i EL EL fsrsM wrHlaf as4 sadMlag $c f sf cast ! pHiai. ON SALE AT PRINCIPAL DRUOOISTS. PRICE PER BOX CONTAINING 25 TABLETS. 50 CENTS. If yonr dealer cannot supply you, send price and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., 140 NASSAU iT - NIW YORK. StStHStsWWlisWtltswststw I AN ASTORIA PRODUCT ', Pale Bohemian Beer ! Best In The Northwest ! North Pacific Brewing Co. r? KM I CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. IFMIMM corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases In every form, tones up the wnoie system, ana ine aiseases mat nave resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, CURED OF BRIGtTTS DISEASE. Mr. Kotxrt O. Burks, Bloom, Saratof a Co., N. Y.t wrltm-I am U4 to ttava a enoor tanity f wiling what macoiAcMt remits I hava had from aalna FOLEY'S KIDNBT CURB after havinc tmd other advarUMd medlcioM and several phyri h 1 Bad to f rt wHth d repay ao acroa. the room, dT, aad befor. I had takea the third bottle the superfluous ieah had f one, as well ss all ether ayoiptoms ef Kidney trouble. Mr friend, were eorpriaed that 1 waa cared, they a .a . . elaaa. Before i arcaa hr911r m VIMS r13D nPPfl rfmnven. LOffl. p from it to so times each Bight to relieve my bladder. 1 was all eioates up - air eyesight was ae Impaired that I could scarcely see one of my family a-,.-. iV.'nn. 1701 T7VQ If InMRV PITT? M , was eo badly used up that I bad igiveaap hope of living wheal tuu,b vaftiug A wr i-" Do not risk at the first sign of danger. tned it baa failed U be beat&tud. ether symptoms ef Kidsey trouble. Siv friende were eorpriaed that i waa cures, aa tn.y , ... , . . . . all thought I waa going to die. Ev few dayeaeme one comee from miles away to teara haVinCT BriETht S DlSCaSe Or DiaDClCS. th. a.m. of th. wonaVful mnlicine that Ciued mt of Bright DiMaM, aad aet SIS that "w6"k "vbjv vt vawwiv.. Two Sizes, GO Cents and 01.00. ; Z SOLD AHD RECQIIHENDED BY . C.1 J -. 4 Druggist. 'J