The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 21, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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The Real Thing
Nevada Comb Honey
Flat and Freeh, mad by th bees. Wa guarantee it to be trlctly
15c the One Pound Frame
Mr. Hkla 'ABdero's,a massag1. 1470
Grand Avenue. Given cither at bom or
School days are her againGet your
book and supplies at the Little Hook
Stor on 10th st. Ruler and blotter
free with each purchase.
Tb family restaurant of Astoria b
recognised a tha Iltu restaurant. The
beat maala and tha beat service la Aa
torla. 120 Eleventh atreet.
Tha Palsc Catering company' din
Ingroom ia again open under tha aama
management Everything flrat elase.
CuUlna and service unexcelled. Prlrat
dining-room (or ladle.
Wuort A Akerman, takldermite, mat
trea maker, furniture upholstering,
harness repairing, carpet cleaning and
laying. Ninth street.
Tha 0. R. A N. company will continue
to Mil tlcketa until October 13th from
Aitorla to Portland and return for 1213,
good returning until October 31, 1003.
Enjoy Colombia River Scenes
On tha deck of tha fait ateamer Tele
graph, leaving Callender dock, Aatoria,
lor Portland, dally, except Friday, at t
P.M. Sundaya, at ti 30 P.M., You
reach Portland in ample time for a at roll
or for an evening'a vUit at your friend'a
Nice Juicy
And This Season's
Just Arrived
Special Today
25c the Bashet
iil-iii Twelfth St, Aiterla.
I)o you know that we are offering the biggest
Furniture Barg'ains
in Astoria .
Prior to our moving Into new qyuarter specially constructed for u,
we have been and are itil! giving value in
Never before heard of in the city. It will pay you to call at once and
inspect the hundreda of bargains.
ill if oias.
' Roy wanted to deliver route on Morn
ing Astorian , .
' A inapt Two good show cases for
aala cheap. 430 Commercial atreet.
The county clerk yeaterday lued
naturalisation papers to Andrew John
on, a native of Finland.
A marriage license wa laaued by the
county clerk yesterday to Anton Grc
get and Tonna Tarabochia.
A marriage license waa yesterday l
nurd to Alfred C.-Scbroeder and Martha
K. Powell.
There are thirty-five people on the
roll of St. Mary'a hoapital aa patient.
While some of thetn ar quite ill, none
are in danger and many are convalesc
ing, and none amendable to the operat
ing table.
Dr. II. L Hcndereon the official rep
reaentative of the Improved Order of
the Ited Men of thia city, at the grand
council lately held at Nashville, write
that he expecte to arrive here on Kept.
Peter Sedaberg. a native of Finland,
who after several yeara residence in
thia city left for Olympla, Wash., about
four week ego, waa taken lick imme
diately after arriving there and died
few daya ago.
Bernard C. Anderaon and wife to Hi
ram Gray; lota 13 and 14, blk 40, New
Astoria, $700.
The 1'vninxular Land and Trust com
pany to Victor Ylnncn; lota 0 and 7, blk
4, Taylor'e ad. $300.
X tnnl that make kirk leoi)le
well, I)rivea out all impuritiea that col
Iwt In vour avatem. A fanil'v tonic
for the tick and afflicted. Holllatcr'e
RivVh Mountain Tm. . 33 Pent. Tea
... .. . " - . -
or Tableta. Sold and recommended
by Frank Ilart.
Special Round Trip Bxcuinoa Sate of
lj.oo for tb fair via A. ft C R. R.
Ticket Sold Daily Until
October 15th.
I'p to and including October 15th, the
A. A C. R. R. will aell round trip ex
cursion ticketa daily from Aatoria to
Portland and return rate of $3 for the
round trip on account of the Lewia and
Clark exposition. Ticketa purchased on
or More October 2 will b good for re
turn passage 30 daya from date of aalc,
and ticketa purchased after that date
will be good for return passage up to
and including October 31.
Oceano Arrives and goes Into
Like Imaom She Bring Water Ballast
Fora Cfjlera Infected Port-Work
Progreaaes oa PullUer Other New
of Ship and Sailors.
The British ateamer Ooeano (3030 ton)
twenty-two daya out from Shanghai,
arrived In yesterday afternoon about 4
o'clock and anchored off the lower quar
antine ground. She ia In, command of
Captain Cave and consigned to Laidlaw
A Co., at Portland, whither ane will
go when the federal quarantine officer
here i through with her.
She ia In water ballast, a waa the
fmautn, only she carriea 1700 tone of the
uected fluid to the Imaum'a 000, and
Dr. Karle, the quarantine oflicial baa
ordered her to sen to discharge her bal
last and replace it with u "contaminated
ea water, after which she will return
to quarantine and undergo complete and
systematic fumigation. When tht-e or-
h-r have been complied with, ahe will
Ijc relea-ed for her port of deatination
probably within the next aix daya.
Her voyage wa uneventful and made
in good average time. She will with
out doubt, load with lumber for the
Far Kat. On her lat trip out ahe
carried the giant cargo of lumber Ol
record, 3,000,000 feet.
The ateamer lloenoke, from San
Pedro, San Francin-o, Eureka and Cone
Hay, will be at the Calender pier
xiine time thi morning, where a heavy
manifest of aotith-bouad freight await
The ateamer Alliance from Eureka,
and Ckm Hay i due to arrive here thi
The federal cutom ateamer Patrol
ha arrived in home watera from her
Portland trip of a week's duratioa.
The gasoline achooner Cerald C, will
leave out on Saturday morning next
for Ndialcm with aixty ton of gen
eial merchandie.
The light -houe tender Columbine left
up fr Portland yclerdy morning on
audden order.
The Naheotta'a captain, Thomaa Car
ter, left for Portland yeaterday on a
long deferred and deaerved vacation. The
Ilwaco ateamer will be in charge of Capt.
Starr, her firt mate, during the alwcncc
f hi chief ofRcer.
The little gatoline coaster Delia I all
ready for a trip to N'eatucca and will
leave in-Untly the. weather ia propit
ion. The a team Afliooncr Cmina, from
California Mrt has arrived and ia en
route to Portland.
The ateamer Kureka, from San Fran-
ciaeo, croael in yesterday at 3:30 p. m.
and' continued on to Portland.
The ateamer Aui-elia, from San
Fnincico arrived in yeaterday after-
noon, and after dropping a email con
aignment of freight here, proceeded to
The ateamer South Hay, running on
route and buaineas of the disabled coast
er, F. A. Kilburn, now in dry dock at
San Francisco, hat arrived and gone
hence, to Portland.
The Telegraph touched at the Cal
endar pier yeaterday with 84 people
out of .Portland and tok back CI from
thi city.
The achooner W, F. Jewett will leave
up for Portland, under tow, today.
The work of dismantling the bar-pilot-
achooner Pulitzer began yea
terday, her topmast being taken out
and down. The work will be rushed
to completion and will probably take
ten or twelve dayt. '
Attacked by a Mob
And beaten, In a labor riot, until covered
with eoree, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied Bucklcn's Arnica Salve,
and was soon sound and well "I use
It In my family," writes O. J. Welch of
Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect"
Simply great for cuts and burns. Only
23o at Cbas. Rogers' drug store.
Yeaterday City Auditor Anderson waa
buaily engaged in preparing warant a
agai"t certain lot and pareaU of land
resjwmslLle lor. ami delinquent in, the
payment of anin aaeed again-t then
for t!ie atreet Improvement, and '
wlib-h there are nearly IV), agtegatitig
a tidy amount of money needed iu the
city1 freaanry. Aa oi a they are
ready they will be placed in the band
of Chief of Police Hallock for collection
and aubaequent proecutoin if they are
not paid "on the nail."
The alleged balance of 3703 auppoaed
to be in the hand of the Regatta com
mittee, 1!H).", doe not exist, at-ording
to a prominent officer of that body. Tbi
ia not written aa a criticism in any
ense, but tlie fact baa been published
in other column, and i either true or
misleading. The officer referred to de
clare the balance will approximate the
urn of $400 and not exceed it, and that
it wilj he wise to await the full and
final report of the committee which
will give exact and minute detail that
will have the merit of being actualities.
It I hoped thi report will be ready for
the public early next week.
Many apeciwl feature have been ar
ranged for the closing daya of the Lew
ia and Clark fair at Portland, notably,
the great live atoek ahow now Ix-ing held
in the expoaition ground, which will
close September 2fth. and the "Port
land day celebration' to be held Satur
day, September 30.
The latter occasion promises to at
tract a record-breaking attendance with
in the gate of the expoaition and un
doubtedly will be the greateat event
in the history of the fair and a fitting
climax to the remaining dayi. That
this epct-ial day will be a grand auc-
ceaa aeem already assured and the ef
fort to acomplih thi end. The ex
tremely low round trip excursion ticketa
sold daily by the A. A C. R. R., at the
rate of $3.00 from Aatoria to Portland
and return will attract hundreda from
thi city to witneas the apecial event.
Walter Stt, foreman of the job of
fit of the Morning Aatorian ia missing.
Hi disappearance wa made known laat
night and caused aeriou alarm among
hi many friend in thi city, until the
intelligence reached the office that he
waa aeon walking rapidly through the
southern outskirts of town carrying a
roll of bedding and a gun. When ques
tioned a to hi audden flight and hi
objective point he simply grunted "Ne
halem," and swung on through the
night. Rein, hailed with a query aa to
what he wa going there for he yelled
back 'Hear"; thi wa the lat seen of
him. The wire were kept liot for a
while advising the constable in that
disfrirt of hi route and approach, and
asking them to ace that lie did not go
hungry. He had ample provision
against thirst. The bear were nut no
tified of hi coming, aa thi wa deemer
uerfuloua. It is hoped hi atratling
lapse into lunacy will aon paa and that
he will find his "bearings" and return.
K. Z. Ferguson is in Portland on a
business trip.
Mrs. O. Sovey ha returned from a vis
it to Portland.
Mr. Fred Urown, Jr., ha returned
from a visit to Hood River.
Julius Straus has gone to San Fran
cisco on a ahort business trip.
John P. McCann U now in Portland
taking in the exposition.
City Treasurer Dealy baa
returned from a ahort visit to Port
land. Senator J. F. Megler and wife, of
Brook field are visiting friends in the
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Laraen returned
from a four daya' visit at the exposi
tion. Collector of Customs Rohb and
wife have returned from a few days vis
it to the fair at Portland.
Mis Myrtle Withers left for her
home in California laat evening after a
visit to the Misses Older of this city.
Geo. Taylor, travelling passenger
agent for the Wisconsin Central rail
road, was doing business iu Astoria
Frank M. Gerdes and Mrs. Gerdes, who
now reside at Juneau, Alaska, where
Mr. Gerdes is manager of the store of
ikOss, Iliggins A Co., are in Astoria ou
a short visit.
If you want your little ones strong,
healthy and robust, give them Hollister'a
Rockey Mountain Tea. A tonic for the
whole family. The children's friend,
33 cents, Tea or Tablet, sold and recco
mended by Frank Hart
Informations Returned By District
Attorney Alien.
Court Grants Attorneys Plenty of Time
la Which to Plead One Jadgmeat
Given and One Sal Is Confirmed
Other Hews.
During ye-terday morning's session
of the circuit court a number of informa
tions were returned by District Attorney
John Bramer was indicted on the
charge of forgery for passing oa Herman
Wise a bogus check for $18.50 alleged to
have been signed by Jens IL Hansen. J.
A. Kakin was appointed to defend him
and the defendant was allowed until to-
day to plead.
Fred Peterson, who ia acuaed of steal
ing provisions and wearing apparel from
a house on O. L Petenon's ranch ( on
August 3, was indicted on the charge of
larceny in a dwelling. J. M. nughes was
appointed to defend him and he was also
allowed until today to plead.
Adolph Seaborg, who is accused of
stealing a quantity of ealmon from the
Lindenberger cold storage plant on Au
gust 3, was indicted on a charge of lar
ceny in a warehouse. Tie is represented
by F. D. Wintou and was given until
Friday to plead.
The information against Charles
CRiley wa changed to Cornelius
O'Riley after which be was indicted on
a charge of larceny from a store, for
stealing a quantity of cigars and whis
ky from Axel Jacobsen'e saloon on May
27. He was also indicted on the charge
of burglary for the same offense. The
defendant was arraigned and as be had
no attoney F. D. Winton was appointed
to defend him. He was allowed until
thi morning to plead.
At the afternon session the following
formal order waa handed down:
H. F. Prael vs. Laura W. Gray, confir
mation of sale.
Sadie R. Schusselet al, ts. T. Cadigan
wa ae for argument on Friday, Sept. 22.
C. H. Winders (trustee) vs. L. Olaen
et al., judgment was given as prayed
for in complaint.
Informations was returned against
John F. Edward jointly with Adolph
Seaborg and a he did not . desire the
service of an atorney he was allowed
until Friday to plead.
Peter J. McMananma was araigned
and plead not guilty and trial was set
for Monday, October 2.
He i charged with asault with a dan
gerous weaNn on Evart Hjo.-tin.
In the case of State of Oregon vs. Jo
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
Capital And Surplus $100,000
vioininK Kenovaiea. o
For Ladiea and Gentlemen. Feathers Plumes Cleaned ami Curled also
Boas and Glove AJ1 Kind of
Cleaning and Pressing at Portland Price No Highei. 9
Hat Dyed, Cleaned and Blocked in latent style. Expert Tanama Hat g
Cleaner. Leave order for work at Old Library Rooms Irving Club Buil- O
ding, 11th. Street. Prompt attention will be given to all orders.
R. ROBLOFSZ, Prop. 1
seph Burke, the district attorney waa
allowed until today to file iflfornuUota,
He wa also allowed until today to fie
information against Henry Weimam, whs)
is held under bonds for criminal aasanla
on Geneal Hamilton. , .
funeral service .glter the remains
of little Ma sea Felugoa, the child what
waa drowned in the river ot Cliftoa a
Tuesday afternoon were held rester-
day at 2 o'clock p. m, at the undertak
ing parlors of Coroner Pohl a ad at tha
graveside in Greenwood cemetery Resw
W. Seymour Short, rector of Gnea
Episcopal church, offkrUtinz. The Bar
ents with a large party of friends r
rived on the noon train from Cliftoa. It
is an unfortunate circumstance for tha
Greek population hereabout that they
ay denied the ready minktrmtiou of
their church owing to the fact toat their
nearest priest la at Portland and -the
bishop of thia diocese as far away aa
Seattle. It i said these condition) wil
be remedied in the near future if it ia
possible to accomplish it.
Work Processing Rapidly ia Vuw el
- Approach of Winter.
Work oa the government fortification
at Fort Canby is rapidly Bearing eon-
pletion, and it is not expected thai
it will last more than a month or aix
weeks longer. Just what the govern
ment has in store for the post, ia the
future, ia problematical, yet present in
dications point to the rapid traasfam. -ation
of the post, into a modern formid
able fortification. At present only tww
batteries have been commenced, hut It
is generally supposed that other batter
ies will be placed on all the hills, hold
ing a commanding position.
The fact that General Mackenzie, chief
of engineers, at the head of tha com
mittee on inspection recently oat front '
Washington, made a minute inspection
of the post, but refused utterly to ewm
mit himself on the project is eonaidereA
indicative that comprehensive plana
are beinir formulated. General Uu.
kenzie had all kinds of things to say
about the jetty, but Fort Canby, not a
Work will probably be suspended
the fortifications only daring the winter
months, and be actively resumed with
the opening of spring. However, the
matter will be governed largely by Om
funda available for the purpo-e.
Like Finding Money. V
Finding health ia like findlmr money
so think some who are sick. Wheat -
yon have a cough, cold, tore throat, or
chest irritation, better act promptly
like W. C Barber, of Sandy LcveL Va.
He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, '
caused by amoke and coal dust ow ncy
lungs; but after finding no relief ia
other remedies, I waa cured by . Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds." Greatest tale of
any cough or lung medicine ia the world.
At ChasT Rogers' drug store; 50c ant
$1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
rv . .
The Can (is guaranteed satisfactory by tie
Pump cannot get out of order; it is brace!
to the bottom of the Can; it will not wear out;
it pumps any kind of oil. .
This Can is stronger than any Can made.
The top of can is supported from below.
The hinged cover conceals the pump; keep
out dirt; makes it the most attractive Can said.
SoldJOnEy in Astoria bv
W. J. SCULLEY, Arent