: - OIffe. J twttttttl 11 uiutHit full AttooiATio pnt nup; beV" COVIRt TMf M0HNINO rilLO ON THI LOWS COLUMBIA Y1ty VOLUME LX NO. 115 ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS M WW GOV. lit! SPEAKS SHERRICK ARRAINGED Audllor Denounced as Com mon Gambler in Pub lic Spcach. PRESENTS FACTS AND FIGURE State Money to the Amount of Ton , Thousand Dollars Spent During Drinking and Gambling Bout at Ca sino Absenca KipUlntd. Hamilton, Sept. 19. In hU address at the reunion of the Thirtieth Indiana regiment tonight, (nivtmor J I nicy, the rlnclpal eaker made publio the res ion for hi action in the case of David K. Hherrick, ex-auditor of state, whose resignation ws forced by the govern or. Fart and figures were ued to show hat liecauie of 'the money be longing to the state which was lot by "David K. Shrrrkk, ex-Auditor of state and common gambler." TIS governor charg.1 that 10,000 of the state's money "went by check into the hand of the gentlemen then operating n caino,M at French Lick. He charges that Sheirirk'a continued bm-nce from the sexton of the state board of Us commissioner, "was oc caloned by drinking bouts and mid night carounala around the gaming table from which he could not recover Jn time to meet with the comniUion." The governor after further enumer ating Kherrick shortcoming conclud ed by stating that prior to Hherrick's removal, the friends of Sherrlck of fered to make good the shortage on condition that no publicity he attach ed to the shortage and that Shrrick lie retained In oflice. CONDITION QUITE SATISFACTORY. New York, Sept, 19.-The following bulletins in regard to the condition of Daron Komura waa posted tonight: "The Improvement continues and con dltlon Is quite satisfactory" RECEIVES GOOD OFFER Dismissed From Stanford It Head of Department fet Harvard. Pan Francisco, Sept 1. Dr. Ooebel who was recently dismissed from the Stanford I'nlverslty, Is to be the head of the department of German to lan guage at Harvard University. He re ceived a Ulegraphlo offer today from President Elliot of Harvard and Im mediately wired hla acceptance. CHINESE BOYCOTT AGAIN. ' from Canton state that song dealing Victoria, B. O, Sept. 19. Mail advices from Canton, state stat song dealing vith the ltoyeob sre being composed CHOLERA EPIDEMIC Washington, Sept. 19.-The German government has declared that the chol era epidemlo hae been checked. Am bassador Tower cabled the stste de partment todsy from Berlin as follows: "It Is announced officially by the German government that the cholera lias been checked and that any epidemic Is entirely unlikely throughout Kwangl and Iliad tinging mlntreU ere bring sent to entertain mente to ting them. The European train ed dot-tori have pledged tbemselvee to buy no more drug In America. GIVEN SOYAL BXCtmON PrMldenti Daughter Vialte Koria's Capital. Seoul, Kept. 10. Through atreeU crowded with white robed Koreans and lined by the iinperist body guard, Miss Alii lloevelt and Iter party riding In the Imperial yellow palanquins, thla evening, triumphantly progresed from the railroad elation to the American le ant Ion. The court chamberlain met the party at the half way station on behalf of the emperor with Inquiries a to Mie Itooevelte health. STEAMER BREMEN DAMAGED Owing to Broken Tail Shaft Big Liner It Towtd Into Port. Halifax Sept. 19. The North German Lloyd steamer Bremen which sailed from .New York fptemlter 14 for Bremen, was towed In here today by the British trainer Lucigeen. The rt tail shaft of the Bremen broke on September 13 and the Occident damaged bar star board propellor. CONTINUES Neither Norway or Sweden are Sending Troops Home. Neither Government Are Forwarding Any to the Front, But Are Neverthe less Holding Them in Beadineaa for Emergencies Hope of Agreement. Chrintiania Kept. 19. The Afterpot en det-Urea that though during the ne (foliation at Karlstadt no troops ei ther Kwedih or Norwegian will be or lerel to frontier, and though the fron tier guards on both sides are to with draw to a dutance sufficient to prevent sny collision there is a yet no que lion of sending the troops home, f Karlstad. Sept. 19.-The time of the Sweedlah and Norwegian commission- loners were occupied today by unofflcl al conference and no Joint meeting waa held. London, Kept. 19. A cortir ,-oudent of the Time at KarUtadt thus sums up the progres of the Swedish-Norwegian negotiations: The agreement on two principal questions W still, in some technical re-pert, under dU-ulon ana there are alo other point on which an umleratamling ha not yet been reached There i however, every hope that a fin al agreement will lie attained before long. GENERAL THURSTON ELECTED Chattanooga, Sept. UK General (iales . Thurston of Nashville was toda tin- animouly elected president of the army of the Cumberland in the annua! re union here. At the campflre the fratern si quality of the eeche lietween the union and conferedate veterans was very pronounced. DISCUSSION CHECKED IN GERMANY Till statement will be communicated by the department of state to the pub lic health and marine hospital service thitiugh tlyrf treasury department, in order that It may modify, If It sees fit, the rectrictions which it has been ob liged to impose upon immigration tnrougli German ports, ' REVOLUTION MOB J A 1 TACK PALACE' Columbian President Im prisons Members of Supreme Court. DECLARES HIMSELF DICTATOR People Angered at President's High Handed Proceedings Attack the Pal ace and Are Fired oa by Troopa Kill ing and Wounding Many. Panama, Sept. 19. Unconfirmed re ports were received here today to the effect that General Treves, president of Colombia declared hinm-lf aa dicta tor of that country on September 10 and Smprioned the member of the supreme court at Bogota. Mobs, angered by this action, atarked tle presidential palace and were fired on by the troops, who killed and wounded many of the rioters. The reports ssy that revolutions have started in Antioqua and Santiago. Xew York, Sept. 19. Don Diego Men- dota, the Colombian minister to the United States, who Is in the city, to night wa, shown the dtyatcty from Panama reciting the rumor of President Regre hsvlng established a dictator ship in Colombia. The minister would not ssy if he had received any Inform ation on the subject, merely declining to make a statement tonight. Mendota said later that he did not believe there wae a word of truth In the report, as he hsd received a cable dispatch from Bogota only two days ago which said that complete and ab solute peace reigned In that country. PALMER GIVEN DECISION. Peoria, Sept. 19. Kid rainier, a local fighter, was given the decision tonight in a fst fight of ten round with Ed die Gardner of Chicago. BUILD NEW STEAMER. Victoria, Sejt. 10. The keel of the new steamer to be built at Ksquimault for the Canadian Pacific railroad,- for the Victoria and Seattle route was laid today. "THE" M'MANUS WINS. Gains Political Victtory Over Senator George W. Plunkett. New York, Sept. 19. Thomas J. Mi Mann, popularly known as 'The" Mo Mantis won a hard earned victory over Fqrmer State Senator Geo. W. Plunlr ett, in annual primary contest in the fifteenth assembly dUrict today. In Brooklyn a warm contest waa wag ed between McCarren and the anti-Mc- Carren forces, resulting in a victory for the senator, who retained the 18 dis tricts already controlled by him ana gained the 12th district, hitherto con trolled by James Shelvin. RAILROAD GETS VERDICT Chicago, Sept. 10. A verdict of $100,- 000 against the city of Chicago waa giv en the Panhandle railroad today In a damage auit brought about by the burn ing of freight cars belonging to the railroad company during the railway un ion strike of 1900. r It trial the railroad company con tended that the. city of Chicago wa liable to damages because of alleged in adequate protection to the . company's property. miners DEMANDS REFUSED Coal Operators Will Vet Agree. t light Heir Day.. Hcraoton, Sept 19. One of the largeet coal operator la this region, who had a conference with President Beer, of the Reading company, today declared unhesitatingly that the operators wiuld not, under any eonelderatioa grant tht demands of the mine workers for an ft hour day and they proposed to agree only that the present agreement be SWiftr ftitiAsf A aw afWkllfltnktnfflt 4 a im 9 "1 the miners hold their convention oa December 11 TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Sept-19. Western Oregon, and western Washington: Wednesday, rain, cooler in the interior. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington rain. BASEBALL SCORES. Seattle, Sept. 19. Seattle, 2; Tacoma, 0. Los Angeles, Sept. 19. Los Angeles, t; San Francisco, S. Oakland, Sept 19,-Oakland 4; Port land 7. U. S. S. Sylph Is Refused Assist ance By Steamer Oterl . . Government Inspectors Revoke Captain W. H. Potvilfc's License and Cause Him to' Lose Hia Position for Re fusal to Heed Djstreta Signal. Washington, Sept 19. The failure of Captain W. IL Potville ae master of the United Fruit company's ship Oterl to give assistance to the U. S. S. Sylph, which was disabled off the coast of North Carolina on the night of April 12, cost him his position through the revocation of hia license by the United States Steamboat inspection service. This action was taken by the inspection officers of Norfolk, Va., on September IS. The correspondence was made public today by the department of commerce and labor. Distress of the Sylph occurred while Lieutenant Kvan waa bringing the vessel up the coast from Florida, where she had been ued bv Mrs. Roosevelt and the children for a cruise. Lieuten ant Evans, in commenting on the inci dent, gave the details of the accident to the Sylph and the failure to get the Uteri to conform to the signals of dis tress, and says he "was entirely help less and the Oterl knew it." He then graphically described the ex perience of the night, the failure of the other steamer to bee the signals from the Sylph and finally the rescue on the morning of the Kith, by the Morgan liner Elcid. Lieutenant Evans closes the report with the following statement: "I am firmly convinced that had the Elcid not taken us in tow the Sylph and all her passengers would have been lost" The inquiry, adduced the fact that Captain Potville refused to alow down for the alleged reaon that at the time the Sylph was spoken the tele graph system on the Oterl had become impaired and there was no direct means of sending word to the engine room for the reversal of the enirines. The in spector held that thia excuse showed , the master of the Oterl to be a man without resources and on that ground they revoked his license. VACATION IS POSTPONED. Washington, Sept. 19. Minister Tak- ahira will defer his vacation until Bar on Komura has returned to Japan and delivered the peace treaty. LICENSE S HD NEGOTIATIONS CEASE Moroccan Conference Pla ces Germany and France at Outs GERMANY REFUSES TO YIELD French Foreign Office Continues to View th Situation as Being Susceptible to Adjustment and Denies That Ger many Demands Port of Magador. Paris, Sept 19. Another crisis has arisen in the negotiations between France and Germany relative to the con ference on Morocco.; Thla, hia resulted in a suspension of the meetings between Dr. Rosen and M. Revoil, respectively, the. special .plenipotentiaries, of Gert many and France. Their .last meeting occurred three day ago and: there is no present indication of a resumption of their conferences. Dr. Rosen, in the meantime, is seeking instructions from Berlin, but the extended delay begins to excite apprehension in official 'quarters that Germany will not yield upon points which France consider esentiaL Both sides show anxiety and the strain prom isee to seriously affect the Bourse. The foreign office, ohwever, continue to view the siutation as being suscept ible of adjustment, and specifically de ntes the alarmist report la a French newspaper that the German demands In clude the Port of Mogador, upon the At lantic coast of Morocco.' The folowing official statement waa made to the Associated Urese on the subject: The question of the cession of the Port of Mogardor does not enter into toe negotiations in any form, for the obvious reason that Germanv and 9 France in their exchange of notes have specially agreed to maintain the integ rity of Moroccan teritory. Therefore it is impoible to negotiate upon the cession of Mogardor or any other part of Moroccan territory," YELLOW FEVER REPORT New Orleans, Sept 19. Offi cial report up to 6 p. iu.: new cases, 34; total." 2630; deaths, 4; total, 345; new foci, 5; eases un- der treatment," 321; "cases' dis. charged, 1973. Kenner report three new cases and one death. Bayou Natches, reports, four new cases, one death; Tallulah six caes and one deaths Patter- son six cases and tow'deaths. TALES OF PERSECUTION Pontiac, Sept. 19. Fred Walker, the Pontiac man who recently came from Colombo, telling a tale of persecution and ilegal imprisonment, arrived home tonight. In connection with the atories that he waa tortured into insanity by the vermin of the Colombian prison, it is said that he will tomorrow volun ATTORNEY LORD'S SUIT THROWN OUT District Attorney Heaey Vet Guilty ef Defaaalsg lis Character. Portland, Sept 19. Attorney Charles F. Lord's $50,000 damage suit against United States District Attorney Francis J. Heney for alleged defamation of char acter was finally thrown out of court this morning, when Judge Fraser sus tained a demurrer to Lord's amended complaint The ground on which the demurrer was sustained waa the same as that on which the demurrer to the original complaint was sustained, that la, that a public official is not liable in a civil action for acts done in the perform ance of his duty. In his amended com plaint, Lord argued that the remarks of Heney which were the bais of the complaint were malicious and not to accomplih anything in court, and fur thermore, that Heney waa not United States district attorney at the time. Judge Frazer ruled that the court ac cepts the act of a public officer in the performance of hia duty withont a question at to motive, and in the sec ond place that Heney was de facto dis trict attorney at the time. Urge Sums , Were Loantd rYith out Proper Authority. Suit Will Be Brought by th Society to Recover $711,264 Which War Paid to the Merchantile Trust Company ia Connection with "Turner Loan." New York, Sept, 19. According to re port of Paul Morton to the directors of thet Equitble txaety whkla waa made public today the society paid out 171804 to the Mercantile Turst com pany in connection with loans known as "Turner loans." These loans were made without the authority of the so ciety, he adds, so fsr as records show. The loans were made in 1894 by the Western National bank, controlled by the Equitable and were later taken over by the Mercantile Trust company be cause the bank examiner objected to them. The original loan waa greatly increased by subsequent loans made In order to develop properties furnished as collateral Morton states that he has referred the matter to the special coun sel who assures him that the society is not responsible for the loan. Morton al-o notified the Mercantile Trut company that the society would expect it to reimburse the Equitable. The "J. W. A. Loan No. 3" carried by the society, amounting to $083,000 on which the society paid the Mercantile company $263,000 has never been explained and the Mercantile company has been in structed to begin proceedings to re cover this sum. Regarding the Turner loans, Morton says toe individual estates of IL 15. Hyde and M. Hartley, the guarantors 01 the loan are responsible and the Mercantile company by enforcing its rights should be sble to ultimately es cape without loss. mi IN EQUITABLE ARE DUE TO INSANITY tarily enter an asylum for the insane. During his trip home from New York, he was very excitable, fancying bis persecutors were folowing him. Walker'a mother was insane for 30 years, and many of Walker's relatives here attribute his startling stories to be entirely due to insanity.