The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 19, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1905.
Worth of High Qrado
To be distributed Into the hones of
the people for less than tbe actual
cost of the raw material by
Astoria, Oregon
Watch for the Big Black Canvas Front
2Mk at 3 &
Worth of Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to-wear Clothing for
Men, Women and Children. Tailor Made Suits and Jackets)
Mens', Ladies' Misses' and Children' Shoes to be sold in
our building at less than cost of raw material for Ten Days!
Prices Will Reach the
Lowest Limit at this
Gigantic Sale
of Dry Goods and Clothing for Men,
Boys, Women and Children and thou
sands of other articles carried In a
Department Store, Entire Stock of
to be sold in to days in Astoria, Ore.,
5ept. 30 to Sept 30
,u . .,,ir-v iBtlw Stock ot AiUria's Crtt Outturn la Clothing, Shot b4 Dry Goo to be aoU ia tb following Tea Days, betinnisf Weday, Sept so. That day. Sept. ti, Friday. Sept. m SatM
WE ARE OVERSTOCKED fay, Sept .j. M.aday, Sept .5, Tday, Spt sfl, Wednesday, Sept t7, Tkarsday, Sept, a, Friday, Sept , and dwing Saturday, S.pL jo, to our at Artori Look for th Big Black
caa!as fna t .1 VoSoa Departmeot StoSi Attopa, Oref. Owing to tbe backwad jeaoa, together with aa vr pnrchato, wo Had .a enormous stock of Dry Goody, Shoe, and ClotWaf for Mil, Womea aad Childrea oa kaad aad
Slcii for rooiiL wo are Mmpolled? attbla oiaioa o? tbo year, wbea aU other merchant aro oxactlaf hifrt prk for their goods, to throw tipoa the market thi mighty sals, whkb iwifl poatthrely ceaio la Tea Pay. Mom'. Aa
toruTcreatllt WoTing and Dry 'Good. Department Star, tato dUtribato their entire a5o,ooo Mock Into the kome of tb poopU ia tea day. Tb building will be dos:d Moaday aad Turfay to re-mark dowa aad rearang thia mam
moth atock of Dry Good, Shoe and Clothing, for Kea, Womea aad Children, aad win epea Wednesday, Sept. oth, at 9 a. m. for Tea day.
Tb Bett and Greateit value, oa earth bow iter, you la tb face. The only queatioa le, caa you, dar yon, in juitice to yourulf, overlook a chanc lik tbi to av at least one-half the price you win be obliged to pay the regular
JAl.r far hi.h .da morekaadiM for men women and children. Ueo common tent with which nature baa endowed you. Come and see with your own eye and be convinced. Thi win be the tale without a parallel; a tremendou
i?m.iul - Mtril- JniD wiU bo mad a gal day. It wJl pay yon to come a hundred mile to thi. .ale. Kever again will yon have uch
! -mZ .Viiiii J "Vdrou la nch rih raiment at triflln cost When you tak into consideration that tha aale U of till more importance to tbe people tbaa any al ever held ia Aatoria, and aleo the largeet sale wo our
!.. or .Tom evlr att.m?t.d lM.V thouund. , thousand lit oUai it will convey to you om. idea of tbo marveloua bargaina that w. will ofl.r to tbe people, beginning WEDNESDAY, SEPT. so, at 9 o'clock a. nt, at
MOMM a feVof the many thouund, of bargain, to be placed on aale at th MORSE DEPABTMEMT STORE, ASTORIA, oa WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER so, at 9
Clothing for Men and Boys.
A fine Miit of clothes, all to match. JThis suit is
positively worth $ 8, or your money d 1 QQ
refunded any time during the sale..P X eivO
e. t .11 M..tu ti.;. i:t :.
t J1UC SUIl MX tlUlllVS, ttli l Hlim. l nil uil ia
jwsiti vely worth $ 1 o.or your money &O QK
refunded any time duriug the sale.S''
A fine suit of clothes, all to match. This suit is
positively worth I to.or your money QQ QK
refunded any time duriug this sale.H'J-'
Men's fine suits in Cheviots and Scotch Plaids.
Worth In or your money refunded A Q K
any time during sale if not satisfied P vi
Children's Suits.
40 styles of suits with fancy colored embroidery,
sailor collars, sizes from 4 to io, extra well made,
sold by every clothing house in the
country at $2.50; we mark them at '
A winner Double-breasted suits in
plaids.Btripes and checks, in brown
mixtures.gray mixtures and knick-C 1 AQ
crbocker effects, at K tv'
Handsome all-wool plaids; also neat stripes and
checks; some of these have belts on the pants;
these are tony and genteel goods for Sunday
wear. Why pay $5.00 for these goods in other
stores when you can get them S&
Boys' Pants.
500 pairs of boys' knee pants, worth up to 1 Qq
35c; sale price
500 pairs of boys' knee pants, regular PrlcAQ(J
75c; sale price
A consolidation of several lines of boys' pants,
value $1.00 and uty, consolidating Qq
sale price only, pair v
500 pairs of boys' knee pants, the kind(5QC
that wear, sale price VVV
WatcH for the B1q Black Canvas Front
Hen's Pants.
Men's latest style cashmere and fancy worsted
pants, all shades and sizes, regular PriccQflo
la.oo: all co in this sale at JJJ
Fine fancy and plain worsted pants that sold for
$3.50 and 4-oo; Ql.gO
sale price
Men's pants of cassimere, in desirable Pat'fQn
terns, regular price $i.75 at
Boy's Suits.
Boys' suits, single and double breasted QQ
j uv iv ete"""------- - -
Tinv' Ktiit double and simile breasted styles, ma
tcrial the best grade, well made and well trimmed
throughout, positively worth $3-;M flQ
during this sale only, at
The noveltv in styles in artistic and elegant gar
ments that were sold at $6.00, all gotfO QQ
in this sale at.... JH.70
4 ,,o dktinct effects in boys' ultia fashionable
suits, in all tbe swellest of novelties CQ Q7
aud staple styles, sale price 9
Fall and Winter.
Shall you pass this opportunity? Will you ex
ercise the good judgment with which nature has
endowed you? Take time by the forelock secure
the choicest selections in advance. Richest raiment
at a trifling cost. Be timely to delay will be sui
cidal to your purse. An opportunity of richest
Tarity that will have passed into history in 15 days.
You must aud you will be here to secure your
share. "Read these mute but crushing prices."
10 pieces elegant Venetian homespun (imported);
beautiful and select line of colorings, full 52
, inches wide, positively worth $1.50 per yard;
during this magnificent sale 79C
the price is. 1
10 pieces genuine English cravenette, comprising
all the new and desired patterns, full 52 inches
wide, an exceptional value at $1.50; dur-QQp
ing this sale the price is, per yard COU
10 pieces elegant quality English serge (fully era-
venctted and rainproof ), ail new ana moaern col
orings, several exclusive designs, positively
worth double the price, but will be sold
during this sale at, per yard
All wool tri-color flannel,
regular 75c values
Mohair and brilliantine,
worth 75c
Black chev
Black English
Novelty suitings and fancy mixtures, voi,cs4Qr
and crashes, late styles, desirable shades (Ov
viot Zibline, 58 inches wide, worth ?Qr
yard, sale price
voiles, Florentine crepe and eta-
mines, the most stylish of this season's iinr
fabrics, reeular f i.2. values: sale price. . . U7L
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Skirts.
Ladies' walking skirts, tegular worth CA QQ
$i 5 to $4 75. le price. .. . . . . ... . .
Ladies' finest broadcloth and mohair skirts, in all
the latest styles, strictly all wool.l5.50 &n 1 -f
to $6.00 values, at r . 4A
$2.50 values, QOr
sale price
$3.50 values, 04
sale price floAt
Ladies' mercerized sateen petticoats, withQO
hemstitched ruffle; $2 values, sale price . t
1 Men's Shoes.
Men's shoes tor business wear that mean- service
and comfort, all the newest shapes and the kind
selling all over the country at $2.50,
Boys' shoes worth up to $1.75. Qr
this sale at
Dress shoes for fall and winter wear, -JQ
latest lasts, worth $3.50, in (his sale. . 1 7
Fine dress shoes, made of tbe finest stock in patent
leather and calf, your choice that sold
for $6.00 and $7.00
Hat Department.
About 10 dozen Men's fine hats, all shapes and
styles, worth up to I3.00 in this QRr
eieantic sale only.
Hundreds of men's and boys caps, worthy Qp
up to 75c, in this gigantic sale A
Ladies' Shoes.
Over 2,000 pairs very finest of this fall season's
goods, hand sewed, lace or button, all weights of
soles, French kid patent leather, Russian calf,
etc., they are for the best of any shoe ever brought
to this market, in all sizes and widths &ty
$3 50 to $5.00, this sale 4AU7
Ladies fine shoes in all leathers, button aud lace,
Paris toes and patent tips, worth $3.50 gfj
Baby shoes, sizes 1 to 5, worth up to 75c, rtQ
this sale
Misses shoes, sizes 11 to a, worth up to s A
$1.50, this sale 0"v
Men's Underwear.
In wool and cotton, just half price during this sale.
Magnificent Half-Price Sale of Silks.
Think what this means to you, Remember there
will never again come an opportunity like this.
Silks imported in original and special designs. The
price is Cut in hall. Secure your portion they
will not last long at these prices.
10 pieces illuminated taffeta silk in street and
evening shades, ranging in price from 1 1.30 to
$2.40 per yard; will be sold at half price f r -$2.40
quality for fi.20; $1.30 grade at... UJt
A flurry in silks that will prove an interesting
topic Taffeta and Jap silks in plain colors, de
sirable shades were considered good at 0 Q -50c
values; sale price J"v
Genuine Harutal wash silks. 21 inches wide; the
quality is unexcelled; as long as the
stock lasts they go at
" m
Wash Fabrics. I $8.50 values, gigantic sale price 4 . 39
Wordslack force to express theimportance of these $12.00 value, gigantic sale price... 7.98
clearance prices. Miles and miles of dress prints 3-50 value, gigantic sale price 8 .49
in s Iver crav. black. 1 ehts.indieo blue and reds: viuc, Ki6uu . y .oy
" 5'
8 f
B" 3
during this stupendous sale Qlyn
at :
Colorek lawns and batistes in white and colored
grounds, values up to 15 cents; fp
clearance price
Figured batiste and imported cloth in 1905 spring
styles, white and tinted ground, regular Q
price 25c; sale price :
Voiles in the new mottled and flake effects, light
or dark ground, regular price 20c; Oln
sale price
Silk-finished foulards, embroidered voiles and
fisked suitings, positively worth 25c a H A
yard; sale price, per yard
Linen etamines, voiles, French organdies, brilliant-
mes, mohairs and Irish batistes, all new QQn
and dnMtdahle. values to oc: sale Drice.Wv
40-inch India linens:
sale price
40-inch India linens worth 20c, 1 Pf
sale price AevU
Persian lawns worth 30c; 1Q
sale price
Checked dimities, values up to 25c; -t A n
sale price XLKj
50c wash chiffons were considered excel s j
lent values at 50c; sale price
Scotch lawns, about 100 styles to select Qsr
ava viu 7 J
Table Oil Cloth.
In all colors and shades; positively worth 25c to
50c per yard, mnst go J 3C
Ladies' black mercerized petticoats, worthy Op
Embroideries and Laces.
A million yards, in different widths and a great
variety of designs cambric and Swiss embroid
ery edgings and insertions, new patterns, A
values up to 15c; sale price
Insertion, edging and beading in cambric Swiss c p
daintv natrn srvrial sail" nrif . . 4J
2,000 yards of good torchon laces, edges and er
insertions to match, per yard W ,
Linens, Linens.
38-inch bleached table damask, regular 50c
value; sale price 27c
60-inch white satin damask, would sell regu
lar for 75c, sale price 43c
200 dozen napkins that have always sold for
40c a dozen, sale price, per dozen 19c
Plain white or colored border napkins, worth
$ 1 .00 per dozen , at 53c
Extra large size napkins, worth $1.50 a dozen,
sole price, per dozen 89c
Turkish wash rag, bleached or unbleached,
worth 5c, during tbe stupendous sale at. . . 2c
Excellent bleached barber towels at 4c
Towels that have always sold for 1 5c at 7c
Extra large huck towels, sale price 9c
Full size Turkish bath towels, regular 20c
value, during this sale ioc
Cotton crash, in bolts of 50 yards, wortn $2.50
sale price, per yard 3c
Stevens pure linen crash, regular price rjjc,
sale price. 1 9
Bed .spreads, full size, white crochet bed
spreads, all good patterns, real Marseilles
patterns, $1.25 value for 6Sc
Best quality bleached seamless sneets, 72x90,
ready to use, at 46
Velvets, Velvets, Velvets.
Our entire stock of velvets and velveteens will
be sold at just half the regular price during this
gigantic sale.
Ladies' and Hisses' Suits.
Our entire stock and new fall and winter suits,
jackets and skirts sold at prices. unheard of before
$6.50 value tailor-made suits, gigantic sale .
price 3-79
$5. 50 value ladies' nd misses' coats, gigan
tic sale price 3.98
$6.50 value, gigantic s-ile price 3 . 49
$8.00 value, giganticrsale price 4.98
$7.50 value ladies' and misses long coat,
gigantic sale price.... 3.98
$10.00 value, gigantic sale price 5.98
$15.00 value, gigantic sale price 7.98
Sheets and Pillow Cases.
In all sizes and grades and the prices speak for
themselves. Just price them.
Pint, 2 papers for le
Embroideries, yard .3c
Wire bair pins, per package .le
Fall size heavy white bed spreads 69c
Extra good quality huck towel 3)c
8c seller unbleached muslin, per yard 4c
Best quality calico, all colors, per yard. 3c
Yard wide light percalea. per yard 7c
Plaid Scotch dress Gingham, per yard 4)c
Imported mercerised French satteens, per yard........ 23o
Ladies' wool skirting, per yard 23c
Braid dress trimming 3Jc
Extra quality ladies' blsck hose , 8c
vuuuicu uvrc, ij .................. .w.
S.(rl nini rmrA . le
Hooks and eyes, card lc
Thread, 7 spools for .25c
T mAim' ttamait1if dan Alrrhr(a mnrih IA rrnt. HZp
Thousands of yards of dress prints, in black, white,
silver gray and indigo blue, ia this gigantic sale
price per yard v .3c
20,000 yarda hope 4-4 bleached domestic, regular 8,'c
aloes, sale price 20 yarda $1.00
f with double heel and toe, worth 15c, in this gi
gantic sale ...'.4c
Men's $1.00 Neckwear, in this gigantic sale. . i 9c
Bojs' good 25c suspenders, this sale 60
Men' good 25c suspenders, this gigantic sale. 6c
Men's good 15c handkerchiefs, this sale 3c
Fine $2.00 Umbrellas, thia gigantic aale 33c
r i J ia. t 1 ranA ..1. J.
iucu gwu jw wins, iu tun i5uuu .to
Men's good $1 .00 work shirts, this sale 37c
Men's 75c shirts and drawers, this sale 31c
Talcum powder, bos... .....3c
vaseline, Dotue ...c
Quilt top prims, fast colors 4c
Men's 75c work shirts 19c
Fruit of the loom 4-4 bleached domestic or lonsdale
yer yard 6c
Good quality apron gingham, per yard 8c
Pearl buttons, all sizes, per dozen 4c
Yard wide heavy brown domestic, per yard...... 4c
Men's good collars, all styles 4c
Boys' waists, all styles, large assortment of patterns. . .12c
Men's elastic seam drawers, thia aale 31c
Men's majestic shirts, this sale 73c
Ladies' fine accordion ribbed summer vests, never
sold for less than 2 for 25c, during this sale the
price is, each -. 7c
Fancy toilet soaps, four pieces in esch box, per box... 8c
Good quality towels, full size, value 12c, ssle price 4c
Cotton blankets, full size, gigantic sale price 4Jlc
Better grades at 68c, 79c and $1.19
Woolen blankets, gigantic sale prices $ 2.60, $2.98 and $3.19
Full size comfortables, gigantic sale prices
98c, $1.19, $1.39, $1.69 and $1.98
Children's capa and hoods
Suit for yourself
Suit for your boy
Suit for your sister
Suit for your brother
Shoes fyr yourself
Shoes for your boy
Shoes for your sister
Shoes for your brother
Oilcloth for the table
Men 'a and boys' sweater
Underwear for yourself
unaerwesrioryour coy
Underwear for your sister
Underwear for your broth
Table linena
Fancy table spreada
Dress goods
Lace curtains
Pillow cases
Ladies' neckwear
Children's dresses
Pocket knive
Faro Paid One Way to Each and Every Purchaser of $25.00 or Over.
look for the Big Black Canvas Front. Owing to the reputation we have established in Astoria and surrounding territory as merchants in high-grade Dry
Goods and Clothing of all the world's standard qualities, we positively will not allow exaggeration in any of our advertising, and we do hereby agree to refund the money
during this sale on all goods priced above if not satisfactory to the purchaser. ,
Our Guarantee
We assure each and every purchaser absolute satisfaction. We guarantee every garment,
tement here made, and we will exchauge any Purchase unsatisfactory for any reason whatever,
ment in the house, marked in plajn figures. ONE PRICK TO ALL.
every price andevery sta
Every article, every gar-
Look for the Big
Black Canvas Front
Sale Positively Opens
Wed. Sept. 20
Let Nothing keep you
away. The hour Is setf
the date you know. The
Greatest Sale ever held in
Oregon opens at Astoria
September 20
For 10 Days