THE MORNING ASTOMAX, ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1903. MARINE MEMORANDA Lively Record of Men and Vessels in Port Yesterday. BIG LINERS ARE NUMEROUS Pctter'j Last Trip From Ilwaco Arrir all Last Night The Bis Occano Due Falkc to Arrive Today Cascades ia and Out This Morning. from Portland, yesterday, and after tak ing on tome extra tonnage at this poiut, reared during the afternoon fur I'm pqua and AWi. The handsome O. R. A X. river linor T. .1. Totter, arrived down from the metropolis at 2:30 p. 111. yesterday, and continued to Ilwaco and the benches. Her return trip to Portland, today, will end her service on the Ilwaco run for thi season. She will resume her old place and schedule on the Portland-Astoria run, tomorrow. The big British liner (Veano, the crack lumber carrier, in due to arrive from Shanghai at any hour. She it billed for Portland on another lumber charter, and if aue take away more than she did on her last voyage there will be a panicky rise in the market value of that commodity. She went out with nearly four million feet on her last cruise from here. j The barkentineAmelia. in ballast from San Francisco, for Kanicr, came in from The British steamer Kelvinbank, 20 days from Nagasaki, crossed the Colum bia river bar on the night of Friday, and passed p to Portland yesterday after noon. Captain U. X. Ryder, her com mander, reports a fair, and entirely un- i sea yesterday, under her own canvas eventful pasage, with five day of fog on the meridian line and eastward, (ISO de grees). The Kelvinbank is in water bal last and Will load for the Orient again as soon as possible. She carries 31 offi cers and men, and all are well on board. Captain Huhs is in command. She will leave up the river today in tow. The Kleetro has arrived in home wat ers and is as sound as a dollar, the dam age inflicted upon her by the Samson having been made good in every par ticular. She resumed her duties as quar antine boat at this pott yesterday morn ing. The steamship Tottenham left her an chorage in the channel this side of Tongue Point, yesterday morning and proceeded to sea in charge of a bar pilot. The steamer Sue II. Elmore arrived up from Tillamook City yesterday af ternoon with a comfortable manifest of people and merchandise. The Regatta Company lias placed a lot of lumber on the Flavel dock with which to cover toe grandstand material lett over from the late festival, and which will be preserved for use next year. The steamer Harrison arrived down The German war ship Fa Ike is clue in these waters some time today. She hails from Pugct Sound, ami will proceed to Portland with all due haste. Cap tain lU'hncke must obey his orders whatever the Portland influence that in spired tljem. and Astoria must lie "passed up. Anyway they cant stop her smoke from floating over this place. The 0. R. 4 X. liner St. Taul, ar rived in from San Francisco yesterday ai 2 o'clock p. in. with a big list of jieople and a heavy line of miscellaneous merchandise. On her way into her dock she came within a hand's breadth of cutting the steamer Shamrock in two. The Shamrock was tacking out of her berth for her customary north-shore run, and the St. Paul was almost on top of her, but the Shamrock's "go ahead" rung itself into fragments and the sturdy little steamer darted back into safety with but few feet to spare. The St. Paul will be back from Port land on Tuesday. The Swedish ship, Clan McFarlane, Captain Westerberg, twenty days out from Los Angeles, (where she discharged a part of her Antwerp cargo) crossed in last evening at 7 o'clock, bound for Portland, and anchored off the bwer quarantine station. She left 1am Ange les on Augut 20th last. She is cement laden. The oil-tank steamer Whittier, tow ing the tank-barge, Santa Paula, i due to arrive here. Captain Craig went to the mouth of the river yesterday on a search for her but up to the last me sagegfrom the liar, she had not been sighted. The steamer Ca -cades, from San Fran cisco, arived in this port late last night. She discharged her freight and passeng er Portland bound at this point, and will leave out at 7 o'clock this morning, under orders for Kverett, Washington, where she will load lumber at Weyer hauser's mills, for San Francisco. The Lurline will be down at noon today for the Cascades freight and her pasengers wjJJ go to Portluud via the A. 4 C. R. railroad. to 23rd and from 17th to 10th, will prob ably b confirmed by the council on Monday niuht. I'ntil confirmation is made the property owner assessed for the improvements may employ the option granted by the charter, of filing an application to pay their several as sessments in five year installment and in the case above mentioned many tit urns have filed such pleas. lit the police court yesterday two cast's of plain drunk were disposed oft one violator yielding up hi forfeited hail in the sum of (3 and the other go ing to jail for five days, in default of a ready ten dollar bill to meet the demand made by Judge Anderson. VETERAN'S IMPRESSION OF THE GRAND ARMY CONVENTION ! School Times Mere BUSTER BROWN gives you your School Outfit for the season if you wear his Stockings. For ten days, beginning Saturday, Sept. 10th, we sell Buster Brown Stockings for Boys, and Buster Brown Sister's Stockings for Girls, with the following phenomenal offer: With every purchase of four pair at one time during this sale we will give you FREE FREE FREE 1 Scholar's Companion, 1 Ruler, 1 Lead Pencil, 1 Penholder and Pen, 1 Robber Eraser, and 1 Tablet of Writing Paper A complete outft for School use. i H In addition to the above, we give you a ticket showing you have made this purchase. This ticket, presented at our Hosiery Counter at any time during the first session, entitles you to your needs in school of all your Stationery, Pencils, etc., without any ad ditional purchase or cost to you. NOTE: The purchase must be made of four pair of Stockings during this sale to entitle you to the above. Parents should realize the saving this means to them for an entire season. 25c per pair THE FOARD 8 STOKES CO. Astoria's Greatest Store t Interview With Capt. G. L, Goodale Departure for Barton Tomorrow. Captain tJ. L. (iondale, I'. S. A., cou tructing quarter-master, department of the Columbia, with headquarter at Fort Stevens, was busy in his Page llloek of fice yesterday morning when a reporter for the Astorian called upon him. Winding up the loose ends of detail in cident to his retirement from the post and his departure for his new assign ment at Hot-ton, on tomorrow night's Portland express. In answer to an inquiry to how he enjoyed his recent visit to Denver a a participant in the (irand Army conven tion there, Captain (ioodalc stopped work long enough to say that the ex (erience was one of the plcasnntest of his life; that such conventions of men who had run the piuntlet of the terrible season of war, were always profoundly interesting; the greetings Is-tween men who had been comrades in arms, fellows in disaster, co-winners in great victories and co-sufferer in tragic defeats, were fraught with sorow and pride, and in tensely reminiscent phases that more, or less, swept men off their feet; that the last great gathering was no exception to the rule. The chief Incident in the larger affair of the convention was, he said, the final election of the old hero, Corporal" Tanner to the pot of com mander in-chief of the old guard. He returned to the coat by way of San Francisco, with two week of his leave of absence still unexpired and he had programmed a visit to Hot Springs, Oregon, but on arriving at San Fran- cisco he found his new orders awaiting him, so he abandoned all programs, re linquished hi unexpired leave, and came directly to his post here to pre pare for the change. Fn route from San Francisco he caught an exceptional ly fine view of the scenic splendor of southern Oregon, along the line of the Southern Pacific railroad, and took on a realizing sene of the new and won derful development of that section, which he thinks portends u tremendous uplift for Oregon. Happily, Captain Coodale' new as signment brings him in actual touch with his home and family. They are at Medford, five mile out of Iloston, where his official Headquarters are fixed, and this is a source of supreme satis faction to him, since be has languished for home ties and influences ever since his arrival at this po-t, June 2H, l!Kl. His new post is similar to the one he occupies here, but larger in scoe and iiiiiKirtani-e. He will lie constructing quarterinatr there, as here, but with a territory embracing Forts Warren, Storey, Hanks, Revere, Andrews, R.h. niun and Standisli, in Massachusetts mid Fort Stark, at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire. H! will relieve Major John K. Haxter, I'.'S. A. Captain tioodulc haves for Huston on tomorrow's evening train, and will go through direct. He expressed a sincere regret at leaving Astoria and the sun dering of very many pleasant relation ships established in the four years of his stay here. Astoria, too. has something to deplore in the change that removes Captain (ioodale beyond her borders, and noth ing but the kindest and friendliest com ment is rife in the city over his going. ISoton is fortunate. HOTEL ARRIVALS, At the Occident. W. 11. Nichols, Denver. Mr. Trites, Frmie, It. C. Mr. It. W. Wood, Femie, H. C. C. F. MctUicc and family. Walla Walla, 1. 11. Nelson and wife, Pendleton. John Dyer ami wife, Present!, Aria. II. tV 5. Cox and wife, Preco!t, Aria 11. H. (Sever, Prescott, Ari. II. T. Findlay, Portland. A. M Meals, Portland. Mrs. Jo-eph Kll, Pendleton. tleo. C. l.uders, Portland. C. 1. Duliicll, Knapton. Albert Hakala. 11. Rockwell, City. t Richard tieorling. AT THE CITY HALL Another Day of Quietude at the Muni cipal Building. The assessments for street improve ment covering Kxchange street from 21st STAMMERING AND STUTTER' ING CURED For Particular! Addreti THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAM MERERS 12G1 cast Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon.. BASEBALL SCORES. Tacouia, Sept. 1(1. Taeomn, il; Seat tle 8. Is Angeles, N-pt. 10. Los ngelcs, 4: Portland. 0. San Francisti, Sept. 10. San Fran- cisco, 10; Oakland, 0. Are You Engaged? Engaged people should remember that, after marriage, many quarrel can be avoided, by keeping their digestion in good condition with Electric Hitter. S. A. Brown of Bennettsville, S. C, ay: "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a tor pid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere ,wreck of her former self. Then he tried Electric Biter, which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now trong and healthy." Cha. Roger, druggist, ell and guarantee them, at ! FREE A Watch, Guaranteed a Good Timekeeper will be Given FREE With Each Boys' Suit Bought From Us Between Now and Oct. 1st. These Suits comprise is New and Stylish in Boys' Wear Cheviots, C&ssimeres, Plain and Fancy Worsteds AT $2.50 to $10.00 Suit nd WATCH FREE with every Suit from now till October 1st. A Stokes Suit means AtGood Suit or MONEY REFUNDED P. A. STOKES Church Notices : jJr BEzmmvE Salvation Army. Ensign Storey of Portland will I with the local Salvation Army today, All uie mrdiully Invited to attend the services at the hall after the street meeting. OUR FALL -GOODS Are coiii i II g in thick and fast. NEW SUITS, NEW COATS FOR LADIES' MISSES AND CHILDREN. NEW SHIRT WAISTS GALORE. All Kindt and Style From 75c to $3.95 NEW SILK SniRT WAISTS. We are ready for the Children' School Opening. BOY'S SUITS. t BOY'S AND GIRLS SHOES. Remember Our "76" School Shoe, It Can't Be Beat for the Rainy Weather. Children's School Caps in great variety. We have what you want at prices that are lower than ever. First Lutheran. Services tomorrow as follow at the jriit Lutheran church, 117 Frnnkliu avenue. . tiustav V. I(yduit, pastor, j . Moining service in, Swt'isij tVcnir); j -e ! iii Eugli-h at H oYI.s k. The jpn t'ir nil speak on the subject "The llelatina of t 'litis! to the Christian." Baptist and Methodiit. 'I lie li,i.ti-t mi l the Methodi-t li i;vlie will meet in union eris at II .1, 111, and i'.'IO p. in, at the lt I'.up-'i-t church. The morning sermon will e ili-,lr!icd by the ltev. I.. .1. Tmill bull p. hir of.tlie l'.,ip(i-t Flniicu, Ill .lie etcllillK I Sr. . I Tllfts, -1 1 j n t i 1 1 -leiident of Oregon Anti-Saloon league will sjicak to the audit-nee. Ihiptist Sun day school at lo a. m., and Methodist Sunday school at I2:1.V 1'iiion Young People's meeting at 11:30 p. m. Ev erybody cordially invityd and a full attendance of the members of Isith churches is especially desired. Grace Church. Divine service at tirace church Sun day, S-pt. 17, at II a. 111. and 7 :' p. m. Sunday school 12::i0 111. Service at Holy InitiHfitiV cluiH'l upH-r town at ::."t0 p. m. First Congregational. The li'ifiilur services will Ih- held in the First 'iiiiii-rcjfiit buiiil church at 11 a. 111., and 1:W p. in.. At the morning -ervice ltev. W. .1. Sharp, field secre tary of the t ini-lian Endeavor iciety of fircgon and Washington, will preach. At the evening service a musical pro HI a ill will he given under the direction of Mrs. (ico. C, Wutkin. Sunday school 12:20 p. m. Presbyterian Church. Kev. W, U. Ijiyson, 1). C. L., pastor. Services II a. in. and 7s.'l0 p. 111. Sun day school 12:15 There will be a con ference nt 3 p. 111. for all young people's societies and an address by Kev. fShnrp. There will be a mass meeting in the ev- J-v9 TBhe sSL. BEElisSiHrVE Full inti'i mat inn to the cost of a commercial, !ioiihund or aciiduii 1 educatiiti Is t;iicii in the huiid-i nicly illu-liatcd cat allelic of the 'ImIiius lluill' College. Wlile fol one. 2.V:i.l V. M. C. A. Hording Poitland, 're. The Astoria Restaurant. C.OOl), CLEAN MEALS EXCELLENT SERVICE OPtN ALL NIGHT 399 lioml St., cor. Ninth Accordion. Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Iron. No Burning of Good. Miss O. 'Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Gires to all Out-of-Towa Orders. Hats Trimmed, Hats Cleaned, Feathers Curled Free of Charge. Mas. R. Inglcton has opened a nice line of La dies' and Children's Fall and Winter Hats. Kirs. R. Inglcton WELCH BLOCS, Otfoaita Budget Office, eiiiii( and an addres by Iter. Sharp, Held representative of the ( lirl-tiull Kll deavor ocicty. All yoillljj S'ode's so cieties are tirjcd to I rccnt at Isilli senii-. Mr. T. 1). IVrguwn will sintf a miIo Sunday morning. Mr. (!. V. I-uiiht Mill iti a solo Sunday even iii(, Next Wednesday Hi pa-tor wilt talk 011 Ituine, Kloreniv and Venice. ANTI-SALOON RALLY. Dr. (i. I Tufts, superintendent of the Auti Saloon liiue of Oregon, Mill speak ut Nor. Iiuti, M. K. church at II o'clock today, at ItHlmiiy l.utliersn church at 3 p. m. mid at the First llaitit eliurrh nt nij;!it. lie will dis-ti. up phases of tiie Uctioii. All are welcome.