The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 16, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, 8EPTEMEE2 iS, 13:3.
The Real Thing
Nevada Comb Hoiiey
Fine and Fresh, mod by tht bees. We fuorantet It to be trlclly
?urt. . " ,
15c the One Pound Frame
tit. , TiltU Anderson, massage. 40
Gfend Avenue. Given either t borne or
Mill mil.
School days are bet again Sct your
look and supplies at t tie Little lwk
Store on loth U Bulers ami blotter
free with each purchase.
Tht family restaurant of Astoria It
recognised tht lltsa restaurant. Tht
best meala and tht best service to At
tori. 120 Eleventh street.
Tke Palsee Catering company's ' din-trtg-room
I again open undrr tlie Mmi
management. Everything first class.
Cuisine and service unexcelled. Private
dining room for ladies.
If you want the family to be healthy
strong and active, give thca Holliter't
Hotkey Moutilala Tea this month. Make
rich, red Ilex!, lione and muscle. 33
rent, Tea or Tablet. Frank Ilarfa
lrug store.
The O, IL 1 X. enmpsny will continue
to sell tickets until October 1Mb frntn
Astoria U Portland and rot urn for 12.2.1,
good returning until CVtolx-r 11, 11H3.
Enjty Colwatia River Scenes
On the decks of tht fat aVamer Tele-
irrapli, leaving Callender dsk, Aatorla,
for Portland, dally, except Friday, at 2
IN M. Sundays, at 2i30 V. M. Vou
reach Portland in ample iiaa for a itroll
or for an wenlng't visit at your friend's
Thai i what they all say
when they drink our
Perrection Blend
Mocha and
Java Coffee
When yon are again ordering cof
ice see that you get this
laanil, and if you
do not say
Iking it back and me will cheer
fully refund ywr money ,
iiliaa Twtlfth St, Aittria.
1 N
OWING to the delay in the completion of our new
store building we will continue our reduction
sale during September.
The Greatest Assortment
The Finest Quality
The Lowest Prices
N COMPLCTf Hoy$l -
Wurol k Akerman, taxidermists, mat
tress makers, furniture upholstering,
hsrnes retiring,' carpet cleaning and
laying. Ninth street.
The Pacific orchestra will give one
of it popular dance at Pacific hall,
this evening. Everybody welcome.
l.i't fail to attend.
lr. ('. O, lawin, from Chicsgo i via
iliiiK with lUv. ItydquLt and the
Ihdmea family. Hie doctor ha travel
t extensively a 4 home and abrWl,
pending several year at Vienna aiul
lU-rlin studying hia art. He i very fa
voraMy Impressed with the northwest.
!.. 1 k- Iteard, the young son of Cap
tain A.'E. Bcaid, met with a painful
aiihletit at MiJregora dk early yen-(-rday
motning. ln ia aulijist to aink
ing mII and Wa nvertaken with one
yesterday and in falling hia body
pre'ipitatel over an offet in the dia-k,
hi head, nk and ahoiildera atrlking
heavily uHin a big iron ravel on the
lower atrurtuie uffering aeveral aevere
cont nolo in, lut happily ex-aping with
out broken U'fH-a or other grave in
The lively bunion in which No. 7 en
dine of the A'torin A C'olumbiiu Hirer
railway wervii here, ia executing ber
yard and train dutie with crude nil
fuel, b inJuiitive of the full anveewa "of
the inw)wUiin, and while it ia not yet
M.tHred 1y the company 'a ofllcera, it i
likely to lie gradually applied t the
-rvi tbrntighiiut, but not until fur
ther trial have been made and relative
estimate of power, rout and other ba
e of utilhy have leen praetii-aJly .nnd
iaflirially flittermined.
A group of Atoria Knighta f Ty
lia went no Ranier Thumday evening
aoronrpaniell by Col. Olden aad Viae,
far the exprea purtto-e of Installing
the uniform rank of the order in the
local lodgv al that place. They ini
tiated 20 of 'the Ranter fratera and utter
the formal work of the evening, the A-
trn eontingeiit were made gm4 .of
liitrnT at an imj romptu yet elegant mf
er which wa thoroughly enjoyed. The
puny returned to thi city on the morn
ing (train yeaterlHy,
The swift steamer Telegraph leaves
Callender dock, Astoria, daily, for Port
land, etcept Friday, at 2 o'clock p. m4
arriving in Portland at 8: 30 p. m. A
round trip fare of $i.25 has been estab
lished far the next W days, going into
elTect today. Xo better way to obaervt
the beautw of the Colwubla river.
Tottenham Down and Anchored
West of Tongue Point.
Special Information for Seamen la Al
askan Waters B Local Traffic Yes
teflay Sestti and Sardine Vessels
in, Out and Due,
The ateamahip Iniautn, now under de
tention at quarantine ami being over
hauled and fumigated lit lid her of any
nillo latent infection taken on at
Shanghai, will be permitted to go to
ea tomorrow and pump out her water
bnlluat, the baaia of all her trouble,
after which ahe will be brought in and
tied up at the lower quarantine ground
and held for five day before her de
parture for I'ortlund. Thi i in strict
conformity with department Lrdcr. from
Vahingtoii and lr. Harle, the quar
antine olliivr here ia famoua for um-om-
promiing adherence to order.
The government aurvey ateamer Ar-
ait", Captain Tyler, left down, and out
at 1 o'clock ycU-rday afternoon for
Cooa Itay, where ahe will le employed
for Mime time to come on the dredging
and channel work now being punhcd
vigoroutdy there by Uncle Sam.
The ateamer Alliance arrived down
early yeterday morning and docked at
the Calh-nder pier, where ahe took on nix
more pmwengera, (completing her law
ful li-t) and l'HK) cane of ran and 21
tun of niixcclhtneou freight, inelmling
iook and canning aupplie ami got
'away for Cooa Hay aad Eun-ka with
-joii-k di-paU h at noon.
The kteainer Itedondo ram down
fnun Portland about dawn yesterday
morning with lumber for San Kranciaco,
and cleared for the south at 0 a. m.
The ttnniitf Dipuh wan in the
lieilomlo'a wake for an early departure
ycfttcTday morning, taking a big load
of lumber to San Krancro.
Kxlrncti from not a Vt mariners Xo.
3.1, published by tl Hydrographic of
fice. Washington, D. C Sqtemler 2, 1905.
All learinga in eae of light taken
from M-awtrd. The vWiliility of lights
given for an elevation of the eye 13
feet nlnive nea or lake level. The ref
erence numlier of rhart to I correct
ed are in bold faveil tte. Ditanoe
are given in feet, nautical
milea, and In the ioif fr the Croat
Ijike the equivalent rtattite niil fol
low in parentheses.
Section 6. Extract 13H8. 1380.
Went eoant of Anient North of Pana
(I.1HH) Waxhingtoa-Tunn do Fuea
trait Telegraph cable Caution Jle
fcrring to Notice to Mariner No. 31
(IIHI), further iuformatiim ha been re
ceived that the cable referred to in the
above notice lahda 1 milea wetward of
Kdis HiMtk lighthouae. VU are cau
tioned agMint anchoring in the vicinity
of the cable.
Hydrographic office- chart No. 003
and 17tl!. Coat aurvey chart.
No. tMOO and KKK). II. U. Publication
No. t!9. Coast of HiilUh Columbia, 1891
aigr 03.
(1389) Alaska Lynn ranal EMred
roek Light to 1 establiihed About
Scptenilmr 10, ltNt.1, 'a tenimrarj- fixed
white lena-lantern light, suspended from
an arm on a flake, will lie established
on the eiintern side of Eldreil rock, east
ern ahU? of Lynn canal, almut 7 mile
X. 17 degree W, true (NV. V. rung.)
from Point Sherman light station. The
light will t 40 feet alave the aea and
will illuminate 270 degree of the hori
ion, the, dark sector covering Sullivan
Approx, position Ijit. 58 degree, 59
minute, 13 second N., Ixng. 135 de
gree, 12 minute, 34 second V.
(N. M, 33, 1005.)
(Notirt to Mariner No. 53 (2090),
Llghthonao Hoard, Washington, 1IHI5).
Hydrographic chart. No. 627,
Coast survey chart, No. 8000, 8050,
8300 and 8303. - .
,V. S. Lighthouse Board, lit of lik'ht
on the Pacific eoat, 1904, page 52.
Alaska Coait Pilot; fart I, 1905, page
Railing directions for Hchring sea and
Alaska, 1898, page Hfl.'-
ily order of tht Bureau of Equip.
nienU . ' '
, '. IT. M. HODGES,
Captain, U.H N. (KetVK Ilydrograph
T steamer Northland is due down
from I'ortland today, outward bound
for San Francieo, and so i the steam
er Cascade.
The steam-hip St. Paul left San Fran
on time and i due here tomorrow
morning en route to Port Ian-!.
The steamer Lurline iia re-umel Imr
regular bualnea run, leaving here last
night at 7 o'clock with a good passenger
lit. '
The huge carrier, Tottenham, with
34O,O0O feet of lumber on board valued
at VXM sleanied down from Portland
yeterday and came to anchor in the
channel off Tongue Point. She reached
there on the half ebb tide, and it wa
deemed adviabh) not to try the shal
lowing channel any further. She will
paa out thi morning on her long jour
ney to Tslu Bar and Nui Chwang,
China, Her charter figure i quoted at
WW). She carries the second bigget
cargo of IiiiiiIht that ever crossed the
Columbia river bar, the champion load
of 3.900,1X10 feet having been taken out
by the steamer Oceana a year ago lat
The big liner Numantia, lately out of
the dry dock at St. Johns', near Port
land and now loading for Hong Kong,
via Yokohama, will clear from Portland
on Tuesday morning nextt
The steamer South Bay left San Fran
ciseo Thursday night laiund for Coos
llay. from whence she will take up the
steamer I. A. Milium run ami busi
ness between there and Portland, while
the latter veM-l is in dry dock at San
Francisco undergoing a general over
hauling after her late rough experience
at Coo Hay.
The government steamer Major fiuy
Howard arrived down at 4 o'clock yes
terday afternoon from Portland, whith
er she went last Saturday with the
several military athletie team from the
forts at the mouth of the Columbia and
who participated in the event held at
Vancouver baracks during the present
week. She brought CO of tbeiu back
? - .
The British steamship Kelvinbank
from Japanese port for Portland i ex
pected to arrive in at any hour. She i
in command of Captain Ryder and bails
from KtM-hiuotzo, Japan, her last point
of departure eastward.
The following dispatch received at
thi office yesterday eveniug, indicates
some activity in the salmon movement
for one day at least 1
San Francisco, Sept. 13. A fleet of
salmon packer made port today. The
vessels were the Flleetra, 28,000 ease;
Oriental, M,0l)0; ease-,' Tacoma, 65,709
case; Santa Clara, 40.874 cases; Bo
hemia, 40,000 cases; Indiana, 50.400
ease; Paramita, 35,000 cases) M. P.
Crace, 61,400 case; W. W. Case, 17300
caws, and 350 barrel and Premier 2022
lwrrel. The barken tine Fremont, with
190.000 codfish fromBehring sea. ar
The lively Nahcotta came up from
llwaco at 5 n. m. yesterdav with 98
people homeward bound from the beach
e, and 1239 case of salmon from the
Mctiowan plants and a big lot of mis
eellaneou freight.
Ihiatmen, and eople who spend some
time each day on the waterfront," say
there is an immense run of seal and sea
lion in the harbor now, busy gathering
in the shoals of sardines swarming in
local water. They are more numerous
on the north shore channel than on thi
side. ! ' :
when the grocer
offers you coffee
"just as good" as
Golden Gate
but d c ma n d f
Tnff 00 is
It has no equal.
Sold only in aroma-tight
tins. Never in bulk." g
Saaa Frainctactf
tsvaausNia ms
111 l I
1 X
Owing to the rapid manner in which
the 1903 a--ment toll ha been ex
tended it will be ready to turn over to
the county clerk on Monday. f ' . 1 .
Two marriage license were issued by
the county elerk yesterday, th parties
being Vk-tor Bodas and Fanny . Flo vt.
and Hjolmer Johnsou anil Dogmer Per-'
en, all of Clat-op county. 1
A meeting of the principals of the va
rious schools I caled'at the High school
at 10 o'clock a. m. today.' The grade
teachers a rs requested to meet also at
10:30 a m. at the high school
A. U CIARK, Snpt
Nel Sibloom of Gray river, who raa
a strand from a wire cable into his
thumb about 10 days ago, was compell
ed Jo have the member removed yes te
as y owing to blood poison.
Mr. VkHor Bodas and Miss Fannie
Floyt will be united ia manage this ev
ening at Kearney's hall, only a few of
the immediate friend. of the contract-
big parties will be present.
August C. Wirt of Skiponon was
stricken with paralysis last Wednesday
at the home of his daughter, Mr". Olive
MvCuire of Seaside.
Mr. Wirt will be 01 yers old next
month, which makes his recovery im
The West Astoria and the Fort Stev
ens nine will Irak horns in a lively
game of baseball on the A. F. C grounds
here, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o'c'lock, the first of a series of three
games to decide tht championship of the
lower Columbia. 1
Skarookawa will entertain the Bed
Men of Washington 1n district conven
tion tomorrow and an invitation ex
tended to the Coneomly"" Trilss of thi
city has been accepted and the Sham
rock will leave up with a strong de
tachment of Astoria brave at 6:30
o'clock t ! evening.
A new cae ha bcn addedto the al
ready lengthy court callendar, that of
C. S. Brown and Anna Wilkenson vs.
Harry Ladd Corbett, tl at
The suit is for the purpose of secur-
ing a division through the sale of the fol
Iownig described pronertv, the estate
of the late Henry W. Corbett; deceased.
Lot No. 3, 4. 5, tf, 7. and 8 and south
half of block 55 in this city, together
with-all tide lands, riparian, wharf inir
water right, and privileue north of the
property to the channel of the Columbia
river. s
Cheap Tickets to Philadelphia and Re
The 0. B. & X. Co. will sell roundtrin
tickets from Astoria to Philadelphia,
ra., on September 7, 8, 0, 10. at a rate
of $89.50. is J
For further information inquire of
C. W. B0BEBTS, Agenta.
Kiljunen tSc Roclofsz have disolved
partnership. Mr. Roelofsz will open up a
new tailor shop in a few days. In the mean
time all orders- left at
receive prompt attention.
-V . -The Can
. , 1
This Can
I - Vm Inn tf
! Yesterday's Becord at St. Xary'a Hos
pital Two ActidentaOperttieaa.
Of the 51 people under treatment for
maladies and injuries at St. Mary's hoe
pital, there were no- eae of a gravity
to warrant expectation of .fatal results.
L. 0. Cronnea, tbc Injured logger fro
Kelly's camp who for two weeks has
made such a bravt fight against death,
in spite of his crushed breast, has beea
joined by hia two sisters, Misses Mary
and Theresa Cornnen, trained auxses
graduates of St. Vincent's hospital at
Portland. The former is from lleppncr,
and the latter from San Francisco,
where she bad to relinquish a bad east
to take her share in helping to save her
brother. With such devoted and skil
ful attendants it is not to be wondered
at that Mr. Cronnen has safely passed
the crisis, though he is still a very sick
man. He was joined there yesterday by
Nelson Sieohlom, a Swede logger work
ing in Saldian'a camp, Mr. Sieoblom had
had hi thumb lacerated some time ago
by a running wire cable, and the wound
took on gangrene to such an extent that
it wa deemed prudent to' amputate it.
Doctor Pilkington performed the opera
tion successfully and the patient ia
comfortably nursing a sore right hand.
Another man was injured at Kelly's
camp, on Blind Slough, yesterday and
reached the hospital late in the day with
an arm broken.. His name is S. TL
Richmond, a logger. Dr. J. A. Fulton
set the injured member and Mr. Bich
mond is reasting easy.
About 8 o'clock yesterday evening
lames Paine, a hustler in the barns of
the Sherman Transfer company on Com
mercial street, was licked by a big
truck horse on the under side of the
right thigh just below hi hip. The
blow was a violent one, and for a white
it was thought the thigh was fractured.
Painct was instantly removed to St.
Mary's where Doctor Estes made an ex
animation showing no broken bones, but
a rather badly contused kg. Paine will,
it is hoped, be at his work again shortly.
The other patients at the hospital art
progressing satisfactorily.
Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Jo
seph Oornian, a workman at Fort Stev
ens, died of pneumonia after several
weeks of suffering. Mr. Gorman was a
perfect stranger in the country and
without relatives nearer than. Lot An
geles, where, it understood, be, has aa
uncle by the same name, but whose in
itials are unknown, jnaking is very dif
ficult to locate him and advise him of
his nephew's death. The deceased was
a member of the American Federation of
Labor, at Harvey, Illinois, and of the
Grain Handler's union, Local No. 3, of
Chicago. Interment will be had at Fort
Stevens tomorrow, under the direction
of Coroner W. C. A. Pohl. N
- . .. , ;'i
The city hall and all its office, ware
in a state of "jnnocuous desuetude" ys
terday, nothing transpiring n the nw
nicipal menage worth record or mention
It was a depressing place for a report
er, and not any too lively for the offi
cial incumbents housed there.
Attacked by a Mob
And beaten, in a labor riot, untn covered
with sores, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
and was soon sound and well. "I use
it in my family," writes G. J. Welch of
Tekonsha, Mich, "and find it perfect."
Simply great for cuts and burns. Only
25c at Chas. Sogers drug ttort. ,
Scully's Cigar Store will
lis guaranteed saticfartnrv K tv,
Pump cannot get out of order; it is braced
to the bottom of the Can; it will not wear out;
it nunins anv kind nf nil.
is stronger than any Can made.
-an im . 11 p. . . I V I
The hinged cover conceals the pump; keeps
out dirt; makes it the roost attractive Can sold.
SouOnly in Astoria by
W. J. SCULLEY, Arent
ofTu-er. i "sjs . -