SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, ignj. 2 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, AbTOM A, ORE.' THE MORNING ASTORIAN Esttblished 1873. Published Daily by THE J. S. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7.00 By mail, per month ; .-. . . . ; . . . - .00 By earner, per month... ..75 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. Dy mail, per year, in advance.. $ 1.00 Entered as aeoond-das matter June 23. Wft, at the postorttoe at Astoria. Ore (;on, under the net of Cougrvss of Marvli S, isra. $y Or-ra for the dellv rmjr of Thi Moas" Ino varoaux to WtLer rwldence or place of tmsinea nay be niade by postal card or through tele bone. Any Irregularity in de livery should be inmediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. CORRESPONDENT IS PASSING. One of the interesting sijrns of news paper evolution in the passing of the correspondent. The new pttherer has crowded him out. The public want tact; it can get it own iinpresion is the view of the modern journalism. But o many things happen that i i a physical impossibility to (live all the facts-, and there are many able editor who Mieve that the correspondent with splendid aptitude for collation and con densation will again have hi inning. A few of the old time correspondent remain, and among the best known probably the Wst known i "Hath"' lieorge Alfred Townend, a Marylander. who for almost half a century lias told of great events epigrammatically and in many thousand of column. In hi style lie represents a rare contradiction the jMiwer to put fact in short, point ed scintillant sentence, combined with capacity to fill a big lot of space. A decade ago, Mr. Tovnend, after capping hi long career with two successful nov els '-Patty Cannon," and "Kitty of t'atoctin," retired to a beautiful home that crowns one of the Maryland moun tain. He had made a fortune lrom hi work and earned a good ret. At na tional presidential conventions his daily output was from 12 to 14 columns. After one particularly exciting session, when the correspondent drifted in late from their work, one of them said: "Townsend, what's the matter! You look tired." "Do Ii" he asked. "You ought to see those three rtenographers." But there have been changes since Mr. Townsend was at his zenith, and we find them illutrated in the dispatches from Portsmouth reporting the peace confer enee. Very little fine writing was at tempted in this work. Even though most of it iiad to be speculation, there had been a rigid hewing to the line The newspaper has so many thing for it snace that it cannot afford to wane unless sentences even upon one of the greatest events in the history of the world. The best work at Port-mouth was done by the reporter and not by the literary man sent there to give distinc tion to his paer's dispatches. It shows that is universally true that the most important man in the publicity of the day i the reporter who get at the lai t and states them in plain, terse Kngli-li. About the Fool Killer. "I wish," iad Col. J. V. Law, as he handed out a wash boiler to a Cray' River customer "that ome great editor would get np aa article telling the full and entire truth concerning the fool killer. Most people have in their minds a picture of him as a trusty giant, arm ed with a club, going tip and down bel lowing for victims. Such is not the case, and many people are inclined to think that the fool killer is dead and out of business because they don't hear his. bel towing nor see sidewalks splashed with'UT I'j-e'of those whomlre ha Urt.; .Tliey are greatly mistaken. Tlw fid killer i alite ami actively engaged. The corpses At lii producing oumber the earth and living men stumble over them at every stcp.'The voting man cornea ont of collet equipped to capture the earth, full of real and liope, he undertakes the task. The fool .killer hands" him the bread and butter problem and tells liim he must fcolve tint before lie e-;ys to carry the world by storm. The young man goes down in a helpless nuts by the roadside, a tribute to the unerring judgment of hi exectttioneer. A bright young minister goes to a new cliuich and U'gin a brilliant ca reer. The path i smoothed before his feet, and he is grasping at honors with in his reach. Some little tiling, a wo man's smile mayhap, i thrust lie fore him, his head turn, he steps aside and tumble headlong into a pit dug by the fool killer. "A linker's clerk or a banker, or a trustee, or a cashier. 1 ambition to U rich. He es a sure thing in specu lation, he dabbles, he wins; he trie again, lie lose, once more he loses, lie ue otiier jK'ople's money, and when the 'door of the slams liehiml him the fool killer chuckles in malicious gl.-e, "An editor goes in for principal he tell the truith, he stand up for the right, he defends the poor and weak, he champion the minority, he defies tra dition and power and authority; puffed with pride iu himself he marche at the head of the procession when theS'oo killer slip a knife into hi hamstring and he flounder prostrate in the ion and i trampled into the mud by those he tint lately led. "And so 011 through a li-t that growing faster than the affidavits of a circulation liar. The fool killer exists but eople misunderstand him. Ik- no brutal and violent butcher, but ad ministers hi cotijie de final with a noie less and graceful skill that is the high est tyi of the art. "At the present time I just want to let a few fellows know the kind of -on individual the fool killer is for he i bound to get some of them in Decem ber. INSTITUTION OF GAMBLING Another rich boy ha been robbed by Canfield and hi fellow gambler. Thi time the scene is Saratoga, not New York city. The shorn lamb i highly commended by the gambling community because after having given them all hi leady money, he raised thousands more from his family and friends and sent tl.eni that by mail, which he was under no legal or moral obligation to do. Gambling i an ancient and dishonor able institution. It always ha leen and doubtless will be so long as some nu n are low enough to live on the weak ness of others. But civilized communi ties should draw the line somewhere, and swindling fledgelings hardly come r.nder the accepted definitions of gam bling. The law make no restriction of age or any difference in tiie penalty even the gamblers thcin-elvc and their approved code of honor doe not approve stripping Ikivs of their patrimony or unfairly adding to the mathematically certain percentage which in every gam bling game ultimately aborl the play Ma stake. Only one degree removed from the sou venir portal cards is th vari-eolored en udope advertising the agricultural fair. Th time recording camera lately pat ented in England takes a photograph of any rapidly passing object the ex posures ranging from 1-25 to 1-1000 of a second, and at the same time pho tographs a watch' thus giving the exact time. With two such cameras and syn clironized watches the polii-e can obtain a picture of a motor car at each end of a measured strip of road the exact speed being made easily obtainable from thee data. The precision of modern observations brings to light unexpected facts. At the Paris observatory dean Mascart has no ticed that the surl'are of a thin layer of mercury i not plane but undulated like water disturbed by the plunge of a stone; and has al-o detected another movement that proves to be a true tide due to the sun and moon. The meas nrenicnts have been made repeatedly during a month with the six micro scolds of the instrument. The tidal motion is slight, but greater that the possible errors. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Forth Form antf Complexion Baa feaaa aacawaafai:? aatd by ItadlBfJ ictrmia, ( t aaa ian at uaaiaa lot sort Ua H yaara, Wkarava alU4 it U laataatlT abaorfca itrnil taa mth al sua and ru wea dart at aatofc&a faada Ua waaUag Uaaaaa, RCMOVINQ WRINKLE! aa If by augta, app Ueattea aftaa afeowtaa a raaurkabla LatmratBL Dr. Chartaa Fiaaa oo4 b aaahbaly th a iv vrMfmn iiewa w aatauai acitae taal Will ra4 at aeUawa ta th Bark aaa araiaca rm, baaitaj tUM aa Ula abaaka, arms aa4 baa da. J Per Developfaf taa Boat or brcaata, araakca fraaa aanlart k ha th aifttaat luarfmmx al aantruaa, Tw boiaa era anaa aafnefaet ta taaha tl lira, Urga aa4 kaaaUrai. OLD BT DaAJlTafJUrTtTOIJtaAirt) DKbCblbTa. Rrrilar artaa, 0.09 fca. bat to afl wha uti aavaaura at tkia arauAl. OPrli ad aa4 aa aaa dollar, wa will aaaa Iva (I) oxva, ia jmim wrapper. FRFE AaaaWa4aafaak,-Ai1aH rntt MasaK' rally laMM7 ttt btl an ma m any iaT aaaaiaff caaa aav tat can ef BMlUaa. Aaaraaa. Q DR. CHARLES CO. "tV&T Tkis is ike kind of a, Sioiy for PIATIONAL IIAGAZjM is paying mooo too pirncoiT " I a a rWiylimel woa nan th rx4i akouiia a aria oM Qukn ipauur m lay urad4 ta. auitiK at aw (rudn.4w. a r'Wij arrM ka ka la ta tarw at M tarf M inn ncltw Bwck imM dtKlaoo M an, ttaada. 1 TV U ldy u al Im m mi tad ht&n ivcMtoa. wnI at t piuv In la. w44inf-tkfut brt wi rrwin kkc4 at it alia a bv(uiihig NBll.. Tf II u h ihM arm BtairM, Aual Fa Unr" a. ni4. Ivulnilv I "That to to hi. V.VItam," uM IK. U Qua- IWU MlMIV "It . tVUU 1 MM Mi tmlf alrunl U thy VII. u." . Do yoxv know of atetier one We want little stories, anecdotes, bit of aetse any clipping irum a nrKsaer, iuuu ui Dtx'K uiai no iructi you Think. Laugh or Cry Uo prizes will le given for the best elec nuns, irn )' lies ol iiver dclUit hih astlie fit A ten successful comttiituis aie the rint awardi. The only condition for entering thi com. petition is that jou send with )imrcliiing toe. tor a v months' trial ?ubcmtion to the Nattoaal Magazine. Aouress, JOE CHAPPLE, Editor M DORCHESTER AVENUE, Boatoa, Ma Pears' Pears' Soap has never offered premiums to induce sales. It is, in itself, a prize for the complexion; Establlihr4 In I, STUDY! THIS aa" , - -taws " ' i It Gregg Shorthand, the ystem ,of whicfclevery -. . : ( stroke taken from longhand. No awkward crooks. Finn ! thv Htxiva a.-nti-lm'' (ii'a ahorthmul in nimli rn. No nh.'iilrt i.o I'oaition. no 1'ink Htrnk. s. fo l.nul hii Ll. Hnsul i n n.tiut ii luti'Utltli't: Kaxltut lo l.ntii; ..i.list lo iim.I Olilv aiilhorls-tl t. :t. li, m In I'oi tlnti'l. LESSONS BV MAIL. $15. Writ for (tree) Illustrated catalogue. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Tri. and Ruyl. A. L. Fo'. Vlra IVi, F L UISHUP. Secretary A8TOHIA HA VINOS HANK, Treu Designers and Manufacturers of TIIE LATEST lMritOYED CanningMachincry, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.--" J T Foot of Fourth Htrcet" . J 'it - I J'l II !1 PRAEL 0 EIGNER TRANSFER C0.I ; D RAYING 8 EXPRESSING UVERY STABLE 'il ; All(ootliiliip)rxltooiirrarillrrrelveieclalatiiliuD. i 709-715 Commercial Street. DIMS U U bumnf. COIIEGE S-U Y. M. C. A. Building, Portland, Or. a The Astorian, 75 centa a month. ir yoo WE CAN CURE YOU ! Th twl. rhnnn Mrtrte In.tllut. aiut a-hnnl fn aummrnr. uf Mh-hlnaa. t.l.ll.l,l .l.t.n jvmn. H. rurrO tbuiiumU. Oolil MxUI .r-lrj WurM' l UmlH4. H.lnim-iiil lr i.hli LlM, lMrt.l.,lnty"".',l r..luIM..rlMT Thi. Inlltutlin bu Wnlrra HniM'k .1 Cortland with a t.rjr la nr. rlu. of In ii.tulam'- m.a .ml w.ini.n. iilrlauiil h.)-lla)i. t to.lMy- kt : Inn rurr.1 la Uirr wrrk. but . U'tll r.k.l. Ihl 1 tliitt.ii.ll)r rtHiilnsl. willrltw la fwilaia"atrukwt 14th. Will Bvt. fnv'lt until (wptnnlwr lt A roamvi. abhoLUte cure ouarakticed. Wrltattnrefrrtl'ul.r.iMllrm.. II ) m.nU.'B tin. twpr .ml mnA 6 In Mni. to .t s.un. I Kill Mlid our fl"lh lioiinil. M lt. U"ll Th. Orlitlnand TtwtliniH of aunuurniia. ' lr of ibrK. d.lrM WILLIAM T. LEWIS Waatarn aiTaatativ Aaeoclata Principal . W. Cor 1 8th and R.lKh au(a ' PORTLAND, OREGON Rota-ilo pupil anvplnl al I'ortlaad afUr 1i Your Prescription: Rock Island a If you are going East, I would appreciate your consulting me. I will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free 1 I will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable importance that you select the right route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island Syttera, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Weinhard's Lo&rCr. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:s r.viti.isii i:i inno. Capital and Surplus $100,000 1. a . ituwi.nv prtN.i.t.Mit O. I. I tlkliMiN, Vlrvr-rraMrtil Klt.lSK ' AIU'S. ( a.lilrr J , i.AKM Il, Allul Caalilrr Astoria Savings Bank Capital fiiltl In tliO.OOO. Kiirplu. ami t'iiillvlt-(l I'mrlt. I iV'0. Traiiutclaa utiirrul Haiiklug llu.lni.. lutrn.l l M mi Time lrlla 168 Tenth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON. W Dangers of Defective Plumbing. Defective plumbing pcrmiti the entrance into the houte of tower til bearing fcrmi ot conugloui (JiKttei to which the human !) tem readily luccumbi. SeAvcr gai ii not neceinrily generated In the aewer, but it frequently created in the plumb ing lyitcm within the home and cntcri the apartment! through defective fixture. If in doubt, coniult ui regarding the piping and replacing defective fixtures with imfm 'SttieahS" Porcelain Enameled Ware- acknowledged at the bcit unitary eauipmcnt. J. A. Montgomery, Astoria 9 -mxi- BLOOD PURIFYING TABLETS. MAKES RICH RED BLOOD, HEALTH AND STREMBTH. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A POSITIVII CURIi FOR ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON ' KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREQELAR J1EN5ES LIVER TROUBLES. ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DI5EA5ES WEAK LUN05 CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA SA-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over ao years of medical research. SA-JIU-LAH acts promptly on the Lunjs, Liver and Kidneys. These crgpns are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH Is a blood purifying medicine put op in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are Invaluable In cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess of febrine or nric acid. Every disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood. SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. rQfiM a Sampia packaf al SA-MU-LAH tabWa will aa aafrt Ira ta aajr I" 1 fc fca prea writing aaa aadoalag fc ta aavar caat al pU(a, ON SALE AT PR1NQPAL DRUOOISTS. PRICE PER BOX CONf AININO 23 TABLETS. 50 CENTS. If yonr dealer cannot aupply yon, tend price and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., 140 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. AN ASTORIA PRODUCT I Tale Bohemian IVer Best Iu Th Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. a M Sherman Transter Co. HENKY BJ1KKMAN, M-niyier Hacks, Carriage? liapfrane Chicked and Transferred Trucks and lur rviturc Wagons I'ianos Moved, lloxed and Shij j tl. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 The MORNING ASTORIAN 75:CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper