71 SATURDAY, SEPTEMHER f, 1W. ilifc MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOmIA, OKMiOA. A MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure IIAS 110 SUBSTITUTE Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complete Matktt Rcporli Corrected Etch Dsy Giving ths Wholesale Prices of Commodltiei, Farm Produce and Vege tables. I. rain bag dealer nr in a iiaudiy it to ttlicllur tli'lc lH If bil(f fiiuugii available to tab' can of tin' wheat balh-V Hlt'l cl-ii i r.'O.'i. l!a an- now i-oii.i.b n-d linn at "I c, wbii ii i 2c biylu r t In 1 hit vcai. pii'V. I Two carlnad of Oregon liuibank . ...it... L- . were slilplM-11 nun 11 nv a rioin firm K .l.nlnv Thi'V were wilt to pnw.on, via Skagway, and will l taken fr"in the cars to tin stcniner at Seattle. Vniii... ebirkelis wer.' imrticularlv ideiiti - fill today on front Mni-l. Spring chirk ens hae Imi-ii m-lling all this -ek at the same pri.-e as old belts (hunch tln-y usually bring mm li more. An ovc ripply of ii an iear Ni-ible on llollt street this' grapes as morniiiK. Grain, produce, reeS. Wheat-Walla Walla, 68c; valley, 72c; blm stem, 72c red, C5c. (lats-White, $23."H); gray, $22.00. Itarley-Hrewlng. $22.00; fc-cd, $21.00; rolled, $21.50. Hay-Timothy, $12.50ffii 13.00; clover, $S.50i9.00; cheat, $;.5i8.00; alfalfa, $10.00. MillstuITs Middlings, $21.0Ki23.OO; chop, $10.00; brail, $19. 00 20.00; shorts, $21.00(22.00. Flour-Hard wheat, patent, $4.50 4.03; straight, $3.85fa4.05; graham,$3.73; rye, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $4 00; Valley flour, $3.HO(?4.00j Dakota, $0.50$ 755 Kastern rye, $5.50. Corn-Whole, $23.00 cracked, $29.00 per ton. Rye $1-30 per cwt. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 23(i,27 l-2c; city creamery, 23(330c; dairy, 10 l-2 17c; store, 14 l-213e. Cheese Young America, 15c j Oregon full cream, 13 l-2c. Kggs Oregon ranch, 2423c; Eastern egg, 2021e. Poultry Roosters, 0 iff 10c; hen, 12 l-2c(g!3c; fryers, 12(5 13c; broilers, 13 14c; geese, live, 8(58 l-2c; dressed, P 10c turkeys, live, 18 19c ; dressed, 20 (22c ducks, old 12&12 l-2o lb spring ducks, 12r13o lb; pigeon, per dozen, $1.00(51.25 siunbs, $2.00(1; 2.50. Honey-Dark, 10 1-2 11c; amber, 12 S13e; fancy white, 12 1-2&13c. Fruits and Vegetables. C.rape-50c(n$1.50. California grapes $1.50 liox. Casabas $2.00g2H3 doz. Cantelouies Crate $U51.75. Muskmclons Per dozen, $1.50. riums Crate, 50(S75c. Teaches Oregon Crawfords, 75(90c. Apples Green, $1.00 1.50. Grape fruit Crate, $2.503.00. Watermelons 85cg$l.23 per 100 pounds. Huckleberries rcr lb, 10c. Tropical fruits Lemons, fancy, $0.00; choice, $5.50 per box; oranges, $4.00 4.50; bananas, 5o per lb; pineapples, $3.50 4.00 per dozen, rota toes New Oregon, 60 80c ; on ions, 7590o per 100 lbs; tomatoes, crate, 2540c; new California turnips, sack, $155; cabbages, per lb, 1 1-4 1 l-2o; head lettuce, 13o dozen; hot house, $1 box; celery, dozen, 83c$1.00 radishes, dozen, 12 1 2c; green onions, dozen, 10 12 l-2c; rhubarb, lb, 2 2 l-2ci cucumbers, box, 60c; beets, $1.50 per sack; carrots, 75o per sack; green peas, l2c; green beans, 46c; wax, 4c; PORTLAND MARKETS garlic, 12 l-2c tpg plant, 13c per ltj green torn, 12 l-2c doaenj sweet potatoes, Zrt2 l-4c Fresh Meati aod Fish. 1V1i meat Veal, small, 7 1 2fetk-J Urge, 3 1-21 Sc; pork, 7 l-28cj l-.f bull. 1 l-S'S 2ci cows, 3 l-2Q4cs steers, 4 1-2(3 l-2c; mutton, 6&C i-2ej lambs, 7&7 1 2c. Oynters Mmalwater hay, "pT gallon, 12.25 j jht ssk, 3.75 net Olympla, per ark, 5.25j Eastern transplanted, $1.00 per 100 ll-. Clams Hard-hrll, per lo, $2.00; razor clams, f2.'K) per sak. FUh Crabs, jnr down, $1.50; Shoal- water toy oytUrrs, per sack, f i.OOj oys ter, pnllnn, 2M: lialHmt, 0 1 '2c; blink .0.1, i ba, per H, 12 l-2:j herring, 5oi 7c j ba, r lh, 12 l-2c$ herring, 5cj flounder, 5cj catlWi, 8e; loWtirn, per Hi, 12 l-2cj silver aiitelt 7c nhriinp, lOci irh, 5'i sturgeon, he; nilvemid'), (W-j wa trout, 12 l-ifr; Hack basi, 20($ 25c. Groceries, Provisions, Etc. rMiynr, tt'k l'ai (miMi'ii J, ll.hOj extra (', 4.!; powdered, I'.VIO; patent uU, $5.05; mne, R !., ."i.4j fruit sug ar. c"5 W; beet niyar, $5.30; barrel, cwt., I0rt kej;, cwt., 2 1X, cwt., 60c lid mine over k laU Ih 1 4c per lb. if iM (or in 13 days). Suit-little of 73 -2. Imlc, fl.0; bales of 30.3s, bale, tl.Wl; bales of 40-4. hale, iI.iO bale of 13-1M, bale, $!.); bags, .MM. fine, ton, $11.00; bog, 50 lb., guu - inn Livi-rjiool, ton, $17.00; bag, 50 lb., 12 ground, 1si, ton. $7.M); K. ,S. V. P., 0 3 lb, cnlloii., $2.25; It. S. V. P., 24 .1 lb. cartons, $1.75 Liverpool lump, ton, ? I ..',. Jtie - Impi-rinl Japan, No. 1, $5.33 1-2; 'Southern, J'n, 4 l-25f broken, 3 .34 i head, faney, 5 3-4c; head, thou, 5 I -2c. 1 (.olTee Mo. ha, 242Ke; Java, fancy, 2J;3Jn; ,taa, g'l. 2i(24c; Java, ordi- j nary, 17,2'ic Coita Ilica, fumy, t 1. fumy, 14lc; ttti... f'..K, I1!. .it .,.1 llfrl H.-! Ar Cot a Ilica, gl, v- .e.., , bin k!c, V' per II Lion, iuc icr 111.; j Columbia cofTce, 13 1 4cj Salvador, 11(3 . l. I Pro i-ionllains. to size, 13 3 4-; bams, pienie, !l 12; bacons, regular, 12c; l con, breakfast. 13 l-2f ltl 1 2cj dry alt sides, lb1 back, dry wilt, 11c. Nuts Walnuts, N. 1, soft shell, I, l'sj No. I, hard shell, 13 3 4"j Uulc, 13c; almonds, 20c, flilsiU, H'nlTc! 'liranils, l.Vj pecans. 13 l-20j 15c; hickory, !; Virginia -anut, 7C-i,7 l-2cj Jumbo I Virginia peanut, tc; Japanese jH-nnuts, K'i l-2'Cf; che.tnuts, Ituliun, Mcj cocoa ' nuts, dozen, Hoc. Figs-White, lb., 5 1-2(5 Co; black, 0 1' 7o. DaU-s r.olden, 60-lb. lxe, C(S0 1 2c; l ib. packages, tc; Fard., 13-lb. boxes, fl.40 box. lteans-Smnll white, 4 l-4o; large white, 3 l-2cj pink, 3c; bayou, 4 3 4c; Lima, 7c; Mexican, red, tc. Pickled gwJs Pickled pigs' feet, 1-2-barrel, $5.00; 1-4 barrels, $2.75; 13-lb. kits, $1.25 pickled tripe, 12 barrels, $5.(S)j 1-4 bsrrels, $2.75; 15 lb. kit, $1.25 pUkled pigs' tongue, 1-2 barrels, $0.00; 1-4 barrels, $3.00; 151b. kits, $1.50; pickled lambs' tongues, l-2 bar rels, $9.00; 1-4 barrels, $5.50; 15 lb. kits, $2.73. Lard Kittle rendered: Tierces, lie tuli.. II l-4c, 50s, 11 1.4c; 20c, 11 3 8o; 10s. 11 3-4c; 5s, 11 7-8cj Standard pure: Tierces. ltV; tubs, 10 l-4cj 60s, 10 l-4c 20s, 10 3-8c; 10. 10 3-4cj 6s, 10 l-4c 6s, lc. Compound: Tiews, 7cj tubs, 7 l-4c; 5os, 0 3 4c 10s, 7 l-4c; 5s, 7 3 4c. Sausage Portland nam, 1.) l-2c per lb.; minced ham, 10c j summer, choloe dry, 17 l-2c; tKihigna, long, 5 l-2c; wiener' wurst, 8c; liver, 5cj porV, 0c; blood, 5c; headcheese, 12 l-2c; bologna sausage, link, 4 l-2c. Raisin Loose Muscatels, 3 crown, 7 l-2cj 2-crown, C.l-2c; bleached seed lens Sultanas, 712ej unbleached seed less Sultanas, 0 3-4o; London layer, 3- crown, whole boxes of 20 lbs., $1.83; 2 crown, $1.75. TIDE TABLE, SEPTEMBER, 1905. Low Water. A.M. P.M Date. h m. ftTTh.m. Friday 1 8:111-0.2 8:33 Saturday 2 SUNDAY 8 Monday 4 Tuesday S 8:5 0.3 :2 :35 1.0 10:18 11:18 I 10:2 1.7 2.4 11:22 Wednesday d 0:2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.3 12:80 Thursday 7 1:18 2:80 3:85 1:47 Friday S! Saturdny ........ 8 SUNDAY 10 8:04! 4:11 4:81 0.0 6:09 6:68 8:39 7:1 7:60 Monday 11 8:39 0.1 Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 :20 :S8 7:29 7:88 8:23 0.0 0.2 0.8 Friday 15 Saturday 16 8UNDAY 17 Monday IS Tuesday If Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 1.1 8:20 1.6 8:61 8:43 10 1:20 8:65 :07 1.4 1.7 1:40 10:39 11:29 10:19 8.1 11:10 3.5 1.6 1.1 12:23 1:64 3:14 Friday 2 0:81 Saturday 23 1:43 2:64 3:88 4:49 SUNDAY 24 1.1 Monday ..2' 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 4:13 6:07 6:65 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 27 Thuraday 2D 6:88 8:20 7:01 8:41 Friday 2i 0.3 7:28 Dried fruitApple, evaporated, 10c per lb. sundried, sacka or boxes, none; apricot, 1112 l-2cj peache. 1012c; tieara, 1012 l-2cj prunea, Italian, t 0 1 2c; French, 3 1 2c; fig, Cal. Hacks, 5 8-4cj do, white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard. date, 6c; plums, pitted, 6c. Cereal foods Rolled oata, cream, W 1b. sacks, $0.73; lower grade, $5.00 Everlasting fruit jars Half-gallons, $12.30; quart, $9.30; pints, $7.30; extra caps, glans, $2.30. Hops, Wool, Hides, Btc. Hops W 18c per lb. Grain hugs Calcutta and domestic, 7 1 2o. Wool-Valley, 2G627 l-2c; Eastern Oregon, lHrt20c. Tallow Prime, per lb., 3&3 3 4c; No. 2 and gnaw, 22 1 2c. Mohair-Choice, 30Cj32c. Feathers Geese, white, 3340c; geese, gray or mixed, 2530c; duck, white, 1320c; duck, mixed, 1213c. , iJeoitwax Cood, clean and pure, 20 22o per lb. Hides-Dry hides, Ko. 1, 10 lbs. and up, 10r.l0 l-2c per lb.; dry kip, Xo. 1, 5 to 15 lbs., Hii 15c per lb.; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 lb., 17tyl8c; dry salted, hulls and slags, one third less than dry flint (cull, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, hair-slipped, weather-beaten or grubby, 2&.3c imt lb. lets); salted hides, $0.25; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-lb. sacks, $ per Laic; 10 sack, $4.23 per bale; oat meal (ground), 50 U. sacks, $7.50 per bale; 10-11. ack, $1.) per bale; split 1 .IIHi $.iK) jnr 100 lb. sack 23-lb. boxes, j ) j-. mKX mr,.y( n.05 jM.r jixi lu.j 'sj-lb. Ikixc, $1.25 'r xx; pantry flour, 10 lb. sacks, $2.50 J r bah'. Canned salmon -Columbia river, l ib, tall, $I.S3; 2 lb. tails, $2.50; fancy Mb. flats, $2.00; 12 lb. fancy flats, $1.25; fancy l ib. ovals, $2.75; Alaska talis, pink, fiSfirOOc; red, $1.50; nominal, 2s tall, $2.00. Mason fruit jars Half-gallons, per Krun, $1.00; quails, $7.50; pints, $0.53; Uxlra tap, per gios, $2.35, Ix-onomy fruit jars Half-gallons, per gross, $13.33; ijuarts, $10.00; pints, $8.85; extra caps, $1.85. steers, sound, CO lbs. and over, 9 10c per lb.; 60 to 00 lbs., 8 l-2(9c per lb.; under 50 lbs. and cows, 8(S9c per lb.; salted stags and bulls, sound, Cc per lb.; salted kip, sound, 15 to 30 lb., 9c per lb.; salt ed veal, sound, 10 to 14 lbs., 9c per lb.; alted calf, sound, under 10 lbs., 10c per lb. (green, unsulted, le per lb. less; culls, Ic jK-r lb. less). Sheep skins: Shear lings, No. 1 butchers' i-tock, 25 30c each; shoit wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, 40 50o each medium wool, No. 1 butchers' 'stock, CO 80c; long wool, No. 1 butchers stock, $1.00 1.50 each. Murrain pelt, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 12 14c per lb.; horse hides, salted, each, accord ing to size, $1.50 2.00; dry, each, ac cording to size, $1.50; colts' hides, 25 50c each; goat skins, common, 10 15c each Angora, with wool on, 23c $1.50 each. Oils. Turpentine Cases, 8Cc per gallon; barrels, 80c per gallon. White Lead Ton lots, 7Jc; 500 pound lot, 7Jo; less than 500-pound lots, 8c Gasoline Stovs gasoline, cases, 231e; iron barrels, 17c; 8fl deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; iron barrels or drums, 2Gc. Coal Oil Cases, 20Jc; iron barrels. 14c; wood barrels, 17c; 03 dcg., cases, 22c; iron barrels, 15lo. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrcl lots, 62c; 1-barrel lots, 63c; cases, C8c. Roiled: 5 barrel lots, C4c; 1-barrel lots, 65c; cases, 70c. Cheap Tickets to Philadelphia and Re turn. The O. R. L N. Co. will sell roundtrip tickets from Astoria to Philadelphia Pa., on Septemlier 7, 8, 9, 10, at a rate of $89.50. For further information inquire of O. W. ROBERTS, Agents. The Astorian, 73 cents a month. SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER, 1905. High Water. A. M..EP. M Date. h.m. ft. h.m. ft K- Friday 1 1:49 2:37 3:29 4:25 6:31 4:44 8:08 9:20 8.9 8.6 8.0 7.3 6.7 6.3 6.2 6.4 6.8 7.2 2:22 0.7 Saturday 2 3:02 3:44 0.5 8UNDAY 3 0.6 Monday 4 4: SO 6:25 6:10 0.6 Tuesday 6 ... Wednesday 6 3.1 Thursday 7 7:42 8:61 3.4 Friday 8! 3.8 Saturday I 3.0 SUNDAY 10 10:20 1:66 10:64 11:10 2.6 Monday 11 11:67 7.5 8.3 8.1 7.8 7.6 11:42 2.1 Tuesday 13 12:28 1:01 1.8 Wednesday IS 0:25 1:04 1:19 3:14 2:49 3:25 4:04 1.6 Thursday 14 1:12 3:00 2:28 2:64 3:20 1.6 Friday 15 1.4 Saturday 18 1.4 SUNDAY 17 1.4 Monday 18 1.4 Tueaday 19 1.4 Wednesday 20 1.6 Thuraday ........21 .... Friday 22 7.1 6.7 64 3:65 4:50 6:48 7:05 6.0 5.7 6.7 6.9 6.6! 7.2 7.8 4:3 6:29 6:37 3.7 Saturday 23 8:24 7:6fl 8.7 SUNDAY 24 6:29 10:20 11:05 11:48 0:01 9:11 7.8 7.9 8.1 "it 8.1 32 3.4 Monday 25 10:15 2.7 Tuesday 28; 11:101 2.0 Wednesday 27 1.2 Thursday 28 0.6 Friday 29 8.41... 8.6!12:28 0:49 1:37 8.7 1:08 S.7 1:48 0.0 Saturday 10 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Steamer Telegraph LEAVES CALLENDEK DOCK, As toria, for Portland, daily except Fri day at a P. M. Arrive in Portland at 1:30 P. M. LEAVES ASTORIA FOR PORT LAND on Sundays at 3:30 P. M. Ar rives in Portland at 9:00 P. M. Leaves Portland, Alder St. Dock, daily except Friday at 7:30 A. M. Leaves Portland on. Sundays at 8 A. M. 0. W. S. Navigation Co. Main Office: Alder St Dock, Port land, Oregon. Astoria Office: Callender Dock. THE MILWAUKEE "The Pioneer Limited" St Paul to Chi cago. "Short Line" Omaha to Chicago. "South-West Limited" Kansas City to Chicago. No trains in the service of any ral road in the world that equals in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Ry. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars on all their trains and give their pation an excellence of service not obtainable else where. Berths on their sleepers ar longer, higher and wider than in similar cars on any other line. They protect their trains by the Block system. Connections made with all trans-con tincntal lines in Union Depot. Her talcs Dansk, Svensk og Norsk Hier wird deutach gesprochea. II. S. Rowe, Ccneral Agent, Portland Oregon. 134 Third Street, corner Alder. alifornia ! Ths land of fruits, flowers and sun shine, where all the summer sports msy b enjoyed In winter. PORTLAND to LOS ANGELES AND RETURN. reached via THE SHORT ROUTE Beautifully Illustrated booklets and folders, descriptive of the many charm Ing winter resorts, may be secured from any Southern Pad 11 o Afent, or address W. E. COMAN, Q. P. A, Portland, Or. OREGON Short line and Union Pacific 76 hour from Portland to Chicago No chang of car. TIME WHEDCLES From PORTLAND Depart Arrtr Chicago Portland Special 1:16a. m. Mult Lake, Denver. Ft Worth. Omaha. Kan- iuuCtt.Ml Loul. via Hunt-! tuicaco ana Uis tMl mgton Allan tie Kxprens ?lt Lake, Denver Ktl Kin p. iu. wonn.umana, Kan via lluut- Mta City, m Lou In, Ington iCbicago and lh East 7:l6ai BtPanl IWalla Walla, tewla FaalMall ton. KpukancMlnne- :lp. m. iapolia. l Paul, DululM 1:00 pro Tia&po- mi wain ee, cnicago, kau land gaat Dally ei. eept Hun day a tTam Columbia Hirer to 4am Daily t eeptMoa Portland auc way landluga STEAMER NAHC0TTA Leave Astoria on th Tid DAILY FOR ILWACO, connectlnf tber wits train for Long Deach, Tiota and North Beach point. Returning ar rirs at Astoria same evening, rhrough ticket to and from all prta elpal European cities. O. W. ROBERTS, Asroat, Astoria. Or. $55 eM V I YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio Grand Railroad, the "Scenic Lin of the World." BECAUSE There arc so many acenlc attrac tions and point of Interest along the line between OfJen and Den ver that tb trip never becomes tiresome. If ru are going East, writ for In formation and get a pretty book toa! will tell you all about It W. C. McBride, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Far including berth and meals, $15; Round-trip, $25. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at BanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era California. G. W. KOBEKTS, Agent. Ahtoria, Oregon. A. O. D. KERPELL, Gen. Pas. Agsnt San Francisco, Cal. ASK THS AGENT FOR TICKETS YIA To Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chioago, St Louis, and all point east and south. 2 OV ERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and The Fast Mail Z 8PLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYE Daylight trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation can on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent 123 Third Street Portland. Or. O. TERKES, A. G. P. A- Corner First avenue and Tesler way, Seattle, Wash. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE ON FREIGHT ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full Information from WM. HARDER, General Agent Portland, Or. The World Fair Rout. UlAM. SO YEARS .V EXPERIENCE Trtaoc Marks Design Copyright Ac Anvna ndln( a (kctrti and 4TlptWi mr Qnlrklf ortm oar opinion rrM ' I wni (hr to kiiition It prnnanir pnl""i IWUMd. muntrw MntnnctlrcnSdntll. HANDBCOK oo Patcau aaiit Irm. Uldmt neimrj tnr Mruriii( mtvnu. Fsiantt taken tbruuch Mnna a Co. receive tfrrui aottM, without ciimeh ta the Scientific JUnerican. A tiandoffllr lllorid wtwklr. farvwt rtN relation of nr nemuie lonmal. Tom. i a iw : tour moniaa, Si. BoQ bf all newtdaalen. ftUNH &Co."'. New Tori Braoah OAoak (OS F St. Waabbwtoa, D. U THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintain unexcelled aenric from the west to th east and south. Making close connections with train of all transcontinental lines, passengers arc given their cholc of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these point to th fai east Prospective traveler desiring Infor. mation as to th lowest rate and best route are invited to correspond with th following representatives: B. IL TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 142 Third St, Portland. Ore. J. C. L1NDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent 142 Third St, Portland. Ore. PAUL R THOMPSON, Paas'gr. Agent J. C L1NDSET, Trav. Passenger Agent 141 Third St, Portland. Ore. "1 ! f A TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ASK ANY . TRAVELER and he will tell yea the Electric Lighted. Is the Crick Trtln of them til for COMFORT 111 ELEGANCE. The'ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. jd. J A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pvesenger'Ageot. PORTLAND, OREGOlC I "Best by Test" A trans continental trav eler says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the lest to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Before starting on a trip no matter where write for lntirtlnf Informa tion about comfortable traveling . M.LSISLER, Central Agent 132 Third 6t Portland, Oregon. T. W. TlaSDALE. General PaMenrrr Agent, b;. Paul, Minn. I A. & C. R. R. TIME CARD.v EFFECTIVE JUNE 21, 1903. II Lear PORTLAND Arrlv 8 00a.m Portland Cnion 11.20 a. m 7 00p.m. depot for Astoria 9.50 p.m T2.30 p.m Lear ASTORIA Arrtr 7 .4i am t for Portland and 1 11.60 a.m 610 pm) way points 10.50 pm SEASIDE DIVISION Leav ASTORIA Arrlv II aft a m for feaiiuie Direct 530 p.ru Leav ASTORIA. Arrlv R15a.ru for Warre nton J 10:45a.m llOa.m. Hammond, Ft V 11.00a.m. 6.5Up.m (Stevens, Seaside) 7:40 s,m Leav SEASIDE Arrlv 5 :00 p m for Astoria Direct 1 12 :30pm Leav SEASIDE. Arrlv 6l5 a. m t for Warrentun Ftl 9 25 am 2.30p m. 1 Stevens. Hani- 10p.m. 9.40a.m ' mond,Astoria 7.. Saturday only. 4 Dalij except Sat urday. Through tickets ind close connection via X. P. Railway at Portland and Gobi and O. R. & K. via Portland. J. C. MAYO, General Freight and ras.enger Agvnt SCHEDULE OF T. J. POTTER. For August, 1905. M V -DATE J i h JSi IDATB SOOl t.i 4 ISiAug. 10 10 . SCO S.UO "in S.1& 4.15) 1 4Uj il!69i"(l.oiiI 11.49 6 41 15 11 15j 11 W: i.M Sat. l.lil T ISf in 1!H sn SO) 4". 10 a 4.00 1 S 00 m t ow oo- soot 1 4.40 Sat 10.40, i.li s.soj . 14 'i.4iri:M i oo i!6b l.Vh 1.30 "i'oo 4 "i!6iJ 45j 4 4 4 Sat 1 I.OOj 1.15, a " j 1M 1.15 10.4ft! 'ii'.isl Y.ori 81 "t.ii 'i'.v Sept. I l. M MO. M. tt 10 M tool ll.lil 12.301 r.iof MESAXOWOMCX. tCBUtaX 1 CilSSfota f talttl 4rA lSr.lS tafuMii U IrriUli.M or ak f MMHa Of r ral BMta, Ic.rHloM BMlbruM, riUM. tad moi aMrt. ritEWSSfXilKM g.at r potmoM. f SMdl F aMrwiaa, m W IB "FF"i bf hpm, rrMld, fr-T l SS. or I kottln St rt. Unalai ml M mM. u 1 is 14 15 ! 17 IS 19 ao SI a 21 14 29 as