FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1903. " THE MORNING ASTOKIAiV AMOkiA, o Ai 6 HOW STORMS BREED WATERMELON DAY AT ROCKY FORD Clothes Bought at Wise's Pressed Free Except Saturdays Now Rocky Ford. Colo., Sept. 7. Forty tons f watermelon and unlimited quantities of all kinds of fruits were at the disposal of the hundreds of visitor who were- here today for the annual Watermelon Day celebration. Water melon day was established for the pur Is the beet tine to secure your Anthropological Expert Makes Remarkable Discovery. Sale of Steel Rails for Past rVeek Largest in History. Fruit pose of advertising the great fruit lands of this section, and the celebration have A Heart to Heart Talk RECORD IS BROKEN for Canning. We have some of the finest Prunes, Pears and Peaches in the market. 45T0IUAGR0CERY fulfilled all the hope of the promoter HE STUDIES ARIZONA DESERT PIG IRON MARKET IS QUIET Among those ia attendance today were farmers and fruit-grower of Nebraska. Kansas and California. The Rocky Ford district claim to be in the banner water melon section of t,ie country. Some Ol Afer a Four Months Trip in the Great American Desert Dr. W. J. McGes Dis coTers Mystery of Storm Breeding Belt of Ariiona. Substantial Evidence is Furnished of the specimen of the fruit exhibited to dav were marvelous Uth a to size and Great Prosperity in the lion Business Both Present and Prospective by Tre mendous Sales of Past Week. quantity. 623 Commercial 81 Phono Main 681 the Food Value of a HIGH GRADE COFFEE is littlo appre ciated by the average drinker of tUa xcelkDt breakfast beverage alwaya ex cellent, if you usa our High Grade Mocha and Java Coffee at 35c a Pound Good Coffee has both a stimulating and a Nutrient Quality. THIS IS THE WEEK FOR PRESERV ING PRUNES AND PEARS. Chicago, Sept. 7. A dispatch to the Record Herald from St. Louis, Mo., says: l)r. W J. MeOee, who was head of the Anthonolotrical Department of the t World' Fair, was in St. Louis yester day on his way Iwiek to Washington after a remarkable four months expe dition in the Great American Desert, Arizona, where he saya he discovered how storms are bred in the region, which has long been termed the "Storm breeding belt." The ground here is perfectly level and the radiation from the earth's surface is consequently even. The heat radia tion, with the desert is of course very great. The strong radiation, by its reg ularity keeps the aqueous vapor obove the earth in a stable condition. "When the vapor moves eastward. over the mountains and meets tlie irreg ular radiation that comes from the une ven surface of the earth, a precipita tion of the vapor result, causing rain and storms." PIUTES LAST GATHERING. of THE GROCER. Tenth and Commercial Streets Branch at Unlontown. September Magazines Are all in. Some especially good num bers of Pacific Coast and Lewi and Clarke Fair, fiet a copy of American Illustrated Magazine. Pacific Monthly. J. N. Griffin MEN ARE POWERLESS T Ffarht Agalait Dlaeane faltM Tktj Strike at the Vaderlrlas Cause. To treat Dandruff, and Falllnr Hair, with Irritants or oils on which a para alUc germ will prosper. Is like cooping water from the ocean to prevent the tide Irom rising. Too cannot accomplish a satisfactory cure without having a right undVstan1-Ina- cf the fundamental causes of the trouble. Tou must kill the Dandruff Germ. Kewbro'a Herplclde does this because It is epeclalljr made to do that very thing. When the germ Is removed, the hair Has no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty. Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Fold fcy leading druggists Send lc. In tamp for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St., Owl Drug Store, 643 Com. St, T. F. Laurin, Prop. "Special Agent" Meet to Celebrate First Invasion, Famous Old Chief Tecopah. Lo Angeles, Sept. 7. What is likely to be the last gathering of the Piute Indians is now in progress at the Pah rump ranch, on the lvanchah Rullfrog road, where at least two hundred mem bers of the tribe are fathered from all parts of Nevada, Arizona and elsewhere The occasion is the first invasion of the famous old chieef Tcopah, whose lust renting place is about a mile from the ranch at Pahrump. The first event of the gathering was the gambling games that lasted two days. Then there was a big dance par ticipated in by all the tribe., besides the Piutes, there were indians of two other trilies to pay their rcsjiects to the mem ory of the dead chief. NEW TRIAL REFUSED. Reno, Xev Sept. 7. The Supreme court of Nevada has handed down a de cision denying a motion for a uew trial in the case of John Hancock, charged with murdering two men on the desert ten years ago. Hancock was arrested as he was lieing discharged from San Quentin a few month ago, and was brought to Nevada for trial. He will be hanged next Friday morning. REMARKABLE CASE Works Three Hours After Scull Is Fractured. ARRIVES HOME UNASSISTED Wagon Box Which Workman is Repair ing, Falls, Striking Him on the Head, Fracturing the Skull.. He Walks Home and Dies. FRESHMEN RECEIVE ADVICE. College Fraternities Handled Without Gloves by University President Stanford University, CaL, Sept 7. Dr. John Caspar liranner. acting presi dent of Stanford University, in his an final address to the incoming freshmen class. gav the new students a most se rious talk in regard to the future con dct in the univcr-ity He spoke at some length on the extravagance in which Millie college men and women indulge. ami in this connection he handled the college fraternity and sorority situa- lion without gloves. He denounced the practice of ruhing men from the train to the club house and there pledging them Wore what they knew what they were getting into. At Stanford the competition has become so keen that the only way by which the weaker and less desirable fraternies can maintain them- elves is by carrying the freshmen o(T their feet and forcing them to join be- fore they have hade an opjiorturiity to look over the field and find which course is bet suited to them. Chicago.Sept. 7. After working three hours and walking to his house unas sisted while suffering from a fractured skull, licnjamin S. Nchoolcy 4.1 year old died vesterdav. Schoolev was em ployed in the repair shop of on express company, as a wheelwright. A heavy wagon box, which he was repairing. slipped from it npMiits anil fell on him. He recovered consciousness with in a few minutes and fini-hed his day's work, and walked to his house unac companied. He soon became delirious and died a few hours later. An exami nation showed that his skull had been fractured. TRUST CAUSES TROUBLE. Are You Engaged? Engaged people should rempmber that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their digestions in good condition with Electric Bitters. S. A. lirown of Uennettsville, S. C, says: "For year, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a tor pid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former w-lf. Tbn tdie tried Electric Biters, which helped hr at once, and finally made her entirety well. She is now strong and healthy." Chas. Rogers, Iruggift, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. O300&0&0SO000S0S0S0S90S00S00S0S0 o 8 O o o o o o o 543 Bond Street We Sell II. L DoiiQlas Shoes The beit In the market. Try them, S. A. G1MRE Opp. Ross, Higgins & Co. ft American Investor Trust Menaces Pros perity of New Zealanders. London, Sept. 7. The Times corres pondent of Wellington, N. '.., say: The operations of the American liar veter Trust are serioii-lv menacing the prosperity of New Zealand implement makers. The manufacturers recognize that even a protective tariff of twenty per cent would le unavailing. A deputation today usked the govern ment to prevent the trust from doing biiiness. The Premier, replying to the deputation, asked its mcinlier if they wanted war with the I'nited Slues, ad ding; that he did not think the country would stand such prohibition or tlmt the agricultural member would agree to a prohibitive tariff, lie said, however, that 'something might be done if tlie local 111:1 iiufuctiirers would agree not to raise prices. The Premier intimated that the government would proceed with the monopolies prevention bill. MEXICAN CONTRACT LET. Mazatlan, Tex., Sept. 7. In connec tion with the propo-ed tjuiiyinas-Ouad-alajara railroad, Governor Caiiedo, of Siniloa ha received the following from Vic-President Ramon Carrol: "The contract for the extension of the Sonora railway into the state of lali-co has .Keen deiily signed and a de-po-it of $240,000 ha been niade by the Southern Pacific interests to guarantee the construction of the line from Cuad slajara to Cuayma. Woik will be start ed out of Matlan north and south at the same time. Four hwijlicd kilo-ml-tere of track will 1h built in the first two years and at least 150 kilometers in each succeeding year until tlie line i coiiipletd. Cleveland. Ohio, Sept. 7.-The Iron Trade Review in its current issue says Sale of rail since the price of fcJS for liHHJ delivery wa announced last week have Wn tremendous, breaking all rvcorl and furnishing substantial evi dence 01 great prosperity in the Iron business, present and roective. It is estimated that these order for rail for P.MMJ placed within a week will amount to CW.tvd ton and order for several hundred thousand ton are pending. Although the I'nited State Steel Cor poration ha liooked very large order, it ha not alne enjoyed the unexpected ly heavv business from the railroad. The Coloraado Fuel and Iron Co.. reports its entire rail output sold for the year P.KXI and the Tennessee Cl Iron & Rail Company, the huCawanna Steel Comoanv and other interests ard- well supplied with order. Among the hooking of the past week were the fol lowing. Chicago A Northwestern, 10,000 ton; Burlington. .VUHN); Santa Fe, Wi.ouO; Milwaukee A St Pan. tVi.OOO; Wisconsin Central, 22 .mm); "reat Northern, 40,(Mio tons. Accompanying the order for rail are many order for car and hs-uiiotivcs, The Pennsylvania system ha ordered l.yiMHiO teel car. Other railroad have bought lils-rally and inquiries for at least 7",",n) steel and wooilen cars an' pending. The announcement of an ad vance in $2 -r ton on structural liae although not expected, is received by tlie trade as being justified by market con dit ions. Order for over 20.0O0 tons of struct iiral steel were placed at Chicago hist week. The market for jug iron i uiet, but in nearly all selling center there is an impruved tone. The demand for plates and steel bar continue very strong and the trade would not ue sur prised to hear of an advance on these product at an early product at an early date. The American Ship Building Com pany ha placed contract, for plate and for three large freighter and other large contracts are ticmling. There is slreauy considerable complaint about car short age. Thi is practically true concern ing coke, for which the demand has In come so strong that the railroads are finding it difficult l, give prompt ship ment. Some jobbing incrests also com plain that they cannot get ears prompt ly. NEW THEORY ADVANCED. Harvard Astronomer Says the Moon Was Once Part of the Earth. San Francisco, Sept. 7. Professor W. II. Pickering of Harvard, the astrono mer, is here en route home irom a visit, to the Hawaiian islands. He makes the intcrc-ting statement that although he had never wen the volcanoes of the Hawaiian islands previous to hi recent trip there he recognized in them old familiar friend, lie say he met their ancestor from afar, n it were, through telescope, and that they are similar to tho-e of (he moon that i those of the engulfinent Variety. While in Honolulu Professor Picker ing delivered a lecture in which he ad vanced the theory that the moon wa originally a past of the earth and was thrown off, and that tlie Hawaiian isl ands were about in the center of this lunar genesis. The space that was left when the moon material was thrown off was the Pacific ocean. I he large volcanoes of Mauna, la and Kilauea on the Island of Hawaii and Haleakala, on Maui, were, Mr. Pickering stated, in many ways exactly like those he hud observed through a telem-ope on the moon. Got Of! Cheap. lie may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore hi health. Noth ing will do this .but Dr. Kings New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache, constipation etc. 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug store; guaranteed. Two kinds of goods and trade; i bargain's a bargain and moneyback. One makes friends, and the other loses 'em. Schilling's Best at jroui grocer's. WISE presses all Clothes bought from him as often as you like. OTHERS don't. WISE gives you au Xmas number with every 510 sale, it you ask for it. OTHERS don't. WISE gives you $10 accident insurance with every $10 sale for the asking. OTHERS dou't. WISE has up to date ideas and up to date Clothks. Maybe OTHERS have. WISE has the largest assortment of Fine Clothes. Larger than OTHERS. WISE is the man to buy Clothes from. Why go to Portland or elsewhere. Herman Wise I The SEASIDE HOUSE I Clatsop Beach, Oregon. Is now open for guests. Thi Una old Resort, situated on the banks of the Ke canictim river, only a few rods from the ocean, offers to its patrons ths Only Ideal Spot On The Coast for fresh and salt water bathing, fish ing, boating and hunting. Free 'bus to all trains. AUress all communications to The Seaside House Seaside. Oregon. saaaaafaasaaaa You Can Save Money If you buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Rubber Goods, Confectionary, Tobacco, Cigars, etc at E. M. LALLY'S Look for big changes that are to take Jplace shortly in our big, new establishment. Larger Store, Larger Stock, Best Goods at lowest Prices. WATCH US GROW E. M. LALLY, Hammond. COS OS 0 30SOO 030503 O3O8O$OS0S0S0SO0C