THE MORNING ASTORIAN, AbTORlA, ORE.O FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN 1 Established 1873. Published Daily lj THE J. S. DELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year . .....$7.00 By mail, per month GO By carrier, per month .73 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance.. $1.00 Entered as erondcls Dinner June 21. liv, at the postofflee at Astoria. Orv. hi, under the act of Congress of March S. nrOrdfni for the detlwuia of Tut Moa.v wo isroaiAN to either residence or place of hwanwa nur be made br DoetsJ cail or through telephone. Any trwtrularity in de-livf-ry should be miMdiateiy reported to the ofllce of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. Wall Street men, Rockefeller included. "Never before uaa lVahlont of the United States o honored throughout the world a Theodore Roosevelt. He haa received official thank for hi auc tful effort in promulgating peace from tlie head of ewry j;reat govviu mtut. - Not only haa h' reived telegram of congratulation from the King of Kng land, the Gtar of Kuia. the KniMror of Germany and the rreident of France, but likewise from the king of petroleum. John D. Rockefeller, who i alo prim 01 financial corporation. dtiKe of trust, earl of bank, marohall of railroad, knight of the golden llcece of billion and ueeorated with the bus medal of tlie order of Ma M. Turbell, "There are j'ojle in Wall trwt who would he prouder of. that telegram from Rockefeller than that from Kdwaid. Wilhelm and Nk bolus." Yes-terday was the first, day in many, that "Old SoP witMd liji beaming countenance from Astoria. Imagine a Chinese parliament with a lmt debate ponding and the rule set aside. Luckily, we have twenty-five years, yet, in which to become Used to the thought. .Astoria will undoubtedly sustain her reputation for splendid hospitality, du ring the presence in local water of the Orman frigate Kalke, week after next The Olympian city council lias or dained the demolition, at the cost of tne owner, of every olj-tumble-down shark in the city, having declared them public nuisance. This is an example that might well be followed by every city in the Northwest, Atoria included, provi ded the ordinance is con-titunial. Some ethical society in New York has a debate pending upon the follow ' ing questions: "Resolved, that a guil ty conscience is a greater source of wor ry than an empty purse V They should confine the list of speaker to those known to be suffering from both evii, but this rule might be too sweejiinglv jncu-ive, and render the debate exhaust- . ; . . i Advices from Houston, Texas, an nouncing the passage of an ordinance j there, forbidding the making of "Gooi floo eyes'' upon the streets or in public assemblages, with heavy penalties in the way of fines and publicity for transgression . Thus, once more does arbitrary law rudely force its auto cratie way mong the fast decreasing prerogatives of the American freeman The latest unmber of the Scientific .Vmerican contains the tollowittg in rela tion to the grading of lumber, and it 1 worth the reading by many interested people hereabouts: "A subject of increasing importance to every lumber producer and consumer is that of grades. That these grade -IionM Le uniform where practical i well recognized, anil many effort to ar rive at some general rules have been ' made. In view of these movements to standardize grades, the Forest Servitv has undertaken to bring together tlie specifications of the various IhiiiUt and manufacturers associations and to put them in such a form that they may ! compared. "Tlie object of the study is not to de vise a sytin of standard grades, but to make simply such a compilation of the grades now in use as will V of service to lumber producers and conmi!vrs. though it is hoped that a great deal of information may lie accumulated that will be of value in eventually preparing the way for a standard system. "It is planned to get the views of those concerned partly by interviews and largely by correspondence. A rep resentative of the Forest S-rvice will endeavour to visit the secretaries and and members of grading bureaus of vari ous associations and learn their views in regard to the practical workings of the various rules. A large number of mill men and manufacturers will lie 1 reached by corrcondence and their view ! sought. It is especially desired to find the iuiHrtant parts of difference in grades from the view point of both producer and eon-unier of lumlier, and alo to ascertain the chief difficulties in the way of devising and executing a system of standard grades. "The assistance of manufacturers and consumers of lumber i earnest I v d sired in this work. Suggestions eon eerning it will be gladly received by the o!ii of Forest Products. Forest Service Washington. D. C." Ida Tarbll wouldn't uprinkle tack through tlie gra on Mr. Rockefeller' lawn, if he had the opportunity, he know a better way. One of those returned arctic explorer asked in X, Y. the other day who was the democratic candidate in llHV, for presidency. 1V you remember hi name. Knglatnl i falling into the habit of calling Mr. Roosevelt the "world' um pire'' ami Mtndry American papers like the Charlotte 'Observer, are disgruntled thereat, on the ground that the worthy old document "The Constitution" irave no such function to our president, and that it is his duty to keep hi hands olf the affair of all "the planets" outside the United States. This seems like criticism run mad. A man who narrowly escaped an auto was so surprised at his luck that he dropM'd dead of heart failure. The auto gets 'em comin and goin'. Another case is that a Minneapolis man struck a match to find the leak in the gasoline tunk of his auto, lie found it. l.emenilieinig celebrated remark of 1'.. Franklin, the senators re deter mined that r.iirton diall not go to jail. "Hang together" or hang separately. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Frth Ftrm an) Complexion IUe tooa nNUy Wy Itaaiat ctrassse, aja M as Am el iaaatoa fa stave than M nsis Wsmw aaU4 la Saataair ataacbil usmfi ia pare aaa na waa darlal MlrWaei f4a Ue Mif siaaaaa. REMOVING. WRINKLES a If ey af4s, aeylaatlM elum aaovtat a re raa ala ls am saaat. Dr. Chart Piaaa Pm4 m taalltoty tkt oat arvparati kawm ta aaaaleal sdsac Dm! will raa a aaUaw to las ak aa '. asanas eat ikia arms saa aaaaa For Dtvalopfag tk Biut or brsaata, akraakt haw aarafsri k ka tfc hliaswl ladsraaaitat akysiaUa, Tw baaa are eNsa arrMaat to aaaka tk kaat nras, large as taaaUIW. OLD IT DWAJLTKjrTiT011Airo DKCUOMT. Rtntar price. 11 , a Wa, Wt to all wh tsk tiTBtsf 01 tku uriciAi, orrn sad atad as eat dallar, v arlu said la (Ij niia ia pwia wrappvr FRFF A toaiala to aa4 ear toak, -Art af mtt Msisan' rally (lasttsisd. will U eat frsa la any U4y sJUi 10 caals k a Hr torn or SMiuag, Asarese. DR. CHARLES CO. "VPiX? ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, rrea. and Ruyt. F L BISHOl'. Sewtary A. I.. FOX, Vice Pre. AMTUHIA 8AV1N08 DANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturer! of THE LATEST 1MTKOVEI) Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, . Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ' . Foot of Fonrtli Klreet 1 - a. .memmp9-9mmTrm. pwi PRAEL 0 EIGNER TRANSFER CO.I Telephone Ml. - , D RAYING 8 EXPRESSING LIVERY STABLE All goodn khlpped tootirctre will rwlvepec!al attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. Weinhard's Los; r Beer. Tlioc eminent Iowa gentlemen mijjii Kwoter You know they say "one refer it to th ItMgiin, John D. rockefeller, he of the "tainted million," opened the gate and door of hi lordly place, Forest Hill, near Cleveland, the other daay, to the hu morifts of the press who were in eon vention at the nearby Ohio city. They were given the full freedom of the place barring only the repetition of their late "funny busine" at the expense of their host; nor U it reported that any of them had the nerve to confer the au thoHiip of any of the biting Pareafin of the joke-columns ..iey were severally responsible for. In all the current pother and flutter among the nation of Europe and the far East for advantage great and small, diplomatic, commercial and strategic. it it comforting to the ordinary Ameri can to realize tiiat hi own great nation does not have to worry over such mat ter. The United States ha attained a statu that command instant and wholesome attention in the adjust ments these others determine, and we get what is our due, at all times, either without the asking or upon the mildest intimation from our statedepartment that it i expected. This i one of the fruit of the policy of non-interference in the affairs of outside nations, now traditional maxim at Washington. Of eours "Our Teddy" has done a bit of "butting in" lately, in the interest of a world-pace, but this was justifiable a the role of peacemaker has no limi tations and i conceded universal en dorsement at all time, and beide. lie i that wirt of a man anyway. P j no stickler for usages wlKn it cornea to the doing of his whole duty, be the premise home or foreign. Here is a bit of withering sarcasm, the rare and biting quality of which is accentuated by the fact that it ii tit tered by the Wall Street Journal, a paper that represents Wall Street and EDITORIAL CHIT CHAT. .oncratuiation,Mr, rresiaent, on your pplendid "warfare" in the cause o peace. Georgia cotton growers have resolved that cotton shall not again go below ii cents. If thev can keep on good terms with the stati-tiial bureau thev inav make it good. Xo statesman ever secured peace un der less propitious circumstances than those under which Theodore Roosevelt brought the Oriental war to a close. Nations which consult Dr. Roosevelt for their diplomatic troubles, should learn that he requires implicit observance of his prescription. Secretary Taft's ho.ts at Tokio fcrved ice water after sizing him up, and dw-i ded that nothing less would meet the emergency. Mr. Rockefeller may go barefoot in the morning, but Kan-as is prepared to tes tify that he resume the "iron heel" of monopoly during working hours. After a few rnori hump the automo bile will dix-over that it is not its mi. sion in life to buck a freight train off the track. Coney Island mut lie getting desper ate on account of the Chiengo competi tion. First, it ha come reformer "give it up" as hopeless and now it has a rail road wreck, . Rockefeller's enemies might rub It in y organizing a society for the purpose of buying Rockefeller a new pair of hoes. Will the automobile develop a pace of men who ran telescope themseve and oil down hill without getting hurt in the process. Mark Twain can extract humor out of almost anything, but the gout seem to be where he draw the line. touch of nature make the whole kin." CruiuWll Yes. but nmt of us con tinue to be poor relation-. Philadel phia I-edger. BUSINESS COLLEGES. tike Finding Money. 'ife J'1""" if rn nieet u halfway ', in your work. Our graduates ate nil Finding health is like finding money 1 1 employed. We w ill place you in a po- so think some who are sick. When' :, . . .. ,,. , Mtion upon graduation. We have tuc you have a cough, cold, trnre throat, or ' .hest irritation, better a.-t promptly TviUi'wn MnK ' hading Bum like W. C. Rarlier, of Sandy Level, Ya. ; "' Odl. pe n the Pacific Coast, and He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, the most thoroughly iiippcd wc-t of caused by smoke and coal dust on my ' tj lungs; but, after f ruling no relief in i other remedies, I was cured bv Dr.! rt.., I4?n. Kings New Di-covery for Consumption. BchttUe-Wo llC V Coughs and Cohk" Greatest sale of , 13M81I1CSH WOllCgC any cough or lung medicine in the world, i . n n i. .i . . Stearns Building, Port and, Oregon. At (has. Roger- drug store; Si'e and t, . . . ' . I.Q0; gi.arant 1. Trial bottle free. ' fT il,,"trat,J talogue. Fre First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:si it i.isi i i:i iKsti. Capital and Surplus $100,000 hicngo. Open all t'ie year. BLOOD PURIFYING TABLETS. MAKES RICH RED BLOOD, HEALTH AND STREN8TH. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A POSITIVE CURB FOR ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES WEAK LUNOS CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREOELAR lENSES LIVER TROUBLES. I. i. V HoWI.HY frel,-nt l. I. I KlhliMi.V, icvl-nsiiitmt niSSK I'ATIuN. tll.liler J - taAUNt.lta As.l.lHUl O.l.lrr Astoria Savings Bank fasMlnl I'uKl In li'O.OuO. Hiirplnsaiol fiolH profits I tYtO. Truiiweu o lieuer.) lluumi llu.m.x Ind ict i'ni.1 ,.u lln lriH.IU 63 Tenth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON. Dangers of Defective I'lumbing. SA-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over ao years of medical research. SA-flU-LAH acts promptly on the Lunjs, Liver and Kidneys. These organs are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH is a blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are invaluable in cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess of febrine or uric acid. Every disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood. SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. COCC A Saatpla packact of SA-MU-LAH tabUta will ba aant fraa ta an r bLi pcraoa writing a ad ocJoalaf ic. ta cover cot t of pottage. ON SALB AT PRINCIPAL DRUOQISTS. PRICE PR BOX CO.nYaI.NING 25 TABLETS, 50 CENTS. If tout dealer cannot aunnlv you. aend nrice and orrUr in y'OWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., NASSAU ST.. - - NIW VOBK. Your Prescription: Sock Island If you are going East, I would appreciate your consulting me. I will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free! I will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable importance that you select the right route there are many different ways to go. I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Defective plumbing permit! the entrance into the home of tewcr gut bearing germs of conugioui diseases to which the hum in iy Wm tern readily succumbs. Sewer gas is not necessarily genersteJ in the lewcr, but is frequently crested in the plumb ing system within the home and enters the apartments through defective fixtures. If in doubt, consult us regsrding the piping and replacing defective fixtures with atftklard- Porcelain Ensmeled Ware acknowledged as the best sanitary equipment. A & m J. A. Montgomery, Astoria j AN ASTORIA PRODUCT I Pale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. Hacki Sherman Transier Co. IIENllY H1IHIMAN, Mnuaiter , I'utriiijrtF r.appaffe Clucked and Trat.sferret! Trurks ami Ktir 1. it 11 re Wagons I'ianos Moved, Jloxcd and hipj-cil. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 The MORNING ASTORIAN 75f6TS. per month Astoria's Best Newspaper t