The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 07, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Japan gels Cores but no Cash
RutiUi Manchuriao Adventure Now
Endi and Japan's Will How Begin
Commercial Treaty Formed Port At
thur and Dalny Restored to Japan.
lViUmouth, ,N. II., Kept. 5th. The
peace treaty opens with a r-ni1i re
filing that Hi Muji'oty, tin- Emperor
ami Autocrat of all the ):uia, ami
Hi Majesty, th. Kirirnr of Japan, de
filing to Im tin war imw uliitiii
between them and having .ppiiiuled
tlii'ir plenipotentiaries ntul f uriiUln-il
tlicm v it It full power, which were found
to Im in form, live coino to an agree,
merit ii a treaty of eace ami ar
ranged as follow i
Article 1 Stipulate for tin re estab
lishment of laai-e ami friendship In
twccn the. sovereigns' of the two cm
pin- ami between the aulijwt of Ilu
ia ami Japan, respectively.
Art Mi 2-Ilia Majesty, the F.inpr
or of KuU recognize the prcpoudcr
ant inlliuiti from political, mililary
ami economic oitiU of view of Japan
in tli Empire of t'orva, and stipulate
Hint Russia will not opMMi any measure
for it government, protection and con
trol Dial Japan will derm iieceary to
take ill t'orea, in conjunction with the
4 'oteun government; I. lit Russian sub
ject and Russian enterprise are to en
joy the me statu an the subject will
iili-rpiiM-n of other countries.
Art ice 3 -It I iiiutuully agreed that
the teriitory of Manchuria lie simulta
neously evacuated ly loth Russian and
Japanese troop. Roth countries leiiiK
i-oiufined In thi rvai-uation, their fi
liation should Ih- absolutely identical.
the two branch fine which they own
at Kouang-TchcngTe.
Article S It I agreed that the branch
line of 'the Mnhchtirian Railway ahall
le worked with ft view to assure coin
inercial traflle Iwtween them without
Article 0 Rula redes to Jaan tiie
Southern lalf of Sakhalin Island a
far north a the Both degre of north
latitude, together with the Wand de
pending thereon. The right of free nar
ration I a "tired in the Mraila of La
Peroue and Tartary.
Article 10 ThW article recite the
filiation of Itwwlan subjects on tne
southern part of Sakhalin Island, and
stipulate' that Russian colonist there
"hull lie free and shall have the right
to remain there without changing their'
nationality, l'cr contra, the Japanese
government lml have the right to en
force Russian convict to leave the ter
ritory which I i-edej to her.
Artich II-Russia engage herself to
make an agreement with Japan giving to
Japanese aubject the right to flh in
Russian territory or water of the Sea
of .Immii. the Sea of Okhotsk and Iter-
lllg Sea.
Article 12 The two high contracting
pnrtic engage theiiielve to renew the
commercial treaty existing between the
two government prior to the war in all
It vigor with alight nuMlillcatlon In
detail and with a most favored nation
Article 13-Russia and Japan recip
rocally engnge to restitute their prison
er of war, on paying the real rot of
keeping the same, audi claim for cost
to he supported by document.
Article 14 Thi article of peace shall
le drawn up in two language French
and Knglish, the French text Mng evi
dence for the Russian and the English
text for the Japanese. In cae or
difficulty of interpretation, the Fremh
document shall he final evidence.
Article 1.V-The ralillcation of thi
treaty shall lie countersigned hy the two
sovereign of the two Mate within SO
tiny after it signature. The French
and American Emhaie shall I Inter
mediaric between the Japanese and
Russian government to announce hy
tetgraph the ratification of the treaty.
Two additional article are to le
agreed to a follow:
Article 1 The evacuation of Manchu
ria hy both armic shall be complete
3W Bond Strut, cor. Ninth
a guard for the railway 13 soldiers ier
Aitiile 2 The boundary which limit
the part owned, re-H-ctively, by Russia
and Japan in Sakhalin Island, ahall be
definitely marked off on the spot by a
sjiei-ial commission.
I 9
All right anpiired by private person , Bh, (r(1n ,f ininR of
mid coin n 11 ic, shall remain intact
Article 4 The right jiosM-ssed by
Russia in conformity with the lease by
llii-dii of I'ort Arthur and Dalny, to-p-ther
with the land and water ad
jacent, shall pa ou-r In their entirety
to Japan, but the pro-ltie and right
of Russian subjects are to le safe
guarded and resKi-tcd.
Article .1 The governments of I!iis-
in and Japan engage themselves r
Iprocally not to put any oUtacles to
the gnu-nil measure (which will hc
nlike for all nations) that t'iiina may
take for the dcvc!oenif lit of the com
incnv and Industry of Manrlnirhi.
Article II The Manchtiiiiin Uailway
ehall I' oieraled jointly betwi-cn litis
eia and Japan at Kouung-Tching-Tse.
The two branch lines shall In- employed
only for commercial ami industrial pur
I Hie, In view of ltlis-iit's keciillg her
branch line, with nil right acquired
by her convention with China for the
i-onst ruction 0 that railway, .Inpun nc
4iiirc the mine in connection with ucli
branch line which fall to her. How
ever, ttie right of private parties or
private enterprise are to la respected.
Iloth parties to thi treaty remain ab
solutely free to undertake wimt they
lcem tit on expropriated ground-.
Article Itiissia and Japan engage
thciu-elve to make a conjunction of
the treaty, U'giuning with the retire
ment of the troop of the first line.
At the expiration of the IH month the
two pnrtic will only U- able to leave
Soap, like books,
should be chosen
with discretion.
Both are capable of
infinite harm.
The selection of
Pears is a perfect
choice and a safe
guard against soap
Mntrlilrs for the complexion.
Year ago there lived in Chicago a
prominent physhien who had concocted
and wa using in hi practice a certain
preparation of extraordinary merit and
which wa highly prized by hi patient.
Kven though hi patient were numer
ou the field thu offered for the remedy
wa comparatively limited. living a
member of the medical profeasion it waa
not quit germane for him to advertise
hi discovery, and after much persuasion
he wa induced to impart hi secret to
a friend. Thi frk-nd being a layman,
wa at lilx-rty to advertise, manufacture
and sell the preparation on a large acale.
The new proprietor worked up a large
business, but died without having made
arrangement for it entinuance. The
manufacture of the remedy waa u
iieiidcd, and the formula itself lo-t night
of. When In the act of destroying some
of her late husband' pntH-r which he
thought worthless, the widow' son
asked permission to look them over.
Among these paia-r he found the long
missed formula. He at once revived hi
father' enterprise and with marked
success, I'ndcr hi administration the
business grew to such an extent that it
wa finally incoriHiiated under the name
of Dr. Charlea Flesh Food company, in
deference to the formulator of the
It i a fact of scientific interest that
the preparation referred to, I)r. Charlea'
Flesh Food, demonstrate the aoundneaa
of the absorption theory of nourishing
the tissue of the human body. Ib-ing
rimMised of iuf rivlicijtii that aupply
real nutriment and in the form of an
ointment, it i applied externally, and
i thu absorbed through the porea of
the skin. The effect i truly medicinal.
The plain, the wrinkled and the sallow
faced acquire good look, and the middle
aged and the elderly become youthful
again. That it is not to be classed with
"cold cream" and other thing of like
siiKrm-ial joteney i proved by the fact
that it i prescribed in hospital for the
nutrition of invalid whoae stomachs
are too weak to digest food.
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art. ...
We take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
06 5
The J. S. Dellinger Co.,
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astorian Building - Corner Commercial and 10th Street
members, but the police arrested a walk
ing delegate whom they charged with fe
lonioua aault of Francisco Valentir.
' About 150 inen were present when
the meeting wa called to order. Some
Astona NatlonalBnk Firs
At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at
of them declare that a soon as business the close of business, August 23th, 1U05.
began the walking delegate who sat be- , KlOUCCtS.
hind the chairman, drew a
ver and fired at Valentir.
small revol-
The wound
Overdrafts, secured and un-
secured 33o2 13
WalkingDelegate Shoots Member of Mar
ble Workers Union During Meeting.
New York. Sept. C. One man waa
shot and a riot narrowly averted lat
night during a meeting of the progres
sive marble polisher' union. Conflict
ing testimony of the shooting is told by
At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at
the close of business, August 25th, 1905
Loans and discounts $372,261 35
w as not serious, but a general row broke fj. S. Bonds to secure circula I Overdrafts, secured anu un
' I J a t r f a
out immediately and a pol"man st- tlon 1-'500 00 o jV '
, Premiums on U 8. Bond T.'iO 00 U S. Bonds to secure circuit
toned outside summoned the reserves, iremiurna on u. o. uonas... 19 sno ral
, . ,,, , Bonds, securities, etc 30,484 93 Uon 12,800 00
Ihey quickly restored order. Banking house, furniture and Bonds, securities, etc 73,380 00
The trouble, it i said, arose over the fixtures 4.4G7 73 jUtner real esute ownea.... 6.U00 00
attempt of the Italian element in the 0tl, real e9tto owned 4-J'" ,J0
. 1- 1 i 1 1 . Due from National Banks
union of which alentir pomhI as a. (lBlMm, fi7n R
leader to ont the walking dolegnte.
The Astorian, 73 cents a month.
UilB positively cure any case
op Bladder disease not beyond
of Kidney
the peach
of medicine. No medicine can do mope.
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up thp kidneys and invig
orates, the whole system.
TWO SIZES 6O0 and $1.00
- -
Charles Rogers Druggist.
Pattid Sioni ind Gnvil With Excruciating Paint
A. H. Ttaurnes, Mgr. Villa Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes:
'! bave been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass
Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result Was
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like pew man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good."
Bo Othir Rimtdy Can Compart With It
Thos. V. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected perfect cure, and
be says there is no remedy that will compare with it. t ,
I Due from State Banks and
' Bankers 4,330 79.
I Due from approved reserve
I apenU 128.932 20
Checks and other cash items 3,91 J 46
j Notes of other National
I Banks .. 180 00
fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents 1,242 00
Lawful Money reserve in
bank, viz:
I Specie C2.123 53
Redemption fund with L. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir
culation C25 00
39,433 41
Due from National banks
(not reserve agent) ....
Due from State Banks and
Bankers 81,467 17
Due from approved reserve
agents 137,550 87
Checks and other cash Hems 1,618 76
Notes on other National
Banks 2,585 00
Nickels, and cents 22 69
Lawful money reserve In bank
Specie 118,000 00
Redemption fund with L S.
Treasurer (5 per cent circu
lation 625 00
Total $644,139 59
Capital stock paid iu... .
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits ' less ex
pense and taxes paid.... 32,903 15
National Bank notes out
standing 10,800 00
Individual deposits subject to
check $300,513 80
Demand certificates of de
posit 33275 47
Time certificates of de
posit 198,665 II 540,456 44
Total ?S51,079 29
Capital stock paid in ..., 50,000 00
Surplus fund 50.000 00
mn AAA Art I VilUlltUtU 1'IUUIB, ICSfl CApVll-
Total $644,159 59
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss:
I, J. E. Higgins, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is tmo to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 1st day of September, 1905.
" Notary Public.
Oorrect Attest:
ses and taxes paid 35,463 54
National Bank notes out
Standing 12,500 00
Individual deposits subject
to check $335,136 53
Demand certificates of de
posit 147,008 20
Certified checks .. 66 00 703,110 75
Total $831,079 29
State of Oregon, County of Clatsopst
I, S. S. Gordon cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to tba Ut of
my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and aworn to before me
this 30th day of August, 1905.
Notary fublic.
Comet Attest: t
w. r. McGregor,
O. a FLA V EL,
The Astorian, 73 cents a mouth.